What is the Best Acne Cream?

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:47 AM

An acne cream can do a lot of things for your complexion. It can treat skin disorders with various medicinal ingredients, and it can help heal scars after a bad outbreak. An acne cream remedy can be used with oral or surgical methods as well for a well rounded approach.

Prescription acne creams could contain an ingredient known as benzoyl peroxide. This oxygenates your pores, ridding them of the bacteria that causes acne and allowing the pores to reduce in size. The weakest strength is 2.5%, available over the counter; prescription versions can bump up to 10%, or even 20%.

An alternative to the benzoyl peroxide route is tea tree oil. This natural ingredient can also be formulated into an acne cream, and offers similar results without causing so much drying of the skin. Many prescription drugs have natural counterparts that work just as well.

When surgery is chosen as the option to get rid of acne, treatment cream may be needed afterwards. If the sebaceous glands have been lasered, medication may be needed to cut down on pain and swelling. Fresh acne bacteria will also need to be fended off, to cut down on the chances of re-infection.

Acne vulgaris is a bacteria that causes many cases of acne, and prescription acne creams with antibiotics may be needed to deal with the resulting infection. Sometimes these are given in addition to oral antibiotics, or benzoyl peroxide may be added to increase effectiveness. Antibiotics become less effective over time, so be sure to know the name of the antibiotic in case you need a different one for another infection.

Acne cream that is non-oily is always recommended, since excess oil contributes to acne. A non allergenic formula should be used if you have sensitive skin - test a patch of your forearm first to see if you have an adverse reaction. Don't buy acne creams with strong chemicals that claim to be able to 'peel' your face; these can seriously burn you!

If acne cream treatment is to have any chance of succeeding, you have to be consistent. Follow directions, which will probably tell you to use it two to three times daily, and make sure you pack it for business trips and vacations. Try not to wear makeup while undergoing treatment for acne - it can work against you and make treatment less effective.

The best treatment for acne depends on your particular condition. Prescription acne creams are good for knocking out infections and natural remedies are great for preventing them, Finding a cure that doesn't have worse side effects than the original condition is the goal!

Whether prescription acne creams are prescribed to fight an outbreak with antibiotics, or you choose an herbal acne cream treatment, you will need to remember to moisturize. Each acne cream has its own particular characteristics, but they all tend to dry out skin - so make sure you follow through. It would be a shame to work so hard to get rid of acne only to end up with dry, unattractive skin!
Acne treatment products reviews

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