It is a beginning of the year and we look encouraging if we take into our hands represents the endless possibilities that live responsibly, to build a free experience of sexuality and a narrative that clearly describes what it has not always been so.
In the early seventeenth century the discourse on sexuality was not yet overshadowed and did not generate the discomfort of our time, practices were anything but hidden, the speeches were unmasked.
From an experience brilliant dark spent the monotony of the Victorian bourgeoisie. Sexuality was keeping to be locked with one face visible: their reproductive function of sex closely guarded officer, who must comply with four rules 1) to be monogamous, 2) be heterosexual, 3) be reproductive and 4) be within the framework of marriage.
Sexuality was engulfed by silence, an awkward silence that occurs when speaking or questions about sexuality. Talking about sexuality is poured in seriousness and is restricted to medical discourses where sterilized. Thus, the only place to experience the erotic sexuality becomes the marital bed, where their reproductive role is emphasized while everything else has to be banished, fade and disappear.
With the regulation that makes its function, erotic sexuality disappears from public spaces and private and refuses to exist in some groups such as / os niñas / os where the approaches to them / you become asexual. So begins a mechanism of repression, control of information that serves as a condemnation of disappearance, but also as a gag order, and no statement as confirmation that there is nothing to talk about or know, neither see nor hear nor feel.
There remain some areas, concessions, and therefore the deemed illegitimate sexualities are transferred to the brothel. But that is not free, because the player character goes to the character of goods which will have a gain.
In summary, what sexuality is not aimed at procreation is forbidden, it is excluded, denied or reduced to silence, is managed and that there should never exist. As an example, if the children are inculcated the idea that sexuality does not exist, what better reason to keep them from talking about it, no reason to impose a general silence.
The silence is passed to the solemnity. If the conception of sexuality is banned, who name is outlawed, as will be discussed with solemnity to avoid censorship.
It's been many years since it began this device. Therefore, whenever we speak clearly about sexuality we create a different experience and a more liberating for those who comes into the topic. It is valuable to avoid the joke that devalues the other because it denies the legitimacy and makes you hold the violence toward a different, different as different as the observer.
Sexuality live a free, responsible, erotic, passionate, no-fault and rewarding. While no damage to other / os, herself / o there is agreement among participants, the experience will be very rewarding and worth living all the sensations that the body offers, because anything goes ... but boring.
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