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Nguyen Quoc Minh
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Copyright@Nguyen quoc Minh
Let's begin by taking a close look at a very common practice among online "Biz Opps"... the "Pre-Launch". It starts when you get an email. You're informed of a very important event... a brand-new Internet program is about to be released and you're one of the lucky few who are finding out about it BEFORE the rest of the world!
This one's gonna be GIANT and if you hurry and join NOW... during the Pre-Launch... you can secure your place at the TOP... and get rich as the "Big Dogs" and "Heavy Hitters" start promoting it to their lists!
Sorry... but that's a lie. It's designed to get you to make a decision based on emotion rather than logic. It's purpose is to create a "Fear of Loss" within you so that you'll react in a certain way.
The truth is this... there's no such thing as a "Pre-Launch".
A program is either launched or it's not launched.If it's accepting new Members... it's launched. If people are promoting it... it's launched.If you found out about it in your email... it's launched. Can you still get in early enough to get rich? Can you still get in before the "Big Dogs" and "Heavy Hitters"?
No. That's another lie. The Big Dogs and Heavy Hitters are already promoting it to their lists... and telling everyone they can that this will be a GIANT new program and if they hurry and join NOW... during the Pre-Launch... they can secure their place at the TOP... and get rich as the OTHER "Big Dogs" and "Heavy Hitters" start promoting it to their lists!
Think about it... if YOU were starting a program and all you were concerned about was getting as many people to sign up as possible... wouldn't you tell the Big Dogs and Heavy Hitters about it FIRST?
Of course you would!
If you're reading this and you're one of the Big Dogs and Heavy Hitters... then you already know all this. You have your "A-List" of people you know who have a huge list and they expect to learn about your "New Deals" first... just as you expect to be among the first to be told about their "New Deals".
You also have your "B-List"... that huge list of names and email addresses that you send offers to every few days. That's your "Money List". Those are the people who... for some reason... tend to believe a certain percentage of what you tell them. Those are the people who will send you money over and over again until they finally opt-out and remove themselves from your list.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to send an offer to your B-List before sending it to your A-List. That would be shooting yourself in the foot!
BUT... if you're reading this and you're NOT one of the Big Dogs and Heavy Hitters... if you're just a regular Joe or Jane trying to make some money on the Internet... then you need to understand what goes on behind the scenes.
Here's the TRUTH!
1.) The vast majority of Internet "Biz Opps" are NOT intended to last for more than a few months.
2.) The reason for that is because so many people fall for the "Pre-Launch" marketing method.
3.) The people who own those programs realize that they'll get 70%-80% of their sign-ups (and their money) during the first 4-6 weeks... during the big Pre-Launch... and then their sign-ups and their income will start to taper off.
4.) What's the best thing to do when that happens?
5.) You guessed it! Start another program... have another Pre-Launch... and get the same people to send you money AGAIN!!!
6.) If you've EVER received an email from someone about a Pre-Launch, you're on someone's B-List. You are one of those people who are expected to send money whenever the owner of that list clicks the "Send" button on his mass mailer.
7.) Forget that the email is addressed to you by name... that's an automated function.
8.) Forget all the garbage about you having an advantage... the exact same email went to tens of thousands of other "names and email addresses" on his list.
9.) Forget about getting in at the top... the whole thing's going to disappear in a few months anyway!
10.) Forget about making money in that program... it's not designed to make money for YOU. It's designed to get you to send money to the owner of that program... and to the owner of that B-List.
11.) This entire cycle... start a new program... have a big Pre-Launch... make a bunch of money and let your A-List friends make some money in the process... and then do it all over again... is nothing but a way to get you and a few thousand other people to send in your money again and again.
12.) You have a very specific... and very important... role to play in all of this. You are the little ATM machine that spits out money when these program owners press the right buttons. That's right. You are the money source. You're the one who pays and gets nothing in return. You're the victim. Without a victim none of this would be worth the trouble!
How can you protect yourself? How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... there's no such thing as a "Pre-Launch".
If a program is promoting itself as "in Pre-Launch"... just laugh and walk away.
AND... you should block all future emails from whoever sent you that offer. That person isn't concerned about you... only your money and how much he can get you to send to him.
Should you unsubscribe from his mailing list? Probably not. Unsubscribing generally won't accomplish much because the owners of those lists typically sell their unsubscribes to other list owners... sometimes to more than one... so by unsubscribing you may be moving in the wrong direction.
Want to know more, you can get the
FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook HERE
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What Is The Trust Of "Multiple Streams Of Income " In Online Opotunities?
By Dave Gray, The Admind and SEO of Online Business Allinace.
Perhaps you've found yourself wondering about what it would really be like to have"Multiple Streams of Income".
Sounds nice, doesn't it? Money streaming in from many different programs at once... providing security that you could never have if you were to rely on an income from only one source... and your income growing as all of your programs grow at the same time.
Yes, that would be nice.
That's why it's promoted so heavily among "Biz Opps" on the Internet... because they know how appealing that whole idea is!
But in reality, 99% of the time when you see the phrase "Multiple Streams of Income"...What they're really referring to is something much different... "Multiple Streams of Expenses".
The reason they don't mention this is obvious... it doesn't sound very good, does it?
You see, the crooks out there know you've already joined at least one program and probably more than one.
But they still want you to join theirs... and send them some money... so they tell you about how great it is to have "Multiple Streams of Income".
In other words, it's OK to join their program even if you've already joined lots of other programs... because it will allow you to create "Multiple Streams of Income"!
What they DON'T tell you... what they DON'T want you to know... is that for you to succeed in ANY program will require every bit of your attention and your time and your energy and your available resources.
That's right... success requires focus. It requires work. It requires your best effort.
The one biggest success-killer on the Internet today is distraction... trying to do too many things at once... trying to build too many programs at the same time.
How many is too many?
TWO is too many!
That's why "Multiple Streams of Income" is the big lie among Internet Biz Opps!
They bait you with "Multiple Streams of Income" so you'll keep joining program after program after program... and before you know what's happened your bank account is bleeding to death from "Multiple Streams of Expenses"as you try to keep everything you signed up for!
You can't do that! It doesn't work!
For you to successfully build TWO programs, you would have to split your time, efforts, energy, and resources between those two programs... meaning you could only promote each program 50% as much as you could promote ONE program if you chose just one program and focused your attention on succeeding in that one program!
That would be the equivalent of promoting each of those two programs just two weeks out of every month! That's a sure recipe for failure!
But suppose you're trying to build four programs at once! Now each program will only get 25% of you attention!
Can you imagine ANY business succeeding if it's only being worked ONE WEEK PER MONTH?! That's ridiculous!
But that's exactly what you're supposed to believe you can do!
And that's why so many people end up with "Multiple Streams of Expenses" driving them deeper and deeper into debt... and further and further from their dreams and their goals!
How can you protect yourself?
How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... if you intend to succeed, you MUST choose ONE business and FOCUS 100% of your available time, effort, energy, and resources making that business successful!
Once that business becomes successful and self-sufficient... then you can begin building your second business and focus completely on that business.
The way to create "Multiple Streams of Income" is one at a time... not two or four or ten at once!
That's how you create "Multiple Streams of Expenses"... and certain failure!
If you want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Reportand the Stop Being A Victim ebook written by Dave Gray here:
The Internet Wealth Report
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Written by Dave Gray, The Admind and SEO of Online Business Alliance
If Everyone Else Does The Same Thing
You've seen them. They're everywhere.
Matrix programs that pay so much per position down through so many levels.There are 2X2 matrices and 3X9 matrices and unlimited width matrices and every other combination you can think of.
Some matrices "feed" other matrices, setting up a series of matrices with ever-increasing pay-outs.
Some matrices pay more for positions in the first few levels and some pay more for positions in the lower levels.
The fact is this... you can create almost any kind of a pay plan with a matrix.
But they all have one thing in common.
They all rely on everyone else doing something.
Thus the ever-present statement... "if everyone else does the same thing".
Don't misunderstand. I'm not implying that there's something dishonest about that statement. In fact, it's almost impossible to illustrate how a matrix-type pay plan works without using that statement.
So you'll see income illustrations that have a diagram of a particular matrix accompanied by a statement such as, "If you refer 3 who each refer 3... and everyone else does the same thing through the remaining levels... you'll make all this money!"
And all of it is true. The matrix is probably one of the most solid pay plans because it pays out less than it brings in. That means it's sustainable... which is good for you AND good for the program owner.
BUT... earlier I said, "you can create almost any kind of a pay plan with a matrix". They are tremendously flexible by nature... and that opens the door to greed.
Consequently, there are two things you should know about matrices.
1.) What really happens "if everyone else does the same thing".
2.) How to tell a "good" matrix from a "bad" matrix.
What really happens "if everyone else does the same thing".
This one's easy... because it never happens!
You need to remember what's always stated in the fine print... "This example is for illustration purposes only. Your income may be more or less than what is shown in this illustration."
That's because there will NEVER be a time when everyone will do the same thing!
There may not be much else you can count on... but you can count on that! There will NEVER be a time when everyone will do the same thing!
Instead, here's what you'll see...
A few people will do a lot and more people will do a little... but most people will do nothing! So... how does that affect a matrix?
Let's look at a very common matrix configuration and apply some values to a few variables. Let's use a 3X9 matrix... which means that the most positions immediately below any other position is three... and the matrix extends a total of nine levels down.
The program costs $18 per month and the first level pays $6 per position... so it's a "get 3 and yours is free" type of arrangement. If you can fill your three first level positions with members, your $18 in monthly commissions is enough to cover your $18 per month subscription cost.
At the top of the matrix is you and you are working hard to promote this program in hopes of filling your matrix.
You get three and they each get three and the additional members you refer are "spillover"... meaning they fill open spaces below the first level in your matrix.
Everything is humming along just fine and you're starting to see some real progress.
But every line has an end, doesn't it? And at the end of every line is someone who doesn't have three on his first level... and so that member isn't earning a commission... and he decides he doesn't need to keep paying the monthly subscription fee.So he quits... and suddenly the person who was up one level from him no longer has three on his first level... so he's no longer earning enough to cover his costs... he's operating at a loss... and he decides he doesn't need to keep paying the monthly subscription fee.
So he quits... and suddenly the person who was up one level from him no longer has three on his first level... so he's no longer earning enough to cover his costs... he's operating at a loss... and he decides he doesn't need to keep paying the monthly subscription fee.
So he quits... and up the line it goes. You watch as your entire group collapses from the bottom up. Can one person leaving a matrix cause it to collapse like that?
No, but you have to understand that each level in a 3-wide matrix has three times as many positions as the preceding level.
The 6th level has 729 positions. The 7th level has 2,187. The 8th level has 6,561 and the 9th level has 19,683... twenty-seven times as many as there are on the 6th level!!!
In other words, the further down you get... the more your matrix is filled... the more lines there are that end in someone who is NOT earning any commissions!
The more positions you have filled in your matrix, the more people there will be who are operating at a loss... and at risk of dropping out!
One member dropping out may not mean much, but imagine hundreds of members dropping out because they don't want to continue operating at a loss. That would cause a shockwave that could result in a huge part of your group simply evaporating!
So you see... the whole idea of "if everyone else doing the same thing" is necessary in order to explain how a matrix works... but it's an impossibility in the real world.
It could happen... but it can't. Never has, never will.
A 3X9 matrix has 29,523 positions. Try finding even 29 people who will "all do the same thing" and I think you'll understand that finding over 29 THOUSAND people who will all do the same thing is completely and utterly impossible.
Does that mean it's impossible to fill a matrix and keep it full? No. It is possible... but it's going to require a LOT more work than something as simple (and something that sounds as easy) as "if everyone else does the same thing".
How to tell a "good" matrix from a "bad" matrix
This is a simple arithmetic problem. You simply add the commissions paid through each level. That tells you how much of the monthly subscription fee would POTENTIALLY be paid out if the matrix was ever completely filled.
If you subtract the total from the monthly subscription fee, you'll see the owner's MINIMUM profit on a completely filled matrix... IF the owner had not reserved the top position in the matrix for himself... which all owners do.
Another thing you should consider is the amount of money paid out for positions on each different level.
Some matrices are set up to pay large amounts on the first level to help their members get into profit quickly. That can be a good thing, but it leaves less money that can be paid on positions in the lower levels where there are more members. That results in a lower potential overall.
Other matrices are designed with higher payouts for level 2 or 3... which is to encourage members to help their downline members build their groups.
And still other matrices are designed with a higher payout on the very bottom level. The reason for this is to make it appear that this particular matrix offers huge potential... but the owner knows that 99.9% of people who try (and pay to try) will never see anyone on their lowest level... so he will probably never have to pay out that large amount.
In summary...
Matrix type programs can be very good, good, not-so-good, or bad.
Some people make money in programs that feature matrix pay plans.
Some people lose money in programs that feature matrix pay plans.
The people who make money understand that everyone WON'T do the same thing... and that it takes a LOT OF WORK and a LONG TIME to fill a matrix and keep it filled.
The people who lose money think they can just sign up, refer a few people, and then everyone will do the same thing.
How can you protect yourself?
How can you stop being a victim?
Just remember this... any legitimate program requires WORK!
If you choose to make money in a program that features a matrix type pay plan, don't expect everyone to do the same thing. It can't happen.
If YOU want to succeed, then YOU have to be willing to do the work yourself. All of it! And if someone in your matrix decides to work also... that's just a bonus!
If you want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook written by Dave Gray here: The Internet Wealth Report
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