Let's start at the beginning...
If you were a crook and all you cared about was getting lots of people to send you money, how would you go about it?
Would you tell people that they need to work hard? Probably not. After all, most people are pretty busy and they may be working hard already.
No, you'd probably tell people that it's easy to make money on the Internet... in fact it's so easy that they can make money while they're sleeping!
You'd tell them they don't need to do anything... they don't need to know anything... all they need to do is to send you some money and they'll get rich!
You'd tell them that you're an expert at making money on the Internet... or in stocks... or in real estate... or in exchanging foreign currencies (FOREX)... or in exchanging digital currencies over the Internet... or whatever you think people will believe... and that you can make a lot more money (and you're willing to share it with them) if they'll send you some money!
That's exactly what you'd do if you were an Internet crook!
Perhaps you're wondering... "Does anyone really fall for that?"
In fact, millions of people fall for that every day!
HYIP's... King Of The Rip-Offs
It's difficult to fully understand just how much money is stolen from people by these kinds of programs... but I'll try to include enough information to eliminate any doubt about whether or not you should venture into that tar-pit.
HYIP's... or High Yield Investment Programs... are neither "high yield" nor "investments".
They're actually nothing more than the "gateway" designed to entice people into an elaborate network that exists for one reason only... to rip people off.
Here's what I mean...
Did you know that you can purchase programs that will run an HYIP on your website? If you don't have a website, there are templates available to make it easy to set up a website. Or you can simply purchase an HYIP website that's already set up and ready to go. Just buy a domain name... upload the files... and you're ready to start stealing!
Don't know how to upload files? No problem... you can pay a little extra and the people who sold you the website will do that for you.
But will people actually send you money just because you have a website?
Sure they will... because the website tells them what a genius you are at making money in the stock market... and that you've hired an experienced staff of highly-successful traders who are knowledgeable in virtually every aspect of making money in every kind of investment vehicle you can imagine!
Not the truth? So what! If you told the truth... that you just bought the website... nobody's going to send you any money!
And since you know that people are always reluctant to be the first ones to send in their money... in case it's a scam... there's a place right on the front page that shows how many people are already sending in their money... and getting rich!
All you need to do is remember to have your programmer put in some big numbers there so that people will think it's really working!
Not the truth? So what! If you told the truth... that those numbers are fake and nobody's making any money... nobody's going to send you any money!
And since you know that some people will want to hear directly from someone who's been paid, be sure to include a forum with a section for everyone to write in and tell how excited they are... that they got paid... and that this is the easiest money they've ever made and this is the best program in the world!
But don't forget to "seed" it first with a few dozen posts that you write. No time to write your own phony forum posts? No problem. There are companies that'll do it for you. That way your visitors (future victims) will see lots of happy campers!
Not the truth? So what! If you told the truth... that those posts are fake and nobody's been paid... nobody's going to send you any money!
But what about those people who don't trust what you say on your website and don't believe what the "people" in your forum are saying?
What about those people who want to see how you rate with an independent third party who monitors the industry and provides impartial evaluations based on feedback provided by people participating in all of the major HYIP programs available?
No problem! You just pay for your membership in each of those independent rating services (there are about a dozen or so) and then you pay another company to flood those services with emails from people who are happy with your HYIP. The company will make sure that all of these "endorsements" come from different email addresses so they appear to be legitimate even though they're all fake.
Next thing you know, you have excellent ratings from all of the independent ratings services and you can post those right there on your website!
Now even the most skeptical of "investors" can send in his money and rest assured that you are indeed a financial wizard who's willing to share your expertise so that people like him can become wealthy.
Not the truth? So what! If you told the truth... that those ratings are fake and anybody can easily buy excellent ratings... nobody's going to send you any money!
Once you have everything in place... you've bought your website... put in some fake numbers for "Total Invested" and "Total Paid"... seeded your forum with phony posts... and bought your excellent ratings from all the ratings services... you're ready to start making money!
But be careful! When you first start out, be sure to pay all of your victims exactly on time and precisely what you promised!
Why? Because you also have an "affiliate program" that pays your victims a percentage of the money sent in by victims they refer. If you play your cards right... if you pay everyone on time... if you pay your affiliates what they've "earned"... before long you'll have hundreds or thousands of victims sending you money!
And what begin as small "investments" soon become BIG "investments" as your victims keep sending you back the money you sent them plus every spare dollar they can get their hands on. Lots of victims will actually max out their credit cards and go into debt to keep sending you more and more money!
When you get a few hundred thousand dollars ahead... you simply shut down the website and vanish into cyberspace with all the money you stole.
And then you do it all again!
Bottom line... you have three choice...
1.) If you want to make a LOT of money in HYIP's... and you're not at all concerned about honesty... you should get your own HYIP and get started stealing from people.
2.) If you want to make a little money in HYIP's... all you need to do is promote them... help spread the lies and get more victims into the program... and collect your referral fees. That way you're not really stealing from people... you're just helping someone else steal from people and you're getting paid for that. (Yes, that's stealing!)
3.) If you want to lose everything and sink deeper into debt... put your money into "High Yield Investment Programs"... and watch it disappear!
Are ALL HYIP's owned and operated by crooks?
It's impossible to tell.
There may be some that are not.
But can YOU tell the ones that might be honest from the ones that are designed to rob you?
It's impossible to tell.
How can you protect yourself?
How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... HYIP stands for Helping You Into Poverty!
Money has to come from somewhere. The owner of an HYIP can't pay you $50 unless he gets that money (plus some for himself) from someone else.
Where does he get the money? From people just like you.
You see, he knows that if he can get you to send him $10... and he sends you $20 back... you'll keep sending him more and more money until he pulls the plug and disappears with everything.
Your best defense? NEVER send money to a complete stranger who promises to pay you back more than you paid in... unless you're required to do something that actually generates more money.
EXAMPLE: When you purchased this ebook for $5, you also received a website that will allow you to make $5 for every person who purchases this ebook from your website. That's a legitimate commission paid on the sale of a real product.
BUT... if I told you that all you had to do is send me your $5 and I'd send you $10 next week... look out! There is no place for that money to come from except you and thousands of other victims!
And one more point... if people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet can't earn 1% per day with billions of dollars to invest and access to the most brilliant investment strategists on the planet... do you REALLY believe you can earn that much or MORE just by sending your money to a total stranger with a website?
Stop Being A Victim! Avoid HYIP's!
Want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook here at:Http://BusinessAllianceOnline.com
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