Treatment of acne.

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 5:50 AM

What is acne ?
Greasy acne or rash is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, in particular, face, back and chest. Acne ( or greasy rashes, greasy disease) is a disease of sebaceous glands. Acne represent an inflammatory red spot, often painful, as well as evocatively comedown, representing a painless black point. Acne usually located on the skin face, neck, chest and back. This is a chronic, long illness causing severe emotional distress, and requires long, careful treatment.

Treatment of acne
Acne - is a chronic disease caused by genetically sebaceous glands associated with their increased activity in response to stimulation of androgen (male sex hormones), follicular hypercriticism, the livelihoods of micro-organisms (Propitiate acne), inflammatory reaction of tissues and manifests itself in the event of a at the skin, rich in sebaceous glands, evocatively (open and closed comedown) and inflammatory (papules, pustule) elements.
The emergence of curvy styptic typically precedes seborrhea. Seborrhea related to increased quantity and quality changes in skin salma and evident thickening layer of the cornea, bold brilliance and peeling skin.
Excessive production of skin, the change of skin, the loss of its antimicrobial properties and effects of pathogens.

What should I do if I suffer acne?

To help your skin to get rid of the eels must be literate. First, it is important to establish the cause of their appearance (consulting dermatologist), secondly, to act according to age. If a patient more than 25 years, he must not only consult a dermatologist, but also thoroughly examined in the presence of disease, selects a physician-dermatologist (correction of hormonal background, immune status, local treatment, etc.) and carried out individually, depending on age and sex of the patient, duration of disease, clinical and morphological studies (type, location, Prevalence elements), somatic background (associated illness), laboratory and diagnostic studies. Self-acne (eels, pryschey) is always inadequate or ineffective, and often dangerous, since it could lead to a deterioration of the disease, severe complications, scarring.

Tactics of acne treatment depends on the shape and the skin, but basic principles are: Oppression allocation increased the number of dead skin; the removal of «block» of dead skin cells sebaceous glands; destruction of bacteria that cause inflammation of the skin. Treatment of acne is a special skin care and use of medicines. At the same drugs can be not only a protirany, masks and creams, but also in the form of tablets, and in very severe cases, and injections. Yet, to date dermatologami preference to local products for the treatment of acne, ie, cream, mazyam, lotion, etc.

For more articles and tips about acne treatment, visit: Best acne treatment tips

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Allergic diseases

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 5:34 AM

Allergies - it increased the sensitivity of the organism to the different substances - allergenic. As a result, disrupt the immune system, leading to inflammation of tissues. Therefore, we have tears eyes, and skin may appear red spots. It is believed that allergies can be transmitted by inheritance. But the absolute assurance that the child will inherit allergic parent, not because much depends on the predisposing factors. Allergic reactions can be mild and severe.
Severe reactions may occur after taking certain drugs, insect bites or food. Blood pressure during the attack sharp falls, there are signs of asphyxiation, may lose consciousness. This condition is called anaphylactic shock. If time does not take action - not call a doctor and do not inject antihistaminic drug - anaphylactic shock could threaten the lives of patients.

Even if a person has never suffered from allergies, it does not mean that it is immune from its inception. Harmful impurities in the atmosphere, certain medications, as well as chemicals used in the workplace and home, may be harmful to the immune system. Moreover, if a person allergic to something one, for example, dust, and later can develop intolerance and other factors - pollen plants, food, wool animals.
These foods often cause allergic citrus fruits, fish and seafood, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strawberry, strawberry, pineapple, honey, nuts, tomatoes, eggplant, mushrooms, chicken eggs.

The main allergic diseases
Seasonal allergic remit (pollinoz) - allergy to pollen of plants and trees (oak, maple, poplar, alder, ambrosia, juniper, pepper, rye, corn, dandelion). Symptoms: itching, nose embedded with abundant mucous secretions, sneezing, itching and redness century, watering, irritability, depression, insomnia.
Allergic knuckle - inflammation of the eyes of the shell covering the inner surface of the century and the outer surface of the eye. It is during the flowering plants, and sometimes with the use of cosmetics (mascara, connections, shade) and working with chemicals.
Strophic dermatitis - a chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin, which is often worse in spring and autumn and summer runs.
The symptoms: inflammation of the skin, weeping and edema, or dry and delicacies. Most often they appear on the skin, cheeks, but they can and move on to other sites - the neck skin over the ears, hands and legs bend.
Bronchial asthma - a chronic inflammatory diseases of allergic bronchitis. Symptoms: asphyxia, vistas breath. The most severe attacks occur at night, when the physical stress or emotional tension, with the admission of certain medicines and products, as well as cold.
Food Allergies - occurs when eating certain products.
Symptoms: itching and prehensile in the mouth and throat, rash on the skin, disorders stool, vomiting. Sometimes omelet anaphylactic shock.
Physical allergy - a reaction to sunlight, cold, heat or mechanical impact. There is a zuda and inflammation in the skin.
Allergy insect - a reaction to insect bite (bee, wasp, ant, mosquito, midge, cockroach) or interaction with the products of his life. Symptoms: local reaction in the skin - redness, itching, swelling, pain, as well as the general reaction - chills, nausea, headache, weakness. Omelet anaphylactic shock.

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Three day diet trap

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:10 AM

by Victoria Gates

The "3 Day Diet" dates back to 1985 and today can be found all over the Internet and on book store shelves. The three day diet and its variants boast quick weight loss, a cleansing of the system, lower cholesterol and increased energy all through a "specific metabolic reaction" that no version of the diet has ever proven. The diet is to be followed for only 3 days, with an off period of about 5 days in between diet times.

All the versions of this diet share in common detailed steps that must be followed and foods that must be eaten in order for the diet to work. What better way to blame the dieter when it doesn't work than "you botched the formula."Breakfast on the first day begins with coffee (no sugar), one half a grapefruit, and a piece of toast with 1 Tbsp peanut butter. For lunch, you are allowed a can of tuna, a piece of toast, and black coffee.

Dinner consists of 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, a cup of green beans, one cup of carrots, one apple, and one cup of regular vanilla ice cream. The following two days of the diet are pretty similar in meal quantity, though the specifics change, for example Day 2 recommends two beef franks for dinner in place of three ounces of lean meat. The diet crows that weight loss of 10 pounds is achievable over the 3 days that the diet lasts.

Baloney! How's that for specific? And no baloney is not found on the diet. As stated the metabolic reaction has never been explained much less proven. Any weight loss would be mostly water loss due to a lack of carbs which help the body hold water. That could lead to dehydration. Once the three days end the weight will return, primarily because it's mostly water. But also because any weight lost from the missed calories will be regained when the starving diet victim returns to normal, or in this case heavier than normal, eating.

Furthermore, such water loss could result in some serious medical emergencies. But hey, then you'd lose some real weight in the hospital. The 3 day diet is best treated as a no day diet. In other words, don't do it.


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Baby Eczema - How to Treat ?

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:08 AM

by Gary Pearson
Help, My Baby Is Crying - Could the Rash Be Eczema? Yes, Very Likely. Consult Your Physician; Goods News, the Condition Is Easily Treatable. As if young children didn't have enough to go through when they are born, there is eczema to worry about. Unfortunately, atopic dermatitis (or infantile eczema) affects many young children, especially babies, causing rashes that are itchy and uncomfortable. Even older children can be struck by this affliction which irritates both them and their parents.Usually, baby eczema develops on a child when they are just a couple of months old.
The eczema will appear as red and itchy skin, or as small bumps on the face. Of course the eczema is not limited to these areas as it can spread as a red and irritated rash to legs, arms, and back which will become an open sore if not treated quickly and correctly. Another common form of eczema appears in the infant's arm creases or behind the knees and the backs of ankles and wrists.Probably the worst thing about baby eczema is that your child cannot tell you how bothersome it is. While suffering from untreated eczema babies will often fuss and cry as they are unable to help themselves.
This of course creates a level of anxiety in the parent who doesn't know what is wrong with their child.Luckily there are many treatment options available for baby eczema. If your child suffers from baby eczema you should consult your family physician to find the best cream or medical treatment for your child's particular type of eczema.
Also there's more good news as most children outgrow their eczema after a few years.There are other changes you may wish to make to help your child's eczema, like identifying foods and environmental factors that can aggravate their skin. If you wish to find out additional information on your child's eczema, the internet is always right there and ready to help you.

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A Guide To Your Chili Vegetarian Recipe

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 11:05 AM

by Diana Pells
Chili is now an accepted mainstay of vegetarian cooking. A true chili vegetarian recipe cook however, knows that there is more to just randomly adding any kind of chili pepper. There are some things that you need to take into consideration with your chili vegetarian recipe.Know Your ChiliOf course, the amount of chili in your vegetarian recipe will be determined by your capacity to withstand its hotness. The question however is how to find out if there is too much in your chili vegetarian recipe. One basic step is to know your chili peppers.
It is a fact for example that bell peppers and pimiento provide no hot taste at all so you can basically add as much as you want in a dish. Habanero and santaka chilies however are among the hottest so you would do well to add moderate amounts in your chili vegetarian recipe. The famous jalapenos are only about moderately hot and are often the favorite ingredients in a chili vegetarian recipe.Rev Up on Moderately HotIncrease chili peppers in the middle or lower range of hotness if you can't take habaneros that are too hot. It is a fact that a chili vegetarian recipe is packed with full flavor which means that you need less of salt, sugar or other sources of flavor which are not healthy in large amounts.
Chilies have also health benefits like the antioxidants that can help clean up your system. They are also natural pain killers that do not dull all of your vital senses.Handle Chilies ProperlyAside from being hot to the taste, chilies can also burn the skin as well. Handle chilies only with your bare hands if you only have a small quantity to cut. Handling lots of chilies for a flavorful chili vegetarian recipe can burn your skin. It makes better sense to use cooking gloves with lots of hot chilies. Make sure too that the juice of chili peppers never find its way into your eyes. Chili juice on your eyes can be a very painful experience. You can also keep your skin and hands off chili peppers by grinding them instead.Manage the HeatRemove the chili seeds and the white membrane before cutting and adding the chili to your recipe if you're not too keen about its hotness. Tomato sauce is also said to be effective in helping lessen the hotness of chili.Avoid beer and other beverages if the chili is already heating up your tongue.
While people still popularly use water to kill the fire of a chili recipe, yogurt and milk seem to be more effective.Mix with Other TastesYour chili vegetarian recipe would taste best with garlic, beans, tofu, onions and tomatoes. Just make sure that you mix your ingredients well so that the chili flavor does not stick in just some parts of the recipe but watch out for burned ingredients. Experts advise though that ingredients shouldn't be mixed all at once since this could kill the hot taste. Sauté the spices gradually to release the chili oil that holds the secret to its hot taste.
Depending on the dish, you can serve a chili dish the next day to give time for flavors and tastes to mix.The best chili vegetarian recipe is never more than a few steps of preparations away. Check out more exciting yet easy vegetarian recipes for your diet now.

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by Bernie
Pneumatics and Hydraulics concerns to the utilize of gas and liquid parts of an object rather of solid parts, such as inflatable, liquid filled, air-cushioned, or hydro-reactive parts.
For good example, a vehicle can store energy from deceleration in a hydraulic system and then utilize the stored energy to accelerate later.Essentially, Pneumatics and Hydraulics is the utilize of a gas or liquid in place of solid parts.Lightweight as AirHave you ever discovered those really cool, outdoor,expansive projection screens at conferences or big events? These projection screens are filled with air and can be used to create an instant movie screen. The air-filled screen is greatly preferred to solid, fixed structures that require installation on site. expansive projection screens allow users to temporarily transform a location into a high-tech, outdoor movie theater.I believe air is also the preferable means of travel on a float trip. I frequently go tubing down the river in Utah, and I'm always amazed at how much trouble people have with their kayaks and canoes. Their little boats are constantly getting banged and beaten up by the rocks in the river.
My inflatable inner tube, on the other hand, just bounces off obstacles - and there are no issues with rocks. Floating is smooth sailing for me in my air ship.Air mattresses are another great good example of Pneumatics and Hydraulics. Hosts can produce an extra bed for their guests by simply pulling the mattress out of the box and inflating the bed. Air beds are much easier to put in than an actual mattress, making these pallets a simple solution to providing a easy place for guests to rest.Shoe manufacturers also utilize this principle to produce a more well-situated product.
As you may recall from the Universal Network articles, the Reebok Pump uses an air pump in the shoe soles to give users an additional lift. Dr. Scholl's created shoe sole inserts filled with gel, rather than using an insert filled with a solid material. Are you gelling?Pneumatics and Hydraulics does not have to be applied literally. For example, a individual can "liquidate" their assets, and convert their funds into cash. Can you transform a strong part in your business or product into a gas or liquid and improve efficiency? Specialize in Supplying & Servicing Industrial Tools & Equipment used Hydraulic Pumps,Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic Valves,Pneumatic Valves, Hydraulic Hose.

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by Amy Nutt
Those who are struggling with clinical obesity are often tempted to turn to lapband weight loss surgery as their first option. However, before you make this drastic choice, you should make sure that you have pursued all of your other options.The Natural WayThe natural way to lose weight is to increase your caloric output while decreasing your caloric intake. Of course, this is easier said than done, and it does not lead to rapid weight loss. For some, losing weight the natural way does not create change fast enough to help with the serious health problems that come with obesity. If you do try to go the natural route to deal with your obesity, you need to focus on eating fresh foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be a staple of your diet. You also need to eat whole grains, not refined grains.
At least half of your grains should be whole grains. These help you to feel full and do not cause the blood sugar crashes common with refined grains. For your protein, choose poultry and lean meats. Eat more fish, as it contains healthy oils that your body needs. Beans, nuts, and seeds are alternative healthy sources of protein. Increasing your caloric output is also essential to natural weight loss. If you are significantly overweight, this can be difficult, but even a brisk walk is considered exercise and will help. Make it your goal to spend 30 minutes in some sort of activity every day whenever possible. As you lose weight, increase the intensity of your workout. Keep it varied in order to encourage yourself to stick with it.Weight Loss DrugsAnother alternative to weight loss surgery is taking a weight loss drug. There are both prescription and over the counter weight loss medications available.
They work by either suppressing your appetite or blocking some of the fat that you eat from being absorbed into your body. These work in conjunction with lifestyle changes to help you lose weight more quickly. However, they can have uncomfortable side effects, so make sure you do your research before choosing to use weight loss drugs. Weight Loss SurgeryIf natural weight loss methods are not working fast enough and you are not able or willing to use weight loss drugs, you may need to consider weight loss surgery. However, this is only an option if your body mass index is 40 or higher. You may qualify if your BMI is 35 or higher if you have a serious health complication that is caused by your weight. Gastric bypass is one weight loss surgery option. In this procedure, the physician will create a small stomach pouch by stapling the stomach and attaching the resulting pouch to the middle part of the small intestine. This limits both the amount of food you can eat by making the stomach smaller, and also the amount of calories your body absorbs by bypassing part of the small intestine. Portions of the stomach and intestine are removed, making this a permanent change.
Another popular weight loss surgery is the Lap Band surgery. LapBand is an adjustable gastric banding device that is placed around the stomach laparoscopically. It creates a small stomach pouch, thus limiting the amount of food that is eaten. Many patients choose Lap Band surgery over gastric bypass because it is far less invasive and does not permanently change the digestive system. A third, rarely used option is a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. This creates the small stomach pouch and connects it to the last part of the small intestine, bypassing most of the small intestine. It is rarely used because it puts patients at risk of malnutrition when compared to other weight loss surgery options.
If you are considering weight loss surgery, be sure to discuss each of these three options with your doctor in detail so you can choose the best one for your body's unique needs.Laparoscopic weight loss surgery is designed to induce weight loss by limiting food consumption. The adjustable gastric band is the safest surgical procedure for weight loss, unique because it is adjustable and reversible. When learning about the advantages of lap band surgery, be sure to visit the CIBO Weight Loss Clinic.

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by Jennifer King
For any person attempting to lose weight, burning fat is the most significant thing you can achieve. Without burning fat all your going to lose is muscle, and the more muscle you lose the more fat you'll actually gain. The more muscle your body has it naturally burns more calories during your body's resting state. The higher your body's fat percentage the slower your metabolism will be.
Don't neglect your breakfast. As soon as you wake up in the morning, your body has just completed an 8 hour fast. After enduring such a fast without nutrients, your body enters a catabolic (muscle wasting) state and will begin to break down protein. This is an important time to get some much needed food as soon as possible. A healthy breakfast is critical to any successful fat-burning diet.Eat every few hours. This means that you need to eat 5 to 6 times a day. Not only does this kind of meal plan incite muscle maintenance and fat loss, it is also an essential technique for dominating food cravings. You see, when people skip a meal, or neglect eating for a while, their blood sugar drops too much, and their will power gives in. In other words, people who go a long time without enjoying a meal are much more susceptible to cheating on their diet. Thus, having small meals often and regularly will help remove those cravings that may be the main reason that you have failed all dieting attempts in the past.Even if you never get the cravings for food caused by missing meals, you must still be careful. If you miss meals on a regular basis, your body will actually activate enzymes that store fat. This will make losing weight much more difficult. So don't do it! Eat!It's a good idea to reduce your carbohydrate intake. Your body's fuel will come from a mixture of fat, protein and carbs. When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body's stores of carbs will diminish quickly.
This creates an effect in your body, and it will use a greater amount of free fatty acids (fat) for fuel. Decreasing carbs will also cause a hormonal fat-burning effect. When you reduce cards, insulin (a storage hormone) is lowered and glycogen (a fuel mobilizing hormone) increases. This causes a greater number free fatty acids to be released from fat cells and burned, relying on the fact that you're working out properly.Opt for compound exercises instead of performing isolation exercises. Compound exercises use more than one muscle across multiple joints, and isolation exercises attempt to train only one muscle at a time. The best thing about using compound exercises is that you will be training the most muscle in a given amount of time.Generally, the more muscle you train per exercise, the greater the energy (calorie) demand will be on your body.
This literally burns more calories, which is certainly a good thing, but it also induces the body to hold on to its lean muscle during fat burning phases, which helps keep your resting metabolic rate up. In addition, compound exercises have been shown to encourage the body to release anabolic hormones. This further helps you maintain lean muscle.Be answerable to someone. If you unable to afford a trainer full-time, hire one to construct your diet and exercise programs for you and monitor your progress. You might only need them once a month, but having them there will offer you someone you are answerable to on a continual basis. This will help you stay focused.If you can't, or don't want to work with a trainer, attempt to find someone to work out with.
This will make you more committed to exactly when and where you will be working out. There will be less missed workouts, and you'll have more consistency in the gym and your workouts in general. If this is impossible or undesirable to you, attempt to find one good friend who totally backs you, and who doesn't mind you calling them up every few days and reporting your progress. It may seem like your friend is almost like a sponsor in an AA meeting at times, but in saying this, that's not such a terrible thing to possess in your life when you're trying to lose weight. This is even more important when you're continually in the company of people who don't care about what they eat.

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Sneezing around the Christmas Tree

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:57 AM

by B. B. Hilsen
What is Green, a symbol of the Holiday Season, and makes you sneeze? The answer could very well be your Christmas Tree. Allergists have long suspected that live Christmas trees are the culprits behind some folks' runny, itchy noses during the holidays reports an article from the Orlando Sentinel written by Linda Shrieves. "I've been in practice for over 30 years and every year between Christmas and New Year's we have everybody come in with recurring sinus infections, states Connecticut allergy specialist Dr. John Santilli.Dr. Santilli placed a live Christmas tree inside an intern's apartment and took air samples for two weeks. (Santilli keeps his Christmas tree on a porch until Christmas Eve.) For the first three days, the mold counts inside the apartment hovered around 800 spores per cubic meter of air, compared with a normal range of 500 to 700 spores per cubic meter. But by day 14, the mold count had skyrocketed to 5,000 spores per cubic meter. "The longer you keep the tree up, the worse it gets," said Santilli, who presented his study at a recent national meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology in Dallas.
Determined to prove his point by the second week, the tree was putting out a bucket of spores. That's when it gets to be a problem, especially if you have asthma or are prone to sinus infections."Santilli says the dead tree begins decaying shortly after it's cut. Though most of us don't associate mold with Christmas trees, "Mother Nature's cleanup crew is the mold, he said. "The molds take over and start decaying it."Although the medical community has long known about "Christmas tree allergy," what causes the sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes has been open to debate: pollen or mold? It is theorized that as many as 7 percent of people with allergies also may be allergic to their Christmas trees.
This comes from Canadian researchers interviews with 1,657 patients in 1969.That team suspected the culprits were pollens that stuck to the Christmas tree and balsam resins. Santilli, thinks his new research proves that mold may be the biggest problem. A Minnesota based company markets an EPA approved GREEN Mold and Mildew preventer called Vital Oxide. Vital Oxide is completely odorless, and is water based. This is a perfect product to use to keep the mold problem at bay states Tom Heller, managing partner of WorldWide Oxide, the distributor of the EPA approved GREEN Vital Oxide. For more information visit then company website at

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Diets That Work- Real or Fake?

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:54 AM

by Dereck Simmons
People who need to lose weight are constantly seeking diets that work. The trick isn't really finding a diet plan that works, but rather finding a diet to which a person can stick. The diet industry is very large. Including books, diet food programs, trainers and nutritionists, spas, and all the other elements of the health and diet industry a lot of money, over 46.8 billion dollars in 2005, is made not from people becoming healthy or losing weight, but rather from people trying to become healthy or lose weight. Because repeat business brings in the cash, the focus is surely on the ping-pong reality of poor living followed by short stints of diets and health programs.Here's a diet that works. Drink only water, eat only a thousand calories every day, and combine it with 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 days each week. It's a sure thing you'll drop pounds. Only two small things.
The first is that cravings will ruin the diet. Sooner or later, particularly after intense work outs, those 1000 calories won't be enough to satisfy. One piece of cake, or just one bag of chips, or one extra hot dog will soon motivate you to end the diet. #2 the diet eventually finishes. You eventually go back to eating the same old way. Next beach season, or next time to wear that dress or tuxedo, or next vacation, or simply the next time you look into a looking glass on the way out of the bathroom it will be time to return to a diet to lose the unwanted pounds.The best diet is one making a change to overall diet, forever.
More and more people now understand that to lose weight it's best to make a whole lifestyle change, including healthier eating habits and more exercise. The Sonoma Diet, created by Connie Guttersen, discusses 10 "power foods." These are almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and whole grains, eaten in conjunction with the cuisine of the Sonoma country, which includes Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean foods and dishes.
The diet includes a wide selection of real, and enjoyable foods so it's easy to remain on it .Want a diet that works? Shift the focus away from a short term diet to a long term style that's part of an overall healthy and active lifestyle. That's the way to not only lose the weight, but to avoid gaining it in the first place.
For more tips and information about healthy low carb cholesterol diet, visit:
Recommended healthy dieting tips for lose weight naturally

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by Darren Wumoult
Practically everybody in the world has had bad breath at some point in their lives, although you can expect that not many will readily admit it. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is actually a very common condition that may result from several possible causes, including inadequate dental hygiene, tooth cavities, gingivitis or smoking.
Hundreds of bacteria reside in a person's mouth. Some of these are good bacteria that help break down the proteins and other food debris left after eating. However, in the process of breaking down the food particles, many of these oral microorganisms emit volatile sulfuric compounds or VSCs. These chemicals have a rather offensive smell. In most cases, there is very small amount of VSCs produced and the smell is hardly noticeable. However, some people have very high levels of bacteria in their mouths that can produce excessive amounts of VSCs. In these cases, the combined odor of these chemicals become very unmistakable and comes out as bad breath.Besides these bacteria, other sources of foul odor in the mouth are the leftover food particles themselves. If you don't clean your mouth properly, bits of food will be left stuck in the crevices of your mouth and will eventually rot.
Also, regular consumption of spicy foods such as garlic, and sulfur-rich foods like onion and cabbage, can lead to the onset of halitosis as well. When ingested, the chemicals in these foods are mixed into the bloodstream and eventually released in the person's breath.The most effective and obvious way of preventing bad breath is through daily brushing of the teeth and gums, which includes the tongue, flossing, and rinsing. This should be done after every meal and preferably after each time you eat something. Proper cleaning of the mouth is important, particularly after eating foods that are high in protein content. This is because even after you finish a meal, microscopic particles of food still remain in the mouth.
Much of this food debris ends up trapped between the teeth and also in the coating found on the posterior aspect of the tongue. Since these are exactly the same locations in which the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath live, by not cleaning thoroughly a prolonged food supply is provided for these bacteria.If you go to your local pharmacy, you can ask for a tongue cleaner that you can use to scrub the back of your tongue. However, you can also use an inverted teaspoon for this. Simply hold the teaspoon with the hollow part facing down and gently scrape the furthest part of the tongue. Some people even use their toothbrushes for this.Another technique to keep your breath fresh it to keep your saliva flowing. You don't necessarily have to drool, but keeping the inside of your mouth wet will prevent the development of nasty-smelling oral bacteria. Surely you've noticed that your breath smells rather stinky in the morning. This is because saliva production is considerably reduced while you sleep.
Without the continuous flow of fluids, bacteria will then build up and produce the rank smell that you will observe in your breath upon waking up in the morning.Alcohol-free mouthwashes can also help in providing a temporary solution to bad breath. As an alternative, you can make your own mouthwash by using baking soda. Countless people have eliminated bad breath using this home remedy, although many of them admit that it's not the best tasting mouthwash in the world.Still another technique that some people use is to regularly gargle with a hydrogen peroxide solution. The oxygen in these improvised mouthwashes is very effective in eradicating the oral bacteria in the mouth and even in the throat.
When the amount of bacteria is reduced, the chance of acquiring bad breath is decreased as well.One handy item that can be used is the Waterpik. The purpose of this product is to knock out the food particles stuck in between the teeth and gums by using a strong jet of water. It has an adjustable pressure setting and comes with its own special tongue cleaner. The portable version comes with a battery and can easily be carried around. However, at the retail price of $35, this item might be too expensive for some people.

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How to Build Muscle Fast

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:50 AM

by Carl Winemen
Whether you are looking to bulk up for the first time, or you are simply looking at putting on some tone, you will find that the question of how fast you can build up muscle is one that will often occur to you. While the truth of the matter is that everyone's body is different and that everyone will put on muscle at their own rate, you can build muscle faster if you only keep a few things in mind.
Take some time and really consider your options when you are thinking about building muscle fast and remember that these tips can help you out a great deal.
1.Get plenty of rest When you are trying to build up muscle, you will find that one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you don't short yourself any sleep. Sleep is when your body takes the time to heal and repair itself, and if you are not letting it do that, you will find that your muscle building will grind to a slow but unstoppable halt. Really figure out how much sleep you need and make sure that you are going to get it. Even if it means going to sleep early, you will soon see that it is worth it.
2.Change your routine When you are looking to make sure that you are getting the best build that you can in a short amount of time, remember that varying your workout is key. Your body will get used to a workout faster than you believe is possible, and when you stop pushing yourself, you stop growing. Make sure that you do some cross training and make sure that you are keeping your exercises from getting stale and boring.
3.Keep your rep range low When you are looking to build up muscle, take some time and really think about what you can do to move from machine to machine after only a few repetitions. You will find that the more variety your body can enjoy, even during the course of one workout, the better. Remember that if you are using good form that you do not need more than six to nine repetitions for each body part!
4.Eat lot's of protein Protein is the building block that muscles are created on, so make sure that you eat plenty of it. There are protein shakes to make sure that your system gets everything that it needs, and also remember that you can't go wrong with lean red meat. Find ways to cook it that you really enjoy and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be when you are looking at getting the right kind of result!
5.Drink lot's of water When you are working out, you are losing water, so make sure that you take the time to replenish it. Water makes your body process faster, so take some time and really think about what you need to do in order to get the water that you need.

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How To Deal With TMJ Headache

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:48 AM

by Rashel Dan
Even those of us who have never experienced a TMJ condition before have probably heard how inconvenient and painful TMJ problems can turn out to be. It's sad for TMJ sufferers because sometimes, the pain may involve more than just the jaw area. A TMJ patient may also suffer from a TMJ headache.Pain of TMJAside from the pain in the jaw area, TMJ sufferers may also experience facial pain that may lead to facial inflammation.
On top of that, one could also possibly experience ear pain and ringing. One other TMJ related condition is the TMJ headache.In more serious TMJ cases, patients may also suffer from headache felt throughout the head area. In a lot of cases though, the pain may only be felt in the temple region. A TMJ headache is actually referred pain or pain that originates from the jaws and radiates to the temple area. This type of headache is considered a tension type of headache and may further radiate to the neck, shoulders and back regions.TMJ HeadacheThe pain of a TMJ related headache is the least of your problems. Sometimes the pain may increase and last for days up to a couple of months.
This can naturally lead to poor sleep and fatigue. All these could therefore translate to poor work performance and interpersonal interactions. Your head ache may not disappear on its own so you may need prompt treatment to get you back on track.Factors Affecting Your HeadacheAs discussed, a TMJ headache can develop into other serious conditions. Several factors including emotional dilemmas, menstrual cycle and physical fatigue may lead to more TMJ headache pain. Some experts say that a headache of this sort may also occur with sinus and nose congestions or problems.MisdiagnosisTMJ-related headaches are often misdiagnosed as some other condition. This could happen if your general practitioner is not thoroughly familiar with TMJ problems or if you go to a doctor who specializes in something else. Sometimes, TMJ can be mistaken for migraine or sinus problems especially if the patient does exhibit sinus symptoms along with a TMJ headache.
TreatmentThe treatment of your TMJ headache will depend on the kind of doctor that you approach. Some doctors may simply prescribe a pain reliever or over the counter anti inflammatory drug to help ease the pain of a TMJ linked headache. What you should remember though is that a TMJ headache is caused by your TMJ condition. It therefore follows that you can treat your headache best by addressing your TMJ problem.Like any health condition, TMJ can be treated and approached from various angles.
You could however try to manage your TMJ condition yourself. There is a possibility that your condition may be stress related. If this is the case, what you need to do is to look for ways to relax. You could enroll in formal meditation or yoga classes or you could simply look for activities that you find relaxing. You also need to mentally take note of situations when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will yourself to relax.

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by Darren Warmuth
It is not easy to break any old habit, least of all smoking, which is more than just a habit. However, if you have reached a point when you really want to quit smoking, you can do that more easily in a group rather than do it alone. But, first things first! You must be honest with yourself whether you truly want to quit smoking or is it just a passing fancy that impels you to give it up for any temporary reason. If you really want to give up smoking, then you must feel accountable to yourself and others.
That is why you need a support group around you that can be of at least two or three other people, though five is ideal.If you only have to answer to yourself when an overwhelming urge strikes, that's only one person the nicotine beast has to overcome, but if you have a group, that's a whole other story.Being accountable to others in the groupIt kind of works backwards to just being accountable to yourself. For example, let's say you've been off cigarettes for a week and for whatever silly reason your mind has come up with, you figure you need a smoke. Well, before you can do that, you have to battle your inner demons and then live with the guilt that you have failed. But the nicotine beast, as I said, is very strong and you are only one person. Many people fall down at this point.
On the other hand, if you had five loyal soldiers standing between the overwhelming urge and you, then it would be an entirely different story.How to make it work?Set up a small support group for yourself whether it be via email, telephone, or a support forum. Tell these people your goal to quit smoking but also ask them not to pester you about it - just to be there when you need help and positive support. Use them for encouragement.Now, with a support group in place, when you again encounter an overwhelming urge to smoke, you will have to get past not just your own guilty conscience, but you have to call these five people and tell them that you have decided to start smoking again.
Once you have got it off your chest, you need not do anything more. You can sit back and listen to five voices reminding you of your resolve. Then, it is up to you to decide whether they are unfair and misguided and your deep down beliefs that you should quit are suddenly wrong. And, if you think that just that 'one' cigarette will do no harm to your determination, you are wrong. Because its never one; its invariably the first one that will get you.
This is why the support system works so well - because now it's six (your support team plus you) against the 'one'. One last point, you must be well informed about the whole process before you try to quit smoking. The more you know about quitting, the more successful you will be.
Happy quitting !

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by Jimmy Johnson
There are a lot of different treatments available these days for anxiety. As one of the most common mental disorders out there, and with our ever-increasing understanding of it, anxiety is steadily becoming 'the mental disease of the year'. This is both good news and bad if you are looking for anxiety treatments. A host of medications are available to treat anxiety, but they are not without side effects.
Looking for some healthy and natural cures for anxiety is not a bad place to start.Everyone has anxiety in some way, but most people are naturally able to deal with it. Some of us have an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain which causes us to suffer from increased bouts of anxiety as we are unable to control it. There are different ranges of anxiety, so unless you have a severe anxiety disorder you should at least try some natural remedies before going to any prescription drugs as they may leave you foggy and unable to drive.Begin your natural treatment by starting a regular exercise program. Increasing your heart rate will help your circulation and will also adjust the level of chemicals in your body that help you relax and cope with stress and anxiety. Walking, jogging, riding a bike or rollerblading area all great ways to get yourself fit, free up your mind and help your brain to balance itself.
Some scientists believe that over the last few decades as humans have become less active there is a direct connection to the increase in mental disorder.Also, relaxation techniques are good natural cures for anxiety. Meditation, prayer, listening to some calming music, setting aside time to read a good book, getting enough sleep at night, and reducing caffeine intake will all help you to relax and therefore serve as safe, natural cures for anxiety. This last point especially; caffeine and other stimulants alone can cause huge amounts of anxiety for people.
When I cut back and eventually quit caffeine I immediately noticed an enormous reduction in my every day anxiety.If you have attempted all of these natural cures for anxiety and still suffer from it frequently, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor about it because you may have an anxiety disorder.
While not in itself serious, anxiety disorders can make life very difficult, and also increase your risk of developing stress related health conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. Additionally, many people develop harmful habits while trying to self-medicate for their anxiety.

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by Kaye Fretz

Herbs for arthritis are readily available. Like synthetic relief counterparts, these natural remedies cannot banish arthritis from your life. They are good options though to help diminish the symptoms of arthritis. When taken correctly, herbs help relieve pain and swelling. Here are some of them.

-Stinging Nettle- This herb has a similar effect as NSAIDs. It reduces inflammation since it has anti inflammatory properties. It also contains boron which is a mineral which is especially recommended for arthritis patients. Nettle leaves can be steamed and eaten to relieve arthritis inflammation.

-Devil's Claw- The claw-like shape of this herb's fruits is the reason behind its unusual name. The herb originates from Africa and is good relief for pain and arthritis swelling. There is also some experiential evidence that the herb can assist in promoting greater joint movement.

-Ginger- If you love the taste of ginger, you will love it even more for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help reduce the sensation of pain. Those who are very fond of ginger often report that there seem to be no side effects associated with it. Ginger can be mixed with food or taken as tea.

-Celery- Another ingredient found in the kitchen that can be used for arthritis relief is celery. Early European settlers introduced this herb to the North American continent. The herb has anti-inflammatory substances and potassium which is beneficial for arthritis patients.

-Red Pepper- Lists of herbs for arthritis can't do without cayenne or red pepper. Nearly everyone knows that red pepper is a good pain reliever even for those who suffer from pain not associated with arthritis. The substance in cayenne that is popularly known to relieve pain is capsaicin. This substance blocks the perception of pain and facilitates the release of more endorphins or the body's own natural pain relievers. Cayenne also has salicylate which is an ingredient in aspirin.

-Alfalfa- The major contribution of this herb to arthritis relief is its nourishing nutrient content. It also serves to minimize the retention of fluid. It is recommended that arthritic patients take this herb in tea form. Alfalfa powder may increase arthritis symptoms.

-Angelica- This is another species for what is also known as dong quai. For centuries, this herb has been taken as a form of tea to help relieve swelling and pain.

There are more herbs that can be used as arthritis pain and inflammation relief. People who have been taking a variety of herbs have had a lot of positive experiences. It is still very crucial though to remember to be cautious with taking herbs. A couple of herbs or a combination of herbs may promote negative reactions when taken with some prescription medications.

Another danger to herbs is the lack of dosage standards. Various people suggest different ways and quantities of taking herbs. There is always a danger that you could take too much or too little of herbs.

If you truly wan to take herbs for arthritis, then consult your doctor. He could give you some advice on which herbs are safe to take considering your condition and current medications.

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by Andy Austim
In order to keep your cholesterol normal range you will need to follow a healthy lifestyle. The older you get, the more important it is to maintain good eating habits by avoiding foods that significantly raise your cholesterol level.Once you find out which diet is helping you control your cholesterol normal range, stick to that diet with dedication.
Snacks now and then are not completely forbidden, as long as you don't consume it excessively. Your primary problem might have been over eating the bad-for-you foods. So resist the temptation of falling back into unhealthy habits, and continue the good work.
As we all know bad habits are hard to break and it is harder to develop new habits. With this said, it is important to keep up with your exercise routine. Your cholesterol management must become a way of life in order for it to be truly effective. Stick with your exercise plan and you will not risk losing your momentum and fall out of cholesterol normal range levels.You may be tempted to stray from your current regimen once you get into the cholesterol normal range. Do not stray, in fact, you should maintain your current routine.
Although your cholesterol has reached a normal range, it can easily reach an unhealthy range. Always remember you feel healthy now because you've made the proper adjustments.For people who have problems keeping cholesterol normal range levels, a physician may be able to give them a prescription medicine. Some people have a hard time reducing their cholesterol levels more than other people. Some people naturally make an excessive amount of cholesterol and medicine is the only solution for them to decrease their cholesterol. People who have had problems with their heart and have to lower their cholesterol right away are given medicine also because they can't take the time to use the natural method of dieting and exercising.It is very important to keep up a cholesterol normal range.
Medication can lower these levels but if you don't change your diet you run the risks of canceling out the effects of the medication. Keeping your cholesterol in an acceptable range is the key to not only looking more youthful but feeling increased vitality for an extended period of time.In order to have a healthy cholesterol normal range, you must exercise and eat only healthy cholesterol friendly foods that you enjoy. When you balance the correct foods with exercise you will find that you not only look better, but feel better as well.

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3 Simple Strategies to Quit Smoking

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:30 AM

by John K Lamm
You can see smokers everywhere you go. Since there are so many people smoking in this world, it is no surprise that you can see one or two people puffing happily at every corner. However, smoking is really harmful to the smokers and the people around them including children and adults.As smoking is easy to get back to, it has become a habit that is very hard to get rid of. Even that you managed to abstain from smoking for six long months, you still will want to smoke again. You should hooked right back if you give in to the impulse when a friend offers you a puff. Only one cigarette will have you back in the habit.However with these 3 simple ways, anyone can quit smoking successfully:The Right Reason for Stop Smoking
First, you must have a desire to quit smoking. People always saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink." If you have no intention to quit and enjoy smoking, nothing in this world can make you quit. So in order to success in any smoking cessation programme, the desire to quit is very important.
Moreover, you need to have a right reason to stop smoking. Quitting for the wrong reason can bring disaster to you. So be careful when choosing the right reason to stop smoking.Know the EnemyYou must know that your greatest enemy is nicotine. Although more than 4,000 chemicals are produced when a cigarette is lit, however nicotine is the highly addictive ingredient that provides the 'high' for smokers.
Choose the Right WeaponTo help smokers to stop smoking easily, I will recommended a powerful weapon which called stop smoking herbs. Moreover, it can help to get rid of the smoking habit. More and more people start using this method to quit smoking. They are really effective in quit smoking however you must ready to do so. Most smokers manage to quit smoking in less than 30 days by using stop smoking herbs.

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by Melissa Moore
People are continually searching for diets that work. Many go from one diet program to the next thinking this next one will be the one that solves my weight issues. Finding a diet that one can follow and stick with tends to be the real issue at hand versus actually finding a diet that works. The 46.8 billion dollar diet industry (as of 2005) depends not on people staying healthy and keeping off weight, but rather on people taking an endless yo-yo ride between health and fat. Because the money comes from repeat business, the focus is naturally on methods and products that work for a short period but result in return business. Here's a diet that will result in weight loss.
Limit the amount of calories that you consume each day to 1000 calories, limit liquids to water and exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week. There are two problems with this diet. For one, 1000 calories and all that exercise will eventually lead to massive hunger and binge eating. Your cravings will likely ruin the diet. A little bit of dessert, or just candy bar, or one extra hamburger will soon result in you throwing the diet out the window. Secondly, the diet eventually finishes. You will end up going back to eating the same old way. Next month, or next time you need to fit into that outfit, or next family trip, or simply the next time you glance at yourself in the mirror, it will once again be diet time.
The best diet is a permanent diet. More and more people are coming to realize that to lose weight it's best to change lifestyle, including healthier eating habits and more physical activity. Connie Guttersen created the Sonoma Diet which, as a base, focuses on 10 "power foods." The power foods are almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and whole grains, combined with the diet of the Sonoma country, which includes Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean foods and dishes.
It's easy to remain on this diet as it has a wide selection of real, and enjoyable foods. Shift the focus away from a short term diet to permanent eating habits that go along with an overall healthy and active lifestyle. In so doing, you will find the diet that works.

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Finding Relief from Hemorrhoids

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:26 AM

by Sandy Rowde
Hemorrhoids condition can become very uncomfortable and painful that it's no wonder why people suffering from it are clamoring for hemorrhoids relief. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum caused by too much pressure. Simply it is called a varicose vein in the anal canal.There are specialized centers that can help you deal with hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoid relief center is expected to diagnose properly the degree of hemorrhoids the patient has. Aside from sophisticated equipment and machine to treat hemorrhoids, a hemorrhoid relief center should also take into consideration the home-based natural methods of treating hemorrhoids or procedures that can provide relief to hemorrhoids.
Home-based hemorrhoids relief treatments are more applicable to small scale to medium size hemorrhoids.Most hemorrhoid relief centers have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that will put any patient at ease. A bright and friendly ambiance can likely lessen the irritation and discomfort the patients might be feeling because of their hemorrhoids. However, before you go scouting for a hemorrhoid relief clinic, it is important that you learn as much as you can about your condition and its different remedies first.
- Avoid strenuous activities that involve putting a lot of pressure into your body because too much pressure might aggravate the condition of your hemorrhoids. Try not to stand for a long period of time in just one position, or sitting for a long time with no cushion between your butt and the chair.
- Don't strain too much when defecating. Never push so hard during bowel movement because this will just put too much pressure on your hemorrhoids vessels that it might rupture and bleed.
- Maintain a fibrous diet. Increasing your water intake and eating of fiber-enriched foods will help you get relief from hemorrhoids. Doctors recommend to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and to eat at least 40 grams of fiber foods per day. The presence of these essential elements in the body can aid digestion and help in softening stool. Soft stools are important in order to avoid constipation and straining during bowel movements.
- It is also advisable to maintain a regular exercise habit. Keeping your body physically active does not only relieve stress, it also helps you lose some extra pounds; thus, making your body lighter and fitter.
- There are medical procedures for the more severe cases of hemorrhoids.
Rubber band ligation is one of the famous procedures in getting rid of hemorrhoids. A rubber band is being wrapped around in the swollen tissue in order to prevent blood flow in the area. In this manner, less blood will circulate in the affected area which will lead to its shrinking.Another method is galvanic electrotheraphy, wherein an electric current is being used to shrink the hemorrhoids. Also, another way of ridding off hemorrhoids is through hemorrhoidectomy. It is a surgical procedure wherein the hemmorhoid is being excise and really scraped off. This is the most recommended procedure among hemorrhoids that are already in its grade 4 (the highest degree of complication or pain among the four grades of hemorrhoids).

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by David Garn
A "work at home business" is good opportunity for moms who want to take care of their kids at home and for people who have physical deformities or problems that make finding a job difficult. For anybody interested, there are a lot of opportunities that will help you set up your own home business. Your work-at-home business will not even require you to input a lot of effort.
Accidents happen even if we don't want it to. These uncontrollable events can leave a person scarred or disabled for life. When a person can't walk, the possibilities of him finding a real job is quite low, but this should not stop him from earning at all. The Internet has lots of opportunities to offer. If you start your own work-at-home business, you will be able to earn every week without even leaving your home.Affiliate Programs: excellent means to get rich fastAffiliate programs are remarkable means of earning a quick profit without working hard or exerting much energy. In addition, these programs are free of charge so you don't need to invest money before joining. Internet business gives you the opportunity to profit much money without wasting energy and time.
Moreover, you can have the power to act effectively by raising a lot of referral tools such as article submission, PPC campaigns, banner advertisements, blogging and others to please customers in order for them to join your affiliate program. This means that you can work at home by using the mentioned tools for you to obtain money without working hard or even while taking a rest at home.MLM marketing: another great alternativeIn MLM marketing, you still have to get referrals; however, this time, you have to sign up under an online MLM program then refer their products to your affiliates. You can recruit people to, again, "work" for you; and as they sell/buy the products, you will receive a commission from it. The technique (which also applies to affiliate programs) is to have as many active referrals as possible.
You don't even have to buy the products or work long hours because as long as you have a good down line, you will be able to earn a lot.Start your own companyAnother good work-at-home business is that of your own online store, which you can use to sell your own products or from a wholesaler. Try to look for company websites that will help you set up a retail store for free if you sell their products.
There will be no need for you to set up a huge capital. Try to research which products sell fast and at a higher price. The best and known brands usually fetch higher sales than less-known brands. If you are good at something, say, video editing or website making, then you can sell your services too. After all, almost everything can be done online these days.

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By Caleb Lee
The Bench Press is one of the optimum workouts to build your chest, bar none. What is more, you can lift extra poundage for every workout than with other isolation exercises-therefore you'll build strength and volume with this exercise. This article believes that you are familiar with the nuts and bolts of how to bench...Then again to gain the quality results, also known as to build a monster chest you can rest your beer can on, and you need to know these 9 tips...
Great Tip #1: Plant Your Feet And Puff Up Your ChestLie down on the bench and plant your feet like you mean it. Then force your chest out to the max. To achieve this you want to grab the uprights of the bench as you're laying down and perform a pullover of sorts so there is an arch in your lower back.Squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. Imagine you're pinching a quarter together with them. And simultaneously push your shoulders down towards your feet.
Tip Number 2 : Hold Your Breath and Prepare Yourself For TensionTake a deep breath and brace yourself like you're about to take a punch to the gut. This insures that you're keeping your whole body tight and forcing your muscles to have maximal tension. Also the intraabdominal pressure will give you more strength and protect your back. Plus, it's useless to try to breath when there's a loaded barbell sitting on your chest.
Great Tip #3: Drag the Bar Down With Your LatsTighten your pecs hard at the start of the movement and focus on pulling the bar down to your sternum with your LATS. This will check you're keeping your shoulder blades together and making your pecs execute most of the work.
Tip Number 4 -- Try To Cross The Bar With Your ChestKeep expanding your chest and assume you are attempting to cross the bar, meet it halfway with your chest as you're pulling it down with your lats. Prolong pulling down until the bar touches your chest. Break off briefly in this position
Tip Numer 5: Do NOT Relax, Stay Tight and Blast OffSustain the tension in your body, stay tight, and prepare yourself to push. What you do is force the bar off your chest, trying to to move it as fast as you can while maintaining full-body tension for supreme strength. Push the bar like you're doing a decline press down towards your feet to protect your shoulders. Imagine you are pushing yourself away from the bar, you'll know you're doing it properly when you sense that your upper back is tight.
Tip Number 6: Utilize All-Out Tension Techniques At Your Stumbling BlockWhen the rep turns out to be hard and you're hitting your stumbling block, here's what you do:
1. Grip the bar as hard as you can
2. At one go, Tighten your Abs and glutes and grunt
3. Think you're sending strength from your core, your gut into your armsAnd GRIND it, keep pushing away from the bar, keeping supreme tension.
Tip Number 7: Sooner Than Your Next Rep, Re-check Your FormBefore you go for your next rep, recheck to make sure:
* Your feet are still planted
* Your shoulder blades are still pressed together
* Take a breath and then hold it once more to get your intra-abdominal pressure up for a second time...If you drop a few of these things, re-rack the bar and get yourself into correct position for a second time prior to your next rep. Proper form is more important than doing all your reps all together. There you go, there are 7 tips to guarantee you build a hulking chest with the Bench Press. Put them into action right away and observe your chest grow!

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Weight Loss Success

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:19 AM

by Gary Pearson
There are hundreds of types of diets out there these days. Some work and some don't. My belief is that diets work differently on different people, kind of like stop smoking techniques. You just have to find something that works for you and keep trying until you do.Now that your curiosity has risen I'll share what I have learned. The concept of achieving weight loss success through tricking your body is quite new to me. Researchers suggest that dieters should take two tablespoons of oil each day.
This will trick your metabolism into burning fat and it will knock you appetitive down to nothing.Isn't it worth it then if all you have to do is have some oil twice a day and do nothing else? No watching what you eat, no taking supplements and no being super hungry and anxiously looking forward to your next meal of celery. It really is the easiest diet ever invented and if you find yourself desperate to find something that works then what is there to lose.Taking oil would seem like the opposite thing that you want to do when you are dieting. After all, you are trying to burn fat, so how does consuming more fat do this? Well to tell you the truth I have no idea, the oil just tells your stomach that it's full and since you've not eaten anything then your body starts burning fat to compensate for the lack of food.If you are at your wits end when it comes to revolving door diets then you should at least give it a try. After all, what do you have to lose?
Hopefully more than a few pounds if you are lucky. You barely need to do anything so if it doesn't work you haven't lost much.
The great thing about this diet is that the oil suppresses your hunger for several hours so you can get through your day without snacking. It really works, and it could help you lose weight fast and easy. All you need is some light olive oil or refined walnut oil to get yourself started.Oh yes, you want to only use oils that have little or no flavor. The high concentration of nutrients with no flavor is what tricks your body into burning fat. I can attest that it does wonders for willpower. I have to force myself to eat. If I experience weight loss success by doing just this then I am never going to need to go on another diet again.

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by Yuki Shoji
Making money fast from home can be just around the corner if you can create a successful affiliate website. You can build a whole new website for your affiliate store or you can add an affiliate program to an existing website.The most important factor for your success is choosing a nice market. If your site is too broad you will have too much competition on the search engines and you will never make it.
Choose a nice market and become an expert on that market. The best way to choose your market is to choose something you are interested in that has a relatively low number of results when you search it in Google. For instance don't sell party supplies sell, children's theme party supplies.Next you must pack your site with useful information. Tell people all about your product. Offer instructions for use or product reviews or in the case of party supplies, include tips and ideas for parties while offering affiliate links for all the supplies needed. The information is once you get people to your site the information that you have available is what will keep them there and it is what will drive them to buy from your affiliates.Use targeted marketing for your site. However you choose to market you website, whether it is with article marketing, blogging, emailing, or pay per click, choose a target market and focus on them. Any traffic is great if traffic is what you are going for but you want sales so you have to attract people who are likely to buy what you are selling or else you are wasting you efforts.Follow up with customers.
Create a way to maintain a relationship with your customers. Offer a free newsletter. It will take some work to put a newsletter together but it will give you a chance to remind customers about your website and give them a chance to return and make another purchase.Building an attractive affiliate store is only a small part of making money on the web. You have to do your homework and really work at marketing. If you want to make money fast from home there is nothing like affiliate marketing.

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by Theo McLanahan
Audio is becoming the "next big thing" on the internet lately. We're finding welcome messages on websites, audio blogging, podcasts, even audio newsletters sent out once or twice a month. Internet surfers are enjoying audio and today's technology is making it so simple for us to download audio to our MP3 players, listening to it whenever we like.If you have been conducting interviews for a written information product or articles for your website, you can take these audio files and turn them into another profit generating information product.
The following are a few examples of how to do this:By offering a product upgrade: If you have already created a written info product (ebook or special report) and have conducted interviews while doing research for the product, you can then offer the audio files as an upgrade to the base product. For instance, if you offer the basic product for $19.99, you can include the audio files to the customer for an upgraded price of $24.95 or higher, depending on how much audio there is to accompany the product.By offering a product downgrade: This is a bit opposite the above description. If you offer a program that includes written content and audio content (like interviews), offer just the audio interviews for those who can't afford the entire package.
For instance, if your package price is usually $199, offer the audio only for a price of $75. This can be a way to capture the sale from someone who would have otherwise not been making a purchase.Audio Information Product: In addition to the product upgrade and downgrade features, you could offer audio files as entirely new information products. In addition to selling interviews with experts you recorded as research for existing information products, you could invite people who have already purchased the product onto a teleconference line for a question and answer session with you, and possibly, the other experts you interviewed when creating the product. You could record the q&a session and offer it to all future customers.Seminar Series: A great way to generate some traffic for your site, create buzz, and make money is to offer a seminar series.
You can approach other business owners that your target market will find interesting and ask if they would like to be a part of your seminar series.Depending on how much traffic you currently have, you may be able to charge the presenters a fee to have a spot in your seminar as well. You can opt to allow people to dial in on a teleconference line or meet in a web conference room and listen to the live seminar for free, and then charge a fee for access to the recordings of the seminars. Alternatively, you can charge a fee upfront and only give paying customers access to the live seminars.As you can see, there are numerous ways to make money with your interviews. You will find readers will enjoy hearing your voice, as well as hearing from other experts. With a little organization, you can bring a whole new stream of income with your audio interviews.

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Fast or slow?

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:43 PM

To each her own and that applies to what a woman wants in bed -- either a fast fuck or the slow, smooth kind. However, it seems that most women prefer the sensual approach rather than the pound-pound-pounding away.

A slow, smooth approach will enable you and your partner to employ your senses and experience all the bliss related to the sexual experience. Feel her soft skin, see her lovely face, hear her moans, taste her mouth, and smell the scent of her body.

True, most films favor and highlight the fast and hard fucking. But that's just on film, silly! That's the way it's supposed to look -- quickly and vigorously. How else can they sustain your interest if they otherwise took the slow road? It'd be rather boring, wouldn't it? So, in order to get that wild and exciting impression, the porn stars are instructed to take the fast road. That's why men have created the illusion that this is just the way it is supposed to be done. Well, sorry to disappoint.

Besides there are advantages to the slow approach. One is that you get to explore her body more. It's not just her breasts and her twat that matters. Have you tried licking her ears, touching her nape or the back of her knees, or massaging her foot? Well, you should. These are highly erogenous areas of the woman's body' and it'd just be too selfish of you if you don't provide her the pleasure.

Women are turned on with kissing, caressing, licking (slurping even). It just sends her to the edge as you masterfully rein her back. This only makes her even hornier! She'll want you more and more if you tease her; building up the aching need inside her. Don't you just love hearing her moan and feel the tingling down her spine?

Build up her longing with romantic nuances like flickering candles, rose petals, fresh sheets, sweet music, kinky underwear or sex toy. This whole romantic package is important for her, so don't you try to shortchange her. Try out various foreplay techniques first before taking the slow plunge. Intense and increased desire only makes way for numerous orgasms.

A slow approach also conserves your energy for that surging crescendo. If you thrust harder and deeper, you are in a rush to get there. You're only forcing it; and it's not as satisfying as it should have been otherwise. It could also give your honey a stiff neck or sore back, for that matter. Several seconds of frenzy rewarded by a quick orgasm is rather limiting. Why not extend your pleasure even more?

Learn how to control your urges. Build up her longing with slow, deliberate thrusts, pausing curtly, and constricting your inner muscles. Touching fosters a stronger connection; the more you are familiar with each other's bodies, the more intimate your sexual encounters would be.

Every sexual experience means so much for a woman. So, try to approach your love-making with sincerity, confidence, and respect. You can show her this by making her feel special and by considering her needs. She may not say it out loud, but she needs more than a steely pecker inside her. She needs more than that, and you should know better.
For more information, visit :Free Sexual Health Guides

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by TomO'Riordan
Health is wealth and if you are deprived of this wealth then your life is a burden to you as well as to your family in spite of having any type of material wealth. People are becoming aware of the consequences of neglecting primary health finally resulting into a major decease, for which the end may be an immature deathThough new medicines and treatments are increasing exponentially, people are losing confidence in these new products and methods because of the increased frequency of side effects and the lack of permanent solutions to ailments. For these reasons, people are looking for medicines with natural ingredients that are reliable and relatively safe.Some of the common health problems which make the life of people a real struggle are all types of cancer, heart related problems, and high cholesterol level in blood, and urinary organ related problems and the available medicines in the market are not competent enough to cure these diseases permanently.Tahitian Noni is becoming famous across the globe for being the herbal solution people are turning to. A fruit that grows naturally in forests and shores, Noni is part of a university study that shows the fruit itself and its juice are an excellent low-fat source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and other nutrients.Many pharmaceutical companies are producing different products from the fruit of noni keeping in mind its growing popularity. Tahitian Noni juice is a trade mark product and there is a great scope for you if you become a noni distributor. You can earn a handsome earning for your family and convince your friends to become a noni distributor like you.The benefits of this juice are multi fold. The main aspect of this product is its ability to maintain the existing healthy levels of cholesterol in your blood in spite of taking this juice for many years. It works on the cellular level and benefits every system of our body. One should know the positive aspects and benefits this product before deciding to become a noni distributorA major benefit of this product is it is a great source of antioxidants. Boosting immune system of the person who consumes it regularly is another important quality of this juice. Also it is an effective medicine for all types of cancers especially bladder prostate cancer in which otherwise chances of survival of the patient is very remote.Tahitian Noni is exponentially gaining interest with people everywhere and from all walks of life. Copycat products will be sure to follow. As a distributor, you can rest assured that Tahitian Nonias formula is a closely guarded secret that will make the product stand above all others because it is absolutely beneficial to people everywhere, from any lifestyle, and most importantly, affordable to any budget.

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by Bi Kun tan
Sometime medicine prescribed by a doctor just doesnat seem to work. So a person will have to think outside the box for that one thing that will be the cure. Something that people may resort to is acupuncture. You may have heard of this but you might not know exactly what it is and why itas used?Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method used to resolve many complex medical issues. It was used in conjunction with Chinese herbs and medicines. It still is used this way today. It is a healing process that many claim have improved their life when other traditional medicines could not. Acupuncture is essentially the use of many sharp needles. These needles are inserted just under the skin in precise location. It is assumed that by placing the needles in these certain places that pain or stress will be alleviated in others.Not just anyone can perform an acupuncture treatment. Courses on the skills and techniques to properly perform an acupuncture treatment are required. This type of treatment can be difficult to understand and improper placement of the needles can make a person worse rather than better. This is why classes must be completed before acupuncture can be performed.If a person sought the wrong person to perform acupuncture on them, needles could be placed in the arm leaving nerve damage in their arm for the rest of their life. This could the result of acupuncture taking place without proper training.It is important to get treatment from a well trained professional because they will alleviate your pain by using the correct acupuncture techniques. The Chinese developed this treatment specifically for treating pain and stress. So far, it seems like the technique has worked.Recent medical breakthroughs have enabled it to be used for more than just certain ailments. The list of ailments that you can use it for is constantly growing as patients seek alternatives to traditional medicines and healing practices. Today, acupuncture is mostly used for ailments such as: arthritis, back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and also sciatica.This article should provide a brief overview to the question: what is acupuncture? It is a healing process that was developed by the Chinese and can be used for eliminating pain and stimulating healing within the body. If you feel that your current medical ailment isnat getting any better, consider alternative medicine. Acupuncturists will be able to determine if this type of therapy will help you.

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by Christian Goodman
Fuel or food is of course required to provide us with energy. Like a furnace, we bring in fuel which is transferred to energy. Often though, we provide our bodies with too much fuel or even worse fuel that cannot be burned properly. The result is stored fat.Chemicals and preservatives added to foods turn them into useless fuel. Think about what happens when you throw rocks into a fire. They are useless as fuel so they just remain behind.Our bodies are capable of breaking down food we ingest. However, most food we eat does not contain the proper kinds of proteins and vitamins required for the body to recognize it as potential fuel.The body will maintain a state of hunger in search of proper nutrients. The more 'useless fuel' we provide, the more food our bodies will want. As a result we continue to eat more than necessary.The end result is often a fat, but pitifully undernourished body. The solution to this part of the problem is to eat more real food. Not fast food, not boxed, canned, or frozen food that has had all the nutrients processed out of it. Real food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition to not providing the proper nutrients to the body, there's another crucial component that gets overlooked entirely too often. In order for anything to burn, three things are necessary, material to burn, heat to burn it with, and oxygen.Most traditional diet programs deal with the material (the food) or increasing the heat (your body temperature) through exercise. Very few if any address the issue of not providing enough oxygen.An easy way to keep a flame from burning is to deprive it of oxygen. Depriving the body of oxygen also curtails it's ability to burn anything.Most people need far more oxygen than what is taken in if burning fat is to continue effectively. Lack of activity means we are not breathing deeply and bringing in that oxygen.My Weight Loss Breeze Program involves the key component of oxygen intake. Incorporating it into your lifestyle will have amazing weight loss results.A few minutes of easy exercises are geared specifically toward the missing element in most programs. Include the right fuel and your body will be rewarded.

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3 Signs of Menopause and Symptoms

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:02 PM

by Grace Lam
Menopause symptoms affect about almost every women who approach menopause. Some women have signs of menopause during this periods that can be very difficult. All symptoms were experienced by numerous women and were either cyclical in nature, or responded to treatments known to address hormonal imbalances.Irregular PeriodsThe period of time leading up to menopause is often characterized by irregular periods. As menopause approaches, women's hormones become imbalanced, and because the menstrual cycle is entirely dependent upon hormones, irregular periods often occur. Periods may become longer and heavier as ovulation becomes increasing irregular and infrequent.You can get irregular periods at any time, but they may be a sign that the menopause is approaching. Several factors can cause irregular periods, but for women approaching menopause, the most likely cause is fluctuating hormonal levels experienced typically between the ages of 45 and 55. However, you should talk to your doctor if you have any of the following changes in your bleeding, because you may have another condition that needs treating.Hot FlashesAs hot flash or flush is common in menopause, it possibly 85% of American women have them. Described as an intense feeling of heat generally spreading from your face, neck and chest, a hot flush usually lasts several minutes. The exact cause of this phenomenon is largely unknown, though it is believed to be triggered by changes in the temperature controlling part of the brain.Hot flashes are due to the hypothalamic response to declining ovarian estrogen production. Some women have hot flashes for a very short time during menopause. While it may be impossible to completely avoid hot flashes during menopause, there are certain triggers that may bring them on more frequently or cause them to be more severe.Heart PalpitationsIf you are consciously aware of your heart beating, you are probably having a heart palpitation. The rapid heart beat will normally be accompanied by a hot flash and is usually nothing to be worried about. Some persons with palpitations have no heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms and the reasons for their palpitations are unknown.One common cause of palpitations is the overuse of stimulants, including caffeine (coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas), nicotine, diet pills and medications such as decongestants. You can try to relax and take deep breaths, then try to reassure yourself that this only a symptom of menopause and it will pass. While these common causes are usually harmless, you should not delay in seeing you doctor and have it checked.In fact, not all women experience symptoms with the onset of menopause. These symptoms can be related to hormone imbalance, poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, poor quality sleep, exposure to household chemicals, environmental toxins, synthetic hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills and stress. Fortunately, these signs of menopause can be cure by various types of menopause treatment.Grace Lam, who has studies various medical studies and manage to beat menopause successfully, willing to share her knowledge through website where you can get Free Copy and Useful Resources about Menopause and Menopause Treatment.
For more information about Menopause prevent and treatment, visit: Natural Menopause Aid

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Arthritis and Exercise

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 10:00 PM

by Gary Pearson
rthritis can keep people from exercising - when the joints are inflamed, exercises and activities like walking or weight training can become very painful and difficult. These are challenges that can be overcome, though.Typically, when you are diagnosed with arthritis your healthcare practitioner will provide you with a comprehensive arthritis treatment plan that includes various types of arthritis exercises. This plan will also include any dietary restrictions and inform you of the various types of food known to reduce arthritis pain. Generally, this arthritis treatment plan will also include a list of foods known to aggravate arthritis symptoms such as red meat, dairy products, food additives, and processed foods.Exercises that help keep arthritis in check cover a whole range of activities. Yoga and tai chi not only keep your body fit, but also keep your mind calm and focused. Water aerobics, muscle strengthening and weight training are also activities that help. Other exercises like dance and aerobics, and cycling can also help control arthritis, when done in moderation.Before embarking on any type of arthritis exercise program it's best to consult with your healthcare practitioner to be certain the form of exercise you choose will not further aggravate your arthritis symptoms.Health clubs are a great option, as are health products. These might seem expensive, but if you check, you might find out that your insurance company offers some kind of discount with health clubs and with health products. You can always make the best of such offers.One of the best things about health clubs is that a personal trainer is one of the options open to you. Even with the discount that you get with your insurance policy, you might have to pay from your pocket for such services, but this will give you access to training programs uniquely tailored for your needs.Another option is to look into joining your local YMCA or YWCA. Oftentimes, these organizations offer water aerobics, which has shown to be effective in decreasing arthritis pain. Water aerobics is a very gentle form of exercise and can be performed by nearly everyone. It involves sitting in a shallow pool and conducting gentle resistance exercises.Application of heat always helps, with different kinds of arthritis. Generally, proper application of heat for anywhere from five to fifteen minutes can give a lot of relief and make sure that joints remain flexible. This is especially important before exercise.Once you have applied heat to your joints, begin with a few stretches. Once you have finished your routine, cold packs will soothe the soreness in your joints. This will also help you reduce inflammation in your joints.One of the most important things you have to keep in mind is that this work out is meant to make you feel better - it should not be too painful, and you must enjoy doing it. If you enjoy your exercise routine, whichever form of it you choose, you will be more likely to stick to it for a long time.

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by C R Bolden
Automatic Builder is the perfect home based business for any internet marketer. Why? First of all, the company is legitimate and second they allow you to make lots of money online from home. Automatic Builder works side by side with Nutronix to market their health and wellness products online and in person. Nutronix is a 7 year old debt free company which is getting well known on the world wide web for their outstanding products and support.When you join AutomaticBuilder and Nutronix, you will recieve top of the line training on how to build your business online and in person. You will be able to create an income that will both amaze you and astonish you month after month forever because this business is not going anywhere! All you need to do is take the AutomaticBuilder tour which is free and see why this company is head and shoulders above so many companies out there.After reviewing AutomaticBuilder and if you are interested in joining it only costs $2.95 to get started. The initial $2.95 includes a free product along with 2 free websites and access to some vital knowledge on internet marketing. When you join your sponsor will e-mail or contact directly to welcome you into the business and will guide you on how to get started.Also for people whom are interested in joining AutomaticBuilder, the system continues to track them and send them follow up e-mails asking them if they require more information. So most of the time you don't have to follow up with people who are just taking the tour. Within one week of signing up a new distributor can have 15 people in their team due to the "spillover effect". We think this is a phenomenal system that works rather well and leads to big money down the road.Many members who join up and become a distributor are making between $1000-$5000 a month and people are making more than this every month. Don't get me wrong, there is some work involved and there is a learning curve, but it's not traditional network marketing work that causes stress. To me its a lot of fun and I also know people who have failed in that traditional type of business are succeeding with their own Automaticbuilder and Nutronix business.AutomaticBuilder is there and poised for your wealth achievement online! With Nutronix and AutomaticBuilder teamed up together you can't loose! As I said before Nutronix is the parent company of AutomaticBuilder, they are whom you recieve your checks from and they are a 7 year old debt free company specializing in health and wellness products.By teaming up with AutomaticBuilder which is a powerful, automated system of locating and signing up people who are interested, an explosive growth has happened! Alot of people who weren't making money online before are now earning more than they ever imagined! Will you let this happen to you? The best part about this wonderful company is you can take a free tour and see for yourself. You're not obligated to pay anything but you'll be able to do a nice research and make a sound decision.

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by James Knolan
We know how important it is to find good information regarding a given product. For this reason we have developed a systematic and comprehensive review process. This process helps take out the bias. Our system consists of a 5 category system to evaluate a massage chair. Each category has equal weight and the value of each category is between 0 to 20 points. All the scores of each category are added up to give an overall rating. Our categories include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. This systematic approach forces us to a disciplined method of evaluating a massage chair to help guide anyone looking at massage chairs. In this review we evaluate the Omega M-2 Orion Massage Chair which is in the entry level price range of $1,500 and under.Warranty & Customer Service: Warranty and customer service comes from the manufacturer of the massage chair. Warranty is important, since it protects the customer in the workmanship of the product. The other side of this is customer service. Customer service must solve issues one may have. With the M-2 Orion, Omega Massage covers 1 year on the frame, 6 months on parts, and 6 months labor and shipping for 6 months. For an entry level massage chair, Omega provides the most comprehensive warranty and exceeds the other manufacturers in this category. With the M-2 Orion, Omega provides strong warranty coverage. Now on the customer service side, Omega overall is responsive and competent. They have quick turnaround times when issues do arise. The M-2 Orion is an 18 in Warranty & Customer.Comfort & Ergonomics: A massage chair needs to be designed to fit the body and provide comfort. The chair is a place of relaxation. One does not want to be pre-occupied with non-intuitive functions. Let us take a look at the Orion. The Orion has a remote control holder under the armrest which is very convenient. You can recline the chair from 115 degrees to 170 degrees. There is the calf massage built into the footrest. The leg rest can be extended 4 extra inches. This allows the calf massager to be adjusted to where you like. The Orion is pretty comfortable with fully padded side armrests, extra seat cushion. You also get a plush back pad with a detachable shoulder pillow. The M-2 earns a 17 in this category.Ease of Use: A product needs to be intuitive and easy to use for consumers. The remote control is simple. It has full controls for the back, seat and leg rest. The remote also controls the calf massage, seat vibration and seat massage. Select from 3 timed auto programs and 3 back courses. The M-2 has a manual leg rest and backrest adjustments. The manual levers are in places that are easy to access, but it takes a time or two to get used to. The good thing is the hydraulics on the manual leg rest and backrest raise them, so the user only has to lean them back. Our rating for this massage chair recliner is 19 in this category.Key Features: What are the key features of the Orion M-2 massage chair? This chair comes with the very relaxing sway massage which is based on Hawaiian massage. Hawaiian massage is known for its flowing strokes and swaying motion. There is thorough back coverage with the back massage. The Sway massage penetrates deeper and deeper around the back. This massage chair recliner comes with an eight massage head system for the buttocks and thighs. These eight massage heads provide an invigorating massage. An extra seat cushion is provided to moderate the penetration of the seat massage. Coupled with vibration therapy in the seat, the M-2 has a very good seat massage. The Omega M-2 Orion earns an 18 for key features.Massage Therapy: The massage chair needs to provide effective massage therapy functions. The Omega M-2 Orion has 3 automatic timed massages ranging from 5, 10 and 15 minutes. There are 3 manual massages with 3 back courses. The manual massage techniques are Kneading, Swaying and Finger Press and have good strength. Select the speed of the manual massages. They have 3 levels to suit individual needs. The seat massage has 8 rotary massage heads and a seat vibration system. The level of intensity can be adjusted to 3 settings. The paddle system in the calf massage can be positioned on the thighs, knees and calves. It is extendable up to 4 inches. There is a strong combination of effective massage therapies for the whole body. Overall Rating for the Omega M-2 Orion massage recliner for massage therapy is 18.The Omega M-2 Orion does very well in our evaluation. The total score for the M-2 Orion is a 90/100. We are impressed with the massage therapy for this price range. Omega has concentrated on getting the massage therapy effective and still hit the price point for an entry level massage chair. There is strong warrant protection for the consumer. The feature set of this chair makes for a versatile and invigorating massage lounger. This is the best value in its class. The M-2 Orion delivers an effective full body massage at a great price point.

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