This period, which occupies roughly the fork between 11 and 19 years, is fraught with significant changes in the development of the individual. They charge a significant importance the social environment, its rules and ways of addressing and resolving conflicts own development. Puberty is a term hinge that is overlap between childhood and youth. Its onset occurs between 11 and 13 years, both for girls as for boys. In biological terms, puberty refers to the stage at which boys and girls show their sexual development. After reaching the mental and psychological changes necessary to confront adult life. A distinction should be made to the teenager from adults and children.
They are not 'big boys', or' immature adults'. They are teens who require special attention due to begin a stage of great expectations in which acquired its own identity. If the onset of puberty begins before age 8, is considered premature. If it does not arrive until age 14, is described as belated. In both cases should consult with the doctor. In adolescence is the dissonance between what values assume ownership, what to keep and which to reject those received by the father and mother This period is particularly delicate, and above all individual.
While each person is a different subject, at this stage, the distinction is exponential for the great variability in development in boys and girls of the same age. In the same group, in some respects uniform, boys and girls together looking completely Anin with other secondary sexual characteristics with fully developed sexual hair, voice changes, developed breasts, menstruation ... This can cause the teenager to go through a period where if you are very far from the model of your reference group is uncomfortable or displaced. To accompany him on this stage is crucial to understand, or at least try to understand what is happening and, as far as possible, redirect the difficulties, doubts and even rebellion to the field of normalcy and naturalness
Physical changes
The first physiological changes during the onset of puberty are presented in relation to height, about two years earlier in girls than in boys. The final growth begins around the age of 10 in girls and 12 years in children. Experienced a peak growth of involves every two years and earn between 7.5 and 10 centimeters in height each year. At the higher altitude joined changes in the size of the bones, resulting in changes in the physiognomy of the individual. With the first period, or after a peak of growth, are beginning to the different hormones act masculine or feminine. These hormones are causing changes in secondary sexual. The physical changes in girls, as in children, including the appearance of pubic hair and axillary, and changes of color in the genital area. The glands that produce sweat are most active, which means more sweating. Comes the growth of breast and sometimes is the most prominent of a breast to the other. This should not be a sign of concern because, over time, the size is equal in both breasts. The pubis widens and the hands are lengthening. Nearly a year after the beginning of the growth of breasts, is experiencing an increase in stature, to appear before menarche, or first menstruation, making women fertile for all purposes.
During the first rules is that normal menstrual cycles are irregular. So, can include between 24 to 34 days, submit a duration between 3 and 7 days, and do not appear every month. The menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is rare with the first menstruation, but usually appears during adolescence. After the first rule, the child continues to grow both in size and in the size of their breasts and pubic hair becomes more apparent and thick. There are also changes in voice, though not so remarkable as in children. Throughout the growth period lasts between 4 and 5 years. At the end, the body is fully developed. Sexual relations are in the privacy of individuals, and we have no obligation to share them with others unless we want or need to do In the early years of adolescence, reaches sexual maturity of children. See the hair on the pubic area, armpits and on the 'beard'. In addition, changes voice.
The body of children is preparing to sexual maturity with the production of male hormones in abundant quantities, which cause the enlargement of the testicles and darkening of the scrotum. Usually, the first change to the child lives is the appearance of thin hair around the base of the penis. It happens before a peak of growth. If in these months are mild increase in the mammary glands is not a cause for concern, but should be attentive to make sure that disappear after a few months. Although the penis can have erections from infancy, the first ejaculation of semen occurs if the two years of the onset of puberty, or when the penis has grown and has reached its final size.
It can happen in a masturbation, so spontaneous with a sexual fantasy or during the night in a nocturnal ejaculation. Later, the hair begins to appear in the armpits and on his face. The larynx grows and makes more visible the nut or "Adam's apple," simultaneously to the change in the tone of voice, a process that sometimes produces "cocks" when speaking. The duration of growth can last for 5 years, time that the testicles are still increasing, and the penis becomes thicker.
Changes psycho-sexual
- A concern for the physical attractiveness of the other.
- Also a concern for care and highlight the very attractive.
- It reinforces the tendency to link and the link with certain individuals.
- Take the body's psychological boost sexual function.
- The world looks emotional expression through the senses.
- Behaviors appear to get pleasure (in relation to the other, or through the autoestimulación). The physical changes experienced during adolescence, coupled with a growing interest in knowledge of sex and thus by the acquisition of knowledge and information (often erroneous) on sexuality, they are going to form a new identity. In this period, leaving the family to move in and share the world of equals, which involves the clash of beliefs transmitted in the family about sex and sexuality with other teenagers and the media (including Internet) will bring.
Thus, there is a dissonance between what values assume ownership, which will keep and which to reject those who have received from their parents. All this is manifested through what changing his humor, his irascibility and some irrational reactions, which are the expression of inner conflict that is living.
The onset of sexual relations
A doubt shared by adults and young people is when to start sexual relationships, especially if they include intercourse, which implies greater risk of pregnancy and risk of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Particularly concerned about how to know when to start. Although, in reality, the beginnings are very gradual: caught by the hand, a kiss on the face or mouth, caressing ... But in the end the question is to know specifically what is the proper age to start sex complete.
The ideal is to be reached that point psychologically prepared and that both the protagonist as parents and educators interpreted as an act of responsibility and freedom. Therefore, the answer to that question can not be reduced to provide an age to start, because the chronological approach does not always correspond with the emotional maturity. The answer involves an analysis of the situation that consists of different factors.
First, the teenager must be analyzed to discover himself and what his personal attitude to sex, and whether it is liable to bear the consequences of having sex with another person. Must be sufficiently mature or mature as to acquire adequate protection to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But you also have to be mature to deal with some emotional responses and complex, very important to define the future behavior.
Begins disappointments love, the love, the need for the other. Then comes analysis of the other, that is, of the person you are going to have sex. Be sure you are comfortable with and respect. It should be a proper person with whom to share intimacy, and that comes from full freedom, not for the purpose of satisfying the desires of others without knowing their own.
In conclusion, it is worth reflecting on the family, the environment and the group. Sexual relations are in the privacy of individuals, and therefore there is no obligation to share with other details about them, unless it wants to or needs to do, much less follow the opinions of others on the exercise of sexuality. The friends are in that respect for others and not take things that do not or are not sure of wanting. For the parents, usually will cost them understand their children as sexual beings. This is understandable but should not push them to curtail the freedom of their children.
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