morning at the clinic of one of the Russian city came with a strange
couple diagnosis woman - back second-degree burns and a concussion, the
man - the deep damage to the penis.
the question of the doctor, as it happened, the couple responded only
after they have finished hysterical, which was expressed in the Homeric
burst of laughter mixed with the flow of battle, facing each other.
After a restful heard and recorded was roughly as follows:
Waking up in the morning, I did not find my husband there, but felt the delicious smell wafting from the kitchen. Throwing light robe, I went out to see what was going on. The kitchen was my husband completely naked and prepared my favorite food: pancakes. The
fit of tenderness for my only came over me, I threw off his robe, like a
slave, threw herself at his feet and began to caress him there ... He loved it so ...
Feeling the gentle touch of lips quivering my precious, I first relaxed, then to spice up, decided to show the upper class. Like a real chef, I tossed the pancake up, hoping to catch him .......
My affection is becoming more sophisticated, smooth lips moved, and his hands gently hugged buttocks ... Suddenly, the fire burned my back, for a moment it seemed to me that I poured a vat of hot tar. The pain I screamed loudly and closed her jaws around the penis of her husband. As it turned out, it was a pancake, not caught by my husband ......
She just woke up in the hospital, thanks to her husband, who, in spite of the severe wound, had the courage to dial 03.
It remains only to add - be careful and remember: any initiative is punished!
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