
Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 12:57 PM

Adenovirus - a virus family Adenovirusov Adenoviruses cause infection, characterized by high fever, inflammation mucous membranes of respiratory tract and eyes, as well as an increase podslizistoy lining and lymph nodes. Infection vysokozarazna. The most frequently observed varieties ARI with pronounced fever (mostly affects children) ARI adults Viral pneumonia Acute ADENOVIRUS sore (developed in children, especially in the summer after bathing) Acute follicular Bullous dermatoses Epidemic keratokonyunktivity (mostly adults) Injuries (enterity) Very often recorded infection is 2-5% of all respiratory infections. More often occur in infants and children. Agents - viruses type Mastadenovirus size of 60-90 nm; knows about 80 varieties Human adenoviruses are widespread and account for 5-10% of all viral diseases, most of the losses attributable to childhood (about 75%), with a record of 35-40% in children under 5 years old, and the rest - at age 14.
The main transmission routes - air-drop and contact. The forms of the disease Inflammation of the airways Faringokonyunktivalnaya fever Plenchaty conjunctivitis Tonzillofaringit (ADENOVIRUS angina) Enteric form (viral diarrhea, gastroenteritis) Mezadenit Viral pneumonia. Inflammation of the respiratory tract - the most common form, characterized by pronounced inflammatory changes of the respiratory tract (rinofaringit, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), with moderate forms of general intoxication. Faringokonyunktivalnaya fever. Characterized by long reaction temperature (up to 2 weeks), and pharyngitis symptoms: pain in the throat, a rare cough, respiratory tract in the process of being involved in a small degree. Plenchaty conjunctivitis. Usually, watching adults and older children.
The one-sided (rarely two) conjunctivitis with film on the surface mucosa (often lower-century), accompanied by a marked edema surrounding tissues, pain, reddening and the expansion of vascular conjunctival eyes, and fever. Breathing in the way of not being involved. This clinical form is only for ADENOVIRUS infection Tonzillofaringit. Typical for children of preschool age. Characterized by the development of inflammatory changes Tissue mouth and palatal tonsillitis with the formation of sore throat. Enteric form (gastroenteritis, viral daareya). Characterized by the development of moderately expressed gastroenteritis, manifested nausea, vomiting, liquid chair without impurities. Low body temperature. Perhaps the simultaneous involvement in the process of the respiratory system (rinofaringit or laringotraheit). Mezadenit. Characterized by pain in the abdomen and temperature reaktsiey.Dannaya clinical form does not preclude the possibility of bacterial infection, because required antimicrobial therapy. Survey Allocation of agents; study material - separable nose, mouth, conjunctiva, feces, etc.
Identification of virus antigens in cells microscopy Treatment of adenovirus Bed rest for a period of increased body temperature. When body temperature above 38 degrees, paracetamol for 0,2-0,4 g per reception 2-3 r / d (10-15 mg / kg / day). Not recommended admission of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Protivokashlevye and expectorant (glautsin, glauvent, stoptussin, mukaltin etc.) Glyukokortikoidnye ointment (local) - with conjunctivitis (after consulting an ophthalmologist). The disease runs its own with virtually no complications Prevention Live vaccine against adenovirus types 4 and 7, coating protects from digesting in the gut capsule, reduce the frequency of development of ARI

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