Influenza A (H1N1) is a global concern. The truth is that the flu throughout history has mutated in different viruses. There are experts who believe that Influenza A is more dangerous than other common flu.
The physician and researcher Helmer Huerta said this view AH1N1 Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.4% meaning that only 4 out of every thousand people died. Therefore, "this disease is no more dangerous than ordinary flu. What is important is education in health, hygiene and prevention. Preventive measures to take to prevent flu infections AH1N1:
* Wash hands frequently. If you have no water at hand at the moment there are products that may be in the car or bag used to disinfect hands. The hands are where the more they stay the remnants of saliva if you cough or sneeze. Viruses can stay alive for about 5 minutes on that hand washing is fundamental.lavarse-the-hands
* Clean objects and surfaces. For example door handles or knobs that we usually play with my hands. It is important to the daily cleaning of these surfaces to prevent contagion. You just need to use common cleaning products.
* Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing and do it with forearm rather than by hand. When you cough or sneeze we get the hand to mouth so that these viruses are passed in the hands. If you get used to and teach your children to cover the forearm, the wrist cover your mouth to avoid contagion. The hand is the one that give people with whom you touch objects with the arm, forearm, do not touch objects. It is therefore important cover his mouth with his forearm with the wrist and not directly with the hand.
* If you have high fever, rather cough, sneezing, muscle pain, headache, malaise, is staying home. Avoid contact with people and especially with risk groups (pregnant, elderly, children, people with some pathology).
* Only medical personnel and relatives of patients with influenza A must wear masks. Experts recommend that the general public do not use those masks at the moment, because its use does not prevent infection.
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