One of the myths spread about sexuality, and certainly can do a lot of unhappy women and men, is that we come into the world with a "dose" specified sexual capacity. This suggests to many and many that must be administered, ie, "not abuse" of sexuality in order not to run down.
Nothing is more false than this conception. With the ability to function sexually that something similar happens with the physical condition: the consistency and frequency of activity kept the individual in better shape. That is, human sexuality, serious research has shown that the earlier you start the activity and is performed more frequently, sexual ability will stay longer and better, both women and men.
Furthermore, we have the widespread belief that women at menopause present loses interest, sexual desire or ability. Menopause is a phenomenon that occurs naturally in women, usually around forty years old, and is that your periods or "rules" are no longer present. This is for all hormonal changes that lead is a woman stops producing eggs and thus is no longer reproductive. But remember that sexuality is much more than the simple reproduction, sexual desire and ability to function and enjoy sexual relationships remains. The only problem that can occur is that the decline of hormones known as estrogens, can induce changes in the vaginal mucosa, which makes it rigid and can reduce lubrication during arousal. However, any woman in this age can be addressed proactively by your doctor, so that these changes do not occur and maintain a full and satisfying sex life regardless of age.
However, like every biological phenomenon, menopause can present interesting variations. There have been cases of women who presented before age 20. Rarely occurs after age 55 but has been reported for a woman to 104 years continued to exhibit regularly menstruating.
Another widespread myth, in this case about the man, is the existence of a "male menopause" which even has been called "andropause" or "male climacteric". It is true that man, age causes changes in sexual functioning, but unlike women rarely lose their reproductive capacity and this is preserved until very old age. It follows that the absurdity of the mocking and skeptical smiles when an older man or old man becomes a father. In the core study A. Kinsey, he found the case of a black man of 88 years who regularly having sex with his wife of 90 years.
Other real changes are men erections may be less firm than the amount of semen that is ejaculated is less and there is further delay in responding to a new stimulus. However, none of these factors is equal to the popular belief of a "loss" of capacity and do not think that the enjoyment is lower in the older man. Even the age at which these changes occur may vary greatly and can not be established.
There are also benefits, since it is known that decreases the "urgency orgasmic" on the older man and this often makes them less rapid, more dedicated to the caresses and tenderness that is usually more satisfactory for a significant number of women ; who view older men as better lovers.
For elderly couples, Kinsey found men who have sex once a week at age 65, a group in which individuals aged 75 years had relations once a month and another for 80 years practiced by every nine or ten weeks. No doubt the champion in this research was the case of a man who at age 70 had more than seven ejaculations per week! Given all this why we still believe that women and older men can no longer sexually active?
The answer lies firstly in a Judeo-Christian ideology which teaches us, and therefore oblige, linking sexuality with reproduction and prevents us from recognizing the possibility of a pleasant and creative sexuality in the aged, this causes, second, that society at large and even refuses to condemn any attempt sexual activity at any man or old woman, the ridicule and even limited as it happens in many nursing homes or when the children condemned to the Mother or Father widowers who want to establish a new partner.
The elderly men and women have a sexuality, desire and ability to exercise, in addition to them (and stating that we all have high probabilities of being part of this group) sexuality can mean a sublime way to increase in value, optimism and exert intense feelings such as tenderness, enthusiasm and love. This will make you stop feeling as useless they only wait for death and regain something that is often lost: the zest for life!
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