Discusses the factors that favored the expansion of the so-called "Spanish flu"
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Nguyen |
2:13 PM
This can help establish a course of action before a possible pandemic similar In the fall of 1918, Spain suffered the worst flu epidemic in history, also known as the "Spanish flu". The pandemic was caused by an influenza virus type A (H1N1), probably of avian origin and spread throughout the world in a few months. It is considered one of the most lethal epidemics in human history. It is estimated that there were between 50 and 70 million deaths worldwide. Now, a team of researchers at the Hospital Clinic and the University of Barcelona, led by epidemiologist Antoni Trilla, has analyzed the factors that favored the expansion of the "Spanish flu". In his view, this work, published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases ", can help establish patterns of action in the event of a pandemic, infectious, as could happen with bird flu.
Official estimates put the mortality due to influenza in Spain (1918-1919) by about 169,000 people. However, using a series of normal rates to calculate the mortality directly and indirectly related to the disease, the authors of this study indicate that it was possible to reach the figure of 260,000 deaths, which represents nearly 1.5% of the population Spanish total in that era. This mortality was concentrated mostly in the period September-November 1918 and assumed that the population of Spain had a net negative growth this year, made only repeated in 1936. The virus responsible for the epidemic, rebuilt in 2005 from samples of dead bodies of native Inuit in Alaska, in reality did not originate in our country. Spain, being a neutral country in World War I, not denounced the publication of reports on the disease and its consequences. Therefore, "it is likely that this was the reason for attribution without solid epidemiological basis, a source 'Spanish' to the epidemic," the researchers contend. They believe that it is possible that the disease was introduced into Spain from trafficking in Spanish and Portuguese workers who were moving en masse into the fields near a French military camp. Mistakes Scientists Barcelona highlight some aspects of interest to understand the reaction of the Spanish and the health authorities of the time, which may have relevance in case of facing a new pandemic. For example, the authorities took more than five months to formally declare the epidemic and the health services were overwhelmed by the high number of cases. Neither the school nor the university started normally; some public activities were suspended but not others, without criterion, which in some cases encouraged the spread of the epidemic, as happened in Zamora and other cities to be held religious mass "for invoke divine mercy. " In Barcelona, for example, had to solicit the help of the army to transport and bury the dead in October 1918. The newspapers of the time, as is the case of La Vanguardia, devoted their front pages to Esquel, and had fixed a section called "The epidemic prevails."
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:31 AM
SECURITIES responsible sexuality
- Sexuality is a natural and healthy dimension of life.
- All persons are sexual.
- Sexuality includes physical dimensions, ethical, spiritual, social, psychological and emotional.
- Every individual has dignity and value in themselves.
- Young people should see themselves as unique individuals and valuable within the context of their cultural heritage.
- Individuals express their sexuality in various forms.
- Children should get their sex education in primary family.
- In a pluralistic society, people should respect and accept the different values and beliefs about sexuality.
- Sexual relations should never be coercivas or exploitative.
- All children must be loved and cared for.
- Every sexual decisions have consequences.
- All persons have the right and obligation to make responsible decisions regarding their sexuality.
- The families and society benefit when children are able to talk about sexuality with their parents and / or other trusted adult.
- Youth need to develop their own values about sexuality to become adults.
- Young people explore their sexuality as part of a natural process to reach sexual maturity.
- Get involved in a premature sexual behavior involves risks.
- Young people who have sex should have access to information about health and prevention of pregnancy and STD / HIV.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:26 AM
We are aware of how difficult it is to our culture and our society to address the issue of human sexuality in general, for the Affective full of prejudices and taboos. Even more difficult is when it comes to the sexuality of a person suffering a disability.
Therefore, addressing this issue requires a global vision and multidisciplinary approach, as opposed to the exclusionary approach, or a partial view when faced with this issue. This needs to contemplate the different dimensions of human sexuality: biological / behavioral / cultural / psycho-affective / psychosocial and consider it a positive way to live it as a sexual being is going to be the foundation of good health and quality of life of the different members of our society (regardless of sex / age / special characteristics or mode of living one's sexuality).
Because, as we shall see below, people with disabilities belong to one of the minority to which they have been denied by the whole system can solve their emotional and sexual needs. If we make a historical review, we can say that up to 50-60 years of the last century, people with disabilities lived in the family or segregated in institutions, and without any relation to persons of the opposite sex than family or professionals.
From the earliest years of life we need to engage with anyone other than our family and with people of our age In 1971 the sexual rights of people with intellectual retardation are guaranteed by law with the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Mental Retardation, although these rights are still, largely, but not. In the years compiled a 80-90 start sex education programs dedicated to information and prevention of risks associated with sexual activity of people with disabilities. The awareness that many people with disabilities are sexually abused more pronounced emphasis on preventive education.
For some time now, in our society has been talking about normalcy and integration (school work), except when admitting that the disabled have instincts, desires and sexual life. When giving any signals of interest of a sexual nature, were treated as if they were obsessive sex. Was even raised recently drastic measures such as the systematic sterilization of people suffering from deficiency. We should think of an intervention model that starts with respect for the life of the disabled person, including it in their family relationships and characteristics of the center where it is. From a professional approach he should offer opportunities to resolve their interpersonal needs and also, if it were his decision, the sexual intimacy.
We have to structure a performance based on four axes:
- The needs interpersonal
- The new vision of human sexuality
- The criteria for sexual health
- The specified number of sexuality in people with disabilities
It is advisable to support associations, sometimes with specific disabilities. Interpersonal needs Everyone throughout their life cycle is similar interpersonal needs, we can summarize in:
- The need for emotional security and self-esteem.
- Need a network of social relations beyond the family.
- Need to contact and emotional and sexual intimacy.
Need for emotional security and self-esteem
Emotional security, that is known and accepted unconditionally protected, and self-esteem or known to be capable of being loved and loving are the first and most fundamental of interpersonal needs.
Need Friends
From the earliest years of life need to interact with different people. In the person with disabilities has been to foster a 'third environment', beyond family and school.
Need to contact and emotional and sexual intimacy.
The human being feels the need for physical contact (touching and being touched, caressing and being caressed, embrace and be embraced) and emotional intimacy (need to express, understand and share emotions), need to be resolved, from childhood to old age, with parents, relatives, friends, partners and children.
Persons with disabilities who, in the case of mental disabilities are often very tactile and less repressed in relation to body contact, solve this need with parents and people who look after them. But often they can not solve their need for emotional intimacy and their sexual needs more explicit. Often the only recourse, sometimes also pursued despite being natural and healthy, is that of masturbation, resource that allows you to sexual satisfaction (arousal and orgasm) but not experience the contact and intimacy with another person.
The limitations of mental retardation, over-familiar, the lack of environments in which they interact with peers, non-recognition of their need for sexual intimacy and so on. Make it difficult if not impossible, to which persons with disabilities have a real life interpersonal.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:22 AM
Sexuality is a sensitive side. Therefore, it is not unusual for women during pregnancy and early postpartum not want to practice sex. The reasons are diverse: feels discomfort, is afraid, receives little or vaginal lubrication is tired. However, fewer misses another type of sex, for example, proximity and contact with your partner. It may happen that such desires may not match those of men, resulting in conflicts affecting the relationship, almost always ignore it and this is often not informed or prepared in an appropriate way to address them.
Such a situation may facilitate the emergence of transient sexual disorders, both in women as in men, that if they are not identified in your home or treated in time, become chronic and persist over time beyond the first few months of the postpartum period.
When consulting a sexologist, information, along with a brief therapy, are usually sufficient to address these problems. If the pregnancy goes as normal, without bleeding, threatened abortion or premature delivery, there was no reason to avoid intercourse The most common sexual disorders in that era are often problems with sexual desire (decrease or even failure in one or both partners), Anorgasmia or disability for women to reach orgasm despite being sufficiently excited.
However, there are cases of women who come easier to orgasm during the second trimester of pregnancy, pelvic congestion given the significant characteristic of this stage. As for the men, highlights erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The factors that predict a possible sexual disorder during pregnancy or postpartum in the couple are his own sexual history (frequency of sexual activity, mutual enjoyment in sexual encounters), the level of compliance and satisfaction that each has with his own sexuality, sexual health prior to pregnancy, the level of communication to keep the affection between them and, above all, information about their level of 'normalcy' of the changes that are experienced during that period. Within the diversity and complexity of changes, a partner during pregnancy, will discuss only some that have often been recognized as generators of sexual disorders.
- The body of the woman, during a normal pregnancy, experiencing profound changes that go beyond the simple increase in the abdominal contour. These changes may increase when the pregnancy presents problems. Little by little, and progressing according to the growth of the womb, the forms are missing and appear frequently varicose veins, swelling and fluid retention (edema) and stretch, but that are considered normal and temporary disruptions, dislike and are not well received by altering the body image of women erotic, something that is perceived by both the pregnant woman by her partner. In such circumstances, the pregnant woman may not feel seductive and desirable, and your partner may not feel the same motivation to the detriment of erotic female body.
- Sometimes couples are afraid to harm the fetus during intercourse, are shown to note the restrained fetal movements or worried for fear of provoking a premature birth. Misinformation, the source of many of these problems, is getting smaller. It is known, and so is transmitted to pregnant women, the importance during pregnancy and postpartum has the respect and care sexuality as a source of pleasure and means of strengthening the union and communication between couples, in this particular situation concern.
Sexuality is not just genitalia and even less during pregnancy and postpartum. When a couple wants to share feelings of intimacy and love can do that without a coital relationship with penetration. The contact through massage, cuddling and pampering may be an important source of sensual pleasure and intimate communication both during pregnancy and beyond. It's healthy to resume sexual relations as soon as possible, at the time of physical recovery If the pregnancy goes smoothly and no bleeding, threatened abortion or premature delivery, there was no reason to avoid coital activity.
Especially in this era should be borne in mind that the exchange goes beyond sexual penetration of the vagina. Although there is no problem to maintain this practice. The baby is very comfortable and well protected in the amniotic sac. However, for the welfare of the mother, the positions recommended are those in which the peso was not download on the abdomen. If complications are advised that prohibit the penetration or orgasm, because it causes uterine contractions, can be used to fondling and other sexual variants, although not involving orgasm, satisfactory to women. The maintenance of the erotic and orgasmic ability is important for women because with the first self-esteem and improving their marital harmony, and the second allows you to maintain the elasticity and flexibility of the pelvic muscle s, so necessary for childbirth.
When the child reaches
With the arrival of the baby during the first few weeks the couple, and especially the mother, goes through a period of adjustment. The home can be converted into small chaos. And if parents are caring for the small first becomes an obsession that makes everything else aside, including the relationship. Parents turn in his recently released paper, they absorb both the new situation, they forget their role as the loving couple. And it is essential that during this period the couple have their privacy, that the link love survives the parental duties.
When they reach the children is essential that the couple established the relationship of complicity in the upbringing, he understands that children depend on the two and that his emotional and sexual intimacy is compatible with motherhood and fatherhood, and no less important. The game of love can not disappear from diapers and feeding bottles. It is essential that the couple kept alive their erotic attraction, and for that we must revindicar phase of courtship, so absent in this period. It is necessary to get help caring for the baby. Relatives and friends can lend a hand.
Before the baby is six weeks at the latest, parents should go out to dinner, have a lovely event, even if they could spend a night alone, without feeling guilty. They will realize that nothing happens: the baby is still breathing even though they are not. And that comes back to the renewed enthusiasm for better care. One of the problems in couples is the routine, thinking that as we have already achieved the love is not necessary to do anything else. All this will undermine the desire. Take a walk alone two, go to the movies, a concert or go out with friends at the top of the list are just some simple recommendations for recovering little by little spark.
And above all, be aware of the attractiveness of the couple, think of the couple as an object of desire, to see that person as if finishing investigate it, with all the attractions when I had won our love. The difference between a couple that works and another is not that it works out good and takes away importance to the bad. Seeking to find moments of emotional and sexual intimacy. And no, highlights all the negative and is unable to recognize and appreciate the positive. And I never have time to express your love.
After delivery, due to hormonal changes may be necessary and appropriate use of lubricants and vaginal gels The estimated time from birth until the first intercourse or penetration depends on the individual case, although it is estimated that it may take six weeks. If one takes into account that caesarean section is a special situation, since it is a surgical procedure, which will mean a longer convalescence, is resuming healthy sexual relations as soon as possible, at the time of physical recovery.
When we talk about sex we are not referring exclusively to intercourse. Sexuality is a privileged form of communication that has multiple ways of expression and in this period can be explored alternatives to intercourse. Moreover, the sexual encounter should not always occur in a spirit of excitement and orgasmic purposes. Fondling on the hands, arms, back, head or in areas not considered particularly erógenas are extremely welcome and encourage an atmosphere of love and affection in this moment that the couple may be more vulnerable.
Episiotomy, or a tear, it can be very painful at first, but heals quickly, so if it takes some time and discomfort persists is due to consult the gynecologist. Once the tissues have healed, if the penetration is conducted under appropriate conditions, will not notice it any more tension, but by no means have to feel pain. It is possible that the man does not know how to act, to be afraid of doing harm. So that everything flows in the most successful, women must be comfortable, sexually aroused and feeling that he will not do anything that you do not ask for the body, anything you do not want.
The man has to be patient and considerate, understand that the vagina has gone through a traumatic situation, there is a recent injury and must be treated with care. Should exercise extreme vaginal lubrication and it is highly advisable to have available a vaginal lubricant, which do a good massage so that the vagina is complete slider.
Vaginal dryness
After delivery, due to hormonal changes as women may be afraid to penetration, it may be necessary and appropriate use of lubricants and vaginal gels.
In the case of the use of lubricants, should take the following considerations: it is preferable to use water-based lubricants or water soluble. Lubricants that do not dissolve in water comes from oil: it is basically the petroleum jelly or other mineral oils. These, as they do not dissolve in water, they adhere to the vaginal mucous membrane and can facilitate the development of germs and infections disguise until they are too advanced. It is desirable to have a slightly acidic pH, no higher than 5.0, similar to normal vagina and that allows the best defense against infections or imbalances in the vaginal bacterial flora. It is preferable to a gel light, easy to implement.
There is less risk of vaginal irritation as possible when the lubricant has no substance to it in taste, smell or color. Better if its effect is long-lasting lubricant, it facilitates the spontaneity in the sexual encounter because there is no need to be outstanding at the time of its application prior to intercourse.
Finally, allows the lubricant is easily removed with washing, which also occurs in the more soluble in water. The gels isoflavones act as a moisturizer and softener, the capsules of Evening primrose oil and vitamins A and E also improve the status of full-body skin and mucous membranes, which may favor the recovery of the fabric.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:18 AM
In the nineties, began to use the term "Andropause" to denote a state of deterioration that occurs with age in men, and thus was coined by the apparent similarity of the male menopause in women, although it has been found that both experiences are not equal. Andropause call to the process by which the man's sexual abilities will decline with age, like other physiological functions. Just as the woman is not able to breed when they reach menopause, and this period is clearly identified with the onset of menopause in humans is a gradual loss of sexual potency, without coming to an end, such as occurs in women. The male, on the production of sperm, engender and may have the ability to procreate until very advanced age, even exceeded 70 years.
Therefore, it is considered that the term Andropause (from the Greek andro: male, and pausia: termination) is not correct, just as neither male climacteric is because while in women there is a clear onset of menopause, which coincides with the end of menstruation, in men there is no specific moment of his life for the appearance of the Andropause. This is because the male testis can keep up the final capacity to produce sperm and hormones.
According to each individual, this period will begin in unmomento or another, influenced by a number of factors: stress, diet, physical activity, hereditary factors, type of sexual life. We believe that the Andropause is progressive and with their own characteristics in each subject. The andropenia encompasses disorders related to the decreased level of androgen feels that the man from age 50 Some characteristics of this process, related to testosterone deficiency is the decrease in libido, tiredness, general weakness and lack of sexual appetite.
In certain circles, scientists are proposing instead of the term Andropause andropenia the term (from the Greek andro: male; and topenia: lack), which seems more appropriate. Thus, under the term Andropause, or better andropenia, encompasses the changes that begin to affect the male from age 50 and having to do with the progressive reduction in levels of androgens, or male hormones. These hormones stimulate the development of the characters themselves of the male sex, as well as the increase in both strength and muscle mass. Their activities impact on many organic processes, but its consequences affect the especially sexual capacity. The changes and causes symptoms that are manifested not only andropenia on sexual function. You can also generate a negative effect on mood, with possible irritability, anxiety and even a tendency to depression. It is not uncommon for the couple, after a plate of cohabitation decades, triggering relationship problems, according to succeed or not adapt to normal life changes that both members are experiencing, whether menopause, andropenia or both simultaneously. In the year 2004 were announced the results of the First National Survey on Men's Health and andropenia. One of its main conclusions was "the need to increase the knowledge that exists on the andropenia or Andropause, since 70% of Spanish men between 45 and 74 years do not know, although a high percentage (52%) of this population presents symptoms associated with this syndrome, which affects not only the quality of life, but to mental and physical functions " The changes in the sexual sphere that men who are experiencing the present, about half the male population aged close to 60 years are derived from the progressive decline in testosterone levels by decreasing natural and gradual way testicular function:
- Physical signs of hypogonadism: decreased sexual desire, the volume of both testes and alteration of the characters as male sex with the decline of the face and hair of the pubis, and so on.
- Deterioration in the quality and capacity fecundatoria seminal, with lower volume and projection in ejaculation.
- Erections less robust due to a more rapid loss of genital vasocongestión are therefore required more physical stimuli and more time to reach the excitement.
- Orgasms that are perceived as less intense and of shorter duration.
- Decline in the production of other hormones such as growth (GH Somatotrofina or produced in the hypothalamus) and the adrenal glands (noradrenaline, adrenaline and corticosteroids) that have a central role throughout the body physiology.
- Gynecomastia, that is, increasing the size of the breasts.
These changes lead to decrease in muscle mass and accumulation of fat, which can generate increased cholesterol, obesity and a tendency to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Old age is not a stage ASEXUADA, as the human being depends not only on hormone levels and genetic messages, the psychological nuances are important The hormone treatment with testosterone replacement is successful, but it has a negative influence on prostate cancer. This is a relatively common condition in men from age 50, coinciding with an increase in size that obstructs the outflow of urine by the compression of the urethra. Hence, it is advisable to review the prostate at this age.
The change in sexuality is only one part of the disorder. But does that man feel that their masculinity is losing his sexual potency, and part of its appeal, which can lead to a deterioration in their self-confidence and self esteem. If you do not have enough information to understand the process in which it is immersed in order to adapt to their new reality, what will live with a deep sense of loss and failure and can fall into a state of despondency, which, at least, undermine their ability to enjoy daily activities.
However, although there is some decline in the 'sexual performance' in the physical, persistent psychological and emotional satisfaction, improving in some cases. Although the passage of time and aging are experienced by many people as something negative, it is actually a more critical stage, neither better nor worse than others, just different, and the perception of 'alleged losses' are in fact adaptations to New life cycles that are marked wisely by nature itself.
The andropenia, such as menopause, no one lives in the same way by all males, and many men and women have at this stage of his life a satisfying sex life. Not all the effects of andropenia are negative. There are good orgasms until ages above 90 years old, and sexual response is longer, making sexual disorders that are presented in the past as premature ejaculation is rare and women that requires a more prolonged stimulation may experience greater satisfaction . In our culture is a widespread belief that old age is a stage ASEXUADA.
However, human sexuality, unlike that of other species, is not just an organic process based on hormone levels and genetic messages, but that men and women have a sexuality enriched by highly charged psychological nuances, sometimes count more than the purely physical aspects that lead to a wide variety of desires, activities and preferences. A person or a couple may feel flaring up again with their sexuality in a very advanced age, with increased understanding and commitment as in younger age groups.
Since then, over the years, sexuality has to change in its rhythms and its forms of expression, which indicates that no worse, just the same. Some older men feel wretched living with sexuality because they have not understood that his new reality, namely the natural break that is experienced in the andropenia, does not allow them to express themselves sexually as when they were younger and living with such bitterness changes. People who understand them and know they have to adapt to the key that opens the door for a satisfactory sexuality at any age.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:11 AM
Menopause is to identifies a turning point in women's lives. It is an event in the history of each woman, involving a series of hormonal changes that will lead to alterations in physiology major impact on his body. Fortunately, the negative connotations are in decline. Those who until recently tells of the arrival in this situation as the transition to two dramatic events: the onset of old age and the impossibility of motherhood. Today in the twenty-first century, the roles have changed. The woman has to live menopause as a natural stage, which offers new possibilities and allows you to enjoy sex without taking precautions to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
It is often used synonymously words menopause and menopause, but its meaning is not the same. The term menopause refers specifically to the time when menstruation ceases, which is presented to an approximate age of 50 years (two years before or two later). If the 40 years before we talk about menopause and menopause is delayed until late when after 55. For his part, the term refers to the climacteric period before and after the presentation of menopause, and has a duration of between 5 and 15 years.
The ovarian function is not interrupted by sudden, but usually decreases slowly. With the loss of this function, a decrease of estrogen that is the reason for the irregularity of menstrual cycles and their withdrawal (the date of menopause). In a generic way we can call themselves symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and sweating, decreased bone mass and urogenital atrophy.
Symptoms of menopause
- The hot flushes. They appear in the two years following menopause, but in 25% of women may persist for up to 5 years or more. Are experienced as sudden, unexpected blast of heat that most women found in the arms, chest, face and neck. When they occur at night (Evening Lymphedema) can hinder sleep and cause tiredness from the start of the day and irritability.
- Loss of bone mass. Osteoporosis affects a large number of women and leads to increased bone fragility and is largely responsible for the many fractures that occur at this time, especially hip, spine and wrist.
- Atrophy and dryness of the vaginal mucosa with shortening and narrowing of that body. This can cause pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) and severe drop in sexual activity. However, numerous studies have shown that women before menopause has enjoyed a pleasant sexuality and has continued throughout the climacteric get a good vaginal lubrication, as the activity itself optimizes the flow vaginal. Some symptoms that women perceived to be linked in a wrong way with the loss of sexual interest during menopause.
Other symptoms have been wrongly associated with menopause, since it has not shown any link with the decrease of estrogen. These include:
- Changes in mood with sleep disorders, anxiety and irritability, feelings, depression, mood swings and so on. In reality, all this is more appropriate to relate to events that it's up to women living in this time of life. Arrives at a rather mature age, which usually changes the family structure with the departure of the last child from home. In fact these symptoms were more related to the feeling that the empty nest with menopause.
- The loss of sexual interest. It is unjustified association with menopause. There is no scientific reason to confirm the cause-effect relationship. In addition, numerous studies show that the factor that determines more weight the absence of sexual activity in the older woman is the lack of companion, something that at this age is becoming common.
- The increased risk of suffering from heart and circulatory diseases. This is a controversial topic and discussion. However, the cause of these disorders is not attributable to estrogen deficiency. Yes it is a common disease at this age, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, or as sedentary habits, obesity, smoking and aging itself. For several years, supplements have been used estrogen alone or with progestins to treat women during menopause, through the so-called hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
In January 2004 the Spanish Agency of Medicines, in line with other European Medicines Agency, issued a notice advising the restriction on the use of HRT, because while short-term use is favorable for the treatment of climacteric symptoms adversely affecting the quality of life of women, their long-term employment has important contraindications increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer, and heart attack, stroke and venous thrombosis. In addition, the THS has not proven to be a first-line therapy in the prevention of osteoporosis. For the woman who is being treated with HRT are advised to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest time possible.
Is not the end of the erotic life Menopause and climacteric represent only the end of the reproductive capacity, but the erotic and sexual life does not end with them. Are another step in life that can be enjoyed to the full, keeping a optimum sexual health, enjoying sex, love and passion. Many women enjoy more of their sexual activity during this period because they lose the fear of pregnancy and is easy for the couple relationship improves, since the change in the man changed his' urgent sex drive 'and invest more time in making fondling your partner.
This phase is revealed to many heterosexual couples as one of the happiest periods of sexual harmony. Removed from the team-procreative sex, sex can live more freely than ever: the only thing is to the mutual pleasure, to express affection and desire that you feel on the other. The use of vaginal lubricants can now be very useful and is a resource that is often erotic enhance the game. We can not forget that not only intercourse is a source of sexual pleasure. In addition to the genitals, there are other parts of our body can make us enjoy and this is more evident as they fulfill years.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:07 AM
He was 60 years, sexuality continues to play an important role in life, despite the lack of opportunities for exercise and marginalization suffered by the elderly in society. If everything concerning human sexuality is largely influenced by a number of myths, they are especially made in our society when we refer to the elderly and their sex life.
The philosopher M. Huhn even has listed:
Myths about sexuality in the elderly (M. Kuhn)
- The sex is not important in the elderly, it is assumed that the last years of life are asexual. - The interest in sex is a fact abnormal in older people.
- The old have no physiological capacity to enable them to have sexual behaviors.
- Sexuality is weakened in menopause and disappears in the elderly.
- Sexuality is to be productive.
- It may be acceptable to the couple man and young woman is ridiculous but the couple of an older woman and a young man. Against this, research shows that while retaining a healthy state there is no reason for the interest and sexual practices are gone. It is therefore important to locate the sex lives of older persons within their psychological and behavioral context. In this way, it appears that the manner of exercise of sexuality in old age is determined by the attitude that the subject has been before the sex throughout his life. Those who live their sexuality in the wrong stage of maturity are the people who have been confined to a juvenile or adolescent, the amorous and sexual relationship. While retaining a healthy state there is no reason for the interest and sexual practices disappear Sexuality at maturity offers experienced the richness of having deepened in all aspects and possibilities of love charm.
They are known even in the smallest details, and the couple themselves, everyone has an experience of the body of another, he knows exactly how to give pleasure. Just a gesture, a glance, a smile to trigger the magic that brings the most joy. The misinformation and the belief that the practice of sexuality is unique to the young population and disappearing in the elderly (asexual the largest) have a significant bearing on the sexual conduct of persons mature. Other factors also make it difficult pursuing a good sexuality are lack of sex, prior sexual history, the economic and social difficulties, and physical conditions, not underestimate the factors of attitudes and personal beliefs.
However, medical advances and longer life expectancy, together with the introduction of the belief that sexuality and emotions are innate in the person and only need to end with the death, confirmed that neither the interest nor sexual activity disappear in the elderly. Yes it is true that sexuality is transformed with age, but according to studies, over 85% of people aged over 60 enjoy their sexual activities. The problems of living sexuality in middle age.
The most common problems that are limiting or preventing and complete development of the sex lives of the people are ripe:
- Lack of partners: the majority of people 75 years or older are widows or widowers.
- Lack of privacy: Most live in dormitories or with relatives.
- The limitation of their autonomy.
- The dependence of the environment.
- The difficulty physical to sexual intercourse. The changes that occur in relation to the age sex there are no answers why seeing them from a negative perspective and without solution With age there are changes in the general human sexual response, but not all have to be considered negative and no solution. What happens is that misinformation and ignorance about sexuality are more common than is believed. And not just at this stage of life, but where is it becomes necessary to change attitudes and to rescue the goodness of the sexuality of older and claimed as a right that improves quality of life. To do this, we must foster a series of transformations in social and personal.
From the social perspective is necessary:
- Convert Banish the myth that sexuality in middle age as something non-existent, impossible or reprehensible.
- Accept some positive attitudes that lead to see sexuality as something inherent to human beings.
- Encourage professionals and institutions to develop specific programs, public and private agencies to address the sexuality of the elderly. From an individual to assume that there are changes to the physical and psychological level, but we must transform the experience of sexuality. The ways of doing so are:
- Primar quality to quantity.
- Assess the extent and variability of expression beyond sexual intercourse.
- Make goals or less emphasis on results and give more importance to the pleasure, fondling and sensations.
- Use proper stimuli, and often the practice that each situation requires.
- Convinced that there must be shut down your desire to live and that can be enjoyed with the same enthusiasm as before.
- Claiming the clitoris as an important component for arousal and orgasm.
- Know that improved control of squirting old man allows a more prolonged, before orgasm, which can enhance the pleasure of women.
- Knowing that the old man needs a more direct contact to genital arousal or orgasm.
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Được đăng bởi
Nguyen |
12:02 AM
We can divide this stage into two periods, according to the two decades covered: which ranges from 20 to 30 years, and reaching 40. In the first, the person suffers a multitude of changes, especially in psychological terms. It is a time in which decisions are made that will mark the rest of life (model life, work, marriage, responsibilities). In terms of sexuality is a time to experiment, learn, search and deepen one's sexual expression. Uncertainty coexist with complete satisfaction, and this is still the concern about teen skills in the practice of sex.
If in any aspect of life beliefs and education shape the conduct, sexuality true. To the extent that is achieved maturity to wonder about principles and norms relating to sexuality, everyone takes the opportunity to develop their area with total sexual freedom and live in a way full of their sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual). The second stage ends, is expected to complete at least, the orientation of desire, the kind of life, marital status and stability with the couple, or if you prefer solo. They are all aspects that have impact on sexual behavior, although the anatomic features do not disappear, psychological and emotional, and the memories are still present tense of stages, fantasies, associations and expectations that make up the fabric of the emerging sexual behavior .
The adult healthy in terms of sexual He has knowledge and skills that contribute to the enjoyment and sexual health.
Sexual behavior
- Have fun and express their sexuality throughout their lives.
- Express their sexuality in a manner consistent with their values.
- Discrimination between sexual behaviors that enhance their lives and those that are harmful to themselves and / or others.
- Express their sexuality while respecting the rights of others.
- Look for new information to improve your sex life.
- It establishes that sexual relations are characterized by their honesty, fairness and accountability.
Sexual Health
- Use contraceptives effectively to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
- Prevent sexual abuse.
- It acts in a manner consistent with their own values if it is faced with an unwanted pregnancy. - Look for pre-natal care early in pregnancy.
- Avoid acquiring and transmitting sexual diseases, including HIV.
- Practical behavioral health promotion as regular medical examinations, self-examinations of the breasts and testicles, and early identification of potential problems.
Society and Culture
- Demonstrates respect for people with different sexual values and lifestyles.
- Recognizes the value of intergenerational conflicts among family members.
- Evaluate the impact of family, culture, religion, media and social messages on their own thoughts, feelings, values and behaviors related to sexuality.
- Promote the right to receive accurate and scientific information about sexuality.
- Avoid displaying behavior that prejudice and intolerance.
- Reject stereotypes about sexual expression of diverse cultural groups.
Human development
- Appreciates her own body.
- Look for information on reproduction to the extent that you need it.
- Believes that human development includes sexuality, which may or may not include the reproduction or genital sexual experience.
- It relates to both sexes in a respectful and appropriate.
- Affirming their sexual orientation and respect the sexual orientation of others. Human relations - Look in the family as a source of support.
- Express love and intimacy in an appropriate manner.
- Develop and maintain meaningful relationships.
- Avoid the relations of exploitation and manipulation.
- Take informed decisions about family choices and lifestyles.
- You develop skills that enhance personal relationships.
- Covers how cultural heritage affects ideas about family, interpersonal relationships, sexuality, morality.
Personal Skills
- It identifies and lives according to their values.
- Are responsible for their own behavior.
- Practice making effective decisions.
- It communicates effectively with the family, his parents and couples.
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Nguyen |
11:54 PM
This period, which occupies roughly the fork between 11 and 19 years, is fraught with significant changes in the development of the individual. They charge a significant importance the social environment, its rules and ways of addressing and resolving conflicts own development. Puberty is a term hinge that is overlap between childhood and youth. Its onset occurs between 11 and 13 years, both for girls as for boys. In biological terms, puberty refers to the stage at which boys and girls show their sexual development. After reaching the mental and psychological changes necessary to confront adult life. A distinction should be made to the teenager from adults and children.
They are not 'big boys', or' immature adults'. They are teens who require special attention due to begin a stage of great expectations in which acquired its own identity. If the onset of puberty begins before age 8, is considered premature. If it does not arrive until age 14, is described as belated. In both cases should consult with the doctor. In adolescence is the dissonance between what values assume ownership, what to keep and which to reject those received by the father and mother This period is particularly delicate, and above all individual.
While each person is a different subject, at this stage, the distinction is exponential for the great variability in development in boys and girls of the same age. In the same group, in some respects uniform, boys and girls together looking completely Anin with other secondary sexual characteristics with fully developed sexual hair, voice changes, developed breasts, menstruation ... This can cause the teenager to go through a period where if you are very far from the model of your reference group is uncomfortable or displaced. To accompany him on this stage is crucial to understand, or at least try to understand what is happening and, as far as possible, redirect the difficulties, doubts and even rebellion to the field of normalcy and naturalness
Physical changes
The first physiological changes during the onset of puberty are presented in relation to height, about two years earlier in girls than in boys. The final growth begins around the age of 10 in girls and 12 years in children. Experienced a peak growth of involves every two years and earn between 7.5 and 10 centimeters in height each year. At the higher altitude joined changes in the size of the bones, resulting in changes in the physiognomy of the individual. With the first period, or after a peak of growth, are beginning to the different hormones act masculine or feminine. These hormones are causing changes in secondary sexual. The physical changes in girls, as in children, including the appearance of pubic hair and axillary, and changes of color in the genital area. The glands that produce sweat are most active, which means more sweating. Comes the growth of breast and sometimes is the most prominent of a breast to the other. This should not be a sign of concern because, over time, the size is equal in both breasts. The pubis widens and the hands are lengthening. Nearly a year after the beginning of the growth of breasts, is experiencing an increase in stature, to appear before menarche, or first menstruation, making women fertile for all purposes.
During the first rules is that normal menstrual cycles are irregular. So, can include between 24 to 34 days, submit a duration between 3 and 7 days, and do not appear every month. The menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is rare with the first menstruation, but usually appears during adolescence. After the first rule, the child continues to grow both in size and in the size of their breasts and pubic hair becomes more apparent and thick. There are also changes in voice, though not so remarkable as in children. Throughout the growth period lasts between 4 and 5 years. At the end, the body is fully developed. Sexual relations are in the privacy of individuals, and we have no obligation to share them with others unless we want or need to do In the early years of adolescence, reaches sexual maturity of children. See the hair on the pubic area, armpits and on the 'beard'. In addition, changes voice.
The body of children is preparing to sexual maturity with the production of male hormones in abundant quantities, which cause the enlargement of the testicles and darkening of the scrotum. Usually, the first change to the child lives is the appearance of thin hair around the base of the penis. It happens before a peak of growth. If in these months are mild increase in the mammary glands is not a cause for concern, but should be attentive to make sure that disappear after a few months. Although the penis can have erections from infancy, the first ejaculation of semen occurs if the two years of the onset of puberty, or when the penis has grown and has reached its final size.
It can happen in a masturbation, so spontaneous with a sexual fantasy or during the night in a nocturnal ejaculation. Later, the hair begins to appear in the armpits and on his face. The larynx grows and makes more visible the nut or "Adam's apple," simultaneously to the change in the tone of voice, a process that sometimes produces "cocks" when speaking. The duration of growth can last for 5 years, time that the testicles are still increasing, and the penis becomes thicker.
Changes psycho-sexual
- A concern for the physical attractiveness of the other.
- Also a concern for care and highlight the very attractive.
- It reinforces the tendency to link and the link with certain individuals.
- Take the body's psychological boost sexual function.
- The world looks emotional expression through the senses.
- Behaviors appear to get pleasure (in relation to the other, or through the autoestimulación). The physical changes experienced during adolescence, coupled with a growing interest in knowledge of sex and thus by the acquisition of knowledge and information (often erroneous) on sexuality, they are going to form a new identity. In this period, leaving the family to move in and share the world of equals, which involves the clash of beliefs transmitted in the family about sex and sexuality with other teenagers and the media (including Internet) will bring.
Thus, there is a dissonance between what values assume ownership, which will keep and which to reject those who have received from their parents. All this is manifested through what changing his humor, his irascibility and some irrational reactions, which are the expression of inner conflict that is living.
The onset of sexual relations
A doubt shared by adults and young people is when to start sexual relationships, especially if they include intercourse, which implies greater risk of pregnancy and risk of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Particularly concerned about how to know when to start. Although, in reality, the beginnings are very gradual: caught by the hand, a kiss on the face or mouth, caressing ... But in the end the question is to know specifically what is the proper age to start sex complete.
The ideal is to be reached that point psychologically prepared and that both the protagonist as parents and educators interpreted as an act of responsibility and freedom. Therefore, the answer to that question can not be reduced to provide an age to start, because the chronological approach does not always correspond with the emotional maturity. The answer involves an analysis of the situation that consists of different factors.
First, the teenager must be analyzed to discover himself and what his personal attitude to sex, and whether it is liable to bear the consequences of having sex with another person. Must be sufficiently mature or mature as to acquire adequate protection to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But you also have to be mature to deal with some emotional responses and complex, very important to define the future behavior.
Begins disappointments love, the love, the need for the other. Then comes analysis of the other, that is, of the person you are going to have sex. Be sure you are comfortable with and respect. It should be a proper person with whom to share intimacy, and that comes from full freedom, not for the purpose of satisfying the desires of others without knowing their own.
In conclusion, it is worth reflecting on the family, the environment and the group. Sexual relations are in the privacy of individuals, and therefore there is no obligation to share with other details about them, unless it wants to or needs to do, much less follow the opinions of others on the exercise of sexuality. The friends are in that respect for others and not take things that do not or are not sure of wanting. For the parents, usually will cost them understand their children as sexual beings. This is understandable but should not push them to curtail the freedom of their children.
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