It's no secret that many men are obsessed by the size of their penis and there are many ways to enlarge the penis's size naturally. There's nothing wrong with the penis enlargement if properly implemented. So the size does matter. At least ... for the man. Why? Because a small penis also get associated with erectile problems, premature ejaculation and impotence. For many men who have a smaller penis than the average, this can create an inferiority complex.
Something that is not necessary. This is why the penis enlargement industry has taken such a tremendous flight worldwide. Anywhere in the world, many men desperate for the magic bullet to enlarge their penis and have been preparing everything they can find to try. You can imagine that there will be too much nonsense on the Internet is available and there are many faulty devices for sale.
Penis Enlargement Research
Research has shown that the average penis size is not as long as 20cm or greater, as many porn stars have make us to believe about that. These porn stars are exceptions and not the rule. They were created good, because this will be selected. Do not be fooled and think that this is the ordinary. The average penis size is actually much smaller, so between 13 and 16.5 inches in erection and 11.5 to 13 inches in flaccid state. According to studies, only 1 in 5,000 of men have the length of 10cm or shorter and only 1 in 10,000 men have 22cm in length or bigger.
Women and penis enlargement
Should we count the opinions of women about this issue? Most women agree that the thickness (or circumference) of the penis is more important when it comes to sexual pleasure. The length means nothing. Why? Because the nerves that during intercourse are encouraged near the entrance of the vagina and anus, and no deeper within. The circumference of the penis is more important, because a larger and wider penis, vaginal or anal walls apart to stretch and thus stimulate the nerves. This creates friction and the tingling sensation that most women's game is. However, a large penis, not too short because it looks different form.
A good balance between girth and length is desirable. Looking from sexual satisfaction actually keep women from larger penises. However, remember, women are not just for sex alone. Romance also plays a big role so combine a bigger penis with romantic ideas and you will have a great time together.
Penis enlargement methods
If you think you don't have enough length and thickness, and thus you want a bigger penis, there are some good products and working methods you can use. These methods will not only increase your penis length, but circumference. Beware! There are many methods which have large numbers of your internet success stories you read. It is unfortunate that a lot of fake products are sold and myths. We have many ways for you to put a row and will show exactly why one method is better than another. Read all about penis enlargement methods in the section on penis enlargement methods.
We believe that using penis enlargement pills and penis stretchers are definitely safe ways to get the best results. You can read all about penis enlargement pills and penis stretchers found in the natural penis enlargement reviews.
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