The most common cancer experienced by females is breast cancer. This has led to various searches for solutions and treatment methods. Although breast cancer is said to be responsive to some herbs, it is advised that orthodox medications are still the best available treatment for it.
Do you know that those birth control pills you pop can cause you breast cancer? Birth control pills increase the estrogen level in a woman's body. Increased estrogen has been linked with the development of breast cancer as tested patients show high estrogen content. Using other modes of contraceptives like condoms will lower the risk of increasing your risk level with respect to breast cancer.
Both men and women can contract a breast cancer. Sometimes the lump can be removed without a lot of invasion or damage, but other times you might have to undergo extensive surgery to save your life. There just is no discrimination with the condition. So, both men and women should be vigilant in looking out for breast cancer. The sooner it's discovered, the better chances one has of surviving it.
A bloody discharge from the nipples is not usually a common symptom of breast cancer. This therefore should not be a symptom to watch out for before going for clinical breast cancer examination. It is suggested that for women over 40 years, clinical examination should be done at least once in a year.
Breast cancer is almost painless at the initial stage; this has made early detection somewhat difficult. One of the symptoms however that can be felt early enough is armpit itching. The itching can even extend beyond the armpit and extend to the surroundings of the breast. Although this is not a must feel symptom before breast cancer can be diagnosed, it is advised that you take note and report all irregular cases of armpit itching.
The decline in the death rate of cancer infected individuals can be credited to research and early detection alongside breast cancer awareness. Information concerning breast cancer keeps coming up regularly and it is logical for breast cancer conscious people to pay attention to this information. Knowledge they say is power; you will be able to better protect yourself from breast cancer if you are well furnished with information concerning it.
Breast cancer is an ailment caused by the formation of malignant cells within the breast tissues. Although the ailment is common in women, it is almost non existence in men although few diagnoses have been made. The cancer is known to be heterogeneous as it shows variation in different women.
A lot of success have been recorded in the treatment of breast cancer. But the attitude of the patient will also contribute to the success of the treatment. The patient has to be strong and show willingness to recover from this deadly disease. The body has a strong healing power that can play important role in healing when the patient also fights the present disease.
A lot of women want to know the effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I'll say since our body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you should remember that one man's meat is another's poison so have your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast cancer or not.
Breast cancer is believed to be related to level and production of some hormones in the body. If this is true, then receiving hormone therapy can cause a hormonal imbalance that can cause breast cancer. However hormone therapy can be necessary for the treatment of other ailments such as depression, in such cases, you should ensure that you receive this therapy from a professional and not just any medical practitioner.
There are a lot of other ailments that share some of the symptoms of breast cancer. These ailments include cysts, fibro adenomas, injuries and other infections. These ailments are non cancerous and may not be as severe as the breast cancer. When you notice variation in your breast, you shouldn't wave it off thinking it is one of these diseases, you should receive medical help immediately.
Preventive measures against breast cancer are not yet fully defined as the actual cause of the disease is still unclear. But you will be able to lower your breast cancer risk by avoiding food with high fat content and reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. Also, you should do all you can to constantly be on the lookout against breast cancer by examining your breasts all the time for signs of tumors.
Science research has shown that heavy and tall people are at a higher risk of developing cancer growth generally. If this is true, it will mean breast cancer risk is higher in women with heavy and tall structures. Your height, we know, you cannot alter, but you should be wary of your weight. Don't get over weight if you don't want to increase your chances of developing breast cancer.
Breast cancer cannot be pinned to any cause as at present. This has made the prevention of breast cancer almost impossible as we don't actually know the things to stay away from. You can reduce the risk of breast cancer however by boosting your body's immune system, eating leafy vegetable, fresh fruits and whole grain foods are ways by which you can boost your immune system.
Breast cancer occurrence is not common in men although some cases have been reported. The cause of this kind of cancer is traced to exposure to radiation, Klinefelter's disease and cirrhosis. Also men that consume alcohol excessively
One of the myths of breast cancer is that it is not associated with pain. Although most breast pains are associated with hormonal changes within the body system, the IBC kind of inflammatory breast cancer is characterized with occasional breast pains. So don't just dismiss breast pains as menstrual related, be conscious to note your menstrual pains from other forms of pains on your breast.
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