As the skincare market continues to evolve and skincare companies try to continue delivering quality products that meet everyone's needs, there has been reasons to separate women's skincare from men's skincare. Just like in life, men have different needs than women do.
To start off, men usually start to notice aging effects later in life than women do, which I guess is a plus for men. But to most men anti-aging skincare isn't a priority like it is for women. Maybe its because they don't see symptoms of aging skin until later in life, I don't know.
Men tend to have more collagen and elastin in their skin, meaning they have thicker and firmer skin than women do. But on the other hand, men tend to have more small brown blemishes and face lines than women do.
Men also come into more contact with the natural elements, the sun, pollution, and debris than women do. That's why its so important for men to wash their face every night to get rid of these harmful particles that collect on their face, eventually clogging up their pores. But it takes more than just a washing of the face every day...
To really keep your skin looking young and healthy, you need to use a few men anti-aging skincare products. For example, men are very prone to wrinkles, bags, puffiness, and dark circles around the eyes. But by simply using a specifically formulated eye gel every day after getting out of the shower, you can avoid these ugly signs of aging from appearing. Women have the same kind of products, but men anti-aging skincare are formulated specifically for men and their needs. Look for the ingredient Eyeliss, which is a peptide that helps reduce irritation and skin slackening around the eyes. It creates great results in as little as a few weeks and has mainly been a secret of Hollywood stars and celebrities.
Another great men's skincare product to use is an active facial fluid. This will soothe your skin and reduce redness and inflammation, help get rid of those age spots and skin damaged areas, and reduce roughness caused by environmental elements, pollution, and debris. Basically, it helps repair damage through the general neglect that most men give their skin before they actually realize that skincare is important. Look for cynergyTK in a facial fluid because it blocks prostaglandid E2 production, the major cause of inflammation and redness to the skin. Look for witch hazel and natural vitamin E too, as these ingredients will help cure minor cuts, abrasions, and redness that often comes with shaving everyday.
Men almost need to keep their skin more moisturized than women do. Men's skin seems to dry up a lot faster than women's skin does. Moisturizers or creams with babassu and grapeseed oil create a thin invisible film over your skin which keeps moisture inside. And they don't even make your skin oily afterwards. It's also a good idea to use a deep active hydrating mask and cleansing mask every other week to make sure your pores get a deep cleaning. If you tend to sweat a lot an have oily skin, this is extremely important to do. And don't worry, this isn't a mask you have to walk around in for an hour like you may see women do often. It's an invisible mask you wear during the day.
Finally, don't ignore the rest of the skin on your body. It too needs attention if you want to avoid aging signs. Men are especially prone to rough and dry patches of skin like on the elbows, knees, and heels. Honey (particular manuka honey) and jojoba oil are great at moisturizing and healing these rough spots. And make sure that a body lotion or cream targets the three main causes of aging. These are 1) loss of collagen and elastin, 2) damage caused by free radicals, and 3) low levels of hyaluronic acid. A form of functional keratin, coenzymeQ10, and wakame are the best solutions to these three problems, respectively.
So what should you do now? Take all what I have shared with you and take action with it! Want the easy way? Go visit my website listed below and I'll tell you what product line has hands down the best men's anti-aging skincare products on the market. And please, don't just go to your local drug or department store and grab whatever product sounds like it will work. You have the Internet at your fingertips- use it! Do your research and find out what ingredients and how much of them they are using. Go with all-natural or organic skincare products so you won't have to worry about negative side effects from harsh chemicals or toxins.
By Jason P. Michaels
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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