by Christian Goodman
Fuel or food is of course required to provide us with energy. Like a furnace, we bring in fuel which is transferred to energy. Often though, we provide our bodies with too much fuel or even worse fuel that cannot be burned properly. The result is stored fat.Chemicals and preservatives added to foods turn them into useless fuel. Think about what happens when you throw rocks into a fire. They are useless as fuel so they just remain behind.Our bodies are capable of breaking down food we ingest. However, most food we eat does not contain the proper kinds of proteins and vitamins required for the body to recognize it as potential fuel.The body will maintain a state of hunger in search of proper nutrients. The more 'useless fuel' we provide, the more food our bodies will want. As a result we continue to eat more than necessary.The end result is often a fat, but pitifully undernourished body. The solution to this part of the problem is to eat more real food. Not fast food, not boxed, canned, or frozen food that has had all the nutrients processed out of it. Real food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition to not providing the proper nutrients to the body, there's another crucial component that gets overlooked entirely too often. In order for anything to burn, three things are necessary, material to burn, heat to burn it with, and oxygen.Most traditional diet programs deal with the material (the food) or increasing the heat (your body temperature) through exercise. Very few if any address the issue of not providing enough oxygen.An easy way to keep a flame from burning is to deprive it of oxygen. Depriving the body of oxygen also curtails it's ability to burn anything.Most people need far more oxygen than what is taken in if burning fat is to continue effectively. Lack of activity means we are not breathing deeply and bringing in that oxygen.My Weight Loss Breeze Program involves the key component of oxygen intake. Incorporating it into your lifestyle will have amazing weight loss results.A few minutes of easy exercises are geared specifically toward the missing element in most programs. Include the right fuel and your body will be rewarded.

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