By Mike Selvon
Osteoarthritis, the most common type of joint inflammation, can be caused by several factors. Some people inherit defective cartilage or are born with abnormalities of the spine that place more stress and weight on one of their joints, causing back pain and spine inflammation.
Others have gained weight and developed the disease as a result of the increased pressure. Knee and hip osteoarthritis are especially prevalent in overweight individuals. Injuries contribute to the development of this disease in athletes and young people, and the knees and spine are commonly affected areas in this case.
Joint overuse increases the risk of developing the disease too, particularly in the hand and knee regions. Despite the reason, the Arthritis Foundation says there are things you can do to ease the pain and slow the progression of this disease, which afflicts nearly 21 million Americans.
Your doctor can diagnose you with osteoarthritis based on your description of symptoms, the location of pain, a regular physical exam, X-rays, blood tests, or joint aspiration (removing joint fluid). Next, treatment options can be discussed. Doctors typically recommend a physical therapy regimen involving muscle strengthening exercises because muscles also act as a cushion for the body, medications, analgesic creams, hot and cold compresses, removal of joint fluid, surgery, injection of medications into the joint, use of supportive devices such as crutches or canes, and weight control.
It can be disappointing to learn that your weight has caused osteoarthritis and that you now need to lose some weight to take the burden off your joints, even though you're suffering pain in your knees, hips, spine or shoulders. Despite how mentally difficult it may be to get started, your body will begin to feel a bit better as you exercise.
Mentally, you will feel better about yourself and more in control. Little by little, you will find that you have increased mobility and more ease at doing day-to-day activities.
Low impact exercises, such as swimming, biking or walking, are recommended. For people with knee pain, strengthening exercises with light weights for the quadriceps are encouraged.
Range-of-motion flexibility exercises that include stretching are very common in physical therapy sessions. Forget about aerobics or jogging, and avoid overdoing it.
If your joints hurt excessively more than 2 hours later, then you've pushed yourself too hard. Before and after exercising you can try heat/cold packs to reduce redness or pain. Braces, rest breaks, decreasing your speed or duration and reducing your weight can modify the level of intensity to give you the ideal workout.
Exercising is so important for people with osteoarthritis. The temptation is to just withdraw from physical activity to avoid the pain, but the Arthritis Foundation recommends looking up a center near you to engage in group exercise classes for greater physical and emotional strength.
Your doctor can refer you to a physical therapist or suggest an exercise plan as well. Some people like having a personal trainer to supervise them. After you work out, monitor your health for unusual or persistent fatigue, increased weakness and sharp chronic pain more than an hour later, increased swelling or decreased range of motion.
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Natural Cure Gout - Before You Take Your Next Pain Killer, Cure Your Gout Naturally
By Joe Barton
Natural Cure Gout Remedies are among the fastest growing treatments for the most painful type of arthritis, gout. But did you know that millions of people are becoming addicted to painkillers for their gout pain?
Unfortunately, many of these people will be left with a disfigured joint, more gout attacks and an even more intense pain down the road. In fact, sometimes gout can be one of the most discouraging and painful diseases known to man. But it doesn't have to be this way!
Thousands of people and even some traditional doctors are now choosing a healthier and simpler approach to gout. These people are using a natural cure gout treatment which works by flushing the cause of gout (uric acid). And not using pain relievers to hide the pain.
And the best part about this treatment is that you can do it from the comfort of your home with your diet, vitamins, minerals, and some simple lifestyle changes.
Why You Must Flush Uric Acid?
First off, you need to realize why you are suffering from gout. Gout is primarily a physical disease which is most often caused by your lifestyle. Research shows that being overweight, elevated alcohol consumption, poor dieting, inactivity, and hypertension are some of the primary causes of gout.
And this is partially the result of too much uric acid in the blood stream. Your body is always in the process of flushing many by products which can harm your health and uric acid is one. When uric acid is not flushed from the body, it usually is deposited between the joints and forms into crystals. The crystals are the cause of your pain.
Fortunately, gout research is showing that you can be pro-active about your health and cure the gout symptoms in a matter of days. Here are some suggestions reported from various gout studies.
5 Ways to Naturally Cure Gout
1. Most natural health experts recommend weaning yourself off of doctor-prescribed NSAIDs. Because NSAIDs often give the patient a sense of false hope and hide the pain, we strongly suggest curing the gout symptoms as opposed to hiding the symptoms. Though painful at first, you will ultimately be able to live gout free if you use simple natural remedies to flush uric acid.
2. Secondly, you should also make water your number 1 priority for your day. You should aim to drink at least 100 ounces of water per day. Water naturally cleanses and flushes your body of uric acid and other harmful toxins. By drinking water, you can become healthier and lose up to a pound of fat a week.
Fact! Most often hunger pains are simply the body asking for more water.
3. Thirdly, we also recommend a daily baking soda remedy. Because baking soda has a basic pH, you can actually neutralize uric acid in your body with a baking soda remedy. All you need to do is take a half a teaspoon of baking soda and add it to a tall glass of water. Drink up and remedy your gout attacks.
4. Research shows that gout sufferers are often deficient in vitamins A, B5 and E. Rather than supplementing all of these vitamins, we recommend eating about 8 cherries a day. Cherries are loaded with vitamins and have actually shown to reduce gout attacks.
5. Finally, we also stress education. Did you know that there are over 20 ways you can naturally cure your gout symptoms. And better yet, there are over 50 changes you can make with your lifestyle to prevent gout from ever affecting you again. Check out this Gout Remedy Report for everything you need to know.
Cure Gout by Tonight!
These 5 tips will be very beneficial to start your natural treatment. However, they are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to treating gout naturally. If you would like a 100% guaranteed gout remedy that is researched and step by step, please visit our website today.
We promise you a cure and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Join the thousands of ex-gout sufferers today and become healthy again!
Guaranteed! Natural! Researched! Joe Barton offers you a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the only researched and step by step Natural Cure Gout Remedy. Upload yours now and be gout free by tonight.
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By Diane Declet
People with gout may be wondering, what is causing my gout? Most attacks of gout start because of poor lifestyle choices including drinking too much alcohol, eating rich foods, and being overweight. However, about 10% to 15% of gout patients have it due to certain metabolic problems. A deficiency of certain enzymes (like xanthine oxidase) that break down the purines can also be a cause. The body may also produce too many purines.
Purines exist in our DNA and RNA as a natural part of our body's cells. The purines break down into uric acid, which then passes out through the urine. If you have too many purines, you have a problem with uric acid buildup. The uric acid which causes painful crystals to develop between the joints, hence causing gout.
There's good news for those who can control their purine intake.
Habits and conditions that increases the purine content in our body fluids can be changed. Even being 15% overweight can cause gout to develop. We have the option to adopt a healthier diet and cut calories.
The next primary factor in developing gout is drinking too much alcohol. Beer is especially high in purines, so think again before breaking out a "cold one".
You need to be careful of the foods that you eat. Avoid purine rich foods like organ meats, beans, soy, processed meats, milk, eggs and certain seafoods (like crab, mussels, and shrimp).
Another thing to be aware of is that taking aspirin and diuretics can put extra stress on the kidneys. Up to 25% of gout attacks are attributed to these drugs. As a matter of fact, kidney problems, such as stones are found in approximately 90% of gout patients. The urate crystals also grow in the kidneys.
There are quite a few things we can do to help prevent developing gout. We do have control over what we put into our bodies and certainly, eliminating many of the factors that may be causing our gout seems like it would be a powerful motivator!
Many times finding out what is causing gout is key to learning how to prevent a gout attack. There are a variety of natural remedies that help with gout and other arthritis problems. Diane Declet has done extensive research on natural remedies and nutrition that treat gout and other forms of arthritis. For tips on advice on natural remedies that can help.
For more information about tips and natural products for Gout cure, visit : Gout Cure Tips
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By Janet Martin
People who are suffering from arthritis are willing to go great lengths just to reduce or ease the excruciating pain that they feel on their knees, elbows and other joints. In fact, some even venture into clandestine alleys just to get hold of concoctions that contain 1,000 dead snakes, frog lungs and other organs from exotic animals.
In truth, you do not really have to try difficult therapies and contribute to the extinction of several animal species just to alleviate your pain. There are actually a lot of foods you can find in the market that can help you prevent arthritis flare outs. However, you ought to accept the fact that there are also some tasty treats that could trigger the stiffness, pain and even progression of your condition.
If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you must remember the type of foods that you should avoid like plagues in order to minimize flare outs of your condition. In order to determine the stuff that triggers your pain, you should keep a food journal with you.
Since rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a flawed immune system, you may want to concentrate on eating foods that boost your system. For more details on what can help ease pain, stiffness and other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, just continue reading.
Some experts believe that arthritic pain can be triggered by too much meat in your diet. Thus, it may be a good idea to increase your consumption of leafy greens and other vegetables. Besides, you need the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants from natural produce in order to bolster your immune system. Vegetables are also low in calories so you won't gain much weight if you follow a diet that is high on veggies.
Fatty Fish
You may have heard your doctor say that you need to lower the fat in your diet. However, if there is one type of fat that you need to increase in your daily fare, it is Omega-3 fatty acid. The main source of such substance is fatty fishes, such as cod, trout, mackerel, salmon and other cold-water fishes. Omega-3 minimizes the production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which are the major causes of inflammation.
If you are not a fish eater, you do not have to worry. There are other foods that you could eat to get enough Omega-3. Flaxseed, walnut, primrose, borage, and grapeseed are also some of the foods that can provide you with essential fatty acids.
Berries And Other Fruits
If you have a sweet tooth, you may want to replace cakes, chocolates and other sweet desserts with cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and even cherries. These succulent goodies are not only delicious and healthy, but they are also rich in antioxidants that protect the cartilage. People with arthritis, regardless of what type, know that keeping the health of the cartilage is one of the best ways to prevent further exacerbation of the condition.
Fresh pineapple and papaya are rich in papain and bromelain, enzymes that are known to ease inflammation. You need to understand that one of the reasons why arthritis is painful is due to inflammation of the affected area.
You do not need to suffer bland food in order to get rid of arthritis pain because many spices and herbs are good for your stiffening joints. Garlic, turmeric and hot peppers are good because they reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, ginger hinders overproduction of prostaglandins, and paprika, cayenne and jalapeno are helpful in easing pain.
You may also need to get nutritional supplements from other sources. No matter how much food you eat, you may not be able to get the nutrients you need everyday. To improve your immune system, you need to take Vitamin C supplements. You can also take other supplements that contain Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which are both helpful in easing arthritis pain. One product you can trust to help you manage your arthritis is Flexcerin.
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By Melvin Michael
Your hips and knees bear the full brunt of your body weight and must still maintain a broad range-of-motion. As a result, they are susceptible, and somewhat vulnerable, to injury and the development of arthritis.
The good news is that you can prevent the onset of these painful conditions by following a few simple steps.
It seems that everyone suffers from achy knees at some point or another. When your knees begin to hurt, try the following tips to head off more severe problems at the pass.
Maintain an active lifestyle. Your knees were designed to be weight-bearing joints. It stands to reason that using them for what they were designed will help to thwart additional trouble. However, your knees depend on the muscles and tendons in your legs to function properly. Keeping your muscles strong will take some pressure off the joint itself and will help tissues to produce synovial fluid to nourish and lubricate cartilage.
Go low impact. Start slowly when it comes to exercise and stick to activity that doesn't place too much blunt force on your joints. Swimming, elliptical machines, light-paced walking, and rebounding are all good examples of low impact exercise.
Keep it simple. Try starting out by taking a walk every day. All you'll need is a sturdy pair of walking shoes, a level surface, and some will power. Another option is "water walking". For people with osteoarthritis, water walking will provide exercise to the joints while displacing weight.
Try ice and compression, as well as elevation when you joints are inflamed. You may experience some exacerbation of problems when you first begin to exercise, knowing how to treat and prevent problems so that you can remain active is imperative. For this reason, it's important to remember that with activity you need rest. After activity and a cool down, get off your feet for a while and do your best to focus on complete relaxation.
And lastly, do your homework. Research the best possible ways to both protect and exercise your joints. Talk to the professionals in your area and find out what they recommend. Take the time to nurture yourself - your health is worth it.
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Don't wait for your joints to give up on you, take the first step towards healthy joints. Act now before it is too late. Healthy joints are vital to the quality of your life. Build a life free of pain and aches. Start protecting your joints now.
Our reviews will help you make the right choice. Let us show you the first step towards nurturing tomorrow by caring today. To take a step in the right direction Click : Gout Cure Tips
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By Karen Jackson
Aging is a normal part of life, and we are not only living longer but enjoying an active lifestyle well into our 80's. With today's medical advances, many seniors are living the lifestyle of someone in their 30's. Since we are living longer, it is important to be aware of many of the components of senior health including mental health, physical health and emotional well being. With a well-balanced diet, physical exercise, good medical care and a strong support network of family and friends, seniors can look forward to a long and personally fulfilled life.
Health Joints - A Vital Component to Enjoying an Active and Healthy Lifestyle
Joint health is a major concern since it represents freedom and enjoyment for many seniors. However, the choices to fight gout and arthritis pain are fast becoming very stressful due to many hazardous side-effects published on some arthritis fighting drugs. That is why many are searching for natural treatments to fight arthritis and joint pain. Fortunately, Mother Nature has answered the call and the tart cherry is fast becoming the natural remedy of choice to fight joint pain.
The Amazing of the Tart Cherry History of the Tart Cherry
The majority of the U.S. tart cherry crop is grown in Northwestern Michigan in an area known as the Traverse Bay region. In fact, this region is often called the "Cherry Capital of the World" since it grows over 70% of all of the tart cherries grown in the U.S. The tart cherry is often called the "healing fruit" due to the natural antioxidants and Anthocyanins naturally found in this little red fruit.
How Do Tart Cherries Relieve Joint Pain from Arthritis?:
Michigan State University was the first research university to identify the Anthocyanins compound found in tart cherries. This groundbreaking research indentified the bioflavonoids and Anthocyanins and published these compounds naturally inhibit the COX 1 and COX 2 enzymes. According to published research from the University, tart cherries inhibit COX 1 and COX 2 (cyclooxygenase 1 and 2) enzymes and prevent inflammation in the body. The research indicates tart cherries help the body to produce similar types of chemical process as non-sterodial anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Examples of NSAIDS drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin. These flavoniods are 10 times more powerful than aspirin in fighting pain and best of all they are natural. However, unlike NSAIDS, these flavonoids protect against stomach damage. In other words, the flavoniods in tart cherries are natural COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors.
Here are a few suggestions to get the powerful arthritis fighting capability of the tart cherry:
• Fresh Tart Cherries: When in season, you can get fresh tart cherries from the produce section of your local store or from your local farm market.
• Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate: It takes approximately 100 cherries to make one ounce of tart cherry juice concentrate. This is a super charged way to get the arthritis fighting properties of tart cherries. One source for cherry juice concentrate is Traverse Bay Farms. The company will ship cherry juice directly to your home or office.
• Dried Tart Cherries: A handful of dried cherries make a great addition to your morning cereal or as a healthy snack.
• Tart Cherry Capsules (Super Fruit Supplements): Tart cherry capsules are a convenient way to get the pain fight properties of tart cherries in an easy-to-swallow capsule. Tart cherry capsules start with the whole cherry. One good source for tart cherry capsules is Fruit Advantage since these capsules deliver the antioxidant benefit of 5 glasses of cherry juice without the sugar
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By Thelma Betton
A good home remedy for arthritis is a great and cost effective way for you to ease your pain. Although the early signs of arthritis are unclear, it is best to learn to recognize them whenever possible. Reason being that those early symptoms are the first indicators of the diagnosis that could change the way you do some of your favorite things.
There are of course some herbal remedies that can help you to combat arthritis. Guggulu is an excellent herb to use as a home remedy for arthritis. You don't have to take much of the Guggulu, just a half teaspoon with warm water after a meal twice daily. If you don't want to take something like that then you can prepare a paste consisting of one teaspoon of red chilies and fresh ginger into one half cup of sesame oil. This is nice to be rubbed into the affected area to get some relief. Camphor and cinnamon oil is also a remedy that can be very beneficial.
Cooked vegetables are good for you as well. Baked vegetables such as pumpkin, eggplant and many of the other vegetables you have grown to love can all be good for you if you suffer from arthritis. Many people swear by garlic to help them with many things, arthritis being one of them. Eating one or two teaspoons of garlic every day can help you in many ways. And you don't have to just eat a clove of garlic raw, you can add it into the foods you are eating as well. That has been a favorite in my family for years as a preventative measure for many things, not just arthritis. The Mediterranean diet consists of many heart healthy fibers and nutrients, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and also can form a remedy for arthritis. Mainly this works because of all the healthy things that can be accomplished by eating fish, which is why it is such a popular food.
Mixing two teaspoons of lemon juice in with a teaspoon of honey, mixed into a cup of warm water is another great home remedy for arthritis. Honey is one of natures wonders and can be used in several ways to help in healing you. There are of course so many bee products on the market today simply for the positive results it can bring. It's no wonder that our ancestors valued it as an invaluable source for health.
Along with any list of things to-do should be a list of don'ts. There are of course certain things that can be done to make your arthritis a little worse. Some of the foods that you should avoid are too much alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, white sugar and yogurt as these are all things that can be harmful to arthritis patients. Foods that are hot and spicy should also be avoided along with potatoes and sweets. Eating a lot of calories each day can make your symptoms worse as well as that can add on extra pounds which will only make things worse all around.
If you only try one home remedy for arthritis you might not be as impressed as if you had tried a few of them mixed together. Why not take a chance to improve your health?
Thelma Betton suffered from arthritis for 14 years before discovering a natural hollistic method that has kept her free from arthritis pain for the last 6 years.
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By Nick Mutt
If you are you looking for natural remedies for arthritis pain then here you have come to the right place. This article will tell you the common symptoms and natural remedies for arthritis.
Symptoms of arthritis -
Since there are in reality in excess of hundred unlike kinds of arthritis, the symptoms of this type of disease are therefore highly variable in nature. However here in this article we will discuss arthritis symptoms that are prevalent through all of the different kinds.
1. An inflammation of the joints with pain or tenderness, particularly if you feel that it is agitated through the use of movement or activity, for instance, going for a walk, rising up from a chair, or even throwing a ball.
2. Excess fatigue is an additional type of common symptom you may see if you are afflicted from the condition of arthritis.
Natural remedies for arthritis -
1. Nutrition and weight play an important role when it comes to arthritis relief. A good diet helps to regulate the body. Being overweight will put more strain on the joints, which over time allows arthritis to wear out the joints and tissues surrounding them. Vitamins and minerals can relieve arthritis pain by reducing the swelling of tissues.
2. Exercising for an hour three times a week has been proven to be a great way to get relief from arthritis pain in a natural way. Any type of bending and stretching is a very good exercise for arthritis.
3. Acupuncture for arthritis relief is the art of inserting small needles at specific places on your body to reduce pain and pressure. Some of the needles are heated and some are twirled by the acupuncturist.
4. Cinnamon is one of the common natural remedies for arthritis that many people say works very well for them. It is an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy that can help to deal with arthritis. Mixing cinnamon with honey has also proved very effective in relieving arthritis pain.
So get relief from arthritis pain with natural remedies for arthritis!
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
Looking for some more home remedies for arthritis? Check out the biggest home remedies website and find some effective home remedies for gout to relieve pain with home based medicines, visit : Gout Cure Tips
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By Christopher W Smith
The non-profit National Arthritis Foundation first opened for business in 1984. It now is responsible for branches and research all over the world. The foundation's aim is to educate both patients and the public about arthritis and the need to support arthritis research. Working with major pharmaceutical companies and researchers, the main focus is finding a cure of the devastating disease, arthritis.
National Arthritis Foundation Advocates Patient Care
The purpose behind the National Arthritis Foundation is threefold:
• To guarantee the best care to arthritis patients.
• To educate patients and the public about this ailment.
• To solicit donations that will fund further medical research.
The National Arthritis Foundation runs this non-profit organization which is aimed at providing all the assistance it can in order to prevent new cases of arthritis, control pain and suffering for patients, and inexorably press on towards a cure for the #1 debilitating disease in the country, arthritis.
The National Arthritis Foundation has approximately 500,000 volunteers who work at its 150 branch offices around the country. These offices give people a place to go to learn how to cope with their arthritis and regain some of the quality of life their condition has robbed them of. The foundation also makes numerous books and in-depth booklets available to help patients learn to manage life with arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation has provided over three million dollars in funding to arthritis research over the years. In addition, it also supports the work of more than two thousand dedicated scientists and health professionals as they work to find an answer to the pain and disability caused by arthritis.
The number of people in America who suffer from arthritis has risen to alarming numbers, some of which is undoubtedly due to the aging of the Baby Boomer generation. At the present time there are an estimated seventy million arthritis sufferers in the U.S. alone. The National Arthritis Foundation is leading the way to encourage legislation that will ease the burdens placed on these people.
Arthritis is crippling more and more Americans all the time. It is the leading cause of disability in our country. The National Arthritis Foundation is still following its vision to prevent the spread of arthritis and find a cure. Published six times per year, the foundation magazine, "Arthritis Today" presents an eloquent plea for American support in ridding our nation, and the world, of this hideous crippler.
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By Matthew J Ney
Many people in a whole host of countries around the world have a diet that is radically different than those from recent previous generations. With the increase of fast food options and the amount of preservatives in much of our food supply, the world has gotten fatter. In most countries, the citizens are anywhere from 10-30% heavier than two generations ago. This increase in heaviness is the result of an increase in food with a high fat content and a decrease in physical activity.
Consequently, the quality of life has decreased across the board and we see many in their 40's to 50's suffering heart attacks and strokes. Cancer has also affected this age group of people more so than their previous generations. According to, the five major diseases that are the leading causes of death could be triggered by inflammation. But we do have options if we choose to take them to try and increase our quality of life.
1. Reduce consumption fast food options to once a week.
2. Reduce or eliminate the amount of processed foods we eat on a weekly basis.
3. Reduce the amount of fat we eat in a day to under 40 grams.
4. Reduce your intake of salt by 50%.
5. Increase the amount of water intake per day to over 80 oz. for an adult over 100 lbs.
6. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetable to at least 8 per day.
7. Reduce traditional red meat consumption down to 3 oz. per day.
8. Increase your daily aerobic exercise to 30-45 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week.
9. See a registered nutritionist and have them prepare a plan for you to reduce your body fat percentage to the normal levels for both men(15%) and women(20%).
10. Research liquid natural health supplements that have maximum antioxidants and start taking them on a daily basis.
There you have it. Using these easy changes and some common sense can help you improve your quality of life.
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By Alvin Hopkinson
In the United States alone, approximately 2 million people suffer from gout attacks. Gout is often referred to as an extremely painful form of arthritis that affects the joints, tendons, and other bodily tissues. 'Gouty arthritis' predominately attacks males after puberty, with a peak age of 75. Women who are post- menopausal and/or hypertensive may also suffer from gout. Gout often develops as the result of hyperuricemia.
Hyperuricemia is the development of elevated uric acid levels in the bloodstream. High concentration of uric acid in the body is potentially dangerous as it can lead to kidney stones and/or kidney failure. People who suffer with gout attacks generally consume foods that are rich in the chemical called purine. The purines are broken down into uric acid which is normally excreted by the kidney and through the urine.
However, too much uric acid in the body causes the kidney to malfunction. The uric acid eventually forms hard crystals that deposits in the joints and around the tissues causing inflammation and severe pain in the taunted area. More so, chronic gout usually leads to tophi or hard lumps of uric acid under the skin and around the joints; causing decreased kidney function or kidney failure.
There are several risks factors that may induce the development of gout. In addition to the fact that gout is known to be inherited, other risks factors that contribute to the painful attack experience include obesity, heavy alcohol intake and high blood pressure.
Certain medications that are prescribed for hypertensive patients cause the body to produce high levels of uric acid. Any man or woman who is at risk of developing gout must implement a daily healthy life- style to deter future attacks. A healthy life- style generally consists of a daily exercise regimen as well as a low- purine diet.
People who have experienced gout attacks endure a series of symptoms that may reoccur if the condition is not treated. Unfortunately, symptoms of gout are sudden and intense. The affected area is a single joint that begins to throb during the night. An initial attack usually occurs in the big toe, yet it is known to also affect the fingers, knees, elbows, ankles or feet.
Again, the attack is sudden and it displays redness, warmth, tenderness, tightness and sharp pain. The area is inflamed and some victims may even experience chills and fever. The symptoms may last up to three days and reoccur months or years later. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must seek medical attention immediately. If left untreated, gout attacks may lead to extreme tissue and/or organ damage.
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By Alvin Hopkinson
Gout is the most common medical condition in relation to arthritis. Approximately 2million Americans suffer with gout and it is often associated with an inherited abnormality in the body to process uric acid. About 95% men and 5% women seek medical attention for acute gout treatment. The ultimate goal of acute gout therapy is to minimize or stop the initial pain and prevent future attacks.
Acute gout attacks are sudden and intense. The attack may lasts up to three hours. Subsequent attacks may occur weeks, months, and years later if the root of the attacks is not addressed. Reoccurring gout attacks induce severe damage to the joints, tissues and kidneys. This damage has been known to cause loss in mobility, in some cases. Initial gout attacks generally involve the big toe.
However, other joints such as the ankle, foot, finger, elbow, knee or wrist may also be affected. The gout attacks occurs during the night; waking the victim instantly. The affected area is red, warm, tender, tight and inflamed. The medical healthcare provider will immediately implement acute treatment in order to terminate attacks, to rapidly and safely relieve the pain and inflammation as well as to deter further complications (formation of tophi).
Initial acute gout treatment is determined according to the severity of the condition at the time of diagnosis. Furthermore, a patient may have other existing medical conditions that complicate gout therapy. With patient compliance, however, gout therapy can be successful without any complications.
Acute treatment often demands a stringent medication regimen along with life- style modifications. Specifically, during acute gout therapy, a healthcare provider prescribes certain medication and recommends a healthy eating plan that helps reduce the level of uric acid production and intake. The medications that are generally prescribed to treat acute gout are:
Non- steroidal anti- inflammatory drug (NSAIDS)
Initially prescribed at maximum dosage and reduced as symptoms subside. Used for pain and inflammation for at least 48 hours. Generally, the first medication prescribed for acute gout.
Medication used to treat acute attacks of gout while simultaneously preventing subsequent attacks. It is not effective for curing gout or lowering uric acid levels. Prescribed to prevent or relieve gout flares by reducing inflammation.
Corticosteroids or adrenocorticotropic hormone
Medication used for patients who cannot take NSAIDS or colchicine. Used for acute gout as an intramuscular injection (daily doses).
Taking these medications along with life-style changes reduces the risk of further complications that may occur from untreated acute gout attacks. Gout patients must eat a healthy diet that includes low purine- rich foods and adequate fluid intake. Acute gout treatment is successful if there is total compliance with the treatment plan that your recommends.
For more information about tips and natural products for Gout cure, visit : Gout Cure Tips
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I wanted to take the time to talk to you about fast cures for gout. If you're unfamiliar with this issue, it is when you get a build up of uric acid in your cartilage. Typically, this will happen on the hands and feet, leaving a lot of big lumps around the joints. It is extremely unattractive looking and it is also pretty painful. If you've ever had it on your feet, it can be difficult to do anything. Pain usually comes from crystals that build up from the acid and the swelling around the the joint. The good news is that there are natural and fast cures for gout that you can start using right away to solve this problem.
There is a pretty well-known cure for this problem. Eating cherries has the ability to regulate the affects of gout and sometimes eliminate them completely. It only works though if you start eating them on a regular basis. You can also use cherry juice if you're not interested in eating the actual cherries. What you're looking for is the same nutrients and vitamins that are presented in cherries.
Your diet is an important part of the many cures for gout. You can use many of the dairy products to help prevent gout attacks because it ends up washing out all those bad toxins. You can also get the same effect from eating fibrous fruits and vegetables. This should be more than enough to help you start solving this problem today.
By Charles Nash
For more information about tips and natural products for Gout cure, visit : Gout Cure Tips
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Im sure you know how important is to protect your skin every day by using moisturizers, skin care creams and natural lotions that will enhance the appearance of your skin. However most people make one huge mistake, they use a soap instead of a facial cleanser cream.
But what is wrong with that? the problem is that a common soap is made with fragrances, detergents, deodorants and have more alkaline, this means that using those substances can harm your skin.
For instance just using a soap will dry out your skin making your skin more prone to face lines and wrinkles. If you want to really take care of your skin you need to use a natural facial cleanser and not just any cleanser.
You should always avoid harsh chemicals on your skin, however popular creams on the market use alcohols, fragrances, parabens, petrolatum and many other substances that will not help to the overall health of your skin.
So i will not recommend that you buy a facial cleanser at your local drugstore or retail store, you should look for creams that only contain highly effective natural ingredients like wakame kelp and Coenzyme Q10 that help to really improve your skin by pulling out impurities, absorb oil and without drying your skin.
Using a natural facial cream should also help you to prevent wrinkles formation, anti oxidants are a vital element of any natural cream and that will help you to protect from harmful toxins of the environment.
The best creams or cleansers should not have chemicals and contain organic ingredients and compounds that have been clinically proven to improve your facial look and protect your from the ravages of the environment.
By Jane Clay R.
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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Have your bought dozens of skin care products in order to keep your skin healthy and glowing? Most people especially women are very concern not just about the skin health but about skin aging, so they look for the best skin care products and anti aging creams to help them along the way.
Some of the benefits of good skin care products are: skin smoother, clearer, youthful looking. There are also anti aging skin care creams that will reduce fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, brown spots, dark circles under eyes and more.
In fact another side benefit of improving your skin health is improve in self confidence, many women feel insecure when they notice wrinkles and look older, a great looking skin make them feel more confident.
What does a skin care product should accomplish:
-It should reduce the signs of skin
-revitalize your skin
-Diminish the appearance of fine lines
-remove dark circles under eyes
-Renew skin cells
-Restore elasticity
-Hydrate skin Dryness
-Protect your skin from free radicals and prevent oxydation
But wait a minute, what skin care creams are you using? are you sure they are safe to use on your skin? do you know what ingredients they contain? Sure you may have seen them advertised on TV, Magazines, Billboards, etc. but are they really good?
In a recent study to 17 women they used for 30 days a moisturizer on one side of their face and an anti wrinkle cream on the other side, the anti wrinkle creams were from various popular expensive and inexpensive creams.
The result was that most women didnt have any difference in improvement from the moisturizer and the anti wrinkle cream, the moisturizer created the same improvement as a wrinkle cream. But then why should you pay hundreds of dollars for a wrinkle cream that will just have the same effect as a common moisturizer?
The problem is that most anti wrinkle creams use cheap chemicals and synthetic ingredients, they dont use pure enough concentration of ingredients on their products because they can cause irritation and side effects, due to chemicals that it contains.
Instead if you use a good natural anti wrinkle cream that is proven to contain only organic ingredients you will be able to achieve much better improvement results and not experience any side effect.
As you can see natural skin care creams are the best option for improving your facial look, ingredients such as honey, vitamin E, nuts, avocado extracts, plant extracts, keratin, herbs, coenzyme Q10, CynergyTk and other natural sources are the best to reduce wrinkles.
By Jane Clay R.
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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Its known that our skin is the largest organ of our body and it receives all the toxins from the environment, pollution, chemicals, smoke, etc. We need to keep our skin protect it by taking care of it, using skin care creams and following a daily skin care routine.
There are various gels, creams, ointments and lotions on the market that claim to keep your skin healthy, smooth and beautiful, but what you may not know is that most of those products can cause adverse effects if they are not make with natural ingredients.
Since skin care products and cosmetics are not considered a health issue like weight loss products and supplements, they are not regulated and chemicals substances are used on those products without complete studies of what side effects could produce.
A clear example is a 17 year old teenager that had a couple of lines on his face and he wanted to eliminate them, so he went to the doctor and the doctor told him to use retinol, weeks later the boy had more fine lines and stopped to use retinol on his face.
That is just a simple example but you can find many skin care products that dry your skin and therefore produce more wrinkles on the skin.
Best skin care products on the market
The best skin care products are those that only contain organic ingredients. There are very powerful natural ingredients that help to moisture the skin, increase elasticity and collagen in order to firm the skin and restore the affected areas.
A good skin care anti wrinkle cream should contain anti oxidants, vitamins, honey, Phytessence Wakame, Japanese kelp, CynergyTk and other active ingredients that help to improve the health of your skin.
Read the labels of any skin care product that you want to buy and avoid any product that includes chemicals, dont take any chances on your skin, damage caused by chemicals may be difficult to reverse so you better start taking natural creams now.
By Jane Clay R.
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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As the skincare market continues to evolve and skincare companies try to continue delivering quality products that meet everyone's needs, there has been reasons to separate women's skincare from men's skincare. Just like in life, men have different needs than women do.
To start off, men usually start to notice aging effects later in life than women do, which I guess is a plus for men. But to most men anti-aging skincare isn't a priority like it is for women. Maybe its because they don't see symptoms of aging skin until later in life, I don't know.
Men tend to have more collagen and elastin in their skin, meaning they have thicker and firmer skin than women do. But on the other hand, men tend to have more small brown blemishes and face lines than women do.
Men also come into more contact with the natural elements, the sun, pollution, and debris than women do. That's why its so important for men to wash their face every night to get rid of these harmful particles that collect on their face, eventually clogging up their pores. But it takes more than just a washing of the face every day...
To really keep your skin looking young and healthy, you need to use a few men anti-aging skincare products. For example, men are very prone to wrinkles, bags, puffiness, and dark circles around the eyes. But by simply using a specifically formulated eye gel every day after getting out of the shower, you can avoid these ugly signs of aging from appearing. Women have the same kind of products, but men anti-aging skincare are formulated specifically for men and their needs. Look for the ingredient Eyeliss, which is a peptide that helps reduce irritation and skin slackening around the eyes. It creates great results in as little as a few weeks and has mainly been a secret of Hollywood stars and celebrities.
Another great men's skincare product to use is an active facial fluid. This will soothe your skin and reduce redness and inflammation, help get rid of those age spots and skin damaged areas, and reduce roughness caused by environmental elements, pollution, and debris. Basically, it helps repair damage through the general neglect that most men give their skin before they actually realize that skincare is important. Look for cynergyTK in a facial fluid because it blocks prostaglandid E2 production, the major cause of inflammation and redness to the skin. Look for witch hazel and natural vitamin E too, as these ingredients will help cure minor cuts, abrasions, and redness that often comes with shaving everyday.
Men almost need to keep their skin more moisturized than women do. Men's skin seems to dry up a lot faster than women's skin does. Moisturizers or creams with babassu and grapeseed oil create a thin invisible film over your skin which keeps moisture inside. And they don't even make your skin oily afterwards. It's also a good idea to use a deep active hydrating mask and cleansing mask every other week to make sure your pores get a deep cleaning. If you tend to sweat a lot an have oily skin, this is extremely important to do. And don't worry, this isn't a mask you have to walk around in for an hour like you may see women do often. It's an invisible mask you wear during the day.
Finally, don't ignore the rest of the skin on your body. It too needs attention if you want to avoid aging signs. Men are especially prone to rough and dry patches of skin like on the elbows, knees, and heels. Honey (particular manuka honey) and jojoba oil are great at moisturizing and healing these rough spots. And make sure that a body lotion or cream targets the three main causes of aging. These are 1) loss of collagen and elastin, 2) damage caused by free radicals, and 3) low levels of hyaluronic acid. A form of functional keratin, coenzymeQ10, and wakame are the best solutions to these three problems, respectively.
So what should you do now? Take all what I have shared with you and take action with it! Want the easy way? Go visit my website listed below and I'll tell you what product line has hands down the best men's anti-aging skincare products on the market. And please, don't just go to your local drug or department store and grab whatever product sounds like it will work. You have the Internet at your fingertips- use it! Do your research and find out what ingredients and how much of them they are using. Go with all-natural or organic skincare products so you won't have to worry about negative side effects from harsh chemicals or toxins.
By Jason P. Michaels
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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If you follow what I explain to you quickly in this article, you'll be able to find yourself the best skincare products on the market. I myself spent weeks of my spare time looking for the best skincare product that would assure I get the results I wanted. All this I am going to share with you I wish I knew before I started my search. So consider yourself lucky to stumble across this article.
If you follow this one simple rule, then you will find an effective skincare product for sure. And that rule is this: Know which ingredients are in the product and how much of those ingredients are used in the product. It's that simple, folks. Really.
This implies a few things. First of all, you should have a basic knowledge of essential ingredients to look for in any skin care product. I will run through a bunch of them real quick. To learn more, visit my website listed at the end of this article.
*You need a skin care product that addresses the three main causes of aging skin. The first problem is loss of collagen and elastin. To counter this, functional keratin needs to be used to stimulate their production inside your skin cells. The second cause is lower levels of hyaluronic acid, which occurs as a result of aging and overexposure to the sun's UV-A rays. For this, wakame should be used to inhibit a harmful enzyme in your body called hyaluronidase which is responsible for breaking down hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid acts as the glue for collagen and elastin molecules. And the last cause of aging skin is damage done by free radical cells. Plenty on antioxidants take care of this, specifically Nanobelle CoenzymeQ10. This is a 'nano-emulsion' form of CoQ10 (which is found in all of your cells) that can penetrate deep down into your skin destroying free radicals.
*Natural vitamin E has been proven to reverse the effects of aging skin, as it will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and help prevent age spots from forming. Make sure it's a natural kind though and not the synthetic type.
*Babassu is a light and natural wax that's great all retaining moisture in your skin. It actually forms a thin, invisible barrier to keep moisture in your skin. Grapeseed oil is good at helping retain moisture too.
*Shea Butter will soften your skin, sooth inflamed skin, and even reduce scars, blemishes, and brown spots. It's virtually identical to the moisturizers produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin.
*Honey has been used since ancient times for its wonderful healing properties, as in contains special enzymes that provide an amazing antibacterial and antioxidant power. Active Manuka Honey is the most beneficial to the skin.
Secondly, if you want to avoid any potential negative side effects, go with a organic and all-natural skincare product. This way, no harmful toxins or chemicals will be used in the product's formula. All you have to worry about is if you're allergic to any of the ingredients in the product.
And lastly, I advise you not to just go to your local drug or department store and grab any product that looks and sounds like it will work. Buying skincare products at these places is the worst way to buy, all based on how a product is packaged, what it says on the front label, and how low it's priced. You have the power of the Internet at your fingertips- USE IT! This way, you can thoroughly examine what ingredients go into the product, how much of each ingredient is used, and what each ingredient does for your skin.
Well, there you have it. You are now a much more educated person on how to find the best skincare products. Now take this useful information and use it!
To learn more about what ingredients to look for and to avoid in the best skincare products, visit Skin care tips. I've been using them for about a year now with no regrets at all. Check it out here!
By Jason P. Michaels
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Can you get 100% pure skin care in a bottle? It takes time and knowledge to find safe and effective products that will support your holistic skin care efforts. You have to make the time, but here's some of the information that you need.
The major cosmetic companies use hazardous chemical compounds and their products are often contaminated with dangerous byproducts. Small companies that claim to provide 100% pure skin care solutions don't always use the best manufacturing processes and rarely contain truly effective ingredients.
For holistic skin care, we need something different. Finally, there is a company that provides what we need; safe and effective ingredients, a health supplement for our faces.
No matter your problems or the current condition of your skin, there are certain steps that you can take to improve your appearance and your skin's overall health. Before I tell you about daily creams to use and what they should contain, let me tell you about some other things you can do.
A Totally Holistic Skin care Regimen
After you finish reading this article, go through your bathroom and throw away the products that contain toxic and counterproductive ingredients. These include petrolatum, mineral oil, paraffin, parabens, fragrance, toluene, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol, DEA, TEA, MEA, triclosan, PEG, BHT, oxybenzone and benzophenone.
If you want 100% pure skin care, you have to stop buying health and beauty aids that contain these common allergens, irritants and toxins. The idea that they are not absorbed through the pores is a ridiculous notion.
If your home's water comes from a public supplier, install a drinking water and showerhead filter. The chemical toxins that are present in the environment are also present in our water. Those toxins cause pimples, blemishes, dark circles around the eyes and excessive dryness. All of this leads to premature aging of the skin.
As much as possible, eat fresh, unprocessed foods that have been grown organically. Drink more pure water and avoid other beverages. Your overall health and beauty will improve. The idea behind holistic skin care is that the health of the "entire" person must be considered. Instead of merely focusing on your skin, you must focus on your total health and well being.
Creams and Lotions
Use 100% pure skin care creams and lotions every day. To maintain a healthy youthful appearance, your skin needs moisture and protection from environmental toxins and free radical damage.
So, your holistic skin care regimen should include a daily cream that contains the antioxidants coenzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E. The best moisturizers are plant oils like grape seed oil. Passion fruit extract helps prevent the skin from becoming too oily or too dry, by regulating the production of sebum.
Wakame kelp extract protects the natural protein levels of the skin. Another protein, extracted from sheep's wool, provides nourishment for the skin's cells. If you currently have wrinkles, scarring or blemishes, you will see them slowly start to fade.
Safe, effective, 100% pure skin care solutions are available. You just needed to know what to look for.
By Tyler Treskin
For more information about tips and natural products for skin care, visit : Skin care tips
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By Steve R Robbins
There is a very simple and effective method of almost guaranteeing success in every endeavor that requires a sustained effort. The degree of that success is dependent on many factors, but success/failure can be virtually assured by either doing or not doing this one very simple thing.
One of the first questions I ask someone after they have asked me for assistance or advice is to see their weight lifting log. If they respond with "I don't have one" my work has been made very easy. My advice is to tell them to start one and after a month of keeping it come back and ask me again. NOW I will be able to give some muscle building help.
It absolutely astonishes me that people do not keep logs of their workouts. Literally defined a workout log is simply a record of your work. Realistically and practically defined it is your road map to success.
The Federal Food and Drug Administration just released their findings that you have a 50% better chance of succeeding in a weight loss program if you simply write down every day what you ate. That's it. Record your history of eating that day. By seeing it in "black and white" it made people more accountable and by knowing ahead of time they would have to record their food consumption, they felt pressured to eat less! And this my friends, is a LOUSY way to keep a log, and it STILL is effective!
I use my weight lifting log to not only record what I HAVE lifted but also what I WILL lift. I'm not only talking about a goal weight for the future, but also for the PAST. Meaning once I have recorded that I have done a particular thing (new max, most weight in a set, new higher weight for every set, whatever) I refuse to not ever do less again. When I record it in my log, it becomes the new minimum to what I WILL DO.
Now, of course progress is never in a straight line up. So obviously I do have days where I can not match what I had done in a previous workout. But by establishing this mindset, I can keep "down days" to a minimum. Teams can not win every game, the key is to keep losing streaks very, very short.
So here is what works for me. Before each session I write down on an index card what I will do in the gym. I take my info from my log, always increasing weight somewhere. This is crucial to mass building. Something HAS to be MORE than before. I hit the gym and follow my plan. I make mental notes of the variations from my plan. I might add weight or reps to a set or if I fail to do something I know it. When I get home I record what I actually did and highlight the pluses and negatives. When I work this body part again I go back to my log and as I develop that days workout I pay special attention to the highlighted areas. Extra increases I might not try and duplicate, but anywhere I came up short I vow to NOT let happen again. This includes coming up short for increases I had tried for and failed.
As you might imagine I can keep falling short to only one workout most of the time. New floors have been created and weights gradually increase for all sets in all exercises in all body parts. This cycle of accountability is a key component to success in muscle building as well as any activity that requires sustained effort over an extended period of time.
"Success is the result of consistency of purpose". Write it down.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Charles Nash
I know most guys out there would like to have a little more muscle on themselves, the problem is they really don't know how. They think they know how, but really they don't. It's surprising how much information we hold as true, that came from nothing more than infomercials. I hope to shed some light on the science of building muscle and this should help you do it yourself.
The first thing you have to understand is what you do in the gym. When I first started out, I naturally worked the machines. Most people that don't know anything, use the machines. The reason is because they're like infomercial products. The fact is that they're not very good. You need to start doing free weights. The reason for this is that you're not locked into a specific movement with a machine. If you're doing a bench press, you're forced to use other muscle to just balance the bar and move it properly. The more muscle being stimulated, the more muscle being built. You should definitely be doing all the major free weight exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, bench press and bent over rows.
The next piece information I'll give you is to start eating protein every 2-3hrs. The reason for this is that your body has a level of usable protein in the body at a specific time, known as protein synthesis. As your synthesis goes down, you're not in the position to repair muscle tissue. After you eat protein, the level will go up and stay up for anywhere between 2-3hrs. This is why it is essential to eat protein every 2-3hrs, so your synthesis will never go down.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Charles Nash
I'm going to share with you some of my techniques for building muscle tissue. There is one simple underlining philosophy when it comes to building muscle; adapt or die. That comes from Charles Darwin and the idea is you want to put your muscles in a state where they are forced to adapt or they'll die.
I think the most underrated point about building muscle is the rest between workouts. A lot of people are actually overworking their muscles. They put the muscle in the adapt or die state and it ends up dying. Your muscle can only adapt, so much. We live in a culture of quick fixes and fast results. This is going to be slow. We're talking about 1lb of muscle week. It takes muscle tissue up to 48hrs to repair, so you can't be giving it another hard workout within that time frame. You're going to damage it severely and end up killing off your muscle tissue.
Water is another essential part of the whole process. Around 63% of your body is water, but your muscles make up over 80%. The whole point of replenishing your water is that your body will throw toxins into it. When you're ripping muscle fiber from lifting weight, along with all the repair process, toxins end up filling the water up at a much faster pace. You got to replenish, so you should be drinking a lot more water than usual.
Lastly, the main bulk of your muscle repair occurs when you sleep. Your body is designed to get 8-9hrs a night and if you're not getting that, your body isn't doing a full repair.
Learn The Truth About Building Muscle. There are very detailed and sophisticated techniques for maximizing growth that are built on a foundation of science. Only The Truth About Building Muscle has them.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Charles Nash
I want to share with you the secret of building muscle. It's surprising how many people goto the gym and just lift weights. They assume that's how you build muscle. Often these people grow slowly and remain skinny. I don't blame them for believing that. There is a lot of misinformation out there. I blame the idea of using information from infomercials as the main culprit of this. I hope to shed some light on this.
Darwinism is probably the best way to look at building muscle. He proposed the idea that as the environment changes, animals must adapt or die. Seems simple. The same thing needs to happen to your muscles. If you look at the size of your build right now, it's typical of your environment. If you watch television all day, you're not going to need much muscle for that activity and hence won't have any. If you work on a farm and do heavy lifting all day, you'll have a very strong build. Your environment shapes your muscles.
Weight lifting is a great way to change the environment to get your muscles to grow. The problem is that people miss a few things. The first point is that your muscles will only adapt to meet the stress. Your muscles can adapt to the idea of lifting heavy weights in matter of months. This is why people experience plateau effects. You have to always be changing up your routine and doing new things. This keeps your muscles in a constantly changing environment, which means you'll have constant muscle growth. This is the perfect strategy for putting on muscle.
The Truth About Building Muscle will go into more detail on how you can grow your muscles to the max.
Properly eating and training will cause you to experience massive growth, so check out : Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Paul Jameson
Most newcomers to weightlifting fall into one of two traps. Some enter the gym with no agenda for the day except "getting a good burn." As a result of this, a beginner will bench, curl and use a whole bunch of random machines until they get tired and feel as though they got a good workout because of the all important burn. The other type of beginner finds out about some incredibly complex 5-day split bodybuilding routine and figures that since its complex and huge bodybuilders use it, it must be great for them. These are both terribly inefficient ways of getting results as a newbie and any beginners reading this article should consider themselves lucky that they have such a vast fountain of knowledge to learn from (the internet).
They key to making huge gains as a beginner is to focus on the main compound lifts and making linear progression with them. By far the best way to do this is by using Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. If you want to save yourself some time from reading this article, stop right now and spend whatever money you were about to on some bogus supplement and order Starting Strength from Amazon. In addition to containing a great routine, the book goes into enormous detail about all the major exercises involved including the bench press, squat, deadlift, military press, and power clean, providing descriptions in great detail and pictures illustrating proper form and technique for all the exercises. This book is great for anyone from beginners, to coaches, or just anyone who has not mastered the squat, deadlift, bench, or military press.
Well, enough advertising, here's the routine:
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Power cleans/Pendlay Rows
You train on 3 nonconsecutive days per week.
So week 1 would look like:
Monday - Workout A
Wednesday - Workout B
Friday - Workout A
Week 2:
Monday - Workout B
Wednesday - Workout A
Friday - Workout B
The key to succeeding on this routine is to keep progressing in weight each workout. You should ideally add around 10-20 lbs to the deadlift and squat every workout, 5-15 for the bench press, and 5-10 for the rows and military press. When you stop progressing in weight it is important to evaluate the situation:
1) You aren't doing what you are supposed to be doing for recovery. This includes diet, vitamins water, no skipping meals as well as ample rest
2) You aren't adding weight on properly. Stop worrying about what other people in the gym think of you and don't add two 25 lb plates to your squat in between workouts.
3) You have recently added exercises (such as dips/chins/arm work) or made your own adjustments to the program in whatever manner.
4) You are doing everything right: enough rest, and good weight progression, but you are simply advancing closer to your genetic limitations.
If it anything but number four, simply fix it and continue on with the routine. If it is number four, congratulate yourself for not doing anything stupid and get ready for a reset. Drop 10% of the weight in the exercise you have stalled on and continue with your routine. Once you stall continually or stall in many exercises at once, you are most likely not a beginner anymore and it is time to change routines! Consider yourself lucky before you get to this point because you will see enormous gains while on this routine as long as your diet is in check. You will probably be able to stay on this routine for a few months and you will be able to squat around 200 pounds! You should have put on some serious mass and now it is time to look for a new "intermediate" routine.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Michael J Stuart
Throughout my life I've known lots of people who wanting to pack on muscle size regularly spend 2, sometimes 3 hours at the gym as many days a week as they can get in. No matter how often they are told about over training, how muscle growth happens and why less is often more when it comes to training they refuse to listen and stick to their belief that in order to get big they need to spend some serious time at the gym.
Instead of spending serious time at the gym they should be concentrating on putting in serious effort and then giving their body the appropriate time to recover and grow. When your trying to put on size spending 2 to 3 hours at the gym is been counter-productive and can end up causing muscle shrinkage instead of growth. To stimulate your muscles into growth you need to lift heavier weight than your used to, everyone knows this but with so many choices of exercises, people want to do 3-4 sets of this, that and another 3 exercises to ensure that they have hit their muscle from every possible angle.
Performing a couple of good compound exercises nice and heavy for a few sets each is all you have to do to stimulate growth. Also by cutting down the amount of exercises you can easily keep your training session under 45 minutes which is essential for muscle growth.
After 45 minutes of intense exercise your body starts to create more and more cortisol which is great at breaking down your muscles - definitely not something you want to happen.So by keeping your training session under 45 minutes you stimulate your muscles for growth and reduce the amount of damage and loss to the muscle you have already built.
Then when it comes to the amount of days you workout, limiting your heavy days to 3 days a week, 4 at the most will give you the best chance at increasing muscle size. On days that you train heavy your body is catabolic, meaning that it is basically breaking down and then on your rest days it becomes anabolic which is a state of growth. So basically when you workout you encourage your body to grow but it is on your days of heavy training that the growth occurs, so if you train heavy 5 days a week you are damaging your muscles 5 days and only allowing time for growth on 2 days a week.
By reducing training days you also enable yourself to train heavier and harder on the days you do train.
Reduce your training time now to get Wickedly Big a lot quicker, but if you find yourself drawn to the gym on days you know you should be resting then go in but do some conditioning workouts, working on your grip, stability and other aspects of fitness that are often overlooked.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
Many boys when they come of age start with muscle building but usually do not have a clue about what they should be doing to get it right. The best thing would be is to discuss their issues with the other people who have had the same experience as there is nothing more valuable as a shared experience. Well, there are a lot of muscle building advices for boys out there but it is up to you to decide which one works for you the best and consulting your doctor will always help you cope with injuries that could arise.
1. Haste makes waste. Get this one point and everything will be alright. A lot of perseverance is needed if you really want to build your muscle mass.
2. Use relatively heavier weights on the parts where you want to gain weight. For example you want your chest muscles to be stronger; you will use heavier weights when you are doing strength training for that part and also the time that is required for the training will be slower. For boys it is very important to understand that the muscle building will depend on the genetic design of their body largely and it is quite possible that they want one area to increase whereas another unwanted area starts increasing in muscle mass. It happens very often and can be taken care of with the help of a trainer's advice very easily.
3. Never think that for muscle building only training is important as both training and proper diet go side by side if you are really are serious about achieving this important goal. Lots of protein in your diet will help you build the required muscle mass in your body. Egg whites, chicken, and porridge are some of the popular and definitely easier examples of good protein. Bad carbs, fats and of course those carbonated drinks should be avoided at any cost of you really want to get somewhere with your muscle building.
4. Now I have seen many boys foolishly taking in steroids for building muscle. That I would have to assert, is the worst possible thing that you can do to achieve your goal. Steroids play with your body in many ways, and no matter how anyone says; you just have to make sure that you stay away from this nuisance. You can eat food supplements instead of taking up steroids as these supplements are really good to guard against any sort of deficiency. Certain protein and other essential vitamins can also be found in these supplements. But never attempt to self medicate yourself; as it can have dire consequences. Always consult your coach beforehand.
I have tried to impart a few of the best muscle building tips for boys everywhere which I know would be helpful to a lot of boys out there. Just try to do your training and be loyal to your regimen and I'll guarantee you that it is going to be pretty easy. But always remember perseverance will take you a long way in achieving your goal if you really would like to achieve it that is!
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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3 Most IMPORTANT Keys to Bodybuilding - You Will Never Gain Muscles Unless You Know This
By Pushpa Pal Singh
Are you trying to build a good body? Do you want a stunning six pack, sleeve ripping arms and a massive chest? You see these are the things most guys out there want to have but why is it that most of them fail to achieve it? There are some absolute essential keys without which you will never gain muscle no matter what. This is the reason why you should know this if you really want to get somewhere with body building. Read on to discover what these keys are and get the body of your dreams fast...
Don't workout on one muscle group everyday- This is one mistake a lot of people make out there. You see there are guys out there who want big biceps so they end up training their biceps all week. This is not the right way to go if you want a big body. You should one day of the week to each muscle group instead of working on the same muscle group every day.
Always set goals- You must have a goal you should be willing to achieve. Working out without knowing how much muscle you want to gain means you don't know which way you want to go. You should set some weekly, monthly and yearly goals if you want to get anywhere with bodybuilding. Unless you know where you want to be how can you ever be there?
Rest is the most important aspect of bodybuilding- This might come across as a bit strange but do you know that rest days the days when your body will grow the most? Why do you feel all professional body builders recommend having rest days? You see this is the reason why. Your muscles grow when they are rested and not when you are working out.
An absolute must know for you- But there are secrets about body building you don't know yet. So...don't sit back and relax. Get on the edge of your seat because you are about to be introduced to the dirty little secrets of body building you were never told. These secrets are so effective that they would get you the body you desire within a matter of a few months without any hard supplements or steroids. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who is being introduced to this shocking secret.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
It is true that anyone if he desires to follow the path of building muscles is revered in the neighborhood. People do have a lot of estimates of him and also consider him to be the next icon in the vicinity. But what they don\'t know is that their hero may also be a nonstarter. You may be astonished but this is evident. There are several examples that show people even after good efforts fail to build muscles. The reasons can be two fold. Either they have failed to work in the best manner or their processes for building muscles have been inapt.
What is the consequence? The no-hopers become ashamed of their losses and hence never try to discuss the problem with others. If you are one of them, you are surely doing the same things also. But this is of no use. You will not get anything substantial from this desolate attitude. If you want to move forward, you shall have to come out of this and advance along with the right tips. You do visit the gymnasium regularly and therefore talk of this with your trainer from now. Your trainer is the most fitting person in this regard and is competent enough to bring you out of this stalemate. However the following tips will also help you a lot.
The first and foremost requirements are your fortitude and also patience. You shall have to understand that there is no shortcut to success. In the same way no change can occur by any clever maneuver. It will also not change in a month also. It does depend on your workout and discipline. If you remain attentive on your workout, the production will be square. But in this case both of stringent efforts and endurance will be the deciding factors.
For all these reasons you shall have to concentrate on exercises from the very outset. It may be that you want to develop only one body part and also to gain muscles there. For this you shall have to exercise slowly and certainly on heavier weights. If you have a desire to develop your biceps for the time being, you shall have to apply your best concentration in this sector. You shall have to make the workout routine in this sphere slower than other parts of the body.
On the other hand the weights you lift should be heavier than those used for shaping the rest of the body. But even after that the development may not be according to your desire. It is genetic and thus may take more time to develop. Try to be patient. But never get fed up and dispose of your workout. You must continue the exercises. You will be happy after some days.
You shall have to concentrate on the chronicle diet along with these. It should be rich in quality and remain comprising a lot of protein. The intake of protein laden foods is highly essential since it is the source of muscle mass. You must consume animal foods and vegetables also for developing muscles.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Advices
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By Ronnie Taggy
Building muscle for teens is a popular topic that comes up, so this article should be of great use to many people. Nowadays, many teenagers worldwide are getting into weight training and muscle building in order to gain the strength they need to compete in various different sports that require a lot of strength and stamina.
Weight training is perhaps the best, most effective way to achieve both increased strength and stamina. Some people say that there are risks involved in teens building muscle via weight training such as it stunting their growth. This is not true. If it is done properly, it is an excellent way to get to further levels in sports, competition and all muscle related levels.
There are risks though, just as in ANY other sport or activity. With proper training and the correct use of exercises, it can be a very easy, smooth journey. First there is weight training. Then there is nutritional aspects of building muscle for teens. There are also programs that teens can get involved in that have professionals and experts that know what to do and how to do it right.
Teenagers who are on the younger side should train with moderately heavy weights, while older teenagers can often use heavy weights. It is important to eat more when you are building muscle. For teens, a high protein diet along with complex carbs, minerals and multivitamins are important to maintain.
Another great tip on building muscle for teens is that NO part of the body should be neglected. Training and working out every muscle that you can is the best way to train. Swimming is also great for exercising just about every muscle in your body.
I hope these tips have been helpful, there are a lot more tips on building muscle for teens but we'll let you digest these for now!
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Help
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
How much important is the chest muscle building? This question is surely going to bewilder you if you are interested to do the same in a gymnasium. The best answer to it can be that it is highly essential. The exercise of chest muscle building will enable you to have a good health. It will be certainly better than the average health and with a muscular chest you can also be the subject of the town. Well, this may energize you to work for more. But it is better to know that the task is not simple.
Yes the task is difficult and for this reason the procedure of training is also arduous. But the success can be attainable provided you work hard. You must have the grit and also the zeal to thrive. This will stimulate you always and this is the only way through which you can emerge as victorious. What are the necessary processes?
You shall have to concentrate on the negative lifting phase at the start. There are many who consider that the lifting phase or the period during which you are lifting the weight plays the role of greatest importance. But that is not true. The release phase is also equally important and hence calls for attention. Keep in mind that both of amateur and professional lifters often commit grave mistakes. They are found to have confidences in the gravitational force and anticipate that it will help them whenever they bring down the upraised weight. This should not be done and there are several instances when this expectation has defeated them. You should proceed gradually and depend upon your own level of endurance than anything else. Have a consultation with the trainer on this subject.
Many are found to have fantasies regarding barbells. If you have also, it\'s the time for you to shun that. Always concentrate on the use of dumbbells instead of barbells. There is no doubt that barbells contribute a lot and you can still have profits from this instrument. But, since you are in the course of chest muscle building, you shall have to go for the best one. As a result you shall have to focus on the ways of getting pectoral muscle and making each of it works separately. Moreover, your body is in no way balanced. If you are lifting the barbells, even in this case, you are developing the stronger side more. Here lies the essence of dumbbells. You shall have to work on each side in an equal manner and for this the dumbbells are your desirable instruments.
There are also other productive techniques, which will be imparted by your trainer. You can also research on the Internet and make a comprehensive list of the most up to date techniques. Following this you can discuss of these with your teacher and evolve the newest techniques in view of that.
It is also necessary to concentrate on the subject of nutrition and at the same time. Contact with a dietician for the best diet during this time.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Help
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
Muscle building and girls! This may seem too many as a fine specimen of paradox but in reality it is not. Girls can also go for muscle building and that is possible by means of strict discipline. But that is not all as there is also the need of other aspects. Now if you are a girl of this generation and want to build muscles you shall have to concentrate also on bodybuilding nutrition and the entire body workout. They are essential and do play commendable roles in the whole program.
But there are some myths in the market around the building of muscles and that creates confusion. Many girls are advised to go for weightlifting. But they remain unknown of the fact that weightlifting makes girls bulky. The reason is among females there remains the stark absence of testosterone in contrast to males. This hormone is indispensable and also accountable for the development of muscles. Due to the absence of this, immense increase of muscle mass for girls remains a dream. Well you may like to argue since you have perceived scores of pictures of women bodybuilders. But they are familiar with the utilization of anabolic steroids or synthetic testosterone along with other drugs. The application of these enables them to gain good muscles.
Apart from this there is the need of a proficient work ethic and also rigorous workout. You shall have to dedicate yourself to the building of muscles. This would be both your passion and also profession. Now it may be that you are in any other profession but in the need of good muscles. In that case you shall have to sacrifice one of the two. Again the application of anabolic steroids and other drugs do have a number of side effects. It may make the performers vulnerable to other diseases.
Now it may also happen that after a training of few months you get bored and abandon the training out of the blue. Are you aware of the effect of this impulsive act? Your muscles will turn into fat. This will totally negate your endeavor of months towards building muscles. Always remember that fat and muscles are two completely different types of human tissues. One you start gaining fat again you shall face lots of problems related with health. You may also become victim of pranks and catcalls in your neighborhood.
For all these reasons to many the best is to do the cardio exercises in company with lifting lightweights. However it must be said these exercises need time for development of muscles. You must have the necessary patience and also the perseverance. Without these it is impossible to win the game and proceed towards your own objective. But at the same time there is the need of a strong and appropriate diet. This should be comprised of nutritious foods or foods rich in protein and carbs. Try to have the best advice from your trainer at the gym and also a medical practitioner.
All these would enable to retain your feminine body and also build muscles.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Help
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
Why do people want to do workout? Let me put the question in this way. Why do people want to burn fat and gain muscles? The answer is simple. They do remain in the need of better lifestyles and also to look better. Well, the answer may be simple but to attain it you shall have to go through hard tasks. To many in this case and to have the two simultaneously weight lifting is the best way. Now how to begin the workout of weight lifting?
Well there are several ways to do this exercise. But from the first day you must dispose of the misconceptions. What are they? Now one of them is that you must do low weight and high reps. Many opine that these are essential and only ways to burn fat and gain muscles. Well, though they can contribute to some extent there are several better ways to achieve the same.
There are in fact many who consider that the only way to get the best and matured muscles is to do heavy reps but with smaller weights. What do they do not understand is that these will work but will also lose muscles. This may also happen in large numbers! The main reason for this is that the body will realize that it doesn't need these muscles. As a result it will begin to concentrate on the use of protein in the muscles for a great number of other purposes in the same physical structure. You will find that this process will reduce the sizes of the muscles, which is undesirable for you.
What should you do then? The best, in this context, will be if you can do low reps but with high weights. Try to add a quantity of cardio. It will increase the thrust. Now you shall have to take each and every set to failure. This may sound some unusual but it is necessary. Your muscles become thoroughly incompetent to lift any type of weight again. It may be that you are proficient in doing 4 sets of 10 each. But from now on you shall have to focus on lifting more weight, as far as you can, so as to get the maximum number of reps. If it's possible for you to get 12, lift up the weight. What shall be the effect? This very process will make your body maintain the existing muscles and also go on adding.
You can certainly be astonished as these go against your knowledge, which you have gathered hitherto through various sources. But it certainly works and has been proved to be successful at several times. The addition of cardio with all these will compel you to burn more fat. This happens to be the central reason for which the muscles remain out of sight in the first place. There must be the perfect combination of severe weight lifting along with high intensity cardio. This will enable you to build up muscles in large numbers and also to burn fat.
Follow this and accomplish your objective.
For more information on how to build your muscles, visit Muscles Building Guides and Help
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
Self love also known as self esteem is an important factor in today's world. When a person feels well about themselves then they can perform better at work and in their personal life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the important people in the history of body building, and he has won a lot of competitions. People have always looked up to him, and always will.
Many people start muscle building as they want to get noticed and a well built body is surely noticed by everyone. Some people also start muscle building to get into modeling and into the cinema. Others start muscle building because they love their body and want to keep it healthy. One thing certain is that, muscle building does improve the person's opinion about the body and makes them health conscious.
Muscle building is a very effective form of exercise that can help a person over come daily problems by improving his mood, getting certain illnesses into control and building a sense of well being in that person. Muscle building is an important factor in building self esteem as it improves the looks of the person and also makes the person feel energetic and positive. Muscle building and exercising helps improve ones image about their body and looks. Exercising also tires the body hence; it helps the person sleep better.
Muscles can be strengthened by weight training and aerobics. Many people worry that Aerobics causes muscle breaking. This is true, however the human body is very dynamic and the body rebuilds the muscles. The term is known as "protein turnover". One of the reasons for muscle loss is an inadequate diet with excessive exercise.
Aerobics strengthens the muscles, and also helps increase the stamina. Few forms of aerobics include cycling, running, walking and climbing stairs.
Protein shakes are used as supplements to give extra energy and to help build muscles. These are safe if used in the right quantity. However if the protein content is more than 60% of the overall dietary intake then it can prove dangerous.
The down side to muscle building is when people get carried away to build excessive muscles and resort to using harmful substances like steroids. In the frenzy of looking and felling great, some people do not realize the long term effects of these harmful substances.
Endorphins are natural hormones produced by the human body and they serve as natural pain medication and mood elevators. Endorphins are released during exercise and generate a feeling of well being and also act as pain killers.
Many physicians say that exercising in moderate amounts can help people over come depression. Researches have shown that exercise can help speed the recovers of patients with mood disorders and other psychological problems.
There is scientific evidence that exercising helps get type two diabetes under control. Exercising also reduces obesity related problems. When a person weight trains the body fat is broken down and replaced with muscles.
Moderate exercise also helps get hyper tension under control.
No matter what the reason for joining body building is, continuing exercising and staying clear of harmful substances is definitely the key to a healthier future
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By Rikard Ingvarsson
What does the task of muscle building signify? Is it related only to bodybuilding? Do we have to abide by the rules of weightlifting only? These questions often crop up in an individual whenever he thinks of the process of building muscles. This may be with anyone who is not conversant with the necessary techniques to achieve success in the same route. Well, weightlifting is certainly essential for building muscles but apart from that there is the requirement of other aspects. The perfect combination of all these, help you to improve muscles and self-worth.
Now, if you are interested to build muscles, you must have the necessary grit and the zeal to achieve success. These are the primary conditions that must be fulfilled otherwise you cannot proceed. The training is certainly rigorous and also takes lot of time. For these reasons many performers become sick of the courses and abandon them. This is nothing but defeatism and should never be done. It can also result to unsafe side effects on the body and you may have to deal with it through the rest of your life.
In any pertinent training program you can find the presence of two features like exercises and diets. Both of these features act as complementary to the mission of building muscles. While through exercises you can build strong muscles, the diets play great roles in nourishing your body. Both of these should continue side by side and no one can be sacrificed for the other. If you dare to do this even for once, you will face a complete mayhem.
To avoid all these things it is necessary for you to improve the intake of calories. You shall have to concentrate on the consumption of more calories and that should start without any further delay. Where can you get these calories? For this reason you shall have to make a thorough research in the local library and also the Internet. The best will be if you can communicate with any dietician. He is the best person who can let you know of a good diet. But never forget to take foods rich in proteins. They are essential for the sustenance of your body and so take fresh fruits, green vegetables and along with these protein laden animal foods. The daily consumption of all these will help you to grow muscles and also retain the perfect balance.
If you are engaged with the aerobic workouts, it's high time to stop them. They are found to burn more calories than is needed and may affect your course. This will not produce anything substantial and also detract your concentration. On the contrary you should concentrate on the strength training but under the guidance of a professional trainer. But before that it is always better to check yourself through medical examinations. This will let you know of the level of your endurance and you can start working in view of that.
It is also important to eat a high carb diet instead of a low one at this stage.
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