I think any man has ever thought how it would be to have penis XL. This size is considered by men as the most desirable. Find out if you really have reason to complexes associated with the size of the member. Meet or opinions of women on men's sizes. Here is an article exclusively for men!
Penis XL - a dream man, the object of desire of women ... But is it really? Is big penis is a guarantee of a successful sex life and a very strong orgasm with a partner? And - when you can actually say that the penis is big? In our text, you will find answers to all these questions, which so tormented men. We invite you to read.
Size of manhood - when it is really XL penis?
The complex is a member of a small matter of serious and widespread than you might think. Over sixty percent of men admit to the fact that sometimes have doubts about whether the size of their penis is adequate and sufficient to satisfy your partner in bed. Also often wonder what is the proper size of a member, how long is the average penis. We will try to talk to these questions and sort out some news.
To begin with, they actually should be the length of the penis of adult male. Now, doctors agree that a fully developed penis recognize this, which at the time of erection reaches a length of eleven inches. Few? Yes, the penis is small, but consistent with medical standards. Research has shown that the average European has a member with a length of fifteen inches - of course we are talking about the length of the erect. So if your penis is roughly the length you have absolutely no reason for the complexes.
Why do men have complexes?
Up to seventy-eight percent of men have a penis, which can be classified as average. Small and large penises are so in the vast minority. Unfortunately, here there is a problem of sex education, or rather lack thereof. Teenagers make up for deficiencies watching erotic films where the actors are quite specific construction ... Hence the belief that normal penis must be over twenty centimeters. But in reality, rarely happens these intimate dimensions. Besides, if women really need it, and XL penis is the top of their dreams?
What women think about penis XL?
Some women say that size does not matter, and counts technique. Others believe that only the poor consolation that men are not well enough equipped by nature. Well, also in matters of intimate tastes are different and it is difficult to discuss them. Nevertheless, let's sort out some facts. We already know what it means that the penis is really big when it is medium, and when just a little. But as it is to women's preferences.
At the beginning, there are myths that only large penis can satisfy a woman, not so with the physiological reasons. Sexual pleasure during intercourse stimulate the flow of nerve endings located in the vagina. Most are in their first episode of the vagina, just at the entrance of her thigh. This is because even a short penis can provide considerable pleasure a woman. Much more important than length is the width or circumference.
Thick penis is a woman's dream, even if it is not especially long. Contrary to appearances, women provide considerable pleasure curved penis, because they get great orgasm that is the source of the famous point G. In addition, for women it is crucial to foreplay, arousal because they achieve full slowly than men. A few minutes schematic action is the biggest sin of men in bed! Women say that a good lover is first and foremost someone who has good technique and knows his pre-game, knows how to get involved in it.
There is not about practicing with a woman all the positions of Kama Sutra, but fantasy in sex is always welcome. Women want first of all a lover, who know how to listen and respond to their needs. Penis XL is really of secondary importance here.
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