Believe it or not, there is one particular pay plan that is both the best and the worst. It comes in two main variations and is used commonly in a wide variety of programs. In one variation it's called a "1-Up" (or "Australian 1-Up") pay plan... in another variation it's called a "2-Up" (or "Australian 2-Up") pay plan.
These pay plans are unique in the fact that compensation is not purely monetary, but is actually a combination of money plus one or two customers.
The 1-Up passes the first new customer to the affiliate's sponsor, and the 2-Up passes the first two new customers to the affiliate's sponsor.
The customers being passed up... along with the commission(s)... is a requirement before the affiliate can earn a commission from any of his own subsequent sales.
The Best
The 1-Up pay plan is perhaps the best pay plan available because each sale provides two things that every new business must have... money and another customer.
In a 1-Up, Bill makes a sale to Tom and Bill gets paid in money. Now Bill needs another customer. When Tom makes his first sale, he must pass that customer (we'll call him Jim)... and that sale... to Bill... so Bill gets paid again.
Now Bill needs another customer. When Jim makes his first sale, he must pass that customer (we'll call him Roy)... and that sale... to Bill... so Bill gets paid again.
Now Bill needs another customer. When Roy makes his first sale, he must pass that customer (we'll call him Fred)... and that sale... to Bill... so Bill gets paid again.
The 1-Up creates a scenario where Bill makes one sale and gets paid over and over and over again... potentially without end... as each of his customers pays him and passes his first customer to him.
If Bill makes another sale... and EVERY time he makes another sale... he creates another string of potentially never-ending sales and payments received and new customers replacing themselves with yet more new customers.
As you can see, the 1-Up is an amazingly powerful pay plan.
But an even MORE powerful pay plan is the 2-Up... because instead of each customer replacing himself with another new customer, he must replace himself with TWO new customers.
With a 2-Up pay plan, each time Bill makes a sale... and EVERY time he makes another sale... he creates another string of potentially never-ending sales and payments received that doubles over and over and over again as each new customer replaces himself with TWO more new customers.
1 sale pays a commission and creates 2 new customers and 2 more commissions.
Those 2 new customers create 4 new customers and 4 more commissions.
Those 4 new customers create 8 new customers and 8 more commissions.
Those 8 new customers create 16 new customers and 16 more commissions.
Those 16 new customers create 32 new customers and 32 more commissions.
Those 32 new customers create 64 new customers and 64 more commissions.
And on and on it goes... potentially forever... doubling at every step.
And that's from just ONE sale. Each subsequent sale begins the same thing again and they all run simultaneously!
The 2-Up pay plan offers staggering potential when combined with a solid product and an effective marketing strategy.
The Worst
If you're thinking that the 1-Up and 2-Up are the best pay plans you've ever seen... you're probably right... but they could also be the worst.
Two reasons...
1.) It's very easy to cheat by signing up a fictitious "name" as your first sale (or first two sales)... thereby leaving your sponsor with nobody to continue on. Although this is the epitome of self-destructive behavior, some people insist on being dishonest... even when honesty will benefit them more.
2.) Some VERY expensive programs utilize 1-Ups and 2-Ups to entice people to join by showing them HUGE potential. I've seen many 1-Up and 2-Up programs costing over $1,000... and some as high as $15,000. These can be tremendous money-makers for the company who hires a highly-skilled salesman to bring in new members... but most people find it difficult to impossible to duplicate the conditions that caused them to buy... and many people simply lose their initial membership fee.
As with so many other things in life... the BEST pay plans available can become the WORST pay plans available in the hands of dishonest individuals.
How can you protect yourself? How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... the more expensive the cost, the more difficult it is to make the sale.
Professional salesmen and saleswomen are a bit like trained acrobats... they can do things that normal people would find impossible... and they can make those things look easy!
Don't be fooled! If you've never tried to sell a non-tangible product for hundreds or thousands of dollars over the telephone... it isn't easy. There's a very good chance you'll find it's much more difficult than you might imagine.
Don't be rushed! If it's a legitimate business, it'll still be here next week. Take a few days to think it over. Talk to some friends. See what kind of response you get. You might just find out that selling is a skill that takes years to acquire... and that you're not at all interested in learning how to be a high-pressure telephone salesperson.
Want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook at: Http://
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