By actinomycosisam predispose injuries cavity, periodontitis; actinomycosisy there are fewer surgical complications, injury or intestine ulcers duodenum, etc. Of particular importance is the accompanying microflora, which can greatly exacerbate the severity of injuries. The forms of the disease actinomycosisom Shane-face form actinomycosisa - the results of the causal agent in the subcutaneous tissue from chronic pockets of infection in the mouth and pharynx. Frequent localization - the angle of the lower jaw, neck.
There are deep painless thickening, which nagnaivayutsya formed fistula. Also affects the lymph nodes and salivary glands. The course of chronic recrudescent. Characterized by fever, signs of local inflammation. Complications - inflammation of the brain shells Thoracic form actinomycosisa develops when inhaled pathogens or in the distribution of hot spots around the neck and esophagus. Affects the lungs, pleura, ribs, mediastinum, basal lymph glands, heart and major vessels.
Characterized by fever, cough, fistula, weight loss, night poty Abdominalnaya form actinomycosisa usually develops on the background of inflammatory processes of abdominal organs (such as appendicitis, divertikulity). Pelvic actinomycosis can develop in the application of intrauterine spiral. Formed fistula; possible development of liver abscesses Generalized form actinomycosisa - dermal (fistula), brain, liver, kidneys (abscesses).
Actinomycosis under the microscope Diagnosis actinomycosisa Typical clinical manifestations Microscopy gnoya Cultivation Treatment actinomycosisa Antibiotics - benzylpenicillin (sodium salt) not less than 12 million ED / day in / in for 2 weeks, then fenoksimetilpenitsillin to 1 g 4 r / d or tetracycline 500 mg within each 6chasov An autopsy and drainage Purulent pockets. Forecast at actinomycosise With timely diagnosis and adequate antibiotikoterapii prognosis is favorable When actinomycosise heavy currents and complications can be fatal.
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