On the surface, NLP and hypnosis are very similar in many ways but when you dwell into the two subject matter with more depth, you will find that both of these topics are involves two different concepts entirely. Neuro -Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a scientific method used by many psychotherapists to modify behavioral patterns. It is a widely adopted methodology within the field of psychology.

Although NLP has been widely adopted within the medical field, its usages have also spread to the commercial sectors especially within the scope of human resources training. Many training experts nowadays use NLP to reinforce their training methodologies. This is to improve the quality of their training during their training sessions, workshops and seminars. By doing so, the trainers have a higher success rate in affecting positive behavioral changes with their participants.

Hypnosis, on the other hand, while also another method used to effect changes in a person's mind and behavior is quite unconventional. But it is no less popular than NLP. How hypnosis works is by targeting a person subconscious mind. While under a trance, the mind becomes highly attuned to ideas and suggestions made by a third party. Until recently, Hypnosis has been regarded as a mystic art practiced by physic. Nowadays, it has slowly elevated to becoming a social science dealt with in a scientific approach and with objectivity. In fact researches had shown that hypnosis is a natural a daily occurrences for most people. We fall into hypnotic trances daily even without realizing it especially when in fort of the Television.

Experts had been questioning the possibility of merging these two disciple together. This is in order to see if there can be any significance positive impact that will come out as a result of such a merger. It had been shown that such a merger is indeed possible and this had lead to better transfer of knowledge and skills to participants who are subjected to this new methodology. Many training sessions nowadays incorporate both techniques in order to improve the quality of the sessions. By combining these two approaches, we can actually control both the conscious and sub conscious mind.

While NLP, deals with the conscious mind, hypnosis achieve behavioral patterns changes by working on the subconscious mind of people.

If you are planning to have a workshop and are using both these techniques, then it is very important that you hire professionals who are experienced in the mentioned fields. Hypnosis is a tricky business and the person you hire should be a person who is a professional and knows his job. This search may require a certain amount of investment and effort, but for the welfare of all the parties involved, it is very essential.

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