Todays message is one that needs to be heard loud and clear.
It's one that pertains to every single one us, and especially
those of us who are aspiring to create success and do not think
we actually are in the moment.
I'm going to share something personal with you. I'm going to
share what goes on 'behind the scenes' of creating success
so you can SEE for yourself what it really takes.
Often times I have noticed there can be "false expectations"
about what it takes to succeed.
And these false expectations of success can be some of the
most detrimental factors to actually going out and creating the reality you want for yourself. Thus, these false expectations need to be ABOLISHED as soon as possible.
Here's what people don't see about those that now might be considered "successful."
The first 9 months I was in networking marketing I was failing miserably. I spent over $1,200 to get started in my company.
I was on a $200 a month auto ship...and I burned through all my friends and family in a matter of 2 months.
I asked for tons of referrals, felt awkward as heck talking to people I didn't know, I was nervous because I never had created any success...and I called or emailed hundreds of people I didn't even know trying to pitch them on a business opportunity.
I set up meetings, appointments, conference calls...and was bringing in no one. Making no money.
Then I coughed up $1500 for a booth for 3 days in one of America's most popular malls. I thought I was going to sell tons of product, sign up all sorts of customers, and be set for life.
I didn't sell ONE product.
Do you know how defeated I felt? Do you know how miserable that was?
I was still in think I had $1500 just lying around for a rainy day?
I didn't stop.
I kept doing everything that wasn't working and this time bought a booth at a health exposition for another $1500.
This time I was sure I was going to sign up more customers and get distributors since it was a more 'targeted' market.
Thankfully, I sold a few boxes of the product. Did I make my money back? Not a chance.
Did I work 72 hours straight at this booth all weekend long,not leaving for a second? You bet. Did I sign up 1 distributor?
Not a chance.
So yet again I'm $1500 out the pocket. This was after I bought expensive banners from my company, flyers, posters, you name it...
I had spent over $5000 on my business in that small span of a few months, had signed up a few of my friends who mostly weren't interested and never did a thing.
I had poured my heart and soul into making the business work and had gotten absolutely no where.
Did I quit? I wanted to...but it wasn't happening.
So then I started seeking solutions. I lost trust in my upline,and the traditional methods and started thinking outside the box. I did some research on my company and saw other people had websites...and I just started wondering about the internet.
One day I saw this funky little ad that said, "sign up 25 people
per week in your downline." Of course I didn't believe it, but
I clicked anyway.
I hit the sales page, read their pitch, and it was all to get
me to download this f'ree report so I could become a lead for
the "dream team" and have them pitch me on their online network
marketing university.
I got on their conference call and it sounded like the phoniest
thing I had ever heard. In fact, it was a complete joke
from my perspective. They gave no value...all pitch...and
made ridiculous claims.
One of their claims was they would have me at $50,000 a year
in 12 months or my money back. Naturally...I wanted to know
how that was possible.
And the rep said one thing only...that spawned my
entire internet marketing career.
He said they knew how to get me cheap leads on the internet...
That one thing he said gave me the idea to start using the
internet to generate my OWN leads for my network marketing
It was just one idea...
You know what I did...I went out and built a website.
It was terrible, it barely converted a single lead ever, but
I took action. I built the darn thing and then I started wondering
how I could actually get somebody to the website so I could
get a lead!
At the time...I was spending all day long 'clicking' in traffic
exchanges. Each click was a credit I earned that would hopefully
get me one other person out their clicking away to look at my
website the same way I was looking at theirs.
Pretty dismal future it seemed...
Did I quit? Nope.
I still wasn't making any money, still didn't know how I
was going to succeed, I was still scared crapless, broke,
afraid, and insecure. Did I stop for one second? Nope.
I spent day and night in those traffic exchanges. I downloaded
every free report I could find. I opted in to every newsletter
I thought might have something to offer me.
I looked at other peoples websites and piece by piece started
to LEARN about how to actually succeed.
Piece by piece I started to LEARN how to drive just a bit more
traffic to my websites.
Did I rise to some instant over night success? Yea...right.
I spent MONTHS and MONTHS on the internet...making almost nothing
more then I was making before I came on the internet. A measly
$200-$300 a month with my network marketing business.
I was spending 10, 12, 14 hour DAYS...7 days a week...DETERMINED
to figure this out at all costs. I had no other options.
I wasn't going to get a job. I wasn't going to sell myself out.
There was NOTHING else for me. I wouldn't even entertain the
idea until I either had $0 in my bank account or no more
My family would look at me like I was crazy. My friends would
ask say "you're still doing that thing?" my business was
a thing.
And the entire time...I never stopped believing in myself.
I never stopped KNOWING for one second that I would create success.
That I would create FREEDOM for myself in the way I was seeking
to create it.
I worked harder then any human being I've ever seen work
for something in their life before. I was consistently...
day in and day out...dedicated to my business and creating success.
I APPLIED the knowledge I learned steadfast, and with all my
my energy EACH TIME I learned something new.
And little by little, things started to grow.
I hit an $800 month in December of 2006 when I started integrating
affiliate marketing into my autoresponders.
Then in of the distributors I had brought in
had a great month, brought in 2 more people who placed big
orders, and I hit the bonus pool in my company. It was my
first $3,000+ month.
I felt like I had taken a breath of air for the first time
in 15 months. Think about that...feel what it would feel like
to be choking for 15 months and finally get a breath of
semi decent air. That's what I had been going through...
I kept working working applying more of what
I learned about internet marketing and building a REAL business.
I NEVER stopped for one second pouring more my heart and
soul into my business no matter what was happening. And bang...
April of 2007 I hit my first $13,000+ month. And after working
working working even harder...continuing to learn and apply
with the SAME feverish intensity I've had from the beginning...
I just broke $30,000+ last 13 month on the internet.
Take this message to heart ...
The people who give their HEART AND SOUL to something...deserve
it more then all the rest.
If you think you can just waltz into being an entrepreneur,
throw up some ads, or work a few weeks real hard on something,
and expect immediate and huge results...then you're going to
learn a REAL lot very soon about being an entrepreneur.
Being a REAL entrepreneur will DEMAND more from you then most
things in your life ever will.
It will test you, challenge you, and FORCE YOU to look inside
yourself and GROW...if you want to see the light on the other
end of the tunnel.
If you want to create a reality for yourself that most people
only dream better be prepared to dedicate your ENTIRE
BEING to the task at hand.
The freedom we seek to create is not about security. If you
want security...keep your job. (laugh)
Entrepreneurs want real freedom. They are motivated not by
security...but by something more.
Real entrepreneurs will OVERCOME their fears. They will feel
fear, weakness, insecurity...and they will not run the other
way. They will not cower back to whatever it is they are comfortable
with to avoid that which terrifies them.
They will FACE that which terrifies them. They will find solutions
to ANY problems that are affecting them in life or business.
And they will NEVER stop. They will continue to fail, fail
and fail...and never stop believing in matter
THAT is a real entrepreneur. THAT is someone who Deserves
success. That is someone who WILL create success...because
NOTHING can stop them.
Ok, I'm going back to work. But I wanted to take the time
out of my day to share that message with you. Hopefully
it clarifies just a bit about what some of us go through
to create the success we've had in our lives.
I've been very fortunate to meet some highly successful people
in this industry now...and the one thing they ALL have in common...
is that they work smarter and harder then every body else.
They are problem solvers, people who did not stop when they
faced obstacles, but instead pursued forward.
It's just that simple ...
Never stop believing in yourself. Never stop overcoming
obstacles. Never stop seeking real information that will
cause you to 'GROW' in all areas of your life.
And there is NOTHING that will stop you from creating the
success you want for yourself. I promise.
I have no intentions of slowing down the intensity and
energy I put into working for a minute. Numbers on a screen
don't matter very much to's all about 'WHY' we do this.
Since my goals require over $100,000,000...$30,000 seems like
absolutely nothing. Thus, I just blink my eye and keep going.
I'm in this for a bigger reason then just me...and that reason
will power me to places that know no limits. The beauty is...
every single one of us has that same limitless power if we
just SEE it in ourselves.
Rhonda Smith
285 SW 38th Loop, Gresham, Oregon 97080, USA
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