Woman Lingerie

Được đăng bởi Nguyen | 8:26 PM

by Peter James

As you are reading this, women around the world are franticly shopping for lingerie to attract their man's eye. Men love to see their woman wearing a hot little outfit. I kind of think this is like how a dog salivates when he sees a dog snack. He knows he is about to eat and it will taste good. The same goes for men, we see how hot she looks and we know we are about to have sex. Why do women wear lingerie? Let's talk about two of the biggest reasons. One is to make them feel sexy. Some women even wear lingerie underneath their normal clothes. They like to feel sexy. Nothing feels sexy like a little silk on their skin. I think women do this to help their self esteem. It makes them for confidant throughout the day. The idea of a woman wearing lingerie under her clothes gives me a hard on, so I try not to think about it too often.

She loves the anticipation. She loves to see you drool when she walks into the bedroom with her hot little outfit on. A woman likes to know that she is turning you on. Nothing in life is more important to her. Unless she is a gold digger, than the most important thing to her is your wallet. Which, probably paid for the sexy outfit.

Some men don't understand why a woman would spend a hundred dollars on an outfit that will be taken off in 30 seconds. Other men adorn every thread on their woman's body. Lingerie doesn't have to be an acquired taste.

Here are some reasons why men love lingerie. Some of these may surprise you:
1. Men like the idea that their woman is taking the time out to do something special for them. It makes them feel that they are worthy to their partner. It is like you have a private titty bar right in your very own house. A man watches porn all day, he likes to see his wife look like the women in the movies.
2. Men don't want an old hag that looks like a grandma. Most men want a woman that is beautiful and willing to take care of herself. The idea of her wearing sexy clothes goes along with this. If she spends a few minutes caring what she looks like, then chances are she cares what you think of her. That makes you feel special. Also, it makes your penis hard when she bends over.
3. Lingerie can help people get out of the ho hum life they live. A woman who takes care of the kids all day can't wear sexy clothes. Why pay a hundred dollars for something when the baby is going to spit up all over it?
4. I think this is the same reason why girls enter beauty pageants. They want to know that someone thinks they are good looking. When she sees how aroused you get when she wears that special bra and panties, it makes her feel good. It gives her a chance to escape from the world that she lives in.

Also it spices up life a little bit. It makes people feel good that they have the ability to change things for once in their life. They can change the go no where sex to hot steamy sex just by wearing something a little different.

Sometimes women see something on television that claims to arouse men and they run right to the store to get some for themselves. When was the last time she seen something on television that looked good to eat and she bought it? The same is with the Victoria Secrets commercials. They see it and they want to try it. I also think they see these beautiful women wearing them on television and they think that they can look like them.

Now, let's talk about the most popular lingerie. Take notes and run straight to the store to pick up some for your woman.

Chemise: Watching her walk around in a tiny see through silk mini skirt turns a lot of men on. Who wouldn't want to see that?

Babydoll: This is the type of thing that makes her boobies look really perky. Usually there is a slit that goes down under her chest.

The teddy: This is the most popular. Men go crazy for this one. It looks like a bathing suit, but has buttons in the crotch. Men love this because as they unbutton the buttons, all they think about is tasting that precious love canal.

Thong: I always go crazy when I see a woman in a thong. I like it because I can see all of her ass. There is no guess work when it comes to a thong.

Push up bra: These are great. I love how they push up their boobies. It makes them look more full and perky. That just makes my day.

It isn't all in your head why you like lingerie so much. It is the same reason why your mouth waters when you see a nice juicy steak. You know that it is going to taste good going down and make you want to take a nap when its all over. Well, maybe that is a little over the top.

Men get aroused with their eyes. Lingerie helps with this. If you are having problems getting an erection or you feel your love life has gone to hell, lingerie can help add that spark back. It is worth a try. What do you have to loose?

For more information, visit: http://www.lovecentria.com

Sources : http://health-sex-money.com

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