The main sign of premature ejaculation is ejaculation occurs before both partners wish under most intercourse, which causes concern, stress and discomfort.
When this happens during most of intercourse, it creates anxiety, stress and discomfort.
Many men will sometimes release (ejaculation) in the past (premature) during sexual intercourse than they and their partner like. As long as this only happens now and then, there is no reason for concern. If, however, fairly regularly ejaculates sooner than you and your partner wish - such as before intercourse begins or shortly afterward - so you probably have the condition premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder. Prevalence data varies, but some experts think it affects as many as 20-30% of all men. In a Norwegian survey in 1987 and 1997, premature ejaculation is most common sexual problem. Although it is a common problem that can be treated, many men feel embarrassed by talking to their doctor about such things or seek treatment.
Previously it was believed this was a purely psychological phenomenon, but experts now know that biological factors also play an important role in premature ejaculation. In some men, premature ejaculation problems associated with getting an erection, erectile dysfunction.
There is a treatment for premature ejaculation, both medications, psychological counseling and learning sexual techniques to delay ejaculation can improve your and your partner's sexual experiences. For many men, a combination of several treatments, the best deal.
Symptoms and signs
There is no medical standard for how long it will take a man to achieve ejaculation. The main sign of premature ejaculation is ejaculation occurs before both partners wish in the majority of intercourse, which creates anxiety, stress and discomfort. The problem can occur in all sexual situations, including in connection with masturbation - or it occurs only in connection with sexual intercourse with another person.
Doctors often share for early release into the primary or secondary type:
• Primary premature ejaculation is if you have had a problem so long as you have been sexually active.
• Secondary premature ejaculation is if the condition has occurred after you have had a satisfying sexual relationship without ejaculation problem.
What causes premature ejaculation?
Experts do not know for sure what causes premature ejaculation. While it was previously thought that the explanation was entirely psychological, as we know today that the phenomenon of premature ejaculation is more complicated and involves a complex interplay between psychological and biological factors5.
Psychological causes
Some doctors believe that early sexual experience can establish a pattern that is difficult to change later in life, eg.:
• Situations where you have had to hurry to reach climax to avoid detection.
• Guilt that increase the tendency to rush during sex.
Other factors that may play a role in premature ejaculation are:
• Erectile Problem. Men who are anxious about their ability to achieve or maintain his erection during sex, can develop a pattern where they are rushing to ejaculate. Such a pattern may be difficult to change.
• Anxiety. Many men with premature ejaculation also have problems with anxiety - either specifically related to the sexual performance or caused by other factors.
Biological causes
Although the biological reasons for this are the exception, so experts believe that a number of biological factors may contribute to premature ejaculation, for example.:
• Hormone. Abnormal amounts of the neurotransmitters that the brain sends out.
• Abnormal reflex activity in the ejaculatory system (nerve center).
• Disturbances in the endocrine glands.
• Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra.
• Inherited traits.
In rare cases, premature ejaculation is caused by:
• Damage to the nervous system from surgery or injury.
• Cessation of drug use.
Although both biological and psychological factors likely play a role in most cases of premature ejaculation, so experts believe that a primary biological cause is most likely if the problem has been a lifelong (primary premature ejaculation).
Conditions that increase the risk of premature ejaculation
Various factors may increase the risk of premature ejaculation, such as:
• Impotence. There may be an increased risk of premature ejaculation if you occasionally or most of the time have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection. Fear of losing an erection causes you to rush through sexual intercourse. As many as 1 in 3 men with premature ejaculation can have problems keeping a erection.
• Health problems. If you have a disease that makes you feel anxious during sex, for example. a heart problem, it can help you hurry you achieve uttømning.
• Stress. Emotional or mental stress in some area of your life may play a role in premature ejaculation, and limit your ability to relax and focus during sex.
• Certain medications. In rare cases, the drugs affect chemical neurotransmitters from the brain and lead to premature ejaculation.
When to seek medical attention?
Talk to your doctor if you get the release earlier than you and your partner wish during most of intercourse. Even if you feel that this is something you should be able to fix itself, so you may need treatment to help you to a better sex life.
How diagnosed?
Diagnosis is usually simple, but the doctor can set up a number of very personal questions and may wish that your partner is participating in the conversation. Although it may feel uncomfortable for both of you to talk openly about sex, the details will you bring forth to help the doctor to determine the cause and come up with good advice.
The doctor will ask questions to clarify the medical history and your doctor will perform a physical examination. Relevant questions would be:
* How often do you have premature ejaculation?
* Do you have premature ejaculation with only a specific partner or partners?
* Do you have premature ejaculation each time you have sex?
* How often do you have sex?
* How does the premature ejaculation and quality of your sex life?
* If you have problems getting or maintaining an erection?
* Do you use any medication?
When necessary to further elaborate on your problem, your doctor may also ask about:
* Can the symptoms be related to your religious upbringing?
* Early sexual experiences?
* Past and current sexual relationship?
* Conflicts or concerns related to your current relationship?
If you have both premature ejaculation and difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, it may be appropriate for the doctor to examine you with hormone tests and other blood tests.
Although premature ejaculation does not increase your risk for serious health problems, but it can creates stress in your personal life, such as:
* Problems in relation to a partner who also have reduced the pleasure of sex.
* Infertility. Premature ejaculation can occasionally make fertilization difficult or impossible by couples who are trying to achieve pregnancy.
What is the treatment?
Treatment possibilities include sexual therapy, medications for many men, a combination of these treatments that work best.
Sex Therapy
In some cases, sexual therapy involves several steps such. to masturbate an hour or two before intercourse so that you can easily delay ejaculation during sex. Your doctor may also advise you to avoid sex for a period of time and ask you to focus on other types of sexual play so that pressure is removed from the sexual encounters.
"Stop and squeeze"
Your doctor may instruct you and your partner in the use of a method called "stop and squeeze" 2.7. The method works like this:
* Step 1. Begin sexual activity as usual, including stimulation of the penis, until you feel it approaching it goes for you.
* Step 2. Stop the sexual activity. Get your partner to squeeze the penis just inside the glans penis. Keep this grip for several seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides.
* Step 3. After clamping ceased, wait for approx. 30 seconds, and continues as foreplay. You may find that by clamping the penis is less rigid, but when sexual stimulation is resumed, you can quickly achieve full erection again.
* Step 4. If you again feel that it will go for you, get your partner to repeat the procedure.
By repeating this as many times as needed, you can reach the point that you can penetrate your partner without it going for you. After practicing this method for a time, the sense of how to delay ejaculation have become a habit and you no longer need to engage with the clamp technique.
Certain antidepressant medications used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Although these funds really are not approved for this use, it is accepted that they can be used for this purpose. It may be necessary for you to try different medications or doses before you find the treatment that works for you.
A side effect of certain antidepressants is delayed orgasm. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation, can take advantage of this side effect.
* Your doctor may prescribe one of several relevant preparations, such as sertraline ®, Zoloft ®, paroxetine ® or Seroxat ® 8,9,10.
* If the effect on the premature ejaculation fail, your doctor may prescribe the drug Anafranil ® or Anafranil ® as part of some is a better alternativ11.
* There is no guarantee that you will need to take these medications every day to prevent premature ejaculation. Taking a low dose several hours before you have planned intercourse, can be enough to improve symptoms dine12, 7 In some cases, it looks that daily treatment for 3-4 weeks before you start taking the pills when necessary, may be an appropriate introduction to this treatment if needed.
Other side effects of these antidepressants can include nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and decreased sexual desire (libido).
Local Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia ointment reduces sensitivity in the penis and thus helps to delay ejaculation. By lubricating ointment for a short time before intercourse, it can easily be wiped off when your penis has lost enough sensation to help you to delay ejaculation.
Some men who use Local Anesthesia ointment say that they lose some of the sexual performance due to decreased sensitivity. Although the ointment wiped off before intercourse, some women also report that their sensitivity in the genitals and impaired sexual performance is muted. In exceptional cases, the means also cause allergic reactions.
Such treatment involves talking about your relationships and experience with a psychotherapist. Samtaleterapiene can help reduce performance anxiety or to find effective ways to cope with stress and solve your problems on. For many couples who are prone to premature ejaculation, it can talk to a therapist together to give the best results.
Preventive measures
In some cases, premature ejaculation is due to poor communication between partners and a lack of understanding of the differences between male and female sexual function. Women typically need more stimulation than men to reach orgasm, and this difference can create "sexual conflicts" between partners and add pressure on the sexual pastoral moments. For many men may feel under pressure during sex increase the risk of premature ejaculation.
Open communication between sexual partners, as well as a willingness to try different techniques to help both partners achieve satisfaction, can help to remove the conflict and performance anxiety. If you are not satisfied with the sexual relationship, you should talk to your partner about the problem. Attempts to resolve the issue in a loving way and avoid blaming your partner for your lack of satisfaction. Can not you solve the sexual problem yourself, contact a doctor. Your doctor can give reasonable advice or refer you on to a sex therapist with more experience.
Coping Skills
Many men who experience premature ejaculation feel frustrated and even ashamed. Then it may help to know that the problem is common and often can be right. Talk with your doctor so if it creates discomfort for you and / or your partner.
While you are testing the various treatment options, you should play down the significance of the sexual in their relationship. Some doctors recommend full abstinence from sex for a short period of time and urge you instead to place greater emphasis on other forms of cohesion in this period. This can help you to re-establish good physical feelings with each other. By curbing the importance of sexual intercourse may help remove the worry about premature ejaculation - some as helping to lay the foundation for a richer sexual life.
For more information, visit: How to last longer in bed
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In survey after survey reports that women declining sexual performance is their biggest concern in terms of aging.
As part of our focus on men's penis health, MaleExtra Nordic answers to some important questions that most ordinary men have about erectile dysfunction (ED).
Q.What is the most common myths and misconceptions about ED?
A.A common misconception is that emotional and psychological problems are the main causes. On the contrary. Research has shown that physical causes account for over 80% of all cases of erectile dysfunction.
Another popular myth is that ED is an inevitable part of aging process. Yes, a man's hormone levels decline with age, and he may need more stimulation to achieve an erection. But age is not the sole cause of ED.
You can now ask how MaleExtra can help in maintaining a healthy penis. The simple answer is that by using MaleExtra regularly, you increase blood circulation and draws oxygenated blood to the penis and scrotum. Tissues, veins and erectile tissue are kept in top condition! MaleExtra has been shown to help reduce bad cholesterol in the body and thus are the benefits of using MaleExtra even greater than they may seem at first glance.
Q.What are the most common causes of ED?
A.Difficulty achieving an erection may be caused by several factors, physical and mental. A number of medical conditions are known to cause ED, including atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prostate problems including prostate magnification and cancers, diseases that affect the nerves and brain (such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease).
Unhealthy lives, especially stress, obesity and poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol and illicit drug use may in particular can lead to ED. These are all questions that we as men can be addressed by moving us more, drink less and stop smoking.
Age also plays a role, but is not significant. Research has shown that ED affects about one in 20 men aged 40 or older, but only two of 20 men aged 60 or older.
Remember that ED can be a symptom of a potential odiagnoserat medical problem and that is why men should always speak with their doctor if they suffer from some form of ED.
Q.What treatments are most effective?
A.There has been tremendous progress in effective treatments for ED, most men do not want to go through a surgery so medication and penis pumps are the most common treatment methods.
We do not recommend medication for ED when using MaleExtra if there is no underlying medical problems. With MaleExtra, you get much better penile health and ED can usually be kept out permanently.
A reduction in stress and more exercise is also a great addition to MaleExtra program.
Q.What advice can be given to women who may suffer from ED but are reluctant to seek professional help?
A.Men should know that it is normal to feel worried about talking to your doctor about ED. Men have always been less inclined than women to do regular controller for doctors. There is a stigma in almost every society that men should be able to handle their problems themselves, and to be sensitive and seeking help is a sign of weakness.
Stop thinking this way and start thinking like a modern man! Talk to your doctor, ask him about ED and the methods used to cure the problem permanently, or proven alternatives MaleExtra Hydro Pump. Doctors have been treating men with ED for many years, and today there are lots of natural treatment options for women in the world.
See MaleExtra not only as a way to increase your penis size, whether it will be done with regular use, start thinking about MaleExtra as a tool to improve your quality of life and get the spark back into your sex life.
Click here to get more information about MaleExtra
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Things have changed now for men who have a small penis. Before now, these men had to hide the fact that they had a small penis, and comfort themselves by saying that "it is not the size that counts but what you do with it". These days men with a small penis problems can easily take action to change their situation. Natural penis enlargement exercises have been around for several years now in one form or another. Men from different ancient tribes had different approaches to the extension and increase the thickness of their penises. But today, all thanks to the Internet thousands of men have access to quality natural penis enlargement products and services. These techniques have been refined with the help of modern science, to keep what works and discard those that do not work
Nevertheless, there are some things you must know before you start your natural penis enlargement programs exercise if you want to get the best out of it.
The first and most important thing you should know is about patience. Yes patience! I know you want a bigger penis, but you can not get a bigger penis for a week. In fact, your penis needs time to grow gradually, so you should have the patience to give it time and still stay focused on your natural penis exercise program. I know that sometimes you might feel a little discouraged that after a few weeks of work, all you need show is a sore penis. But you should know that persistence pays off and you would start seeing results. Your penis needs time to grow, and one more thing you should know is that you should experience growth spurts and plateaus as time goes on, so be patient.
Another thing you should know is that the exercise would not increase your penis gains. Most guys who have just begun to engage in natural penis exercises is very impatient and think that they should exercise two or three times a day so they could increase their penis gains. But exercising more than once a day will only exhaust your penis and you will not even see a profit all. Natural penis exercises work better when you train hard and regularly. What this means is to perform this exercise routines two or three times in one day is not as effective as just doing it once, but it makes it very intense.
Over training would not increase your profits, your penis needs time to heal and grow in size. This is similar to your muscles after a workout in the gym, your muscles just like the penis also need time to heal and grow to larger sizes.
Another thing you must keep in mind is that if your pubic hair is too "bushy" it would definitely get in the way of your natural penis enlargement exercises. You can easily drag your pubic hair while you perform your exercise routine. Although you can not get a good grip on the base of your penis. So the best thing is to keep doing as long as you engage in natural penis exercises is to trim your pubic hair. You do not shave it off completely, but trim to a level that the hair would not get in the way when you perform the exercises.
Hidden hair problems, you should also think that your erection strength would always vary. For some exercises you may need only a partial erection to perform a certain exercise, but you would be a "rock" solid erection. When you are in such a situation, try to focus on something else reserved gender. And for some exercises you may need a "rock" solid erection but what you can get is not satisfactory, in that situation, you can either say lover to come over and help you get an erection, or you can always get some porn magazines or videos to get your penis to "full attention".
And finally, please, we do not measure your penis daily and weekly. You should only measure once a month. Concentrate on doing the natural penis exercises properly and regularly (not missing workouts). When you measure too often, you would not see big profits and it may end up discouraging you from continuing with your exercise routine. Natural penis enlargement exercises work, but it is up to you to spend time and effort to make it work for you. Skip the workout and then try to compensate for the missed sessions would not give you an advantage. Workouts should be intense and regular. Natural penis enlargement is a long distance. It is not a 100m dash.
The only methods of penis enlargement endorsed by doctors and confirmed by clinical studies are penis exercises. These exercises may be performed manually or may require use of special devices (such as penis extenders). Penis enlargement exercises are absolutely safe and guaranteed to increase your penis size within three to six months.
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We have had many registrations on our forum recently. Our forum is growing faster than we thought it would do, and we currently have around 10 guest bloggers.
Anyway, back to the discussion on the forum. Almost every day started a new thread about something interesting. We have also chosen to "integrate" the forum with the website by occasionally taking up forum posts in our blog.
A few days ago, a user following topic: Has anyone tried their hand at penis enlargement before, and if you did it, did it work?
The thread had 8 replies on the first day. We were quite surprised by it to be honest. The eight responses were received which were the following (we have chosen to carry only four):
1. I've been thinking about starting with jelqing, but have not really ventured. I want one Bigger PenisBut I dare not take risks. I mean, if you destroy his penis so it is like committing suicide. I have not dared to test the penis enlargement.
2. Many, if not all people who engage in penis enlargement say they enlarged their penis. The truth is that most products do not work. Some do, but it's only products that are natural. Pills, pumps and "Stretchers" does not work.
3. Penis Enlargement does not work. The only thing that works is surgery.
4. Many, if not all products offered are just pure crap. Do not waste thousands of their garbage.
There are natural ways to enlarge a penis. Use a penis enlargement device to help you. It takes some time for you when you see results, but it definitely helps. I do not agree with the person above - surgery does not work. The insertion of an implant that could crack at almost any time. It's far too risky. If you want a Bigger Penis - Do not operate. Do it naturally.
Sometimes people who visit our website think we just try to market our product when we write blogs. But we are not trying. Not in this post anyway. Here we give you a bit more biased perspective on penis enlargement and people who want a Bigger Penis. Some claim that it works - others are not. Those who say that penis enlargement does not work, have themselves not tried it, fortunately.
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• A normal penis is about 16 inches in length. Have you taken you there yet, or do you just take you longer?
• 75% of all women say they want a partner with larger penis! The size counts, no matter what everyone says.
• Under the new Durex survey response was based on internationally, like today's women would rather be out with friends than to have sex with someone with a small penis.
• Most men are three minutes in bed. Do you think this is enough to satisfy your partner?
• A normal penis is about 16 inches in length. Have you taken you there yet, or do you just take you longer?
• 75% of all women say they want a partner with larger penis! The size counts, no matter what everyone says.
• Under the new Durex survey response was based on internationally, like today's women would rather be out with friends than to have sex with someone with a small penis.
• Most men are three minutes in bed. Do you think this is enough to satisfy your partner?
• Half of all women fake an orgasm. How good are you in bed anyway?
• Over 100 million men worldwide suffer because they come too early. Are you one of them?
• 6 out of 10 women break up with her boyfriend because of one of the bad sex life. Your girlfriend might be cheating?
All these problems can be solved using a penis enlargement device product ...
With a satisfied customer group of 92%, we are the best company when it comes to enlarge their penises. People who used our product can stay in bed longer, has a sky-high self-esteem, and are more satisfied than ever with themselves. Some even say that the product changed their lives dramatically. If you are interested to enlarge your penis, make your dick bigger, or just last longer in bed, then you have come to the right. If you are just here and read to learn a bit so you get permission to leave the site now. We only want customers who are serious to enlarge their penises.
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How is it that we offer the best support on the Internet?
It is easy. We have a bunch of employees who work in support, day or night, just for you. If you call or email so we guarantee a response within 24 hours, if not faster. We answer not on the phone right then and we will call you within 24 hours. If there is anything you wonder about, such as how things work, despite the fact that you read the book, so you're more than welcome to call us. We are here, and give you any advice on how to use their product. If you want, you can get yourself a personal trainer, which is available for you and only you, every day of the week, year out.
There is nothing worse than having an issue, but did not find an answer to it. We have answers to all your questions, just remember that there are stupid answers, and no stupid questions. We are all just as curious to see how we can get our penises to grow bigger.
How you will change your life with SizeGenetics?
Your penis grows at least two times faster than it would have done if you used our biggest competitor's product.
Unlike our major competitor, and many other programs, we will help you enlarge your penis, and make your penis big, on a naturally.
You get so hard and long erections that your partner does not believe it's you.
Become the man all men want to be, and become the man that all women want to be with. It is reported that our customers have higher self-confidence to enlarge their penises. They talk, behave, and is only natural in front of women when it acquired a bigger Penis. We research constantly looking for new ways you can use to enlarge your penis.
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While this has been lively debated for decades, so has the internet has become the solution to put the question to women around the world, the question that has chipped away men of all times: Is my dick big enough?
An official survey was taken place on health forums, chat rooms for women about the penis size issue. Not surprisingly, small penises (less than 12 cm in length and 10 cm in circumference) are not exactly welcome in a woman's vagina. The majority of women prefer a penis that is up to 20 cm long with a range of up 17 CM.
While this has been lively debated for decades, so has the internet has become the solution to put the question to women around the world, the question that has chipped away men of all times: Is my dick big enough?
An official survey was taken place on health forums, chat rooms for women about the penis size issue. Not surprisingly, small penises (less than 12 cm in length and 10 cm in circumference) are not exactly welcome in a woman's vagina. The majority of women prefer a penis that is up to 20 cm long with a range of up 17 CM.
Below is the detailed information of the survey of what women prefer:
Women do not like:
• A penis shorter than 12 cm and no woman wanted to have a penis with a circumference of less than 11 CM. CEOs were women who brutally agree that too coarse nor proceed. A penis with a circumference of more than 18 cm of any length was unacceptable.
What women like:
• Most women prefer a penis with a length of 17-25 cm
• In second place were the women who voted for a penis that is 20 cm long with a circumference of 14.5 to 17.5 CM.
• The most interesting groups were those who felt that her husband's penis size is rather big, but not perfect, and the majority of them voted for lengths between 15 and 22 CM and girth 15-17 CM.
• The focal point was established by the narrowest group, but most voted in the survey. This group felt that the ideal size of a penis should be: 18.4 to 21 cm, and with a circumference of 15.9 cm to 16.5 cm. Very carefully, then!
There are no scientific studies that point to the same conclusion as the study by PenisSizeDebate ® but when one takes into account the number of participants and female behavior, this is the most likely conclusion: Women like a big cock with a large girth !
Do you want to have a small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis that help you to get better sex life and increase your confidence.
Size Genetics is a top rated penis enlargement traction device which uses penis enlargement exercises and penis traction device to increase penis size.
=> Click Here to read more reviews, success stories and detailed information about the SizeGenetics device.
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Here are eight reasons why you should buy our product:
1. You get a bigger, better, longer, stronger and more powerful penis than you have ever had.If you do not get it, so you will of course get your money back.
2. You enlarge your penis safely, but effectively.
3. Support around the clock, no matter where you live somewhere.
4. Flexible. You can wear our device while sitting on bed, watching TV, before going to bed or when you are doing anything.
5. You will save huge sums of money when our product is extremely cheap compared to other products.
6. You can start blogging about your success.
7. 100% money-back guarantee. Does not the product so you get your money back.
8. We are the greatest.
Now I do not know if the reasons above are sufficient enough for you. We are simply the market leader when it comes to enlarge their penis. We provide support around the clock, regardless of where in the country you live. You don't even have to live in UK to get our support. We have customers from USA, India and Japan and many other countries. If you speak to someone in our support who do not speak your language and we will send you on to someone who does.
One thing that often causes people to want to buy our product is that our product actually works, unlike all the other products out there. Most products sold today are just bad, and does not work for five cents. Buy why our product, and get a bigger penis today.
The post above was written by Andrew Coyne, the man with the bigger dick than you. He was also the first to do something that we today call for penis enlargement.
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Congenital penile conditions Birth defects of penis…
The word congenital refers to diseases or problems with the body that are present at birth. Congenital problems are commonly referred to as "birth defects". These problems may be genetic, caused by difficulties during pregnancy or the cause may not be known. Congenital problems can range from very minor to severe and life-threatening. A congenital problem is the opposite of an acquired problem, which occurs with aging, repetitive use, lifestyle issues or injury.
Like other parts of systems of the human body, reproductive system or sexual organs are not free from birth defects. In male reproductive system, penis and scrotum in particular are at increased risk of various birth defects. Following are some of the major birth or congenital defects of penis:
Torsion of the penis
Torsion of the penis is a condition where the penis rotates around its longitudinal axis. It is a birth defect but may also occur as a complication to penile surgery. Torsion frequently passes unnoticed, and rarely do patients present with torsion as a complaint, especially that it does not hinder sexual activity. Nevertheless, some patients are heavily pounded by the psychological burden of penile torsion, and request correction.
This defect is in front curvature of the penis, which is most apparent with erection and is caused by fibrous tissue along the usual course of the corpus spongiosum. It is often associated with another condition called hypospadias.
It is one of the most common penile birth defects but can also occur in later stages of life. Phimosis is when the foreskin is too tight, or the tip of the foreskin narrows and is unable to be pulled back to expose the head of the penis. Phimosis is often seen in children or young adults (primary or congenital phimosis). The condition is at its highest incidence rate before puberty. Severe phimosis can cause pain when urinating, urinary retention, urinary tract infections and the skin on the penis can become infected. In older men with severe phimosis, the foreskin can look swollen. Phimosis can be treated with steroid creams applied once or twice daily for a couple of weeks. Studies have shown that the creams have a success rate of more than 85 per cent.
Epispadias is a rare congenital (present from birth) defect located at the opening of the urethra. Urethra is a narrow tube inside the penis that acts as a passage way to expel urine out of the body.
In this condition, the urethra does not develop into a full tube and the urine exits the body from an abnormal location. The causes of epispadias are currently unknown. It may be related to improper development of the pubic bone.
Hypospadias is one of the most common birth defects, occurring in around one in 300 births. Most often, hypospadias is noticed at birth; however, if the abnormalities are particularly mild, diagnosis may come later in life. The causes of hypospadias are unknown. There seems to be a genetic association, since a baby boy with a family history of hypospadias is slightly more likely to be born with the condition. Hypospadias is treated with surgery, usually when the child is between six and 18 months old. It is important not to have your son circumcised before the hypospadias repair, in case the foreskin is needed.
Hypospadias commonly has four characteristics:
• The urethral opening is located on the underside of the penis, instead of the tip, and may exit the penis anywhere along its shaft as high as the scrotum.
• The urethral opening is unusually narrow.
• The entire foreskin may be bunched on the topside of the penis.
• The penis itself may be curved to one side.
Buried penis (concealed or hidden penis)
The term "buried penis" has been applied to a variety of penile abnormalities and includes an apparent buried penis that is obvious at birth. Penis is normally developed but hidden under fat in suprapubic region, scrotum, perineum or thigh.
It may be complication of circumcision as after circumcision, the penis may become entrapped by scar tissue and retract into the pubic fat. This condition may correct itself naturally but sometimes requires surgery. In adults, surgical repair may be complicated.
Micropenis refers to an extremely small penis with a stretched penile length of less than the average for age or stage of sexual development. It should be differentiated from a buried or hidden penis. All children above 1 year of age with a stretched penile length of less than 1.9 cm need are at risk of the disease and, therefore, should be checked by the doctor. Micropenis is usually due to less than normal secretion of hormones of pituitary gland (growth hormone) or testes (testosterone). Irrespective of the underlying cause, a short course of testosterone is tried in patients with micropenis. Many studies have shown that most testosterone treated children have satisfactory gain in length of penis and sexual function.
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Using both penis exercises and a penis extender gave me fantastic penis enlargement gains
Imagine waking up completely satisfied with your body. To know that every inch of you is exactly how you want it to be and that you don’t need to change a single thing.
It is a good dream isn’t? But the truth is we are never totally happy with our bodies. Especially when it comes to our penises.
Over the years I have tried a number of different methods in an attempt to help improve my penis size, and it is easy to say that more often than not I have come away disappointed.
However I have just discovered a new penis enlargement method that is guaranteed to boost your confidence and sweep your partner literally – and I mean LITERALLY - off their feet.
Use both penis exercises and a traction device for the best penis gains
Using this technique I experienced the dual action capacity of both internal AND external penile training, and it helped increased by penis by up to 2 inches in a matter of months.
How? With the support of a penis exercises programme AND a penis extender.
What are penis exercises?
Penis exercises (or jelquing) is a series of penile exercises, which you do with your hands, to enlarge the penis in both length and girth.
Penis exercise programmes work by pushing more blood into your penis and erectile tissue, and as this blood is forced into your penis, it improves blood flow and pushes your penis outwards, causing your penis to become firmer, longer and thicker.
In addition, the penis generally starts to enjoy harder and stronger erections which last longer during sexual intercourse.
By simply using these penis exercises for only 30 minutes a day, you will be amazed at the difference this makes to your general penile health and sex life.
Read reviews on penis exercises
What is a penis extender?
A penis traction device is a medical certified type 1 medical device, which started out as a treatment for peyronies disease (curvature of the penis), micro penis syndrome and people who had a need to improve the strength and health of their penis.
By gently applying the penis traction device along penile shaft, the penis traction device adds a steady traction along the penis and the corpora cavernosa. The corpora cavernosa is the erectile tissue that holds blood during erections and as this is stretched, not only does the penis steadily becomes longer, but the penis is capable of holding more blood, making erection longer and harder.
Many clinical trials have been held using a variety of traction devices, and the results have been very promising, with gains of UP TO 3 inches being possible, and with 2 inch gains being typical.
Read penis extender reviews
Why should penis exercises and a penis extender be used together?
Essentially penis exercises, which forces blood into the penis, supplies a internal force to enlarge your penis. Meanwhile the penis traction device, which adds a regular traction, supplies a external force.
By combining the internal and external forces together you give yourself the best possible changes which instantly amplifies your penis enlargement results.
How does using penis exercises and a penis extender together work?
When you use penis enlargement exercises, you force blood into you penis and it grows. Unfortunately you can only force so much blood into your penis, and that’s when your gains will start to slow down.
By simply wearing the penis extender device between your exercise sessions, you will supply a constant traction along your penis which will help the penis to grow and increase the blood capacity of your penis!
Now you can force more blood into your penis and speed your gains up and you will ensure that your penis will achieve stronger orgasms for you and your partner.
To read more on penis enlargement methods and what works, check out this website: penis enlargement reviews
Together we can help increase your penis size by up to 30%!
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The US was recently rocked by the story of Jose Amid Juarbe who stole 8 Lehigh Valley resident identities in his quest to attain penis enlargement surgery.
Reputed to have spent over $88,000 in loans, housing furnishings and most importantly on cosmetic surgery, Juarbe was not alone in this scam.
After buying personal information from former Allenton woman, Carniola Santana, Juarbe provided 3 of these stolen identities to co-defendants Manual Delarosa, Maria Lopez and Bendenissi Feliciano who used these identities to receive similar penis enlargement and breast enhancement surgeries.
What charges will they face?
However despite Juarbe’s clear emotive reasons for committing this crime - namely helping his penis to function properly - this is not the first time he has committed fraud.
Charged with theft, writing bad checks, forgery and theft by deception, this is Juarbe’s 27th conviction…
Whilst Lopez, Santana and Feliciano are still awaiting trial (which shall take place next month), Juarbe has been sentenced to at least 18 years imprisonment where upon release he will have to pay a minimum of $300 a month until he has completely repaid the money he stole.
Delarosa on the other hand has been placed on an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program where he has been ordered to repay $12,000 in restitution for the cost of his penis enlargement surgery.
Why penis enlargement surgery?
Admittedly, there are safer, more cost effective measures Juarbe could have taken to attain his dreams of permanent penis enlargement.
Easily described as the riskiest form of penile enhancement around, penis enlargement surgery involves cutting the suspensory and fundiform ligament found on the pubic bone. Once released, you can expect to witness penis growths of 2-3cm.
For more details about safe penis enlargement, visit: sizegenetics
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Following rave reviews on natural penis enlargement devices Jes Extender, SizeGenetics and Ultimate Stretcher we decided to put these 3 traction devices to the test.
Judging them on their capacity to encourage permanent penis growth over the course of a 2 month period; our 3 participants also examined their affordability, their design, their medical backing and their ability to improve penile curvatures.
The number 1 penis enlargement device
5 out of 5 stars
This device soon proved to be a firm favourite amongst our participants. As well as offering the credibility of being tried and tested by GQ Magazine and on Channel 4’s ‘Extreme Male Beauty’, they soon noticed a significant difference in the size and muscular strength of their penises.
After wearing this device for just 2 weeks they were both able to hold their erections for longer, last longer in the bedroom and enjoy more satisfying orgasms.
However this was not all they experienced. In under a month their experienced permanent penile growths of 1.15 inches in length and 0.5 inches in girth, as well as a correction in their penile curvatures of up to 36%.
On top of this astounding media support, clinical trials have shown the devices to be able to increase the penis length by up to 3 inches, and the penile girth by up to 1 inch.
Although the ultimate model is slightly more expensive than the basic package, you have to appreciate that the SizeGenetic Ultimate system comes complete with added extras including 2 sex improvement DVD’s, 1 enlargement exercise DVD and free access to PenisHealth, making it worth the extra investment and making it fantastic value for money, esspecially as it helped our participants to boost their blood flow, stamina and sex drive.
Order the SizeGenetics device now and get $50 OFF with discount code ECON8
The number 2 penis enlargement device
4 out of 5 stars
Go to the official website
Order now
Originally designed as a post op treatment for penis enlargement surgery, the Jes Extender is easily the priciest of the 3 devices available due to its brand recognition.
However despite this extra cost, our participants felt that the Jes Extender was well worth the extra pennies as it helped them to increase their penis size on average by 0.75 inches in length (though one tester managed to get an increase of just under 2 inches).
And if we are honest, the quality of this device also impressed us. Made using Medical Type 1 materials, the Jes Extender device meet all CE standards, ensuring consumers will always experience continued quality throughout its usage.
Next to catch our participant’s attention was its ability to improve their penile curvatures by up to 30%. Thicker, harder and able to sustain erections for longer, with the Jes Extender device all participants reported an increased sense of virility.
Visit the official Jes Extender site for more information on its device
Ultimate Stretcher
The number 3 penis enlargement device
3.5 out of 5 stars
Go to the official website
Order now
Easily the most affordable of these 3 Medical Type 1 traction devices at, this simple traction device is also the slowest at producing results.
Worn for 2 hours every day the Ultimate Stretcher device produced penis growths of only 0.5 inches in length – half an inch less than SizeGenetics in double the time.
However despite being slower, the quality of this traction device is still worth celebrating. Made to CE standards, the Ultimate Stretcher device also helped participants to:
• correct penile curvatures by 20%
• train their penises to maintain rock hard erections
• experience increased stamina levels
• treat premature ejaculation
Although we would not recommend this device if you are looking for the best results, it is nice to know that there is a budget option available for those struggling in these financial times.
Visit the official Ultimate Stretcher and order your budget penis enlarger
Whilst all 3 of these penis enlargement devices have got the clinical data and trials to prove the consistency of their results, the SizeGenetics device by far was the most promising.
Affordable, durable and designed to the highest CE standards, when combined with all its other unique accessories, including its exercise DVD’s and member’s forum - its results were astounding:
• Penile increase of around 30%
• Penile correction in around 83% of cases
• Increased blood flow for improve sexual stamina and erection strength
Given that it produced these results in half the time compared to the other devices, it would be interesting to see how the SizeGenetics device would fair at the full 24 weeks. It is truly a traction device worth taking note of.
Top 3 penis devices:
1- The SizeGenetics device
2- The JesExtender device
3- The Ultimate Stretcher device
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Why do people not believe in penis enlargement when it has been proved?
Despite increasing medical proof that increasing your penis length is attainable, penis enlargement is still regarded by some with scepticism.
The main problem is the number of fake devices on the market. With no clinical trials or backing to prove their credibility, these devices have infiltrated many facets of the industry and as a result have further encouraged the mythology surrounding penis enlargement.
Yet this is far from the truth.
Look a little closer and you’ll find a number of different traction devices that have got the recommendations, the backing and the clinical proof that natural penis enlargement is possible.
SizeGenetics – who are they?
Made from medical type 1 materials, the SizeGenetics device is arguably one of the leading penis stretching devices on the market today, and one of the first to get genuine medical recognition. The medically endorsed penis traction device has been clinically proven to increase penis lengths by 30%; correct penile curvatures and erectile dysfunction, and improve general sexual intercourse.
Yet their recognition as a proven penis enlargement device extends far beyond the medical field. SizeGenetics have also been featured in GQ magazine and on Channel 4’s ‘Extreme Male Beauty’ for its ability to help men attain natural penis enlargement.
SizeGenetics featured in GQ Magazine
Impressed by SizeGenetics numerous clinical studies and medical endorsements, GQ magazine decided to feature the device in their May 2008 issue. A feature that was unpaid for by SizeGenetics.
Tested for a period of 4 months by their feature writer James Mullinger, although he did not wear the device for the full recommended hours, he still achieved a penis increase of half an inch in his length. However he had to stop after concerns about getting too big:
"It just grows and grows. The device clearly works but I'm not sure I want it to continue. There's only so much a woman can take and I'm wary of getting addicted to the growth." James Mullinger, GQ Magazine.
Read the entirety of GQ’s SizeGenetics article.
Channel 4's Extreme Male Beauty
Interested in answering the age old question of whether natural penis enlargement is possible, Channel 4 reporter Tim Shaw decided to give a number of different penis enlargement methods a try on national television to see if they worked.
Testing each method over a period of 2 weeks – Tim took a cast of his penis both before and after the experiment, and discovered that he managed to acquire a natural penis growth of half an inch.
An increase that has remained with him long after the show has ended.
Learn more about Tim’s fantastic enlargement gains on Extreme Male Beauty.
Medical backing and endorsements
Alongside SizeGenetics increasing recognition within the media for its penis enlargement capabilities, SizeGenetics has developed a strong standing within the medical community itself.
Having undergone numerous clinical studies since its creation in 1994, SizeGenetics is now medically endorsed by over 13 doctors who all commend it for its ability to encourage safe natural lengthening and growth.
"The patients who were treated with the device without previous surgical lengthening achieved an average lengthening of the penis at erection of 2.8cm (range 1.5 - 5.0cm)" – Dr. Jorn Ege Siana, M.D., Specialist in General and Plastic Surgery
The Results
Whilst penis enlargement may feel like a myth to many, SizeGenetics have gone out of their way to prove that penis enlargement is attainable.
Having already helped over 13,000 of their customers to increase their penis length by 2-3 inches, SizeGenetics have translated these successes onto their website by providing their consumers with penis enlargement testimonials .
Here SizeGenetics have provided visual proof that their device does work by showing ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots of all their case studies. Photographs that clearly demonstrate an increase in length through the application of their device.
Combine all these facets together – GQ Magazine, Channel 4 and their medical endorsements - and SizeGenetics is a clear example that increasing your penis length is possible with the right device.
For more information about the SizeGenetics device, please visit the official home page at
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
If you would like to ask Andrew Coyne anything, please feel free to email him on
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Over the years, many theories have circulated questioning what premature ejaculation is and what causes it. From men who ejaculate before their partners have achieved orgasm to recurring early ejaculation induced by minimal sexual stimulation. At the core of all these theories is the belief that men are ‘coming’ far earlier than anticipated.
Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. Through modern science, men can now put this dilemma far behind them and experience longer, more satisfying orgasms through the use of traction devices
What is premature ejaculation?
According to recent studies nearly all men will experience premature ejaculation at some stage in their life, however for more than 25-40% of men this is a regularly occurring phenomenon.
For many it is simply psychological: depression, stress, lack of confidence or setting unrealistic expectations, each of these external elements influences their sexual relations.
Yet for many sufferers it is not that simple. The causes are physical.
Luckily, the use of medically proven penis traction devices can now help men to permanently solve this dilemma and experience lasting sexual satisfaction.
How can traction devices help?
As with all muscles in your body, when they are properly trained they can become more muscular and firm. This same principle can be applied to your penis. By using penis traction devices to train your penis – such as those sold by SizeGenetics – you can experience the lasting benefits of stronger erections, increased blood flow and penile length increases of up to 30%.
How do penis enlargement devices work?
Worn on average for 2-3 hours a day, the SizeGenetics device incorporates a similar traction technique used in orthopaedic surgery to help stimulate natural tissue growth in your penis.
Building on your penises existing muscle definition and mass, this increased blood flow encourages longer, harder erections that can help men suffering from premature ejaculation, to experience increased longevity in their sexual relationship.
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
If you would like to ask Andrew Coyne anything, please feel free to email him on
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Though there is no strict age limit for this condition, erectile dysfunction most commonly occurs in men between the ages of 40 to 50.
However, statistics provided by the Sexual Dysfunction Association suggests nearly 1 in 10 men across the UK have suffered from erectile dysfunction symptoms at some point in their life, whether it was momentary or prolonged.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
There are many reasons for why a man may suffer from erectile dysfunction. Whilst in most instances it is purely physiological, triggered by stress, depression or negative feelings, there are cases where erectile dysfunction is medically induced.
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological problems, hormone deficiencies or as a result from long term drug abuse… once known any one of these can easily by treated through diet management, regular exercise and the application of PDE5 inhibitors (such as Viagra).
The only real downside to them is that each of these erectile dysfunction treatments is only a short term solution; requiring regular doses in order to prevent re-occurrence.
Are there any permanent erectile dysfunction remedies?
The last decade has witnessed a fluctuation in medical treatments to cure erectile dysfunction. Devices and pills to can help cure erectile dysfunction, yet the most permanently effective has to be penis enlargement devices.
Whilst testosterone supplements, penile suppositories, injections and vacuum pumps appear to cure erectile dysfunction on the outside, they are only temporary solutions and have to be regularly used in order to help maintain erections.
However, research conducted into medical type 1 traction devices - such as those sold by SizeGenetics - has witnessed real positive results in this field.
The Science
For erections to naturally occur a steady supply of blood must enter and then be retained within the sponge-like bodies of the penis. In the cases of those suffering from erectile dysfunction this blood supply is often hindered, resulting in them losing their erection shortly after arousal.
Yet, the use of a penile traction device is one of the few suitable natural erectile dysfunction treatments available. By simply choosing to wear the SizeGenetics traction device for 2-3 hours a day, you can offer your penis a natural, permanent solution whilst also experiencing penis enlargement of up to 30% your original size.
Incorporating a similar method used in Orthopaedic surgery, the SizeGenetics device applies traction to your copora cavernosa thus encouraging tissue replication within the cell chambers of your penis.
As this tissue mass begins to accumulate within these chambers, your penis starts to naturally lengthen and strengthen, thus allowing your penis to hold more blood, stay erect for longer and become rock hard during intercourse.
For more information about SizeGenetics and how their device can cure erectile dysfunction visit the SizeGenetics website a start earning a fitter more powerful penis.
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
If you would like to ask Andrew Coyne anything, please feel free to email him on
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Searching for a credible male enhancement product can often feel impossible at times when you consider the range of products that are currently available on the market.
Penis enlargement devices, patches, pills, surgery or exercises – all of these methods claim to do the same thing of increasing your penis size, stamina and sexual satisfaction.
Yet where is the proof? The only way to safely determine which is the right one for you is to research into how they work and what they can offer you in the long run.
Do that and you’ll be surprised by the differences there are between what they say they can do and what they can actually offer your body.
Penis enhancement pills
These ones are a clear example of a product claiming to do one thing whilst doing another. Made from natural ingredients and extracts, the link between penis enhancement pills and their ability to increase penis size is minimal.
These pills focus more on offering you an aphrodisiac quality to your sexual experience of increased stamina, firmness and blood flow. None of which can be attributed to credibly increasing penis size:
• Damiana –improves erectile function and length of orgasms
• Tribulus Terrestris –boosts your stamina, staying power and drive
• Epimedium Leaf Extract –libido enhancer
• Red Ginseng – notably an aphrodisiac qualities, red ginseng is also recognised for increasing your energy levels as well as erectile dysfunction
Similar to penis enhancement pills, these patches take the above mentioned ingredients and administer them directly into your blood stream using a transdermal technique.
Used for centuries by men in the Middle East, Jelqing is based on a combination of 100-200 penis exercises spaced over a 20 minute period.
The exercises themselves are incredibly easy to do and can produce results of 1.4 extra inches to your length. The only drawback to this method is that it is only a short-term solution. Without regular sessions, these extra inches will not last.
Penile Surgery
Possibly the most risky procedure, phalloplasty consists of a simple surgical release technique that cuts the suspensory ligament – found in the pubic bone region of your body - and increases your penis size by 2.5-4 inches.
Whilst this procedure may sound simple, penile surgery does run the risk of removing your ability to hold an erection, due to your penis losing the support of your suspensory ligament when it is cut.
In terms of enlarging your girth, lipo sculpture could offer you that support.
Here fatty tissue - taken from your body - is injected into your penis, before it is remoulded and smoothed to suit your shape. With this procedure though it is recommended that you use it with care as it can result in a build up of fatty deposits under your skin, that can make the appearance of your penis look uneven.
Penis Enlargement Devices
Easily the most reliable of all these procedures, the use of a similar technique seen in or thopaedic surgery means users can expect to see results within 7 days of applying this penis traction device to their penis.
Designed to stimulate the replication of tissue cells within the penis chambers, penis traction devices can develop your penis naturally – and more importantly, permanently – growing your penis up to 30% in both length and girth.
During a 24 week period, users can also expect to experience longer orgasms; harder erections; penile curvature corrections of up to 60% and increased stamina levels.
Making the right decision for your body
Whilst penis enhancement pills and patches can contribute to better sexual satisfaction, in terms of penis enlargement the use of penis traction devices is the safest route.
Medically backed by CE standards and made from Medical Type 1 materials, users can wear these penis enlargement devices confident that they will experience a permanent increase in penis size of 2-3 inches, with no risk of harming their body.
A guarantee you cannot ignore.
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods. If you want to ask him any question, feel free to email him at
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Over the years, many theories have circulated questioning what premature ejaculation is and what causes it. From men who ejaculate before their partners have achieved orgasm to recurring early ejaculation induced by minimal sexual stimulation. At the core of all these theories is the belief that men are ‘coming’ far earlier than anticipated.
Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. Through modern science, men can now put this dilemma far behind them and experience longer, more satisfying orgasms through the use of traction devices.
What is premature ejaculation?
According to recent studies nearly all men will experience premature ejaculation at some stage in their life, however for more than 25-40% of men this is a regularly occurring phenomenon.
For many it is simply psychological: depression, stress, lack of confidence or setting unrealistic expectations, each of these external elements influences their sexual relations.
Yet for many sufferers it is not that simple. The causes are physical.
Luckily, the use of medically proven penis traction devices can now help men to permanently solve this dilemma and experience lasting sexual satisfaction.
How can traction devices help?
As with all muscles in your body, when they are properly trained they can become more muscular and firm. This same principle can be applied to your penis. By using penis traction devices to train your penis – such as those sold by SizeGenetics – you can experience the lasting benefits of stronger erections, increased blood flow and penile length increases of up to 30%.
How do penis enlargement devices work?
Worn on average for 2-3 hours a day, the SizeGenetics device incorporates a similar traction technique used in orthopaedic surgery to help stimulate natural tissue growth in your penis.
Building on your penises existing muscle definition and mass, this increased blood flow encourages longer, harder erections that can help men suffering from premature ejaculation, to experience increased longevity in their sexual relationship.
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
If you would like to ask Andrew Coyne anything, please feel free to email him on
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Beyond the myth and stereotype that every culture has got a different average penis size, the truth of the matter is that everyone is generally the same. No matter where you are from the national average penis size is up to 6 inches.
A fact that is further proved by studies performed by the Journal of Urology (1996) and Lifestyle Condoms (2004). In these 2 separate studies they came to the same conclusion that on average men are between 5.08 to 5.9 inches.
History behind this penis size obsession
As far back as 2,000 years ago, depictions of large members have been associated with figures of authority. Gods, leaders, people of position… every one of them is displayed as having a large penis. With this kind of background in place it is easy to see why some men strive to increase their penis size through penis enlargement methods. It is only natural.
Then there is the genetics of it all.
Until puberty, men experience limited penis growth. Stuck at 2.4 inches in length, it is only when their bodies begin to transgress into adulthood that their penis once more grows.
Now taking into consideration that there is no set age for puberty – with some beginning as early as 11 and others waiting until 15 years old – during this period no adolescent is the same. They are all at different stages of development which makes those locker rooms moments even more understandable. But as a result has left many men resting with these insecurities into adulthood.
Small penises – do they exist?
Unfortunately micropenises do exist and they occur in 0.6% of men.
Caused by a deficiency in testosterone levels during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, this hormone reduction results in a stunting in penis growth that will continue with them into adulthood.
These cases of micropenis though are rare, and are easily identifiable as individuals with this condition can only experience erection sizes of 2 inches, compared to the average male.
Luckily, advances in science and penis enlargement devices means this condition no longer has to feel like a problem but can be cured.
Traction devices in particular can encourage natural penis enlargement of 2.75 inches through the stimulation of new tissue cells within the penis chambers.
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
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Penis enlargement – a century’s year old practice
The practice of penis enlargement has been happening for centuries, stretching as far back as 2,000 years ago with African tribes.
Yet the fruits of this fascination have only come into realisation in the last 20-30 years with the development of medically backed penis traction devices, historically support penis exercise programmes and surgical procedures.
For men looking to enlarge the penis 2,000 years ago, all they could look forward to was manual methods of stretching the penis with hanging weights attached to their scrotum or having a slit cut down their shaft.
The most advanced method for penis enlargement then was used by Polynesian men who used a woven sleeve - similar to a Chinese finger trap – to increase penis length. Other than that, the types of instruments used to encourage penis growth were risky and extremely hazardous.
Luckily during the century alternative methods have come into practice.
Developments that have transformed these desires for a thicker longer penis, into real credible results: jelqing, surgery and penis traction devices.
The natural route to lasting penis enlargement
First used in the Middle East as a bonding exercise between father and son (as they helped them prepare for a sexual relationship), jelqing is a simple workout which is now globally established amongst men for inducing increased stamina and a longer, thicker penis.
Known to typically take 30 minutes to do, jelqing consists of up to 200 movements that when completed will offer users a penis enlargement of 1.4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.
For more information of jelqing and penis exercises, you can visit the Penis Health website for advice in this area.
Widely popular in America since the 1980’s, there are commonly 3 types of penis enlargement surgery: penile injection, ligament cutting and inflatable implants.
Penile injection: the insertion of cells from the body into the shaft of your penis.
Ligament cutting: the basal ligament of the penis is cut. Unfortunately although this can lead to a penile length increase of 2 inches, the penis is now unable to stand erect.
Inflatable implants: implants replace the corpora cavernosa (the part of the penis that fills with blood during erections) and is manually inflated.
Though all highly recommended each of these surgeries does come with their own risks. From penis deformations, scarring and an inability to perform sexually; ligament cutting is particularly damaging as it can prevent your penis from standing erect.
Penis enlargement devices (traction)
First patented in 1911, some modern penis enlargement devices are medically backed to CE standards and are clinically proven to stimulate the reproduction of new tissue cells within the penis.
Some penis stretching devices are able to offer men results within 7 days, with a 30% increase being possible within 24 weeks. In addition, results from penis stretching devices tend to be permanent.
For more details on penis traction devices and how they work, the Size Genetics website offers greater information on the subject.
Penis enlargement – the next step
With such a multitude of methods widely available for use, penis enlargement has come a long way since its first depictions in cave painting in 440BC.
Today you can achieve the penis size you want without having to run the risk of damaging your penis or your health. Instead there are a variety of safe ways to enlarge the penis by such methods as the penis traction device as well as through penis exercises.
Penis enlargement is not a myth! Men can now invest in a method that is guaranteed to offer them permanent long lasting results of up to 30% in length!
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
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Statistics show that 5% of men suffer from impotency even before they are 40 years of age; 20% have the problem by the time they are 65. Thankfully, ED is curable. However, rather than seeking a cure for the problem, it is advisable to try and guard against it and thereby, prevent the disorder. Remember a stitch in time saves nine.
A few preventive measures related to ED that you can easily follow are:
Medical – Since the roots of ED do lie in medical problems also, a bit of caution here will go a long way in warding off the problem.
•Diabetes – A leading cause of ED is diabetes. Monitoring your blood sugar levels will help in catching the problem early. Control your sugar levels if you find them touching the dangerous mark. Maintaining good blood sugar levels help in keeping the blood vessels of the body functioning optimally and thereby preventing ED.
•Obesity – If you are obese, chances of ED increase automatically. Begin by bringing your weight down in a healthy way. Remember your heavy weight leads to vascular diseases that may affect the blood vessels, which in turn causes ED. Vascular diseases account for 70% of the physical issues that are known to cause ED.
Lifestyle changes – How you live, sooner or later translates to your health. This holds true in the case of ED also. Working with a few lifestyle cautions is highly recommended –
•Balanced life – Take to care to maintain a balance between exercise, nutrition and sleep. Exercise helps in carrying oxygen to the various parts of the body and thereby keeps the blood vessels functioning optimally.
Good nutrition helps in providing the body with the necessary vitamins. Sleep is when the body rests and recoups. To stay fit, it is essential to get peaceful sleep for at least 8 hours a day.
•Nutrition – Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin E, Zinc and Arginine. While Vitamin E increases flow of blood, Zinc increases testosterone levels and Arginine helps in producing nitric oxide that keeps blood vessels relaxed.
•Water – Do not ignore the intake of water when targeting a healthy life. Have at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep the body healthy and fighting fit.
•Relax – Tension and anxiety do not solve any issue. On the contrary, they make matters worse. Many men who are tense will find it difficult to get an erection. So learn to relax and make the most of what you have. Think positive and learn to live a happy life.
Just like there are certain things that you need to adopt, there are also certain things that you should stay away from. Steer clear of unhealthy foods. Saturated, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats like red meat, butter, shortening and refined vegetable oils are also not good. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco spell doom when it comes to ED.
While curing ED is a possibility, it will work much better to prevent the problem. So keep the above tips in mind and keep ED at bay.
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