By Dave Gray, The Admind and SEO of Online Business Allinace.
Perhaps you've found yourself wondering about what it would really be like to have"Multiple Streams of Income".
Sounds nice, doesn't it? Money streaming in from many different programs at once... providing security that you could never have if you were to rely on an income from only one source... and your income growing as all of your programs grow at the same time.
Yes, that would be nice.
That's why it's promoted so heavily among "Biz Opps" on the Internet... because they know how appealing that whole idea is!
But in reality, 99% of the time when you see the phrase "Multiple Streams of Income"...What they're really referring to is something much different... "Multiple Streams of Expenses".
The reason they don't mention this is obvious... it doesn't sound very good, does it?
You see, the crooks out there know you've already joined at least one program and probably more than one.
But they still want you to join theirs... and send them some money... so they tell you about how great it is to have "Multiple Streams of Income".
In other words, it's OK to join their program even if you've already joined lots of other programs... because it will allow you to create "Multiple Streams of Income"!
What they DON'T tell you... what they DON'T want you to know... is that for you to succeed in ANY program will require every bit of your attention and your time and your energy and your available resources.
That's right... success requires focus. It requires work. It requires your best effort.
The one biggest success-killer on the Internet today is distraction... trying to do too many things at once... trying to build too many programs at the same time.
How many is too many?
TWO is too many!
That's why "Multiple Streams of Income" is the big lie among Internet Biz Opps!
They bait you with "Multiple Streams of Income" so you'll keep joining program after program after program... and before you know what's happened your bank account is bleeding to death from "Multiple Streams of Expenses"as you try to keep everything you signed up for!
You can't do that! It doesn't work!
For you to successfully build TWO programs, you would have to split your time, efforts, energy, and resources between those two programs... meaning you could only promote each program 50% as much as you could promote ONE program if you chose just one program and focused your attention on succeeding in that one program!
That would be the equivalent of promoting each of those two programs just two weeks out of every month! That's a sure recipe for failure!
But suppose you're trying to build four programs at once! Now each program will only get 25% of you attention!
Can you imagine ANY business succeeding if it's only being worked ONE WEEK PER MONTH?! That's ridiculous!
But that's exactly what you're supposed to believe you can do!
And that's why so many people end up with "Multiple Streams of Expenses" driving them deeper and deeper into debt... and further and further from their dreams and their goals!
How can you protect yourself?
How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... if you intend to succeed, you MUST choose ONE business and FOCUS 100% of your available time, effort, energy, and resources making that business successful!
Once that business becomes successful and self-sufficient... then you can begin building your second business and focus completely on that business.
The way to create "Multiple Streams of Income" is one at a time... not two or four or ten at once!
That's how you create "Multiple Streams of Expenses"... and certain failure!
If you want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Reportand the Stop Being A Victim ebook written by Dave Gray here:
The Internet Wealth Report
What Is The Trust Of "Multiple Streams Of Income " In Online Opotunities?
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Nguyen |
12:07 AM
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