Sexuality is a sensitive side. Therefore, it is not unusual for women during pregnancy and early postpartum not want to practice sex. The reasons are diverse: feels discomfort, is afraid, receives little or vaginal lubrication is tired. However, fewer misses another type of sex, for example, proximity and contact with your partner. It may happen that such desires may not match those of men, resulting in conflicts affecting the relationship, almost always ignore it and this is often not informed or prepared in an appropriate way to address them.
Such a situation may facilitate the emergence of transient sexual disorders, both in women as in men, that if they are not identified in your home or treated in time, become chronic and persist over time beyond the first few months of the postpartum period.
When consulting a sexologist, information, along with a brief therapy, are usually sufficient to address these problems. If the pregnancy goes as normal, without bleeding, threatened abortion or premature delivery, there was no reason to avoid intercourse The most common sexual disorders in that era are often problems with sexual desire (decrease or even failure in one or both partners), Anorgasmia or disability for women to reach orgasm despite being sufficiently excited.
However, there are cases of women who come easier to orgasm during the second trimester of pregnancy, pelvic congestion given the significant characteristic of this stage. As for the men, highlights erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The factors that predict a possible sexual disorder during pregnancy or postpartum in the couple are his own sexual history (frequency of sexual activity, mutual enjoyment in sexual encounters), the level of compliance and satisfaction that each has with his own sexuality, sexual health prior to pregnancy, the level of communication to keep the affection between them and, above all, information about their level of 'normalcy' of the changes that are experienced during that period. Within the diversity and complexity of changes, a partner during pregnancy, will discuss only some that have often been recognized as generators of sexual disorders.
- The body of the woman, during a normal pregnancy, experiencing profound changes that go beyond the simple increase in the abdominal contour. These changes may increase when the pregnancy presents problems. Little by little, and progressing according to the growth of the womb, the forms are missing and appear frequently varicose veins, swelling and fluid retention (edema) and stretch, but that are considered normal and temporary disruptions, dislike and are not well received by altering the body image of women erotic, something that is perceived by both the pregnant woman by her partner. In such circumstances, the pregnant woman may not feel seductive and desirable, and your partner may not feel the same motivation to the detriment of erotic female body.
- Sometimes couples are afraid to harm the fetus during intercourse, are shown to note the restrained fetal movements or worried for fear of provoking a premature birth. Misinformation, the source of many of these problems, is getting smaller. It is known, and so is transmitted to pregnant women, the importance during pregnancy and postpartum has the respect and care sexuality as a source of pleasure and means of strengthening the union and communication between couples, in this particular situation concern.
Sexuality is not just genitalia and even less during pregnancy and postpartum. When a couple wants to share feelings of intimacy and love can do that without a coital relationship with penetration. The contact through massage, cuddling and pampering may be an important source of sensual pleasure and intimate communication both during pregnancy and beyond. It's healthy to resume sexual relations as soon as possible, at the time of physical recovery If the pregnancy goes smoothly and no bleeding, threatened abortion or premature delivery, there was no reason to avoid coital activity.
Especially in this era should be borne in mind that the exchange goes beyond sexual penetration of the vagina. Although there is no problem to maintain this practice. The baby is very comfortable and well protected in the amniotic sac. However, for the welfare of the mother, the positions recommended are those in which the peso was not download on the abdomen. If complications are advised that prohibit the penetration or orgasm, because it causes uterine contractions, can be used to fondling and other sexual variants, although not involving orgasm, satisfactory to women. The maintenance of the erotic and orgasmic ability is important for women because with the first self-esteem and improving their marital harmony, and the second allows you to maintain the elasticity and flexibility of the pelvic muscle s, so necessary for childbirth.
When the child reaches
With the arrival of the baby during the first few weeks the couple, and especially the mother, goes through a period of adjustment. The home can be converted into small chaos. And if parents are caring for the small first becomes an obsession that makes everything else aside, including the relationship. Parents turn in his recently released paper, they absorb both the new situation, they forget their role as the loving couple. And it is essential that during this period the couple have their privacy, that the link love survives the parental duties.
When they reach the children is essential that the couple established the relationship of complicity in the upbringing, he understands that children depend on the two and that his emotional and sexual intimacy is compatible with motherhood and fatherhood, and no less important. The game of love can not disappear from diapers and feeding bottles. It is essential that the couple kept alive their erotic attraction, and for that we must revindicar phase of courtship, so absent in this period. It is necessary to get help caring for the baby. Relatives and friends can lend a hand.
Before the baby is six weeks at the latest, parents should go out to dinner, have a lovely event, even if they could spend a night alone, without feeling guilty. They will realize that nothing happens: the baby is still breathing even though they are not. And that comes back to the renewed enthusiasm for better care. One of the problems in couples is the routine, thinking that as we have already achieved the love is not necessary to do anything else. All this will undermine the desire. Take a walk alone two, go to the movies, a concert or go out with friends at the top of the list are just some simple recommendations for recovering little by little spark.
And above all, be aware of the attractiveness of the couple, think of the couple as an object of desire, to see that person as if finishing investigate it, with all the attractions when I had won our love. The difference between a couple that works and another is not that it works out good and takes away importance to the bad. Seeking to find moments of emotional and sexual intimacy. And no, highlights all the negative and is unable to recognize and appreciate the positive. And I never have time to express your love.
After delivery, due to hormonal changes may be necessary and appropriate use of lubricants and vaginal gels The estimated time from birth until the first intercourse or penetration depends on the individual case, although it is estimated that it may take six weeks. If one takes into account that caesarean section is a special situation, since it is a surgical procedure, which will mean a longer convalescence, is resuming healthy sexual relations as soon as possible, at the time of physical recovery.
When we talk about sex we are not referring exclusively to intercourse. Sexuality is a privileged form of communication that has multiple ways of expression and in this period can be explored alternatives to intercourse. Moreover, the sexual encounter should not always occur in a spirit of excitement and orgasmic purposes. Fondling on the hands, arms, back, head or in areas not considered particularly erógenas are extremely welcome and encourage an atmosphere of love and affection in this moment that the couple may be more vulnerable.
Episiotomy, or a tear, it can be very painful at first, but heals quickly, so if it takes some time and discomfort persists is due to consult the gynecologist. Once the tissues have healed, if the penetration is conducted under appropriate conditions, will not notice it any more tension, but by no means have to feel pain. It is possible that the man does not know how to act, to be afraid of doing harm. So that everything flows in the most successful, women must be comfortable, sexually aroused and feeling that he will not do anything that you do not ask for the body, anything you do not want.
The man has to be patient and considerate, understand that the vagina has gone through a traumatic situation, there is a recent injury and must be treated with care. Should exercise extreme vaginal lubrication and it is highly advisable to have available a vaginal lubricant, which do a good massage so that the vagina is complete slider.
Vaginal dryness
After delivery, due to hormonal changes as women may be afraid to penetration, it may be necessary and appropriate use of lubricants and vaginal gels.
In the case of the use of lubricants, should take the following considerations: it is preferable to use water-based lubricants or water soluble. Lubricants that do not dissolve in water comes from oil: it is basically the petroleum jelly or other mineral oils. These, as they do not dissolve in water, they adhere to the vaginal mucous membrane and can facilitate the development of germs and infections disguise until they are too advanced. It is desirable to have a slightly acidic pH, no higher than 5.0, similar to normal vagina and that allows the best defense against infections or imbalances in the vaginal bacterial flora. It is preferable to a gel light, easy to implement.
There is less risk of vaginal irritation as possible when the lubricant has no substance to it in taste, smell or color. Better if its effect is long-lasting lubricant, it facilitates the spontaneity in the sexual encounter because there is no need to be outstanding at the time of its application prior to intercourse.
Finally, allows the lubricant is easily removed with washing, which also occurs in the more soluble in water. The gels isoflavones act as a moisturizer and softener, the capsules of Evening primrose oil and vitamins A and E also improve the status of full-body skin and mucous membranes, which may favor the recovery of the fabric.
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