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Knowledge of the body

First, to achieve orgasm depends on the knowledge that women have of their bodies and the skill that has developed for sexually aroused. Orgasm can be induced by erotic genital stimulation and not genital. There are women who can orgasm by caressing the breasts. Others relate orgasms during sleep. The whole area of the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall are areas of high excitability.

Adequate conditions
Sexual arousal is influenced by the physical condition: fatigue, illness, convalescence; mood: fatigue, distraction, anger, concerns and other factors are undoubtedly important as hormone levels, making contraceptives, age, or the use of drugs. Also the specific situation determines the ability to feel pleasure. The first experiments in cars or in stressful situations, such as those who have to live so many young people, are hardly suitable for beginners to satisfactorily in sexual pleasure. Both for them and for them. Self-esteem and self - It is important to the ability to feel comfortable with it. A large number of women feel dissatisfied with any part of your body and often those concerns influence how to meet them, in general, and as sexual beings, in particular. Learning to read and to have influence over one's body lets start enjoying the sex of the richness of sensory and emotional experience that can provide. This means becoming a very responsible for their own sexuality.

Attitudes to sexuality
The values related to sexuality and emotional transmitted in the family environment can influence one's attitude toward sex. It is common for women to grow in a society (as is the traditional western and much of the so-called third world countries) in which the model of sexuality is not respectful of women. In some cases, the mother and respectable women appear as asexual beings, if not clearly antisexuales.

Sexual history and loving
The feelings about current or past relationships, both emotionally and sexually, influence the orgasmic experience. Women with difficulty to feel orgasms have had sexual experiences or unpleasant little stimulant. Have been able to live unhappy love affairs, so that they fear being let go and dependent on the person with whom you share sexual pleasure, and that it leaves them and make them suffer. The feelings about the past or present relationships, both emotional or sexual, influence the orgasmic experience

Model improper sexual relationship
Another frequent cause of Anorgasmia are the patterns of inappropriate sexual relationship. The model of relationship where there is little caresses and no preamble makes it difficult for women is sufficiently excited to have an orgasm. On the other hand, that kind of encounter ends when men ejaculate, which is usually very soon, especially if there has been no preamble. So it is very difficult, almost impossible, for women having an orgasm in that scene. In this situation the woman is often at the beginning of the relationship, confused, frustrated, uncomfortable and tense. And over time, if you have not been able to change the picture, the accumulation of frustration coupled with the resignation takes her wish that he finished as soon as possible and not bother the most. Over time, this Anorgasmia becomes so hopeless in lack of desire.
They are so varied that everyone can add his own, and are very effective in inhibiting the pleasure and block the response. The fear of pregnancy, fear of being caught, fear of pain, mistrust to the couple, particularly at the early-relationship, afraid to look bad, shame ...
Learning to have orgasms
Learning to have orgasms or take them more easily is just one part of a process of evolution that sexual extends throughout life. Knowing one's own body and its reactions to help calm down, but knowing what's wrong or the cause that leads to the difficulty in reaching orgasm is not enough to bring about change. This change is an active process that involves, among other things, made a very responsible for their own sexuality. The sexual growth and cultivation of a form of sexual expression more pleasant, with or without a partner, they have to start with the knowledge of the same. The treatment of orgasm is designed to intervene in cases that have difficulty orgasmic. Much of the Anorgasmia have to do with the body's ignorance and lack of ability of women to provide stimulation, so that masturbation is very effective for direct treatment. The majority of women do not orgasm usually do not have other sexual problems and lack of orgasm is the result of little or no sex education for the pleasure. Therefore, the self helps women who have difficulties or are unable to achieve orgasm.
Premature ejaculation
Along with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (PE) is the male complaint of a sexual nature more frequent in consultation sexological. Data collected by Carrobles and Sanz (1991) show that the prevalence varies according to authors, between 15% and 40% of the male population. However, it has been noticed that in recent years, the incidence decreases. In what we call premature ejaculation. There is talk of premature ejaculation when a response before squirting a minimal sexual stimulation before, during or shortly after penetration, and before the person you want, but at that point must be borne in mind that some men, partly because of limited information appropriate sex, they have unrealistic expectations about the response squirting male. The reference models that offer pornography is as unrealistic as some novels of romantic love.
In response squirting must take into account factors influencing the duration of phase excitation, such as age, is not the same as the response of a young, much-faster-novelty to a new partner is usually add the own nervousness of the situation, with increasing excitement at the novelty of the stimulus, or the lack of practice time if you do not have had sex, the threshold of excitation can be so sensitive that it can trigger a response inversely proportional to win that has the man to "get well" and enjoy the moment. It is therefore very important to consider that a rapid response, including ultra-fast in those circumstances, it is simply a response commensurate with the circumstances and not a sexual problem. However, many men feel insecure in their physiological response, particularly by the false belief that when men ejaculate ends the act of love. The linking of sex with an exclusive reproduction is responsible for this misunderstanding. If a man has ejaculated seems to continue the meeting makes no sense. This false belief has done much harm to the relationship, focusing on loving encounter on an exclusive and introducing coitus in its final ejaculation in men.

Data from Kinsey
In our culture, at least not until many years ago, the idea of pleasure was something unique to the male and female sexuality was denied. In that context, worry about early ejaculation was insopechable. In fact, in 1948 Kinsey found that three quarters of married men who believed in the ejaculate that used the first two minutes after vaginal penetration.
Definition of Masters and Johnson
In 1966, Masters and Johnson define premature ejaculation as the "inability to delay squirting mirroring during the penetration long enough to satisfy your partner in 50% of the experience of intercourse." This assertion reflects a subtle change in the point of view: "the pleasure of women is a thing of men."
Occurs widely in society and the recognition of female sexuality. While retaining the role of men as responsible for the orgasm of women, paradoxically star of the performance makes him defenseless victim. It is the era in which they say phrases like "no women frígidas but inexperienced men." It opens the door to legions of men feel guilty, dysfunctional, in sum sick because your partner does not reach orgasm during intercourse and, even more terrible call, do not do this simultaneously with them.
Other definitions
Followed proposed definitions of premature ejaculation based on quantitative criteria of minimum. It was estimated the minimum duration of intercourse, which was to range between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, or the number of intra preeyaculatorios pelvic movements, which should be between 3 to 5 minimum to rule out early. All these attempts to objectify a definition of premature ejaculation have been sterile and sometimes even have contributed to generate dissatisfaction and frustration in much of the population.
Contributions of Kaplan
In 1974 Kaplan received a key to premature ejaculation was the lack of awareness of the erotic sensations once the subject is intensely excited. Then defined as those early ejaculation in which "the man is unable to exert voluntary control over your reflection ejaculated, with the result that after being sexually excited very quickly reaches orgasm." This definition implies that "the pleasure of men is a thing of the man."
Though comprises an achievement to point out that in the sexual pleasure itself is personal responsibility of each individual involved. This definition has been interpreted so confused by many health professionals as a description of quantitative ceilings. Thus, it is still possible to find professionals who say that the duration of intercourse should be all that man wants, and not being so, this is an early ejaculated. Again this is the paradoxical figure of the healer as a generator of anxiety and discomfort. Psychological factors are most frequent in the suffering of premature ejaculation, on learning of abnormal sexuality, for anxiety or fear Kaplan, the same work in 1974, contributing to the evolution of the concept of early unintentionally in a direct way when he says, referring to female sexuality, that the fact of not having vaginal orgasms might represent "a normal variant of female sexuality ".
Both women and men can relax, and hence, to be closer to the non-pleasure of feeling the pressure of an often frustrating requirement of female orgasm coital. Ultimately, it remains useful to the definition of Kaplan, "orgasm or ejaculation before the person you want," but adding, as a clarifier nuance, something that Kaplan had to clarify itself in a text devoted to premature ejaculation (Kaplan, 1990). Thus, as of early diagnostic codes used the phrase "Man with the absence of a reasonable control of their reflection squirting." With "reasonable" to emphasize that this is a problem pluricausal, so that should be taken into account in each case, the factors that may be an impact on the earliness of the response. With all these considerations, premature ejaculation is a sexual problem that usually has a very favorable prognosis, especially in young men. It's very rare that the organic component is relevant. The vast majority of cases are primary and respond to psychological causes. A good portion of the cases of premature ejaculation can be resolved or improved significantly with proper intervention sexological.
Psychological factors
Psychological factors are, without doubt, the most frequent.
As noted, it is not unusual in young people, but with time many are learning to make a reasonable control over their ejaculation. Some of the most common psychological factors are:
Learning anomalous
Are frequent stories of masturbation early followed by guilt; antisexuales messages in childhood or inflated expectations. Occasionally you have had early sexual experiences problems with prostitutes or in situations where the rapidity in intercourse has been the pattern.
By having an anxious personality. In some cases, premature ejaculation is given by a significant degree of anxiety himself as a person anxious.
Associated with sexual behavior
When anxiety is associated with sexual behavior may appear premature ejaculation. It is very common in young people the insecurity early in the sexual role, especially the lower self-esteem. Feed anxiety, feelings of shame or guilt after the repeated experience of precocity. It's a common mistake to think that can be resolved anxiolytica with premature ejaculation or local anesthetics (associated with condom, gel, cream, etc.).
Some men use distracting thoughts or even self to distract attention. These practices are absolutely contraindicated and start from the wrong approach, because the sexual activity requires activation of the general. To the extent that man is going to relax or diminish their sensory perception, is far from an effective provision to sexual pleasure. Sex requires activation in our central nervous system of circuits linked to pleasure and not linked to the stress or anxiety, whose start-up interferes in the first. This happens in some cases where the fear has just derailed early experience into something worse, erectile dysfunction.
Fear mobilizes anxiety.
ny form of fear that is associated at the time of the sexual experience can act early advocate. Can be profound fears, the commitment to privacy, or just the fear of re-experience early, which often leads him to become its own viewer, auto discussed since early in the game sex, so that, unintentionally, Derailments in anxiety for the performance instead of pleasure. Sometimes, fear plays a significant role inhibitor that can lead to avoidance of sexual encounters with the suffering they may pose.
Factors organic
The causes are turned off by organizational problems among all men affected by premature ejaculation. These are neurological or urological problems. They are usually given when premature ejaculation is secondary, that is, arises after a period of normalcy, understood as a reasonable control of squirting. In these cases may be due to the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the prostate and / or urethra. Also neuropathies affecting the orgasmic reflex, peripheral, in spinal cord or universities can be causes of boxes "incontinence squirting" secondary, which is found in multiple sclerosis or other degenerative neurological disorders.
We will expose the resources used in general in the sex therapy for premature ejaculation problems. Improve the communication of the couple Have a proper place for sexual relations, in time for privacy and control concept of the event, allowing improving the pace of ejaculation The couple is affected when this is premature ejaculation. It is important to address the malaise of the couple, so often did not interview the man only dysfunctional. The mere mention both in consultation to discuss their concerns often exert a powerful effect that leads to improvement of its communication. Other aspects that the interview with both partners allows exploring and could be decisive for the intervention is the vulnerability of man's attitude towards the couple and, in short, the situation of the same: from more or less an accomplice to degrees Major hostility and conflict, in which the concern about a precocious allows them not to confront the real issues between them. All this while most elementary aspects in appearance, such as the provision of a suitable place for sex, provision of time for intimate as lovers, the fear of pregnancy or the decision on contraceptive method to use.
Behavioral prescriptions
A technical resource frequent intervention with sexual dysfunction, also with premature ejaculation, the call is focalising sensory. These exercises are usually correct errors in dropping the couple dysfunctional, as the game erotic restricted and the avoidance of sexual relations. In essence is to launch a program to caress in the privacy, aimed at the couple discovered that key to solving the problem.
This program usually include information such as: In the early stages, usually forbidden intercourse, to remove the source of anxiety in the sexual partner. In its place are proposing, by way of games, forms of close physical progressing in terms of the genitalia to behave. Always depending on the case, techniques such as stop-start. Like the man has been able to do alone, when it is stimulated by her partner, you must tell when you notice that it has approached the point of no return, and this will stop the stimulation. This is repeated several times until it frees ejaculation.
A variant more severe and rarely needed is to stop the stimulation and also clamping the glans, thereby dramatically interrupted the progress of excitement. In a state of erection, clamping a maneuver is not painful when done in an appropriate manner. The technique of stop-start often referred to offer equivalent results.
Paradoxical prescriptions
On one occasion, faced with a precocious recalcitrant males, and always be their partner agrees, which is prescribed along a given time, one week, for example, be as early as possible. This kind of prescription can be raised in an appropriate way to unlock and dramatically advancing the clinical situation.

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