By Belinda Hernandez
Journalist and sexologist
The manga was born in Japan as a way to express feelings through drawing and painting, and then comes the animated genre was a boom in the Eastern television industry also came to conquer the West.
Who can forget Heidi, Marco, Remi, Candy, Knights of the Zodiac? Characters with whom we grew up, laughed and cried. I still remember events, names, dialogues and songs. The mood of the time was naive and childish melancholy.
The past ...
The first time I saw Radman ½ I was struck by how changed my sweet cartoon world. Radman is man, and when it gets wet it becomes a gorgeous woman, that is, is hermaphrodite, transgender and/or bisexual? Rather it is a dual being that man and woman "in all of us? I do not know, is a rare blend worthy of study by Kinsey and his colleagues. But best of that curry is a voyeuristic fetish grandfather who always used to spy on women, not only to enjoy her curves well delineated by the illustrators, but to steal underwear That never saw Heidi! - Or at least not at that time because currently there is no doubt that version XXX HEIDI Heidi Heidi's evil or between goats.
Another current cartoon series that has that roguish charm Chin Chan is a little love of the backs of women, a lustful man ... Cartoons with a sexual element in play that amused the niñ @ s because no transgression "good behavior" that their parents have always demanded.
The Manga and Hentai XXX, cartoons "hot"
My innocence ended when I watched Fred and Wilma in an erotic encounter. From that time the cartoons I have not looked back with the same eyes. I've seen from the Candy sweet love with Terry until hard porn images have left me frozen like the image of Remi stunned or suffering at the end of each of its chapters.
Enter the world of Hentai is like 8-millimeter film director Joel Schumacher: the less you realize you've crossed the thin line between the soft and hard porn.
From a lush comic con girls dressed in schoolgirl, showing his clear-cut body, you can go to a website or a book published in luxury in history where history takes you by the hand expressions of sexual behavior as masochism, bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia to soften drawings Did forbidden, taboos and humiliation? So it seems, is fiction.
No doubt some of the material, graphically speaking, are true masterpieces, some even in its sexual content. However, we must pay attention in his speech, be critical about what you see. It is true that only Mangas, drawings, but contain repetitive messages of violence, cannibalism, misogyny and hatred of women, "although" just "the graphics, in the unreal.
In it the XXX Manga Hentai and cause no harm, but we must distinguish between the fine lines of comic books and more when there is no regulation of such material.
Among the pirated videos sold outside primary schools there are a lot of Hentai. The sellers are cartoons on the covers then "think" they are for niñ @ s. The same thing happens in video games, children have access to these images quickly because of the hundreds of products there are material and Hentai Manga XXX than anyone realizes.
The Heidi and company time has passed. The Manga has emerged as a way of expression and whether the erotic is expressed between the lines of a drawing endless possibilities of storytelling, some erotic and exciting, while others must be viewed with the lens not the "morality", but of criticism.
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