
Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:02 PM

Gidronefroz - a persistent and progressively increasing expansion of renal pelvis and chashechek (normal capacity of 3-10 ml).

Prevalence gidronefroza among children - 2% of all kidney disease among adults - 3.8%. Bilateral gidronefroz are rare: from 9% of patients with kidney disease. Gidronefroz register at any age, but the highest frequency of detection - from 25 to 35 years. Up to 20 years, the frequency of the disease among women and men equally. At the age of 20-60 years gidronefroz to 1.5 times more frequently observed in women. In the group of patients over 60 years dominated by men.

According to identify the origin
Primary (congenital) gidronefroz: develops as a consequence of any anomalies in the upper urinary tract or kidney
Secondary (acquired) gidronefroz a complication of an illness: Chronic lung disease, tumors of the kidney, pelvis, ureter, urinary tract traumatic injury

Reasons gidronefroza
congenital causes (violation of the normal development of kidneys from the fetus during pregnancy)
acquired causes (Chronic lung disease, tumor diseases, etc.)
Symptoms gidronefroza
Symptoms gidronefroza - this is stupid, nagging pain in the lumbar area, often the first manifestation gidronefroza related to the development of acute pielonefrita (inflammation of the kidneys). But often the hidden currents gidronefroza. As far gone stages of the process may cause blood in urine.

Diagnosis gidronefroza
Ultrasound examination of kidneys (can detect an increase in the size of the kidney, ureter expansion, pelvis and chashechek)
Panoramic X-ray kidney
Excretory urografiya (shown as the secretory capacity of the kidney patient, and her otvodyaschego apparatus; value that the method provides information on the status of the second kidney)
Retrograde ureteropielografiya (gidronefroza determine the cause, the level of containment barriers, its length, the degree of expansion chashechek and renal pelvis)
Antegrade pyelography shows with questionable data excretory urografii and impracticability retrograde pyelography in connection with an insurmountable obstacle in the ureter. Allows you to determine the extent of the increase pelvis, the level of activity of the remaining obstacles and kidney tissue
Renal artery angiography
Isotope renografiya to evaluate the function of kidneys
The computer, or magnetic resonance imaging

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