We are aware of how difficult it is to our culture and our society to address the issue of human sexuality in general, for the Affective full of prejudices and taboos. Even more difficult is when it comes to the sexuality of a person suffering a disability.
Therefore, addressing this issue requires a global vision and multidisciplinary approach, as opposed to the exclusionary approach, or a partial view when faced with this issue. This needs to contemplate the different dimensions of human sexuality: biological / behavioral / cultural / psycho-affective / psychosocial and consider it a positive way to live it as a sexual being is going to be the foundation of good health and quality of life of the different members of our society (regardless of sex / age / special characteristics or mode of living one's sexuality).
Because, as we shall see below, people with disabilities belong to one of the minority to which they have been denied by the whole system can solve their emotional and sexual needs. If we make a historical review, we can say that up to 50-60 years of the last century, people with disabilities lived in the family or segregated in institutions, and without any relation to persons of the opposite sex than family or professionals.
From the earliest years of life we need to engage with anyone other than our family and with people of our age In 1971 the sexual rights of people with intellectual retardation are guaranteed by law with the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Mental Retardation, although these rights are still, largely, but not. In the years compiled a 80-90 start sex education programs dedicated to information and prevention of risks associated with sexual activity of people with disabilities. The awareness that many people with disabilities are sexually abused more pronounced emphasis on preventive education.
For some time now, in our society has been talking about normalcy and integration (school work), except when admitting that the disabled have instincts, desires and sexual life. When giving any signals of interest of a sexual nature, were treated as if they were obsessive sex. Was even raised recently drastic measures such as the systematic sterilization of people suffering from deficiency. We should think of an intervention model that starts with respect for the life of the disabled person, including it in their family relationships and characteristics of the center where it is. From a professional approach he should offer opportunities to resolve their interpersonal needs and also, if it were his decision, the sexual intimacy.
We have to structure a performance based on four axes:
- The needs interpersonal
- The new vision of human sexuality
- The criteria for sexual health
- The specified number of sexuality in people with disabilities
It is advisable to support associations, sometimes with specific disabilities. Interpersonal needs Everyone throughout their life cycle is similar interpersonal needs, we can summarize in:
- The need for emotional security and self-esteem.
- Need a network of social relations beyond the family.
- Need to contact and emotional and sexual intimacy.
Need for emotional security and self-esteem
Emotional security, that is known and accepted unconditionally protected, and self-esteem or known to be capable of being loved and loving are the first and most fundamental of interpersonal needs.
Need Friends
From the earliest years of life need to interact with different people. In the person with disabilities has been to foster a 'third environment', beyond family and school.
Need to contact and emotional and sexual intimacy.
The human being feels the need for physical contact (touching and being touched, caressing and being caressed, embrace and be embraced) and emotional intimacy (need to express, understand and share emotions), need to be resolved, from childhood to old age, with parents, relatives, friends, partners and children.
Persons with disabilities who, in the case of mental disabilities are often very tactile and less repressed in relation to body contact, solve this need with parents and people who look after them. But often they can not solve their need for emotional intimacy and their sexual needs more explicit. Often the only recourse, sometimes also pursued despite being natural and healthy, is that of masturbation, resource that allows you to sexual satisfaction (arousal and orgasm) but not experience the contact and intimacy with another person.
The limitations of mental retardation, over-familiar, the lack of environments in which they interact with peers, non-recognition of their need for sexual intimacy and so on. Make it difficult if not impossible, to which persons with disabilities have a real life interpersonal.

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