Have you been encountering extreme periods of sheer panic and anxiety? Has your fear created physical problems that now encroach on your daily life making life more difficult? Are you finding it harder to lead a normal life because the next episode of panic and anxiety cannot be predicted with accuracy?

If any of these questions describe you, you may be suffering from panic attacks or panic disorder. Read on to find out more about these unpleasant conditions and how to cope with the symptoms.

What is a Panic Attack?

Panic attacks usually come on without any prior warning. One minute you are going about your life as usual, maybe driving in your car or shopping for groceries, and the next minute you are hit with an overwhelming sense of panic and anxiety.

It's no surprise to learn that panic attack sufferers call them the worst moments of their lives. The attacks are characterized by a feeling of panic and an overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety, as well as many other symptoms including the following:

- Nausea or faint

- Quivering, sweating, and feeling chilled or extremely hot

- Choking sensations and shortness of breath

- Thumping chest or a racing heart rate

- Strong desire to get away from the situation

- Feeling certain that death or danger is imminent

The duration of panic attacks can be from a few minutes to several hours but 30 minutes is usually the time experienced.

What is Panic Disorder?

Those who suffer from panic disorder typically experience several panic attacks within a set period of time. These attacks are unpredictable and severe and leave the victim wondering when the next panic attack will occur. There is sometimes a constant sense of worry between attacks.

Panic disorder is found to be much more common in women than in men. Usually developing sometime in early adulthood and results in upsetting daily life for the sufferer.

Defeating Panic and Anxiety

Moving past the panic and anxiety is the first step towards living normally with panic attacks and panic disorder. Several treatments are available to assist sufferers cope with this debilitating condition:

- Therapy has been shown to help many sufferers. One of the most effective therapy methods for dealing with panic attacks is cognitive behavioral method.

- Anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants have also been shown to be helpful for some people who suffer from panic and anxiety.

- Meditation and healing mantras have been effective in diffusing a panic attack once it starts. Deep breathing has also been shown to help.

- Support from friends and family has also been helpful in relieving the symptoms of panic attacks for many sufferers.

You Are Not Alone

The number of people who suffer from panic and anxiety can be put into the thousands. Knowing that you are not alone but one of the numbers of sufferers is an important step closer to being able to cope with panic disorders. Discuss your feelings with friends, family and your local Doctor.

Many people who suffer from panic attacks feel that they are being viewed as hypochondriacs and are subsequently unwilling to share their experiences. But it is vitally important to talk about and discuss the situation with those around you.

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