In this article, we're going to look at a strange phenomenon that has appeared on the Internet in a number of different disguises.
These general types of programs ALWAYS draw in people by the thousands and even though they are doomed to fail... 100% of the time... they have a nasty habit of returning dressed as something else.
No study of Internet scams and rip-offs would be complete without a thorough explanation of this type of program... and it's important for you to understand how they work (don't work) so that you'll be able to recognize the wolf in sheep's clothing.
I am referring specifically to the "Straight Line Matrix"... also called the "1X Matrix".
The Straight Line Matrix was the system behind all the "Doublers".
In case you're not aware of these kinds of programs (Doublers) they were very popular in the last half of 2004.
The reason you don't see them anymore is because they ALL eventually collapse beneath their own weight... some sooner than others.
To understand why, you have to understand how they work.
Imagine a big box on a table, a man standing next to the box, and a line of people.
The box is the Doubler, the man is the Administrator, and the line of people are participants.
The man tells you that if you put money in the box it'll double very quickly and you can take out twice as much as you put in... BUT you must wait your turn in line like all the other participants.
The line if fairly short, so you give the man $20 to put into the box. He gives you a ticket that says $40 and you happily step to the back of the line.
How much of your $20 did he put in the box? Nobody knows. That's the first problem.
But as you're waiting in line, you see other people come up and give their money to the man to put in the box. He gives each of them a ticket and they take their place behind you in line.
Soon (VERY soon) there's enough money in the box to pay $40 to the first person in line. The man explains to that person that he can either take his $40 or he can put it back in the box to double again... so back in the box it goes. The man gives him a ticket that says $80 and the participant happily steps to the back of the line.
Did he put ALL of the $40 back in the box? Nobody knows. That's the second problem.
But people keep putting money in the box and the people at the front of the line keep putting their money BACK in the box so before long the line is moving faster and faster.
Then, before you know it, YOU'RE at the front of the line thinking, "Gee! That was the easiest $20 I ever made! If I put my $40 back in, I'll get $80 as soon as it's my turn again!"
So you hand over your $40, the man gives you a ticket "worth" $80, and you step happily to the back of the line to wait your turn.
Is the ticket REALLY worth anything? No. It just SEEMS like it. That's the third problem.
Think about this... even if the man keeps NONE of the money for himself, it takes TWO people adding $20 each before ONE person can take out $40. It takes FOUR people adding $20 each before ONE person can take out $80. It takes TWO people leaving their $40 in the box before you can get your $80 out.
Every time ONE person gets paid, the line grows by two, three, four, or more people. (And don't forget, the man who owns the box isn't doing this for fun. He's keeping some of the money as his "profit".)
So the line keeps getting longer... and LONGER... and LLOOONNNGGGEEERRR.
And the WAIT keeps getting longer... and LONGER... and LLLOOONNNGGGEEERRR.
Pretty soon the person at the front of the line says, "This is taking too long. I don't think I'll put my money back in this time. I'll just take my money, thanks."
Then someone in the line says, "I heard there's another box over there and the line is really short. When I get to the front of this line, I'm going to take my money over there."
Suddenly nobody wants to put their money back in the box, and there are no more new people adding money because the line is so long.
And........... the............... line................. just................... STOPS...................... MOVING.
Even if you're standing at the very FRONT of the line... you get NOTHING if the man says there's nothing in the box.
Is the box REALLY empty? Nobody knows. Maybe it is, or maybe the man just realized that the game had run its course and people weren't putting their money back in his box. Every time he gave someone some money, they just left. So why keep giving people their money? All he has to do is say, "The box is empty"... and he can keep everything that's left.
In fact, while it seems that the competition from another man with another box was at least partly to blame for the death of this box, it could have been the VERY SAME MAN who started the second box when he saw the line at his first box getting longer and longer.
What better way to keep people putting money in his box than to "quietly" lure the same people to another box that he also owns?
Is every Administrator who operates a Doubler dishonest? You tell me. They all know that a Doubler can't last very long... even under the best conditions.
Do some people make money in Doublers? Yes. But you'd better be one of the FIRST ones in. And you'd better be one of the FIRST ones out! And even then, you could still lose everything you put in.
Are these programs all called "Doublers"? No.
The Doublers are all gone... for now. They may be back, who knows?
But even if the Doublers never come back, the "Straight Line Matrix" will always be there and it WILL come back disguised as something else.
In fact, just after the demise of the Doublers, the Straight Line Matrix appeared again in the form of Auto-Surfs. The money wasn't necessarily "doubled"... but the participants were paid huge returns from "The Box".
In fact, it's a variation of this type of program that's behind ALL of the so-called "High-Yield Investment Programs"... or HYIP's. We'll cover those in a later section.
It all comes down to this... if you spend much time on the Internet trying to find ways to make money online, you WILL stumble onto this kind of program and you WILL be tempted to "try it out".
In fact, you will be VERY tempted.
How can you protect yourself? How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... the Internet can't create money from nothing.
Money has to come from somewhere. The Man With The Box can't pay you $50 unless he gets that money (plus some for himself) from someone else.
Where does he get the money? From people just like you.
You see, he knows that if he can get you to send him $10... and he sends you $20 back... you'll keep sending him more and more money until he pulls the plug and disappears with everything.
Your best defense? NEVER send money to any program that promises to pay you back more than you paid in... unless you're required to do something that actually generates more money.
EXAMPLE: When you purchased this ebook for $5, you also received a website that will allow you to make $5 for every person who purchases this ebook from your website. That's a legitimate commission paid on the sale of a real product.
BUT... if I told you that all you had to do is send me your $5 and I'd send you $10 next week... look out! There is no place for that money to come from except you and thousands of other victims!
If you want to make real money online without risk and absolutely FREE,visit : Http://
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