While this has been lively debated for decades, so has the internet has become the solution to put the question to women around the world, the question that has chipped away men of all times: Is my dick big enough?
An official survey was taken place on health forums, chat rooms for women about the penis size issue. Not surprisingly, small penises (less than 12 cm in length and 10 cm in circumference) are not exactly welcome in a woman's vagina. The majority of women prefer a penis that is up to 20 cm long with a range of up 17 CM.
While this has been lively debated for decades, so has the internet has become the solution to put the question to women around the world, the question that has chipped away men of all times: Is my dick big enough?
An official survey was taken place on health forums, chat rooms for women about the penis size issue. Not surprisingly, small penises (less than 12 cm in length and 10 cm in circumference) are not exactly welcome in a woman's vagina. The majority of women prefer a penis that is up to 20 cm long with a range of up 17 CM.
Below is the detailed information of the survey of what women prefer:
Women do not like:
• A penis shorter than 12 cm and no woman wanted to have a penis with a circumference of less than 11 CM. CEOs were women who brutally agree that too coarse nor proceed. A penis with a circumference of more than 18 cm of any length was unacceptable.
What women like:
• Most women prefer a penis with a length of 17-25 cm
• In second place were the women who voted for a penis that is 20 cm long with a circumference of 14.5 to 17.5 CM.
• The most interesting groups were those who felt that her husband's penis size is rather big, but not perfect, and the majority of them voted for lengths between 15 and 22 CM and girth 15-17 CM.
• The focal point was established by the narrowest group, but most voted in the survey. This group felt that the ideal size of a penis should be: 18.4 to 21 cm, and with a circumference of 15.9 cm to 16.5 cm. Very carefully, then!
There are no scientific studies that point to the same conclusion as the study by PenisSizeDebate ® but when one takes into account the number of participants and female behavior, this is the most likely conclusion: Women like a big cock with a large girth !
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