Imagine waking up completely satisfied with your body. To know that every inch of you is exactly how you want it to be and that you don’t need to change a single thing.
It is a good dream isn’t? But the truth is we are never totally happy with our bodies. Especially when it comes to our penises.
Over the years I have tried a number of different methods in an attempt to help improve my penis size, and it is easy to say that more often than not I have come away disappointed.
However I have just discovered a new penis enlargement method that is guaranteed to boost your confidence and sweep your partner literally – and I mean LITERALLY - off their feet.
Use both penis exercises and a traction device for the best penis gains
Using this technique I experienced the dual action capacity of both internal AND external penile training, and it helped increased by penis by up to 2 inches in a matter of months.
How? With the support of a penis exercises programme AND a penis extender.
What are penis exercises?
Penis exercises (or jelquing) is a series of penile exercises, which you do with your hands, to enlarge the penis in both length and girth.
Penis exercise programmes work by pushing more blood into your penis and erectile tissue, and as this blood is forced into your penis, it improves blood flow and pushes your penis outwards, causing your penis to become firmer, longer and thicker.
In addition, the penis generally starts to enjoy harder and stronger erections which last longer during sexual intercourse.
By simply using these penis exercises for only 30 minutes a day, you will be amazed at the difference this makes to your general penile health and sex life.
Read reviews on penis exercises
What is a penis extender?
A penis traction device is a medical certified type 1 medical device, which started out as a treatment for peyronies disease (curvature of the penis), micro penis syndrome and people who had a need to improve the strength and health of their penis.
By gently applying the penis traction device along penile shaft, the penis traction device adds a steady traction along the penis and the corpora cavernosa. The corpora cavernosa is the erectile tissue that holds blood during erections and as this is stretched, not only does the penis steadily becomes longer, but the penis is capable of holding more blood, making erection longer and harder.
Many clinical trials have been held using a variety of traction devices, and the results have been very promising, with gains of UP TO 3 inches being possible, and with 2 inch gains being typical.
Read penis extender reviews
Why should penis exercises and a penis extender be used together?
Essentially penis exercises, which forces blood into the penis, supplies a internal force to enlarge your penis. Meanwhile the penis traction device, which adds a regular traction, supplies a external force.
By combining the internal and external forces together you give yourself the best possible changes which instantly amplifies your penis enlargement results.
How does using penis exercises and a penis extender together work?
When you use penis enlargement exercises, you force blood into you penis and it grows. Unfortunately you can only force so much blood into your penis, and that’s when your gains will start to slow down.
By simply wearing the penis extender device between your exercise sessions, you will supply a constant traction along your penis which will help the penis to grow and increase the blood capacity of your penis!
Now you can force more blood into your penis and speed your gains up and you will ensure that your penis will achieve stronger orgasms for you and your partner.
To read more on penis enlargement methods and what works, check out this website: penis enlargement reviews
Together we can help increase your penis size by up to 30%!
Using both penis exercises and a penis extender gave me fantastic penis enlargement gains
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The US was recently rocked by the story of Jose Amid Juarbe who stole 8 Lehigh Valley resident identities in his quest to attain penis enlargement surgery.
Reputed to have spent over $88,000 in loans, housing furnishings and most importantly on cosmetic surgery, Juarbe was not alone in this scam.
After buying personal information from former Allenton woman, Carniola Santana, Juarbe provided 3 of these stolen identities to co-defendants Manual Delarosa, Maria Lopez and Bendenissi Feliciano who used these identities to receive similar penis enlargement and breast enhancement surgeries.
What charges will they face?
However despite Juarbe’s clear emotive reasons for committing this crime - namely helping his penis to function properly - this is not the first time he has committed fraud.
Charged with theft, writing bad checks, forgery and theft by deception, this is Juarbe’s 27th conviction…
Whilst Lopez, Santana and Feliciano are still awaiting trial (which shall take place next month), Juarbe has been sentenced to at least 18 years imprisonment where upon release he will have to pay a minimum of $300 a month until he has completely repaid the money he stole.
Delarosa on the other hand has been placed on an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program where he has been ordered to repay $12,000 in restitution for the cost of his penis enlargement surgery.
Why penis enlargement surgery?
Admittedly, there are safer, more cost effective measures Juarbe could have taken to attain his dreams of permanent penis enlargement.
Easily described as the riskiest form of penile enhancement around, penis enlargement surgery involves cutting the suspensory and fundiform ligament found on the pubic bone. Once released, you can expect to witness penis growths of 2-3cm.
For more details about safe penis enlargement, visit: sizegenetics
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