Atopic dermatitis occurs most often in early childhood against the backdrop of aggravated heredity (from mom or dad were manifestations of allergy) in connection with inappropriate nutrition, intoxication, currency exchange violations, damage to the nervous and endocrine systems, but may emerge and mature. The signs of atopic dermatitis The major symptom of atopic dermatitis is powerful itch. The skin with atopic dermatitis, especially during "dremlyuschego course (remission), is dry and peeling.

The skin of the torso and limbs extension surfaces covered with brilliant, flesh-colored plaque. Between "dremlyuschego course" only minimal manifestations of atopic dermatitis may be barely shelushaschiesya spots or cracks in the fastener ear lobe. Moreover, such signs can be zaedy in the corners of the mouth, the median crack the lower lip, as well as peeling and redness upper age. Sineva under the eyes, skin pallor with earthy hue can be important signs of atopic individual.

The skin with atopic dermatitis: The course of atopic dermatitis During atopic dermatitis (depending on the characteristics of different age periods) conditionally can be divided into three phases of the disease - infant, child and adult. Infant phase of atopic dermatitis usually begins with the 7-8-weeks of life. Eruption located mainly on the face, affecting the skin, cheeks and forehead. Gradually, there are changes to the extension of the shins, shoulders and forearms. Often strike the skin buttocks and trunk. Pediatric phase atopic dermatitis begins after 18 months of age and lasts until adolescence. Rash atopic dermatitis in the early stages of this phase represented by red, swelling spots, prone to continuous education centers lost. As a result raschesov pockets lost borne crust. Eruption located mainly in the second and popliteal folding bars, the side surfaces of the neck, upper chest and hands. Over time, the majority of children from skin rash cleared, and are affected only popliteal and first segment cgiby.

Mature phase atopic dermatitis occurs in adolescence. Favorite location of atopic dermatitis - the upper part of the torso, neck, forehead, the skin around the mouth, flexion surface of the forearm and wrist. When heavy flow atopic dermatitis may take widespread (throughout the body). Observations indicate the role of heredity in the transfer of sensitive signs from parents to children. For example, a father-allergic signs of allergy in the child develops in 40-50% of cases of mother - to 60-70%. If both parents are carriers of atopy, the frequency of disease development in the child reaches 80%. (Mazitov LP 2001).

A certain number of children formed a blind allergizatsiya, which is in the form of atopic dermatitis at the age of 19-20 years. Not inherited disease, a combination of genetic factors contributing to the formation in the body allergies (Fedenko ES 2001). In the formation of atopic dermatitis is of great importance to the functional state alimentary canal. The risk of food allergies increases in non-compliance with nutrition of pregnant women and children first months of life in artificial feeding. Thus, the children's first year of life frequent cause of atopic dermatitis are chicken eggs, protein cow's milk and cereals. During exacerbated by the development of atopic dermatitis disbakterioza intestine, due to uncontrolled receiving antibiotics, hormones, pockets of chronic infection, allergic diseases (asthma, rhinitis), dismetabolicheskih nephropathy, parasites.

reatment of atopic dermatitis A major focus in Treatment of atopic dermatitis is to create the optimum psycho-emotional environment. It should be borne in mind that stress can provoke an emotional itching. Diet with atopic dermatitis From feeding atopic dermatitis must first be deleted: meat and fish soup, fried meat, chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit), strawberries, black currant, dynyu, honey, pomegranates, nuts, mushrooms, fish eggs , Spices, smoked, canned and other products containing added preservatives or colors. Is worth adding to the food rations of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, etc.) up to 30 grams / day in the form of spices to salads. Appointed vitamin F-99, containing a combination linolevoy and linolenic acid, or in high doses (4 capsules, 2 times a day) or medium (1-2 capsules, 2 times a day).

The drug is especially effective in adults. Pharmacological treatment of atopic dermatitis Pharmacological treatment of atopic dermatitis should be carried out strictly individually and may contain tranquilizers, antiallergicheskie, detoxification and anti-money. It should be noted that in the treatment of atopic dermatitis suggested that a large number of methods and tools (hormones, cytostatics, INTAL, allergoglobulin specific gmposensibilizatsiya, PUVA therapy, plazmaferez, acupuncture, fasting, diet therapy, etc.).

But the most important in the practice of medicine, providing protivozudny effect - Antihistamines drugs and tranquilizers. Antihistamines preparations for the withdrawal appoint zuda and swelling in the skin manifestations, as well as atopic syndrome (asthma, rhinitis). Applying daily Antihistamines first-generation drugs (suprastin, tavegil, diazolin, ferkarol), it must be remembered that it is developing rapidly addictive. Therefore, these drugs should be changed every 5-7 days. Penetrating through the blood in the brain tissue, first-generation drugs are calming effect, so they should not assign students, drivers and all those who should lead an active life, as well as reduced concentration and disrupted coordination of movements. Preparations second generation - loratodin (klaritin) astemizol, ebostin, tsetirizin, feksofenadin. Hormones are used is limited, and with common processes, as well as past endurance, painful zude, does not obviate the other. Hormones (or better metipred triamtsinolon) are available in a few days to alleviate attack with a gradual decrease in dose. With the prevalence of processes and phenomena of intoxication is intensive therapy with the use of intravenous (gemodez, reopoliglyukin, poliyonny solution, saline, etc.).

An hemosorbtion and plazmaferez (special methods of cleaning the blood). In the treatment of persistent atopic dermatitis very useful auxiliary method can be light therapy. Ultraviolet light requires all 3-4 procedures a week and has few side effects. Upon accession infection apply broad spectrum antibiotic. Appointed erythromycin, rondomitsin, vibramitsin within 6-7 days. In childhood tetratsiklinovogo number of drugs (tetracycline, doxycycline) are appointed from 9 years old. Complications of atopic dermatitis gerpeticheskoy infection is the indication for the appointment of atsiklovira or famvira in age dosages.

In therapy, atopic dermatitis should be included, especially among children, enzymatic drugs (abomin, festal, mezim-forte, panzinorm) and various zubiotiki (bifidumbakterim, baktisubtil, lineks etc.). Eubiotiki better to assign the results of microbiological research on the stool disbakterioz. A good effect is and the appointment of antioxidants, especially aevita and vetorona. Outdoor therapy is conducted in the light of the severity of inflammatory reactions, the incidence of injury, age and the attendant complications of local infection. In the acute stage, accompanied by moknutiem and crusts, apply lotion containing anti, bleach products (such as liquid Burov, camomile tea, tea). After withdrawing the phenomena of acute inflammation apply creams, ointments and pastes containing zudouspokaivayuschie and anti-matter (2-10% naftalanskaya oil, tar 1-2%, 2-5% ihtiol, sulfur, etc.). Widespread use of outer received hormonal therapy drugs. They include tselestoderm (cream, ointment), tselestoderm with garamitsinom and triderm (cream, ointment), elokom and advantan.

Preventing aggravation of atopic dermatitis The skin of patients with atopic dermatitom because of its dryness and increased permeability becomes sensitive to wetting. In this regard, the use of conventional varieties of soap is not desirable. It is advisable to apply gentle sort of soap (such as Dove, Dial, Lowila, child, etc.). Washing powder, even in small quantities remaining clothing and underwear also may have irritating effect. Therefore, some authors recommend the use of «allergies» washing powders (such as Tide Free) and repeated cycles laundry. Clothes should not be too close. In addition, undesirable wear wool. Pot can irritate the skin of patients with atopic dermatitom and, therefore, must often change clothes. Some important and microclimate in the house. For example, temperature and humidity in the room to be comfortable as possible (constant temperature of 20-24 ° C and humidity of 45-55%).

Patients with atopic dermatitom can recommend swimming classes. However, be aware that chlorinated compounds and other antiseptics used for the decontamination of the basin, may cause skin irritation. Typically, in order to remove this effect, just after class to take a light shower. To eliminate dry skin should use nutrients and mitigation funds, which cause their skin to be often enough to skin remained soft throughout the day. Mandatory well as leather nutrients and mitigating means after a shower, but before walking in windy and cold weather - protective creams and mazyami. Correction associated diseases include survey, detection and treatment of pockets of chronic infection, parasitic invasions, disbakterioza, the restoration of cortical neyrodinamiki and autonomic disorders.

The forecast current atopic dermatitis The forecast current atopic dermatitis and quality of life of the patient depends largely on the findings to reliable knowledge about the reasons for the development of rash on the skin, zuda, from the scrupulous implementation of all recommendations of doctors and prevention. Key prevention - is respect for diet, especially for pregnant and lactating mothers, breast-feeding children.

Particular attention should be drawn to limit the impact of vdyhaemyh allergens, reducing exposure to chemicals in the home, preventing cold and infectious diseases and the resulting appointment of antibiotics. When you step protivoretsidivnoy atopic dermatitis therapy is recommended that spa treatment in the Crimea on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.

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