The Internet crooks and scammers have a built-in advantage... and it's time we took that advantage away from them.
Remember what it felt like the first time you started looking around the Internet?
You started finding things you never knew existed! (I once found the menus from the dining halls aboard the Titanic.) If you're like most people, you were fascinated by this amazing new invention... this incredibly powerful new servant that could answer every question you had and millions more.
Then you began to see websites about making money... and they all said the same thing... that you could use the Internet to make money in ways you never knew existed!
It kind of made sense. After all, if the Internet could do all those other amazing things for you, then why couldn't it also "flood your PayPal account while you sleep"?
And it wasn't just one or two websites telling you this... it was ALL of them... and on every website were pictures of people of all different ages and nationalities... smiling, happy people with testimonials about how incredibly simple it is to get rich on the Internet.
What was happening?
Your perceptions were being formed.
When you see or experience something new... something completely different from anything you're used to... your mind creates a new "file" and you start to fill the file with bits of information relating to your new discovery. This file becomes a baseline for you to use as you interact with this new thing in your life. Each time you encounter this new thing again, your mind will return to that file and open it so that you can use what you've already learned... use what you already know... to help you make sound decisions that will benefit or protect you.
When you first discovered the Internet, your mind identified it as something new and created your new "Internet" file.
Then you started to fill the file with all the amazing things you were learning about the Internet. So far so good!
BUT... when you started finding the online "Biz Opps"... you began adding bits of false information to your file. You were reading so many lies that you began to believe them.
Why? Because they were going into a brand new file! They were going into this file that was sitting there wide open and accepting every new idea and radical concept that came along!
Where that information SHOULD have been going was into a file that you started a long time ago... a file that you've been adding to for years and years... a file that has served you well in the past.
That file is your file called, "How Things Work".
How Things Work
You've been building your "How Things Work" file since the moment you were born. That's where you placed the information that when you cried someone would come and feed you.
All your life you've been filling that file with useful bits of information. Don't touch the hot stove. People don't like loud sudden noises. Shade is cool. My teacher likes it when I'm polite. Billions of bits of information for you to use to make your life easier or better or safer.
That's the file where the "Biz Opp" information SHOULD have gone. Why? Because it would have been met with the information that was already there... you would have been able to compare it to what you already know. You would have been able to evaluate it against a lifetime of experiences.
If the lies you were reading had gone into your "How Things Work" file instead of your new "Internet" file, you would have been able to use what you've already learned... use what you already know... to help you make sound decisions and protect you from becoming a victim.
Think back... try to remember how you felt the very first time you clicked a pay button to join an easy-money, get-rich-quick Biz Opp on the Internet.
Remember that little voice inside you saying, "Hold on a minute! Are you sure this is a good idea? You're sending money to a total stranger because he says you're going to get rich doing nothing? That's not how things work!"
That little voice was coming from your "How Things Work" file. It was trying to protect you by using what you already know. That's its job. That's why it's there.
But instead of listening to it... this time you checked in your new "Internet" file and found lots of information that said, "Sure it's OK! This is new! This can't happen in your file because your file is all about off-line stuff. But it can happen in this file... this is the Internet!"
So you clicked that button and you lost your money... because you chose to use the false information provided by the crooks instead of using what you already know!
Until you learn to use what you already know, you will continue to struggle... and lose money.
How can you protect yourself? How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... the Internet is a tool for communication... like a telephone. It's also a tool for storing information... like a book. It's also a tool for processing digital input... like a calculator. It didn't change How Things Work.
If a stranger came up to you on the street and told you that if you gave him $25 you could go home and do nothing and you'd get rich in three weeks... would you do it?
Of course not! That's just not how things work!
If a stranger came up to you on the street and told you that if you gave him $25 he would invest it for you and pay you hundreds of dollars every week... would you do it?
Of course not! That's just not how things work!
You already know enough to protect yourself! Just use what you already know and you'll be fine. That's what it's there for!
Want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook here at: Http://
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