Vaginismus is a sexual problem that causes much distress to the couple. When you go to consultation is baffled and does not understand what is happening. Adequate information and aid reassures, creating a good base for treatment. Vaginismus call to the extreme difficulty or inability to achieve vaginal penetration, due to the contraction of muscles that surround the entrance to the vagina. The spasm is an involuntary response that many women do not recognize, suffer its consequences, but they do not know why it happens. When a woman is sexually aroused experiencing a vaginal relaxation of muscles. In vaginismus, however, the muscle contracture is such that it prevents penetration.
It seems that there is an association of vaginal intercourse with a sense of danger, it is as if the defensive system was extremely active, so any attempt to produce this response reflects penetration. On many occasions, have no easy explanation for the woman who has it, because at the moment his desire and his ideas are to have a full and satisfactory coital. However, it is as if there was a warrant scheduled, an alarm system that enabled women can not control. The internalization of maternal and paternal mandates and follow strictly the social conventions in sexual matters may cause misalignments between what we want and what you can do. In addition, the rapid changes in sexual habits have led to that there is no correlation between what is done and what is allowed to be done, especially in adolescence and youth. This trend may create confusion and insecurity in sexual performance and result in a maladjusted as is vaginismus.
Some women are beginning to notice that something's going on in the penetration when menstruation in trying to get a tampon and realize that they do not succeed. That does not mean that all women who have difficulty in putting on a tampon toilet going to have problems in their sexual relationships, but if that difficulty is accompanied by irrational ideas on the penetration, anguish and fear, may be an indicator to consider. Vaginismus suffer it between 2% and 4% of women and comprises approximately 10% of sexual problems.
Women who have this disorder feel great anxiety at the thought of entering an object into the vagina, can not even try it with a finger or a tampon. In this way is developing a kind of fear of vaginal penetration and is presumed to be painful. Any attempt to penetrate the tense places, it seems to have a hypersensitivity to vaginal relaxation. This tension produces a response that has three typical signs: arqueamiento of the back (lordosis), closure of legs (contraction of the adductor muscles of the thighs) and involuntary spasms of muscles surrounding the vagina. In these circumstances, the penetration is very difficult. If the woman is lying on your back, as is customary in the first attempts to penetrate the entrance to the vagina is not in a position properly. Coupled with this, the tension in the thighs drives her to close her legs, it remains a movement of withdrawal, go crawling backwards, leaving the man paralyzed by a denial so physically forceful, but it leaves the mouth yes.
Attempts to scan gynecological also produce the same effect. The woman who was treated could not be recognized because his phobia prevents it. In some cases, the specialist who has failed to introduce the speculum may recommend an examination under anesthesia. As expected, is not found nothing abnormal in exploration because the contraction does not occur because women are unconscious. While the woman is asleep is introducing an expansion stems Hegar or any other instrument. When he wakes up is reassuring, explaining the intervention and saying that from now on there will be no problem. However, this procedure does not provide any results because the woman continues to show strength when it is conscious. We do not recommend this protocol, since it is not useful to rule out physical abnormalities and, moreover, vaginismus is quite reliable keys to the specialist can make a diagnosis on a positive basis without resorting to further tests to Interventions and much less aggressive than nothing We bring. Respect for the body must always be taken into account, especially in women who consult on this issue.
In sex therapy, especially in cases of vaginismus, it is very important educational work. These women have great ignorance of his body and the body of another, especially in the genitals. Furthermore, strict censorship of female sexuality has contributed to the lack of standardization in speech colloquial erógenas their areas. When the word penis was quite normal to us, of the vulva it was not so much. And they still are often used euphemisms or derogatory names to refer to this part of the body. Faced with that little or no sex education, the perception of one's genitals can be distorted. The vast majority of women who suffer from vaginismus are under the impression that her vagina is very small and its coming very close, so it is very difficult for the penis can enter. We also think that the vagina is closed by the hymen. The idea of this membrane is very confusing, even in women with a university education, despite the profusion of books explanatory. The hymen does not close the vagina of women and non-coats nothing. He is only the entrance of the vagina that ends in a membrane. Some people are very aware of the idea that something has to break, believe that the hymen is found in the vaginal canal. These beliefs about the hymen is found in postgraduate training courses in sexology, where students are graduates in medicine and psychology. This corroborates the limited information about female sexuality.
The hymen is a membrane that is at the entrance to the vagina. About membrane were so insignificant has created a multitude of literature, with many inaccuracies. First, it's not like a fabric that has to be broken, simply being at the entrance to the vagina. In some women, with the first penetrations entry is a bit bigger and sometimes it produces a small incision in the membrane and can leave a little blood, but the vagina is not sealed, by leaving her menstrual flow and other secretions . Nor is the hymen in the vagina, as a sort of wall. He is only the retreat of the post.
In the treatment of vaginismus is very important that the couple understands that his case is not unique, but surmountable.
Dr. Simms was the first who described the syndrome in 1862, calling it vaginismus. Although at the time recommended surgical treatment, we now know that the cause of vaginismus is always a source of psychological and surgical interventions are a wrong treatment. Even so, it is still possible to find a specialist who, acting outside the scientific community, makes this type of intervention. The diagnosis of vaginismus can be done easily and their treatment is an example of integrative approach which covers the exploration of deep psychological reasons, the description of environmental and socio-educational work with the body and, of course, the relationship couple.
The couple of women with vaginismus
In vaginismus, as in other sexual problems, is a good prognostic factor that the couple go to consult together. The presence of the couple favored treatment in most cases. It is very important psychological support for the companion; analysis of the sexual myths; general information on sexuality and especially female sexuality. This information has to aboerdar so wide, with particular aspects and socio-emotional. Knowing the problem provides greater security and enhanced self-esteem, factors that favor a good prognosis. Thus, a companion secure, non-anxious and ready to test and accept the challenges and constraints, is an excellent partner in the treatment of vaginismus and support for your partner.
It should be noted that vaginismus is not a product of lack of information and can occur at any socioeconomic level: teachers, butchers, administrative, psychologists, journalists, lawyers and architects are the professions of some of the women treated with vaginismus. Though ostensibly looks like a very serious disorder, the scientific literature on the subject says it is a disorder that usually has a good prognosis.
Dyspareunia is the pain they can suffer, both men and women in the pelvic area during or shortly after the sexual relationship. The pain can be filed at the time of penetration, erection or ejaculation. If the pain persists, the person may lose interest in any sexual activity. It is important to note that to be successful intercourse must give the necessary physiological conditions. Both men and women have to be sufficiently stimulated and this means vaginal lubrication and erection of the penis. An indication that the man was carrying out a satisfactory relationship is the issue of the glands of the urethra by Cooper, a few drops of clear liquid that flows through the urinary meatus and acts as a natural lubricant. Women, meanwhile, note how the vagina is moistened. The pain can be felt during penetration or with the movements of the penis into the vagina, and it usually goes after a more or less long period of sex without problems.
Circumstantial causes of dyspareunia
Inadequate lubrication for erotic stimulation insufficient In these cases it is very important to enhance the stimulation with games and caresses. It is necessary for blood to flow in sexual organs to maintain a penile erection and lubricate the vagina.
Vaginal dryness
The vaginal mucosa loses its natural moisture. Often happens often with menopause. To facilitate the lubrication exist in pharmacies vaginal gels with soy isoflavones, with moisturizing properties and lubricants, which give a very good result.
Sex too soon after surgery or childbirth
In the case of childbirth is considered advisable to wait at least 6 weeks after the birth of the baby to restart sexual activity.
Genital irritation by soaps, detergents, showers or feminine hygiene products An effort to clean misunderstood can cause irritations frequent. It must be borne in mind that the vulva has its natural flow and its odor is distinctive and healthy.
Allergies to latex condoms or diaphragms
Causes of dyspareunia who need medical consultation Phimosis
Difficulty or impossibility for the retraction of the skin preputial, ie the skin that covers the tip or glans penis.
The frenulum is the small sheet of skin below the glans linking him with the foreskin. In an erect penis, if the frenulum is too short causes the foreskin will automatically slide forward and can cause pain, discomfort and injury.
Inflammation of the prostate Endometriosis Endometriosis is a benign disease that affects women during their reproductive life. It occurs when endometrial cells, identical to their sisters who make up the endometrium (the tissue that is inside the uterus and is renewed every month after menstruation) outside the uterus, for example in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or anywhere in the abdominal cavity. Therefore outside of your site behave like their "sisters" on the inside of the uterus and evolve (proliferating and secreting) following the female hormone cycles. It is possible that the woman did not know you have endometriosis and only perceived to have pain during deep penetration. Hemorrhoids dilation of the veins of the venous plexus of the lining of the rectum or anus. Genital herpes, genital warts or other sexually transmitted diseases.
Vaginal infections
Infeccionesdel urinary tract, such as cystitis. It also must go to the doctor if you have other symptoms related to the painful, such as bleeding, genital lesions, irregular menstrual periods and discharge from the penis or vagina.
Causes that require consultation sexological
If no cause is found to justify the pain sexological consultation is recommended. In this therapy, it may be necessary to address the relationship, feelings of guilt, internal conflicts or unresolved feelings about mistreatment in the past, as history of sexual abuse or rape. It is estimated highly desirable that the patient or the patient go with your partner.