It is estimated that depression will afflict 15 million people in the USA annually. Depression is a complicated illness. For many, depression can linger and grow for months or even years before being detected. Research also shows that less than a third will actually seek some form of treatment for their affliction. Often the sufferers don't even know they're sick.
Every day stress is common in the modern world. The road blocks in life have become more severe. With the recent economic crises, there are many feeling insecure and worried about their jobs and providing for themselves and their families. For many, the mounting financial problems are frightening. This combined with other stress leads to depression.
There are a lot of types of depression with many of the labels being similar in meaning. These labels include manic depression, medical depression, clinical depression and mental depression. There is also severe depression which typically refers to the final stages of the disease.
Depression is brought on by many associating factors. One of these is simple biology, brain chemistry issues. A person can also be more susceptible to depression if there is a past family history of the disease. This is because DNA carries depression.
Different types of depression are given birth by other similar factors. Substance abuse can lead to depression. Alcohol or drugs both show links to depression. In many cases the loss of a loved one has shown an enhanced possibility of depression.
Mental depression historically has a stigma associated with it. It was considered a personal fault before it was recognized as a disease. There was very little treatment offered. Negative effects persist through all the stages of depression. Early detection, then, is necessary to fight depression.
Treatment becomes critical when it has developed into severe depression. When depression has reached this level then the thought of suicide is usually apparent. The calls for help have gone unnoticed and the avenues for hope from the patients perspective feel as though they are slipping away.
Treatment is typically psychotherapy and anti-depressants. It is also helpful to join support groups that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with. There are also natural herbs you can use to treat the disease. There are options available to those who suffer from all types of depression. If lingering signs of depression exist then please seek help.
Stress Relief
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