Belly Fat Burner

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:30 AM

Most people that decide to adopt a work-out program do so for weight-loss and to improve their physique. Modern technology has brought with it a faster pace of life and delicious fast food that's often laden with sugar and cholesterol. This makes it harder for the modern man to fight-off the dreaded pot belly.

Considering how intrinsic to modern society the internet has become and the overload of information out there on the web, it's quite surprising a lot of people are still confused about the most effective methods on how to quickly burn belly fat. A lot of people still fall prey to infomercials and grab-up belly fat burner pills and 'revolutionary' gadgets that are supposed to develop a six-pack with the least amount of time. Everyone should get this straight- there is no single technique or product that will burn belly fat fast.

In getting rid of excess belly fat, no one single solution exists. Aerobic workouts which are proven to be the most effective way of burning energy from body fat have to be done in conjunction with muscle building through resistance training. Muscle tissue increases one's metabolism- burning calories even while at rest.

We all know that the foods we eat are stored by the body as energy in the form of fat. As humans, our stored energy is concentrated in our gut and if we don't expend the same amount of energy we consume from food, this results in an unsightly belly and love handles. Experts say that any prolonged aerobic exercise that keeps your heart rate at a 'low-moderate' level (60%-70% of your maximum heart rate) is best for burning stored fat. It burns the most calories from fat rather than from glycogen stores.

Switching to different types of exercises every now and then will also keep your muscles challenged, meaning more work and thus, more fat melted off. We use up less calories when our muscles have adapted to a specific exercise.

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