Tsitomegalovirus - viral infection rights occurring, usually hidden, in patients with immunodeficiency and newborns can lead to severe injuries to internal organs Tsitomegalovirus - the most common intrauterine infection of the child and one of the reasons nevynashivaniya pregnancy. Ways to transfer tsitomegalovirusa vnekishechny (with a blood transfusion, transplatsentarny, with organ transplants); contact (saliva, blood); Food is possible route of transmission (infection of an infant infected through breast milk) sex.
Tsitomegalovirus able to build its genetic material into host DNA with life tenure in the human body. Infitsirovannost adult population - 50% and higher. Monitoring activity of infection provide the components of immunity. Risk factors for severe tsitomegalovirus infection - the state of immunodeficiency (HIV infection, cancer processes, immunodepressivnaya therapy). Symptoms tsitomegalovirusa Congenital acute in the newborns (3-14-day life): signs of liver injury (jaundice, an increase of liver and spleen), anemia, nervous system lesions (runs relatively mild, but ostavlyayuet change). Perhaps defeat gastrointestinal (indigestion and progressive dystrophy), kidney, lung, pancreatic and salivary glands.
Acquired form (all other avenues of infection). There immunopolnotsennyh patients: prolonged fever, sore throat, an increase limfouzlov and inflammation of salivary glands. For the vast majority of runs without any manifestations. A survey on tsitomegalovirus Molecular hybridization and PCR Immunoflyuorestsentsiya Tsitoskopiya cell precipitation saliva and urine Detection of antibodies to tsitomegalovirusu. ELISA: detection of IgM (a marker of acute process) and IgG Solid immunoradiometric analysis: the discovery of the anti-tsitomegalovirus IgM and IgG Immunoblotting: confirmation of the specificity of IFA Currently, diagnosis and control tsitomegalovirus infection preference for PCR, rather than the results of IFA Treatment tsitomegalovirusa The special treatment is necessary only if immunodefitsitnyh states Gantsiklovir - the drug of choice in treating tsitomegalovirusa.
Curative effects persisted only during treatment and for prevention of recurrence tsitomegalovirusa recommended a long reception (over 3-6 months). When inefficiency gantsiklovira shows foskarnet sodium Immunoglobulin against tsitomegalovirusa 2 ml / kg every 2 days before the disappearance of the manifestations of disease Successful treatment of patients depends largely on the effectiveness of kupirovaniya immunodefitsitnyh states, which have contributed to the activation tsitomegalovirus infection.
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