Many people are interested in this subject and asked me to devote an article. How to work well from home and be productive? It's a challenge, no doubt about us because we have plenty of distractions and focus can be difficult.
I personally have a home office and I'm pretty pleased with my performance. That yes, I try to keep a routine and certain habits that I think works, and I'd like to share with you.
It is an important issue, because, besides the number of freelancers and professionals who work from home, some more and some less, but working in an office, has ever had to do.
Certainly do that from home offers more flexibility and freedom of schedules, but we can never use that freedom to promote chaos and disruption, but to preserve and enhance our creativity and inspiration.
Create routines study will help you be more productive from home. Special times of the day fixed for certain activities and subject others to work hard and fast. For example, I usually write a paper to get up, when I'm fresher, read and study from 17:00, never before ground strolling through a nearby park before eating, as always at the same time, I read feeds Late in the day, and so on. I've found that I work. You have to CREARTE routines and schedules based on your "biorhythms productive" and preferences.
We must not use the freedom and flexibility of schedules to promote the disruption but to enhance our creativity and inspiration.
2. The environment and working environment
Especially if your house is going to be your "headquarters" is very important to take care daily work environment. It should be well lit, ventilated, clear, clean, and only those things that really going to need. Your desk should be a "place of creation" which exploit your talent.
Clear, clean lightens things often. Put much effort into this because an unfavorable environment may negatively impact your performance and inspiration. And vice versa.
Also, dress appropriately. Nothing to work in pajamas and no shower. You must be comfortable, of course, but maintaining a rigorous and composure and being friendly with your work. Think you're in your office "surrounded" by other people.
3. Today is your "project" and your ultimate goal
It is absolutely necessary to have clear objectives for each day: what I have to complete tasks, what activities I do, what I have to finish. You have to be very clear and "grabártelo to fire" to start the day. That's all that counts now and I have to finish well to succeed. Get to work on it and without delay. (I really have no words to emphasize this point is really the key.)
It's like the day you're about to start out an independent project, a "new product" ... you have to throw everything goes in one day, begin it and finish it in the day. Do it with all your passion and energy.
Also believes that as "project" that is has an importance and impact on your work. Learn to savor the importance of everything you do. Rate in measure and see you face each task differently. (Actually this recipe applies to any environment and time, not just to work from home, but it helps so much inspiration to start the day.)
Every day should be a separate project, a "new product" that you have to throw. Be clear on the objectives to meet and put them anymore.
4. The entertainment as a reward for your work
While writing this article I just meters away from me a Xbox360 and my collection of DVDs. Of course I tempted! But my job is this, and until I complete it or leave-try, entertain for these wonders.
Of course I have often heard whispering, "Come to me," but I am clear about my priorities, my goals for the day. My project is this, I'm committed to it and I will not watch a movie until it completes successfully. That is also my prize and reward for a day of intense work. You deserve it. If you understand the "home entertainment" as a reward for work well done will prevent tempt you or distract you while you develop.
5. Distractions "electronic"
I can not prevent someone call the doorbell, that's not in my hand. But that put me on Twitter, reply messages on Facebook or uploading images to Flickr, yes. Electronic distractions sometimes accidentally slip through a crack but if we put all our means to avoid them, we will be opening the door wide.
Especially with the most delicate tasks or activities seeks to cancel and close anything that does not add anything and you can be a source of distraction.
Think also that, to the extent that you eliminate these distractions, you can complete before your work and your leisure and enjoy your hobbies, reading novels, going to the gym, play with your children, etc..
6. Work with more people at home
If you live alone surely will cost less and is much easier to control external aspects. But having your kids running around with you, your wife comments continuously making you or your mother wondering what you feel like eating ... it is a challenge.
You can take certain "precautionary measures" Talk to them and explain the importance of not to bother you, do it in a constructive and positive and will understand more easily, close the door, and tell them aloud, you get in your sanctuary and no gaps, etc.. In short, try to address those interruptions before they can be presented.
To the extent that you eliminate distractions, you can complete before your work and enjoy your leisure, your hobbies, your family and "stretch" over the day.
7. The fixed telephone and mobile
At home I "scorch" to telemarketing calls. I have a landline phone that allows you to mute the tone so that even if called, or I hear or I care not interrupt me. It's the end of the morning or evening when I check and call them back if there is important.
On the other hand, especially when you go to do tasks that require concentration, silence your mobile phone and turn it face down, without even seeing the screen. It is very possible that in that hour and a half while you complete your task call someone. You leave a voicemail message and I will return your call. These are very distractions we can and should tackle. The first beneficiary will be you.
8 The music, just as support and complement
Working with music is enjoyed. I do it for much of the day but I try to lose no time in it and above all on task. The music that accompanies the work we have to assist and complement our focus and serenity. It is not developed in parallel DJ overlooked aspect of our 200% squeezing our subwoofer and shake the whole house.
If we are more aware of the song comes next, to find new releases or to order our music, we are not working on "our project". Remember your priorities often and see that everything else is secondary.
9 Frequent breaks and breaks between tasks
It is important to refresh our minds and recycle our attention cycles with frequent breaks between tasks and tasks. Make them shorter but more frequent and, above all, think what it is worth before you start.
Nothing to say "I'll light a moment the TV to watch a few minutes not-know-what." You're working! Think that those five minutes are for rest. Open the window or out to the balcony if you can, to give you the air or the sun and stretch the body. Then return to your table and continues with "your draft day." It will be time to put the TV, the PlayStation or the divx files that you downloaded from Rapidshare. But that will be after completing your work.
Furthermore, to truly be effective, it is important that you do break away from the table where you work. Your rest can not, should not-be "I'll see what people said on Twitter. The rest has to be a completely different activity you were doing.
Moreover, insofar as it helps you, values very seriously the possibility of a brief nap after lunch. It is not doing siestorro century and a half hour nap but a small Replenishing, 15 or 20 minutes at most. More would be counterproductive. It will help you recharge your batteries and give you enough energy for the final push of the day. It's fascinating restorative capacity of those few minutes ... you "can leave again."
If you understand the "home entertainment" as a reward for your work will prevent tempt you or distract you while you develop.
10 All finish your work "missing closure"
"Closing the Business". It means that the workday ends but really. With the computer as close, with the laptop that you can take it to the couch and watch a website, and answer to an email or read a few feeds, is a temptation to mix work and leisure. You have power and know how to separate the two activities and put a mental wall, and physically if necessary. It is important to ensure a minimum of freshness, keep "you burn" and make the most of every moment.
Just as when working at home to avoid the entertainment prevent it becoming a distraction to our work when we are resting, we should be resting. Nothing up to "five minutes looking at one thing. When I go into "relax mode" or respond to emails or look at Twitter and open web pages. There will be plenty of time, the next day, to make better and timely. Your rest is your break.
11 Analize and check how you're doing
This last point must always be a constant in our pursuit of productivity. May I be "happy" to work at home does not mean that everything goes well, that it is doing well or can not improve here and there. As people seeking continuous improvement should come back often on our habits and our methods, analyze and make adjustments as necessary.
Always think that the ultimate beneficiaries of these constant changes and adjustments will be you and your family too. Refine your daily routines and enables you to work and finish your homework before you spend that precious time to you and yours. You can "squeeze and stretch" over the day.
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