Influenza A (H1N1) is a global concern. The truth is that the flu throughout history has mutated in different viruses. There are experts who believe that Influenza A is more dangerous than other common flu.

The physician and researcher Helmer Huerta said this view AH1N1 Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.4% meaning that only 4 out of every thousand people died. Therefore, "this disease is no more dangerous than ordinary flu. What is important is education in health, hygiene and prevention. Preventive measures to take to prevent flu infections AH1N1:

* Wash hands frequently. If you have no water at hand at the moment there are products that may be in the car or bag used to disinfect hands. The hands are where the more they stay the remnants of saliva if you cough or sneeze. Viruses can stay alive for about 5 minutes on that hand washing is fundamental.lavarse-the-hands

* Clean objects and surfaces. For example door handles or knobs that we usually play with my hands. It is important to the daily cleaning of these surfaces to prevent contagion. You just need to use common cleaning products.

* Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing and do it with forearm rather than by hand. When you cough or sneeze we get the hand to mouth so that these viruses are passed in the hands. If you get used to and teach your children to cover the forearm, the wrist cover your mouth to avoid contagion. The hand is the one that give people with whom you touch objects with the arm, forearm, do not touch objects. It is therefore important cover his mouth with his forearm with the wrist and not directly with the hand.

* If you have high fever, rather cough, sneezing, muscle pain, headache, malaise, is staying home. Avoid contact with people and especially with risk groups (pregnant, elderly, children, people with some pathology).

* Only medical personnel and relatives of patients with influenza A must wear masks. Experts recommend that the general public do not use those masks at the moment, because its use does not prevent infection.


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I have heard in the mouths of patients or groups of teenagers, and read in various media, on a frivolous or recreational use of Viagra among young people, "bowling", "raves" or "disk" combined with alcohol, drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy or "Poper.

With alcohol there is no real contraindication but a prevention: alcoholic beverages tend to lower blood pressure and that can be enhanced by the joint use with this medication. So while taking sildenafil fortified look very fun, fashion, or mode, but can have complications.

The "Poper" which is inhaled, amyl nitrite is basically (the famous "lanzaperfume" of yesteryear) which itself can cause hypotension with dizzy and fainting. Viagra is contraindicated with nitrites and nitrates (drugs used as coronary vasodilators), therefore I tell you, dear young people, who use in association with the "Poper" serious risk to their health, and is not only a statement "mask" is not only a preventive ethics, but with discretion to avoid fainting, fainting and shock states.

Viagra should be used with caution with cisapride, cimetidine, erythromycin and macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin), with astemizole and some antifungals (ketoconazole, itraconazole), protease inhibitors (used against HIV), certain antidepressants ( fluvoxamine and nefazodone) for patients with polypharmacy must always take precautions, but this is not the prerogative of sildenafil but of all drugs: today in medicine is given great importance to drug interactions, even as the antidepressant herb St. John's wort or yohimbine and even grapefruit juice that inhibits cytochrome liver, so that any limitation must be in the hands of doctors.

With the combined use of cocaine, ecstasy or amphetamine-and isolation are at risk because these drugs are neurotoxic or cardiotoxic-and Viagra seems to me an unreasonable use of a real drug, when it is safe and effective prescription for indication care.

I think many young people have fallen under the net of performance anxiety, for "failing to fail when drunk or Falope" (words of a patient) which leads to take positions that endanger their health.

Another thing that I want to alert the general population is one of the myths which says that "Viagra is no need to do further studies or medical advice. This is totally false. Absolutely exclude the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (impotence), according to the discretion of the physician, the clinical and psychological well-ordering of blood tests and studies to warrant specific or each case whether or not factors cardiovascular risk: Ergometries, chest radiographs (in chronic smokers, eg.) prostate studies, controls blood pressure (I can assure you detect hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol, hormonal or heart problems in patients who neither knew that suffered or other that having had previous records, turned a blind eye) and clinical examinations. I can say that often erectile dysfunction is a predictor, a marker of another underlying pathology (which may often take for depression). In some tables you can do psychological tests. They care not for the use of Viagra but because it is bad medicine to prescribe the symptom only and neglecting the distortion that many patients suffer from impotence.

It is important to correct the risk factors for improving the quality of life so much that sildenafil is more effective, as we demonstrated in a paper presented at the Congress of Psychiatry in Chicago 2000: Patients who had no cardiovascular risk factor (hypertension, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse, high blood lipids) the response was almost 100% in those who had 1 risk factor for response to sildenafil was down to 85.7% and those with 2 or more fell to 78.9%, which advises reducing them by two reasons: improved quality of life and erectile response to sildenafil. I never tire of repeating that many patients who came to the office seeking the use of Viagra could then take charge of neglect they had fallen: they are heavy smokers or drinkers, those with sedentary lifestyles and stress, with diabetes and cholesterol out of control with circulatory symptoms which, oddly enough, would never have asked for such situations but by the impotence sexological consultations then able to review the situation.

When consulting a doctor, and may be in a hospital or a health center, or a Social Work-I think it is working properly: caring for patients is also careful, as it is not when you sell a remedy (including psychotropic drugs) without prescription.

Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is a medication for a medical condition such as erectile sexual dysfunction-that young people may also experience that changed the history of Pharmacology, sexology and medicine, marking a road (now new drugs continue as tadalafil or vardenafil) which no return: the fact of knowing the intimate mechanism of erection and the specific action of the drug in the specific place, promises to men not to neglect other essential factors of eroticism, that does not pass only pills or by his genitals or the erect phallus-a long and satisfying sex life.

* DR. ADRIAN Sapetti, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, clinical sexologist, President of the Sociedad Argentina de Sexualidad Humana, author of "Sex and the man of today"; director of the Sex Doctor, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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Yes, there will be many of you who was struck by the title. And is that according to various studies, give yourself sexual pleasure, or masturbation, may be beneficial to health.

Masturbation has a torrid history, and was always a taboo subject. It has always been frowned upon, even in the "conventional wisdom" until it has been labeled bad for health, have heard the famous "hand you drop", "will leave you hair in the palm", "you will go mad"
or "you will be blind."

But because many sex researchers have advocated as a normal pleasure and something common that almost everyone does, but hidden, masturbation is losing the taboo on it. And the thing is that gets her in bringing pleasure to the person, it is also healthy.

In general, for both sexes, masturbation is good to reduce stress and improve mood, and endorphins are released. Even is a natural sedative for sleeping, also strengthens the pelvic muscles.

For example for men, according to an article published in 2007 in Sexual and Relationship Therapy, masturbation improves the functioning of the immune system also builds a resistance against infection of the prostate gland, while returning to the prostate itself more
healthy. There are several studies that say that frequent masturbation lowers the risk of prostate cancer in men aged between 20 and 50.

For women it also brings benefits such as improved resistance to fungal infection. It also fights premenstrual tension and other physical conditions associated with menstrual cycles, like cramps. It also relieves menstrual pain by increasing blood flow in the pelvic region. This is associated with what we said before reduce pelvic cramping and related backaches.

So do not feel bad about masturbating, it's normal that everyone does, so we should not suppress it.


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Both penis enlargement exercises and devices, whether traction devices or pumps, work by stretching the tissues that form the penis. The objective of this procedure is to force the tissues to respond to stretching by the expansion, which will allow more blood during erection. While this approach to penis enlargement is safe when done correctly, there are still a few things to consider.

First, the results do not appear overnight. This means that you should avoid exercises too much in a day or the use of stretching devices more than recommended. Stretching is good, but the penis tissue needs time to rebuild itself and grow after each session. Better safe than sorry, especially when discussing this sensitive area. You should also remember that stretching damages the tissue, which means you must stop if you feel any pain.

While the damage is natural should not be a concern if you perform the exercises or wear the traction device as planned, excessive use devices or performing the exercises incorrectly can lead to problems. Always remember to warm up before exercise. Warming up before exercises is crucial for the safety of penis enlargement and is not a bad idea for SizeGenetics users either. Using hot water or a warm cloth, you can make your penis much more receptive to the extension of the procedure chosen. This, in turn, will help you gain inches faster.

And finally, your warm up routine should be accompanied by an adequate shelter for the routine. Make sure the extra blood has left your penis and use massage to speed recovery of the tissue. Also check your penis for painful spots. The presence of such spots means you should go slower next time, at least until the tissue has recovered enough to be tightening again. Read more...

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Sexuality in the elderly

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 8:04 PM

One of the myths spread about sexuality, and certainly can do a lot of unhappy women and men, is that we come into the world with a "dose" specified sexual capacity. This suggests to many and many that must be administered, ie, "not abuse" of sexuality in order not to run down.

Nothing is more false than this conception. With the ability to function sexually that something similar happens with the physical condition: the consistency and frequency of activity kept the individual in better shape. That is, human sexuality, serious research has shown that the earlier you start the activity and is performed more frequently, sexual ability will stay longer and better, both women and men.

Furthermore, we have the widespread belief that women at menopause present loses interest, sexual desire or ability. Menopause is a phenomenon that occurs naturally in women, usually around forty years old, and is that your periods or "rules" are no longer present. This is for all hormonal changes that lead is a woman stops producing eggs and thus is no longer reproductive. But remember that sexuality is much more than the simple reproduction, sexual desire and ability to function and enjoy sexual relationships remains. The only problem that can occur is that the decline of hormones known as estrogens, can induce changes in the vaginal mucosa, which makes it rigid and can reduce lubrication during arousal. However, any woman in this age can be addressed proactively by your doctor, so that these changes do not occur and maintain a full and satisfying sex life regardless of age.

However, like every biological phenomenon, menopause can present interesting variations. There have been cases of women who presented before age 20. Rarely occurs after age 55 but has been reported for a woman to 104 years continued to exhibit regularly menstruating.

Another widespread myth, in this case about the man, is the existence of a "male menopause" which even has been called "andropause" or "male climacteric". It is true that man, age causes changes in sexual functioning, but unlike women rarely lose their reproductive capacity and this is preserved until very old age. It follows that the absurdity of the mocking and skeptical smiles when an older man or old man becomes a father. In the core study A. Kinsey, he found the case of a black man of 88 years who regularly having sex with his wife of 90 years.

Other real changes are men erections may be less firm than the amount of semen that is ejaculated is less and there is further delay in responding to a new stimulus. However, none of these factors is equal to the popular belief of a "loss" of capacity and do not think that the enjoyment is lower in the older man. Even the age at which these changes occur may vary greatly and can not be established.

There are also benefits, since it is known that decreases the "urgency orgasmic" on the older man and this often makes them less rapid, more dedicated to the caresses and tenderness that is usually more satisfactory for a significant number of women ; who view older men as better lovers.

For elderly couples, Kinsey found men who have sex once a week at age 65, a group in which individuals aged 75 years had relations once a month and another for 80 years practiced by every nine or ten weeks. No doubt the champion in this research was the case of a man who at age 70 had more than seven ejaculations per week! Given all this why we still believe that women and older men can no longer sexually active?

The answer lies firstly in a Judeo-Christian ideology which teaches us, and therefore oblige, linking sexuality with reproduction and prevents us from recognizing the possibility of a pleasant and creative sexuality in the aged, this causes, second, that society at large and even refuses to condemn any attempt sexual activity at any man or old woman, the ridicule and even limited as it happens in many nursing homes or when the children condemned to the Mother or Father widowers who want to establish a new partner.

The elderly men and women have a sexuality, desire and ability to exercise, in addition to them (and stating that we all have high probabilities of being part of this group) sexuality can mean a sublime way to increase in value, optimism and exert intense feelings such as tenderness, enthusiasm and love. This will make you stop feeling as useless they only wait for death and regain something that is often lost: the zest for life!


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Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
Let's talk about it ...

Erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory dyscontrol are two very common male sexual dysfunctions, are woven around these myths, fears and hopefully also solutions from serious and committed work of specialists and researchers in sexology.

Sexual dysfunction is defined as "persistent abnormalities of one or more stages of sexual response that cause problems and inconvenience to the individual or couple." (1)

It is important to note the word persistent because the vast majority of men at some point in their life have experienced some difficulty having a sexual relationship and this is transient, but the fact that appellant is one of the indicators to be considered as a dysfunction sexual.

Sexual response in men relates in general and teaching, the process or cycle in which: provides a stimulus that can provoke the onset of sexual intercourse (sexual arousal phase Cash), continue with the erection of penis (Phase Excitation), it follows the identification of the desire to penetrate and penetration (plateau phase), we reach ejaculation and the sensation of ultimate pleasure (orgasm phase), continues the restoration of bodily changes to a state of relaxation (phase resolution), and finally a period lasting until again another sexual relationship (refractory phase).

Returning to the definition, it considers the individual and his partner, since many times the person submitting dysfunction not considered as such, but it bothers your partner and this may be reason for consultation.

Erectile dysfunction (which at one time was known as impotence) is part of the excitement phase and presents with shaky or absent erections that prevent you from having sex.

The ejaculatory dyscontrol (also called premature ejaculation) refers to the man has not developed the ability to control when ejaculation is given.

Here he explained that ejaculation and orgasm in males are two different situations and that sometimes can occur together, but not rule. Ejaculation is related to the expulsion of semen, while the climax is rather a very individual perception of ultimate pleasure and satisfaction, say that the first is physiological and the second psychological.

Sexual dysfunction can be classified into primary and secondary.

The primaries are where they have occurred and always high when the operation was less than expected and after a malfunction occurs.

Sexual dysfunction can also be selective-that is with one (s) of person (s) themselves and with other (s) no-and situational-when only occur in special situations.

Where can we find the origin of these dysfunctions? Need to be explored in conjunction with the specialist several areas because the etiology or cause may be: biological, psychological, rehabilitative and couples, or a mixture of some of them:

- Biological: In this area we have factors such as age, infection or genetic or degenerative disease, a surgical procedure or use of certain drugs or substances.

- Psychological: Personality and character, fears (to surrender to one's expectations are not met), traumatic experiences, psychiatric disorders.

- Socio-educational: Sex education tinged myths and prejudices, learning processes, financial concerns, family factors.

- Couple: Problems in the dynamics of relationships, poor communication, poor erotic creativity.

We need to be explored sexual dysfunction, diagnosed and treated to a trained specialist in sexology. Unfortunately it is traditionally handled by professionals in the field of health who have no formal training sexological and therefore lack elements to make a good therapy.

But before that is essential to recognize that we are experiencing a situation where help is needed, a team effort. Daring to talk about it is not easy because it involves talking about their own sexuality and the "sexual performance", which is closely related to male identity. That is, it has built and strengthened mandate, "If I am a man who always work, because I miss it so."

However, until now, external and finding solutions is the best way in which many men have succeeded not only enrich your sex life but one's knowledge of themselves and understand that being male is a much broader concept.


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What is being a man?

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 6:28 AM

What is man? They ask me and I now repeat the question facing this blank page. Are the books, of course, to respond intelligently and judiciously. But it would be my answer. What is mine, only I could give?

Difficult to know what being a man, but maybe I can venture to explore how I am and this man who I am. And then I go back to men who are behind me and I did. How were these men? Two very different grandparents, two ways of seeing the world. One big and strong, practical man who worked in the mine. Simple and wise, funny, creative. The other thin and sickly and useless counter with his hands, dreamy, quixotic lover of books, inventor of sweet lies.

I go to my father and all or almost all men as we, as Telemachus, to know who I am. My father was a responsible man, often grim, with bursts of surprising tenderness. Strong, creative, able to solve problems, rough hands and strong, with a kind of suppressed violence, with generosity, with difficulty expressing their emotions, so many shreds of machismo impregnated her dark skin and rough.

These men forged me and I'm not like them. I would even say that I am not as they wished. Too intellectual for a grandparent, another too liberal, too "feminine" for my father.

Them and I am another. Wanted.

I was a child and all, but I never liked the strollers and the Meccans. I liked the dolls, wrestlers and superheroes, and read stories, and draw them. I wanted to be like others, risky and tough, with a taste for excitement, but never gave me. I'm fragile, violence scares me, scares me physical pain.

I fell in love with books, music. I moved the stories where someone becomes, grows and forgives.

I looked at what they call the "gender" and wanted to be faithful to these new requirements. I became critical to many of the characteristics of "men". And almost began to relate the 'masculine' with the superficial, violent, empty. I did, or tried to make me a gentle man, neglecting some of my fellow insensitive and ineffective, clumsy and animals.

And I started doing something is missing. Yes, maybe I grew up in sensitivity, equity, solidarity. Perhaps I looked without fear of features that are considered "feminine" I fought my misogyny and homophobia ... but something began to lack.

Today, I recognize those characteristics or attitudes so-called "masculine" I learned to despise after my feminist readings. Recognize me and realize that enriched me. Today I begin to look with deep tenderness many men and I realize that this look is for me too, that mirror and reflect my own tenderness.

Today I decide to do workshops for men to listen, laugh together, talk about deep and shallow jokes and show our wounds. Talking to our parents and close to them, to learn to get away from our mothers. The men do and do not suggest, suspended for only two or three brave who are interested in attending. And then try again because I know I have little to give them, but together we can discover something valuable.

Today I am the man I am, trying to integrate what they learn. Although I'm not sure what being a man, I declare to man and say that I love to hear the sweetest poetry, also play the dace. I'm excited a solo cello in all its depth and elegance of the creativity of Zidane and Ronaldinho in the beautiful green football field. I love speaking softly to the woman I love the warm intimacy of the bed and also a lively conversation with other men in a bar drinking beer amid the noise of glasses and the dominoes. I touched the most sensitive film about love and try not to miss the last of action or one where they go pretty girls in bikini or under clothing if possible. I appreciate the expression of my emotions and my silences prudent. I want to show my vulnerability and my strength. I give a flower and try to learn to show my sword to shine in the sun.

I'm a man and go back to the original question that brought these words. What is man? I say simply do not know because I'm changing all the time because it would have responded differently at different times of my life, so my answer today would not-could not be "definitive.

All this just to tell my friend the editor of this portal to enlighten me sexuality-and to me, I do not know the answer and do not really care at all because the man I am, yes I know the answers are much less important than the questions.

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Interview with Erick Fisher Albiach, journalist and sexologist

What does the word masculinity?

Masculinities are different ways of being human. There is only one way to be. Each man must invent how you want to be rethinking the stereotypical model that until now have of how to be a man.

Why is it important for men to rethink their way of being human if, say, they played the better part of the story?

We can not tell who touched the best or worst. You can not compare, they are different domains. What I can say is that men are in crisis and do not know.

In our part of history there are many impositions and prohibitions, one of the most important is the inability to express our emotions. A man should not mourn or do not get carried away with your sex life erotic, always thinking they should have some performance to prove this or that, without letting his emotions and real feelings flow. This also happens with the family, men do not know how to express in the affective, which causes problems and frustrations.

The emotional level not function does not effective relationships with partner, family, the people who surround you up with friends.

Tired of trying to be strong and brave?

Everything really tired when you do not behave as you really are, but as I have said should be. When you realize that you damage people who have close or when you yourself do not know how to express yourself.

How is it that arises to rethink this being men? Is it from feminism?

Yes, the feminist struggle is what opened the door for men to seek his humanity. Masculinities that emerge from women seek gender equity, so men should, with the new company, to build the sharing out of the differences, respect for diversity.

This movement has been going on the French Revolution.

From my experience, I think many men are not yet ready for the changes that women in different fields and in economic, professional, social, family, etc.. Do you think a change will be realized male in search of a society with gender equality?

Yes, the models begin to change. You have to work with men from his own interest from the individual to each person under his being. It should rethink stereotypes and power structures.

We work with a project called "Ulysses" with adolescent boys because at this stage of human development, we believe our work timely, since the personality is being built. "Ulysses" is the search for identity man and woman in power.

What awaits us with a change in the model of masculinity with the masculinity?

We expect to enjoy through diversity relationships, sex, with our sons and daughters. Enjoy our life as individuals without having to be role models, stereotypes of men. That awaits us, enjoy our masculinity with affection.

I stay with this idea, I like. I prefer to share my feelings and thoughts with men who know themselves, without seeking to be who they are. The pursuit of our being is important and when the men broke from the mold.

I know that not all men are equal, because there is no repeatable individual, I also know that men like Erick Fisher engage in the pursuit of gender equity because they understand that individuals can not be full if their partner or themselves are involved in the "ought" and not really who they are. May people who read this page to share with others his new vision of male masculinity and create from the affections.


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The first and fundamental step in addressing sexual dysfunction, as in all branches of medicine and psychology, is the correct diagnosis and treatment not to hurry to meet patient demand, or in many cases to get rid of him (which often occurs when the practitioner, due to time constraints, lack or ineffectiveness on the issue, not to ask or know more lead). It's the classic take it, try to relax and leave.

I also know that the query is a query sexual logical shame it takes a lot done, especially boys. But it's the only way to solve the problem: they can confidently expound on everything related to their sexual history, a subject that he or she was always something hidden and forbidden.

It is worthy to note that today we consult both teenagers and adults of both sexes, up to 80 years or more (he had the opportunity to treat a patient of 92, what really struck me as remarkable and inspirational life).

It will investigate how, when, where and who started the sexual symptom. What circumstances surrounding (a situational analysis that name), how it fits into his personal history, psychological and Link. It is made true psychosexual history to understand the genesis of the symptom. What medications do you take and what treatments tried before. Which believe, or the patient (or couple) that are the causes of their problems and how they imagine dysfunction treatments. An issue of particular importance is the diagnostic link, or relationship with the partner and it is always advisable, for those who have it, interview them both.

Perhaps most important of the sexological interview is centered on the decision to hold and attend it. It may take years of onset of symptoms until the patient or decide to visit.
According to studies done in Brazil and USA in men with erectile dysfunction who start, only a percentage close to 10% use the query and takes between 4 and 5 years (average) from the onset of symptoms until the request.

Sometimes disappointed come a long wander through various medical and psychological counseling, battered by numerous treatments (from sale of equipment and tubal surgeries venous braces when no prosthesis or early ejaculatory injections, to treatment with psychotropic drugs or many years Psychoanalysis) by professionals who do not take their unfamiliarity with the subject honestly and others who simply profit from the desperation of patients.

A number of self-styled sexologists, causing damage to the state at odds with the medical practices and ethics. In a brief catalog of these scams will mention a few:

* Vaccine virus given in the groin impotence
* Urethral catheters
* Rectal exam and prostate massage
* Cuts unnecessary frenulum
* Sclerosing injections into the veins
* Plate compactors in the pubis. One patient recounted that, when placed, was asked to introduce his penis in a cabinet type computer (there thought, "I think being taken for a fool")
* Electrodes attached to the penis as "a light emitting device"
* Injections "special" tablets and ointments "miracle", "horns ground"
* Shims caloric leg
* "Stings of bees in the back" (though it is incredible!)
* Electronics and battery "to carry in the pocket where the waves emitted cause erection"
* External limbs (which are nothing more than rubber or plastic phalluses)
* Internal Prosthetics and injections early ejaculatory
* Suction pumps "that magnify the member"
(Excerpted from "Sex and the man of today" by A. Sapetti)

It is obvious that a consultation sexological is not like going to the ophthalmologist for a replacement of eyeglasses or a gastroenterologist for a "stomach problem". It's going to tell you something very intimate, which commits his whole being, is going to unveil the offense, as he "can not pay as male" as they are always taught to show his masculinity, or "as woman feel it is a frigid ". Talking to a stranger, even a professional, sexuality is something controversial and loaded with a heavy dose of fear, shame, embarrassment and anxiety. This happens also in consultation with the clinician: the professional does not dare ask about the sexual life of patients (often do not know how or when or why ask), the patient feels neither account because there is no continent for latent conflict.

"Dr. just ask me clinical questions (gynecological, psychological, urological) but never ask me or give me the cue to tell you about my sex life, how important were it not!" They say.

He is always on the brink to tell your GP, but do not finish. Many times the professional is waiting to question him to dwell on what you fear. Interestingly, p. ej., the erectile dysfunction is often a predictor of underlying pathology. We have found pictures of arterial hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart problems, respiratory, gynecological or prostate tumors, even depressive, from inquiring about the sex life of the consultants and that they had not considered.

Reasons given for not consulting patients when they suffer sexual dysfunction:

* I'm ashamed (or modesty)
* No solution is incurable
* I can solve only
* It is normal for my age
* Not a problem
* I'm too young to go to the sexologist
* I am very old
* The doctor does not listen or understand me
* The doctor never asks me about this subject
* They're going to take for abnormal, "weird"
* I have no steady partner
* I'm afraid of falling into the hands of a swindler or a medical merchant

(Excerpted and adapted from "Sex and the man of today" by A. Sapetti)


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