Teenage acne problems really can be solved. There are enough things in life for teenagers to cope with at this critical time of the life. When Nature decides to load up the hormones and break out through the face, confidence gets a good shove.
Hormones are the main culprit for this eruption but the more medically correct term for acne would be an inflammation of the pilosebaseous follicles. Everyday language would define it as zits and pimples dotted about especially on the face. It does not last though. A couple of years mostly but for teenagers this may seem like an eternity.
Someone experiencing symptoms like these mostly regard it in later years as the worst time of their life. Constant remarks, often cruel, make for difficulties with a social life and it is not uncommon to experience isolation, low self esteem and depression. Even thoughts of suicide. There is a cure for this problem though - aloe vera.
The plant was found many thousands of years ago and valued for its beneficial effects for humanity but these days clinical research has converted its potential into a convenient little pill. Cleopatra was believed to have used aloe vera for its beneficial effects and the physicians of the time gave thanks to the Gods for it. We tend to analyze and measure these things today.
There are lots of good effects. To make a list would make it seem like a cure-all but to mention a few: the digestive system performs better and people with irritable bowel syndrome get rapid relief. The immune system is strengthened by a stream of nutrients that go to work throughout the body.
Its effects are soon apparent with a feeling of well-being and renewed energy. Healing nutrients work their way through the deep tissue of the body until they reach the teenage acne problem making it gradually disappear. (Eczema is another candidate helped by aloe vera.) You will also notice that your nails and hair look a lot better too. No doubt you have already tried a few over the counter cures for your teenage acne problem and some of them may have had aloe vera in them.
If they were ineffective it is because aloe vera is degraded considerably by exposure to air (oxidization). The other ingredients in creams and lotions can also reduce its power. So the best way is to swallow it. This must be the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller variety. It is classified as food and quite safe so just cut off a 2 inch tip from your plant, wash it and then eat it.
Some people spit it out with a yuk and some people think it is quite nice. We are all different. Of all the ways to ingest it this is the best way. If you find that your bowels have loosened this may be because of the laxative side effects so stop. Search for the pills - they have this problem removed. Before you know it your teenage acne problems will disappear and your skin will be as soft and clear as it should be.
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