The length of the penis certainly is important for men. The penis, how to not look at it, is one of he most important symbols of masculinity. It seems that they are ok, at least in appearance. Why do apparently? Therefore, the physiology (ie, the actual conditions) have little to do with it here.
The length of the penis is subjected to evaluation always in comparison with others. As stated by one of the doctors involved in this problem for most men a reason to worry for this reason are not the concern here is that the penis is too short not to provide pleasure your partner, but called. "Fear of the locker room" that is the fear here is that the length of the member falls unfavorably compared to the length of penises of other men.
The length of the penis by statistics
Until recently, the length of the penis (mainly in the course of erection) were analyzed on the basis of studies carried out in the fifties of last century by Alfred Kinsey. He asked the men to their members faced when erect, and then sent him the results. From such a study (already at the outset would be considered to be inherently biased) showed that the average length of the erect penis in male Caucasians is about 16.5 centimeter a. Impressive result, but subsequent study has confirmed earlier assumptions - men were subjectively, the vast majority of their penis length giving inflated figures.
In 2002 the Lifestyles Condom Company carried out a further study. This time the study was based on objective measurements performed by specially trained volunteers. It turned out that both the length and width of your penis adopted by Kinsey were inflated. Similar data is given The Penis Website - erect penis length white males in the majority reaches from 13 to 16 cm. This includes 60% of men. Other men have penises longer or shorter than average, but really hard to tell if this is average , as indicated range is very large and difficult to recognize it as really an average.
And as the length of the penis is the length of a woman's vagina? Imagine gentlemen, that the average woman's vagina length does not exceed eight inches. In a state of excitement size may be slightly changed, but not enough to be able to talk about some drastic differences. Women are so naturally suited to this, to achieve sexual satisfaction from relationships with men, regardless of the length of their penises. Adapted especially that female G-spot (ie the point of pleasure) is located less than 5 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. In other words - it is hard not to satisfy a woman.
The length of the penis seems to have no matter if you have - count technique and condition of the vaginal muscles in women. Perhaps you happen to meet with the statement that women pay attention to the diameter (circumference) of the member. Some extent this is true, on the other hand, the vaginal walls are so flexible that they can accurately opleść each penis. It remains to train them! If you and your partner depends on the relationship of the length of the penis and vagina length stops really count, because the non-invasive and can easily fit (there is more to this multitude of sexual positions). You only wish.
Grow or not To Grow Penis?
If, despite all the length or thickness of the penis is for you a source of persistent complexes and are not able to accept the nature you have to know that both parameters can be affected in some way. Available to the mat exercises, different types of magnifying devices and, ultimately, even surgery.
The penis exercise is the safest way to enhance your penis, and because each body part can train (literally any) with a little persistence you can come up with better performance of the penis. Magnifying devices work a little harder, but you must choose with care.
Well - they are quite controversial. Male member is a very delicate instrument and can easily damage it. Any such intervention can be dangerous.
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