by Michael Messner
The one problem that most single men have is, they never have a well stocked pantry. This can cause major problems. If you don't have a stocked pantry, you are more likely to fill up on snack food or even worse, fast food. You need to make sure that you have a well stocked pantry so that you can cook healthy meals without much effort. Don't know what kinds of things that you should always have on hand? Well, no need to worry about it anymore. We will give you a list of 20 items that are must haves for you pantry.
1. Water his might sound silly, but always have some cold water on hand. Get yourself a pitcher or something that you can keep water in the ice box.
2. Milk. You should always have some low fat milk on hand. Cereal in the morning is a great way to get a good easy meal.
3. Fruit. Always have some fruit on hand. It is great for snacking. You can eat fruit and instead of potato chips.
4. Carrots. These are great for snacking. Just add some low fat dip and you have a snack that will rival any deep fried snacks.
5. Peanut butter. This is a great way to get some protein without having to worry about the fat. Use it on your toast for breakfast instead of butter.
6. Eggs. You need these for baking and other specialties. Also they are great for a protein filled breakfast.
7. Yogurt. This is great for hot summer days. You can make tons of drinks out of this. Also, it is great with chicken. You should learn a bit about Indian cooking for more ways to use yogurt. Indians love yogurt and eat it often.
8. Butter. You shouldn't suck on butter like you do a lollipop. But, butter is a must for baked goods. Also, fried eggs taste great cooked in butter.
9. Lemons. These are a must if you eat a lot of seafood. Also, a cold glass of lemonade is great after a hard days work.
10. Mayo. Don't use this stuff every day. But, you do need to use some if you make tuna or chicken salad. It can also be great on low fat cuts of chicken and such. It is good on items that are dry. Make sure to buy the low fat kind and to use as little as possible.
11. Mustard. I like to use this instead of mayo on sandwiches. It is a great way to knock out the fat.
12. Cheese. This is a must have. Don't eat too much of it. But, cheese is the beauty of life. It can make a dull dish come alive.
13. Drinks. Always have some drinks on hand. Have some fruit juice, beer and sodas in the ice box. Don't go over board with them, but have a beer from time to time as a treat.
14. Fresh ginger. This will keep for a long time in your ice box. Don't cover it or anything like that. Keep it whole in your ice box for best keeping.
15. Bread. You should always have some bread on hand. Don't go hog wild here on the carbs. A good sandwich is great from time to time. I would suggest that you find a local bakery and buy your bread there. Don't buy that awful white stuff that has been sitting on the shelf for who knows how long.
16. Canned veggies and fruits. When in a pinch, canned is better than none at all. Even though I suggest that you always eat fresh fruits and veggies, you should have some canned ones on hand. How do you know when you will have a craving for corn and not have any fresh on hand? Canned food can last a very long time, so you don't have to eat it right away.
17. Pasta. Want a meal in a minute? Pasta is the way to go. It cooks quickly and easily.
18. Rice. Same as pasta.
19. Spices and herbs. Always keep some of these on hand. Go to a place where you can buy them in bulk. Don't buy those little containers in the store. Not only are they too expensive, but you don't know how long they have been sitting there. When you buy from a place that sells bulk, you know that you will be getting fresh items.
20. Cereal. Great for that last minute breakfast. Have some of this on hand so you don't have to wait in line at the fast food joint to get your heart attack on a muffin.
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In this day and age of heart disease, we all need to be careful. Did you know that 50% of men will die from heart disease? It is sad, but true. It is important that you watch what you eat. Not only if you are a body builder, but even if you aren't one. All of us should be concerned about our diet and our health. Take some notes and make sure that you pay attention. I'm sure there will be a few items on this list that you never dreamed were bad for you.. Solid oils. You know what these are. Stuff like Crisco and other shortening.
I think that some people use them in place of lard and actually think it is better for them. If you are making a pie crust or something, skip the shortening and use the lard. Actually, the lard is better for you. People tend to use this kind of fat because it has a long shelf life. This stuff will stay good for ever. Personally, I hate the stuff. I can't see why anyone would like it. I think it tastes awful and it feels awful in my mouth.
Deep fried foods. You should avoid these like the plague. It is said that when something is deep fried, its DNA changes. I don't know how true this is. I do know that deep fried foods have been linked to cancer.
Refined flour and store bought flour. This has been bleached and everything under the sun done to it. When this happens, all the good stuff from it is taken away. The reason why you are eating is, is been stolen from you. Stick with good whole wheat. That is what is best for you.
White rice. I would piss off most of the world if I said that you should never ever eat this stuff. Though, I have to say that brown rice is better for you. Brown rice has all the stuff white does and more. You can mix brown with white if you still aren't used to eating the brown rice.
Sugar. This is a no brainer really. You should try to consume as little as you possibly have to. Also, fructose is a building block for cholesterol. Keep that in mind when you have your next can of soda.
Canned soups. These are almost always loaded with salt. If you want to buy these, make sure you get ones that are low in salt. If you have a craving for soup, see if your local deli makes soup. It will be lower in salt. That will make your heart happy.
Alfredo sauces. Don't buy items with already made Alfredo sauce. Usually they are loaded with butter and salt. You don't want any of that.
Processed meats. These tend to be high in fat and high in salt. They are a heart attack in a can.
Hydrogenated palm oils. Avoid anything that is made with these. These will give you a heart attack faster than eating a bucket of lard.
Lunchables and other items like them. They are loaded with salt and fat. I can't believe any parent would give this junk to their kids.
What comes in, must come out. That is true with the food we eat. This might sound like a disgusting topic, but it is something that we should talk about. You can tell if your diet is high in fat by the stool you produce. If it sinks straight to the bottom, you are eating too much fat. You would think that fat would float, but it doesn't when it is coming out.
Your stool should float in the toilet bowl. If it does, it is a hint that you have a good diet. If it doesn't, then you need to change what you are eating.
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It is often said that we eat with our eyes. Though this might sound stupid, think about it for a second. You know that we are attracted by the opposite sex with our eyes. You wouldn't go down on a woman who you weren't attracted to would you? So, we do eat with our eyes first. It is important then when dealing with a new diet that we understand that we do eat with our eyes. It is important because if we don't like what we see, chances are we won't eat it. This is why restaurants put a little bit of green leafy material on the side of your plates. It is to make your eyes wake up. If it looks good, it probably tastes good. I think that the problem that most people have is that they don't make their food look pretty enough. When they go on a diet, they tend to make the food look too bland. But if they were eating a pound of bacon, they would work extra hard to make it look good.
Maybe it is due to some part because we dress up things that are bad for us. We try to dress it up so that we forget how bad it is. I think this is true some times when going out to a restaurant and eating. They don't want you to focus on all the butter and fat that is in the dish.
What can you do to liven up your diet? You need to remember some fundamental things. Here we will discuss those.
Like in all things, our senses lead us. If something looks or smells bad, we will run away from it. The same is true with food. Make sure that your food is alive and looks good. Use contrasting colors that make the food jump off the plate. Try to blanch green veggies so that they keep their color. Use lemon juice or other acid to maintain color when you have to.
Color is important because of something looks wilted and over cooked, we won't want to eat it. It is as simple as that. Make the colors come alive. Try to be an artist with your food. Veggies come in all colors. You can use red bell peppers or purple onions. Go to your super market and pay attention to the colors of the veggies. Also, by doing so you will pay closer attention to freshness. Smells are important. Try to use as many spices and herbs as you can. Just because a dish is low in fat doesn't mean that it has to taste like card board. You should try to wake up your taste buds with every meal you have.
Hot peppers are a great way of doing this. You get a lot of bang for your buck when it comes to hot peppers. Usually they are very cheap and one will go a long ways. If you want flavor instead of heat, you can always add a little pinch of sugar. I love hot peppers and try to use them every chance I can.
This is one area that people tend to really over look. If it feels weird in your mouth, chances are you won't want to eat it. Make sure that your food isn't over cooked. Don't cook the veggies to the point they are mush. Try to keep everything looking and tasting like it did when it was fresh.
The way that you arrange your plate makes a difference as well. Try to make your plate look as full as possible. Don't push everything to one side. Spread things out a bit and make it look like as big of a meal as possible. Use all the room on your plate. Sometimes it helps to burn some incense or something while you are eating. Just don't do any of the fruit flavored ones or ones that will make you more hungry. Something that smells good will take your mind off of your hunger.
Also, drink plenty of fluids while you eat. I have known many people who wait and drink their fluids after they are done eating. This will take more food to fill you up. Instead, sip on your drink as you eat. This will also help in digestion.
You see, when you are starting a diet you have to make sure that you are telling the brain that you aren't depriving it of the food that it loves. You have to make sure that you keep things exciting and try new things. If you can do this, you will have more success with your diet.
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All of this time we have talked about what to eat and what not to eat. Though, that is only part of the solution to a good diet. There is something that we also need to talk about. What we haven't talked about is eating habits. When you should and shouldn't eat. That is as important as what you eat. Why is it important? It is important because you don't want to binge eat. You don't want to eat a whole bunch of food at one time. This isn't good for you. Does this sound like you? You skip breakfast because you are running late for work. You have a bunch of work that has been piling up, so you skip lunch. Instead you have a cup of coffee and some snack crackers. You go home and you eat enough for three meals. You are so hungry you could eat a live pig. You eat so much that you don't think you will be able to walk for a week. You go watch some television and you fall asleep while watching it.
Is this the same as eating three good meals each day? Eating one meal that is the same amount of food as three? No it isn't. It isn't because of the way that the body digests the food. All day long you have starved your body of what it needs, it can't handle everything at once. All you are doing is over loading your body. The real risk of binging is this. You will end up eating things that you shouldn't be eating. You will end up eating a ton of fast food or other food that is high and fat and easy to obtain. Why is this?
This is because you are so hungry, you have to eat something now. This tends to be whatever you can get your hands on. Generally, it will be something that isn't good for you. This is why it is important that you eat all three of your meals. You can snack in between those meals too. You want to make sure though that your snacks are healthy ones. Did you know that most doctors say that snacking is good for you? It gives you some energy when you are feeling like you are running on empty.
The key thing to remember is to eat healthy snacks. Eat things that make your feel good, not things that are loaded with fat. Things that are loaded with fat will only make you feel drained and make you want to snack more. If you are having problems eating three meals a day, you really need to work on your diet. This is because you don't want to binge eat. Binge eating will only hurt you in the long run. Don't believe me? Look at it like this. You know what will happen if you don't eat all day long. You will get hungry and you will get the shakes. If you start to get the shakes you will go for whatever that you can to make it stop.
Here is what I do to help me eat three meals a day.
I start off by making my lunch before I go to bed. I do this because I won't do it when I wake up in the morning. I try my best just to get my clothes on and get out the door in good time so I am not late for work. I also pack some snacks for me to eat at work. I might put some veggie sticks and some fruit in little plastic bags. I love to eat these as snacks while I am at work.
When it comes to breakfast, I try to think in advance what I want to eat. I will have all of the things that I need on hand in case I decide that I want something different. Will I want an omlet? I always have some cut veggies in the ice box in case I do. That way all I have to do is throw them in the pan and cook away. It takes the same amount of time to cook that as it would to cook anything else. I do the same with dinner. I will try to prepare whatever I can the day before. This way if I am too tired, all I have to do is put the stuff together. I might also make dinner while I am making my lunch.
What do you mean make my dinner before I go to bed? Well, don't have a cow. What I will do is prepare all of the things that I need in advance. I do this when I am using the crock pot. I just put the stuff in the crock pot in the morning before I go to work. I set it and then I head off to work. When I get home, I have a hot meal waiting for me. I can time it so that almost right after I walk in the door I have something hot to eat. Try it, you will be amazed.
Eating three meals a day isn't that hard. If you put your mind into it, you can do it fairly easily. All you have to do is be prepared. If you feel that you can't do it, buy one of those event planners. Make a schedule for everything that you want to do.
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Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go;
Be what you want to be; because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things you want in life!
Whatever you achieve or fail to accomplish in your lifetime,
is directly related to what YOU do.
Nobody chooses their parents or their childhood,
but you can and must choose your own direction in life.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome,
but how you handle them is what will set you apart from losers.
You can change anything in your life,
IF you want it enough to do "whatever it takes."
Excuses come from the mindset of losers;
Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners.
Winners meet life's challenges with their eyes wide open
knowing there are no guarantees of success, but always aiming towards their goals.
Don't ever think it's too early or too late to decide to go after your lifelong dreams.
Time plays no favorites and will pass you by whether you choose to act or not.
Take control of your life. Dare to dream, set goals and take risks......
You must be willing to consistently pursue your goals to attain them.
Most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
Set your standards high, You deserve the best.
Go after what it is that you want. Never settle for less.
Believe in yourself, No matter what goals you choose.
Keep a winning attitude, "Never Give Up", and you won't lose.
At your service,
Ron Miesner
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Do you reach orgasm faster than you can say, "Fuck"? Many men dread this situation, and with good reason. Cumming too early or too fast robs you and your partner of the pleasure that sexual intercourse can give. This is believed to be the most common sexual complaint of couples. About 29 percent of men are reportedly bothered by these episodes.
There are many reasons why a man "cums" too fast. Biologically, men experience climax much earlier than women. They do so 2-3 minutes after penetration, in contrast to women who take their time (about 12-14 minutes). Likewise, there are also psychological factors that bring about early ejaculation. These include guilt, anxiety (lack of experience), or fear of sexually transmitted infections, potential pregnancy, etc. Older men are also known to be able to control their ejaculation as compared with their younger counterparts. They credit it to their experience.
So, how can you control yourself from ejaculating too quickly? One way is to exercise your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is the primary "sexual muscle" that forms part of the pelvis. The PC muscle is largely involved with sexual functions such as ejaculation and orgasm. With regular exercise, this muscle can provide firmer and larger erections, powerful ejaculations and more intense climaxes.
So where is this muscle located? Try stopping the flow of your urine midway. The PC muscle, located between the anus and scrotum, is the one you contracts when you try to stop the flow of your urine.
How to go about exercising your PC muscles? Try clenching and releasing your PC muscle in ten-second periods. Perform three sets of this. Take a breather. Now, try the clench-and-release technique for five seconds. Perform ten sets of this. This time, try tightening the muscle for 30 seconds and relaxing for 30 seconds. Perform three sets of this.
This exercise is rather simple and easy to perform. You can do it by yourself -- just about anytime and anywhere. You don't need any device or contraption to exercise your PC muscle. But, like all exercise regimens, you need to commit to a routine devotedly. Famous porn stars, with explosive cumshots, are even rumored to perform these exercises faithfully.
So next time you and your partner are making love, try to go inside her and pause for awhile. Don't move for several seconds; then try tightening and relaxing your PC muscle.
You also have to keep in mind that different women also prefer different types of sex. Some prefer the long and sensual approach; while others favor the pound-pound-pound approach. It's always better to know your partner's preference so that you can both enjoy an intimate sexual fun.
Sure Erect
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So you decided to have a go at one of your fantasies and actually have sex during your lady's period. Next thing on your mind is probably the biggest question: is it safe?
Believe it or not, the answer is "yes". As long as you don't mind the mess, sex during menstruation is safe. Let me rectify that: about as safe as it can be expected. Blood is a medium in which certain infectious agents multiply, so you might want to consider that before starting. Also, the chance of getting HIV is probably sky-high with all that blood around. Better use a condom if you are not sure of yourself or your partner. Still, there is no medical reason why a mutually monogamous couple (which is also free of STDs) should not have sex during menses.
But if you are not scared by these problems, then you can go right ahead. Of course you should wait for your lady to get over the worst days of her period, if you want sex to be any fun that is. The best idea is to spread a towel on the bed in order to keep the blood off the sheets, preferably a black or dark red towel. You can try any position you want, but your best bet is to stay on top and have the lady below. This should limit the flow of blood a little. The lady could also put to good use a diaphragm or a menstrual cup in order to keep the blood in, at least for a while.
The biggest risks brought by sex during menstruation are an increase in the risk of pelvic infections and HIV (because the opening of the cervix widens) and also a higher risk of pregnancy. Yep, you read that right: pregnancy. Just because your lady is having her period does not mean that you cannot get her pregnant. It's rare, I'll grant you that, but it did happen quite a few times.
Have fun and stay safe.
Formore information, visit: Love Centria – Online #1 Sex Guides Portal
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(It's best to eat right, but if you find it difficult, a multivitamin can help)
It's absolutely important that our body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. However in this modern time it has become more distinct that we tend to supercede health with convenience and instant gratification. In this fast paced world where career and education demands all our time, we learn to favor what's quick and easy to obtain especially when it comes to food. We turn to fast foods and junk foods instead of the good old balance daily diet. The lack of balanced diet in addition to the daily stress of pollution depletes our body of nutrients. Is it any wonder why cancer and other chronic diseases became rampant during the turn of the century? It's up to us to replace these nutrients. We can do this through healthy nutrition, or better yet, through healthy nutrition and proper supplementation.
For the average person, it's difficult to get the proper amount of nutrients needed from food alone. Have you ever wondered how many people actually eat five to ten vegetables and fruits a day? Or who drinks seven to nine glasses of water each day? Even the healthiest of eaters cannot be assured that they are getting the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals. Mainly because it's hard to judge exactly how much nutrients you are getting from the food you are eating.
In a report printed in 1940 regarding the nutrient content of spinach, it laments the high depletion percentage of iron and other minerals found in the plant mostly due to soil depletion, mono-cropping, artificial fertilization, and lack of varieties. Since that period, nutrients in both fruits and vegetables persistently depleted, not to mention that certain forms of cooking in fact destroy the vitamins and minerals in the food. This is why taking a multivitamin supplement would be so advantageous.
Eating a balanced diet and then supplementing it with a quality multivitamin will be the most logical and sound decision to make. We'll be able to get the nutrients that our body needs from the food and then back it up with the multivitamin for a powerful effect.
There are four forms of mulivitamins available in the market today, that's capsule, tablet, soft gel, and liquid. Liquid multivitamins will be the easiest for our body to absorb because there's literally nothing for our digestive system to breakdown. Capsules and soft gels are also a good choice when it comes to the forms of multivitamins with regards to absorption rate. While tablets on the other hand, will be the hardest for our body to breakdown and absorb. Remember, that no two individuals will respond similarly from taking any type of vitamin or mineral supplement, because each individual have different metabolisms, eating habits, exercise regiment, or sleeping habits, and are under different amount of stress or even take their supplements differently.
I often heard it say that supplements are expensive, and many feel they cannot afford them. I find it ironic though that those same people who cannot afford to take supplements can afford to buy soda, latte, cigarettes, alcohol, or coffee, why not save your money for your health? There are cheap supermarket multivitamins that are inexpensive however they cannot compare to a quality, more expensive ones. The best way is to decide how much you can afford to spend and then do a research on the net on the multivitamins that fall within your price range.
Multivitamins are probably the single most important supplement you can take. If you aren't taking one, you really should start doing so.
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Exercising is a bore for many people. Although workout fans like to claim that others are simply too lazy or too spoiled by the modern sedentary lifestyle to exercise on a regular basis, this is not always the case. Some people have far too busy daily schedules to squeeze in another time and effort consuming activity. Not to mention that a significant number of people find the endless repetition of the same movements more than a little boring. Truth is exercising can only be considered fun by people who love such things, while other manage to focus their entire attention on results and ignore the boring routine. If you are unable to love or ignore the boring part, then you probably find exercising a burden.
However, this attitude is not very good for your health. You may have a highly paid job that takes away all your waking hours and you may think that you can tank it until you’re in the forties and can afford to lay back and relax. But this nice scheme doesn’t always work out the way it’s supposed to. By the time you reach the forties you may not be in a position to lay back and relax and your health may not be in top shape precisely because of neglected exercising. Simple things like 30 minutes of jogging or aerobics per day can go a long way toward reaching old age with a sound heart and a better shape than most.
I know that people are impressed by wealth, but money can’t buy your youthful health back, not to mention the fact that they are also useless when it comes to love. Or so other people say. If your busy lifestyle had brought you high blood pressure and high cholesterol, then money is not going to solve these problems. But just a little exercising everyday could make the difference in your old age. It should also keep you from acquiring a spare tire around your waist. More importantly, if you want that successful young exec look, then you simply have to stay in shape. You can’t afford to look soft and flabby.
So it can be boring and time consuming and doesn’t always help you relax in any way, but it does help your body cope with pressure and it does help your endurance at all levels. Most of the members of the opposite sex will also find a fine shape more attractive that a fat wallet, especially if you’re looking for short-term relationships where long-term financial power is less relevant. So stop crowding your schedule with so many tasks every day and make room for a little exercising now and then.
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J. Lo look
Whether you’re a babe or a guy, you have to face it: J Lo is hot, hot, hot! And the biggest thing all men are crazy about in her is that round and shapely butt. And while men go bananas over J Lo pics, women swallow their envy and start looking for ways to acquire the same shapely ass and hot looks. I’m willing to bet that gyms managers got more business from ladies envious of the Latin American diva than from any professional advice about a healthier lifestyle. It seems that negative feelings are better at driving people to improve themselves than the much-vaunted self help books.
So, if you want to have that ass every man is dreaming about, then your answer is a lot of walking and exercises that put the strain on the same muscles walking does. This means that you should walk whenever you have the chance. Go to the mall or to work on foot, if it’s not too far and if the neighborhood is safe. Tuck an iPod in your belt and start jogging through the park every morning. If your job won’t allow you the luxury of jogging every morning, then go to the gym in the evenings and use the treadmills. A lot. This will get you a pair of legs to die for and the shapely ass you wanted all along.
Of course, exercising is useless if you eat more than you burn day in and day out. And you know the answer to this problem, don’t you? So search the Internet a bit. These days you can hardly run a search without dredging up a hundred websites dedicated to recipes, diets and all manner of healthy living advices. There’s literally thousands of diets to choose from. The only things you need are discrimination in choosing the sound ones and the will to stick to them. This combination of dieting and exercising will make your bottom look so good, that men will practically drool wherever you go. We don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it will certainly be fun for you.
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Kicking the habit – putting an end to fast food and snacks in your diet
It’s always easy to gain weight and damned hard to lose it. Eating is one of the true pleasures in life and refraining from food has huge physical and psychological implications that cannot be easily discarded. Nobody likes to have to give up a pleasure, which is why many people drift farther and farther into fat without doing anything to stop the process. Moreover, recent data showed that the body does not respond to diets as doctors thought it should. The body has to adapt to changes and diets are seen as lean periods that should be offset by making fat harder to burn. While the body is certainly the most complex instrument we posses in our lives, it cannot discern between actual lean times and diets.
Another problem for the body is the widespread use of fast food, snacks and soft drinks. Fast food is highly powered food that fools the stomach into calling for more, despite the fact that one giant burger is the caloric equivalent of an entire meal. The giant burger is not usually enough to fill the stomach of an adult person, so most people eat more than one and wash it down with soft drinks that are little more than sugared water. This is an unfortunate way of eating, since the body gets far more than it needs from burgers and soft drinks. The largely sedentary lifestyles led by most urban residents mean that the excess calories will certainly be stored as fat.
Snacks are another threat to a healthy life by bringing in too much calories and by being too readily available when hunger strikes. The correct option for between meals snacks is to buy fruit. Sure, it may not taste as good, especially if one is used to chips or other types of snacks, but one or two bananas or some apples are far better for one’s health. A very important point is to remember that habits can be kicked just as easily as they take root. By ignoring the temptation of chips you will gradually lose interest in them and get used to fruit. Once chips are no longer a staple of your diet, you will find yourself wondering what was so good about them anyway.
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Since the body of a woman is one of the most delightful things in a man's life, it is only natural that men should want to be more curious about what spots must be touched to drive a woman wild with desire. The erogenous zones are areas of the female and male bodies that have heightened sensitivity. Stimulation of these areas usually results in sexual response, although not every individual responds in the same way to the stimulation of all erogenous zones.
Some of the erogenous zones of the female body, such as the nape of the neck and the inner thighs, are well known from the popular literature. Others, such as the feet and the buttocks, are seen as belonging rather to the fetish group by certain people. However, we shall review them all here.
The feet: The feet are a good place to start hen learning about the power of touch over a woman's sensitive areas. Many women like to have their toes tickled, licked and sucked on lightly. Yes, this does sound like a brave thing to do for many men, but many guys actually enjoy it. Moving up we find the back of the knees, which is an area featuring a high number of nerve endings. This means that the skin is very sensitive to touches and kisses. Further up still are the inner thighs, one of the most popular erogenous areas. Kiss them lightly, bite them lightly and caress to your (and hers) heart's content. Women will love it. At the top backside of the feet are the buttocks, another sensitive area and most women like to have it caressed. If you want to make her sizzling hot, you can also try kissing and licking and I'm sure most guys would not mind if it led to a little anal sex.
The nape of her neck and the ears. These two are a powerful combination and are usually the place to start the foreplay. Kissing, licking, caressing and massage work wonders on the most sensual part of her neck, while gently nibbling her ears will maker her hot and show you are a sophisticated lover at the same time.
The big three. And finally we come to the big three erogenous zones everybody knows about (which reminds me about that story of a German couple who did not have kids because they had no idea they were supposed to have sex, nor any idea what sex was). The big three are the lips, the breasts and the vagina/clitoris area. Kisses, caresses, licking, touching and fondling are not only highly recommended, but actually a must for any man who wants to experience the good things in life. And keep in mind that it pays to learn about both what makes your lady go over the edge with pleasure and the way to get her there.
Have fun and stay safe.
Formore information, visit: Love Centria – The Online #1 Sex Guides Portal
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Back links are healthy factor in the field of SEO to increase search engine rankings as well as increasing traffic for a website. Following are the top 10 ways to increase your back links.Back links are healthy factor in the field of SEO to increase search engine rankings as well as increasing traffic for a website.
Following are the top most ways to increase back links for a website which is loved by most of the search engines especially Google. Google specifies that back links are one of the important factors to rank a website. A famous or a quality website will have a minimum of 300 back links. So try to follow the procedures to increase your back links.
1. Blogs: Own Blogs can be created and there should be frequent
updating news with external links. You can also start commenting
the existing blogs (sometimes the blogs allows links in the
signature) which provide useful information.
2. Discussion Forums: Getting into the relevant discussion forums
and answering. But it should be followed regularly. It should be
kept in mind that the forums should leave us to have a link in the
signature or the post.
3. Article Submission: Lots and lots of articles can be prepared
and can be submitted to article submission sites. This should be
original and not to be copied from anywhere.
4. Directory Submission: List of relevant directories can be
extracted and submission should me made to those directories in
appropriate categories.
5. Technorati: Created blogs can be submitted to the site There are chances for the blogs if they
are perfectly tagged to get a position in the home page itself.
6. RSS Feeds: RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish
frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or
7. Testimonials Submission: Good testimonials are valuable and they
can be mentioned with a link to the site.
8. Distributing Press Releases: Press Releases can be distributed
to other sites as a news or information, same as articles. Here
also duplication of the content are not allowed.
9. Social Bookmarking: There are lots of book marking sites
available online and the favorite sites can be bookmarked. If they
are tagged by other people or network, certainly the site will be
10. Online Classified Advertisement: There are free online
advertisements available and can be used.
For more information visit: : How to create huge back links to your websites
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How Mergers and Acquisitions May Change the Search Engine Playing Field - and Where Google Comes In
By Scott Buresh (c) 2008
Until recently, there were five major players in the search engine world: Google, MSN, AOL,, and the Yahoo! search engine. These top Internet search engines quickly could be narrowed down to four, however; AOL uses the Google algorithm and will yield nearly identical results. Further narrowing is rapidly occurring - seems to be stepping out of the spotlight to focus on specific markets, and in early March 2008, Microsoft began attempting to purchase the Yahoo! search engine. If there are just two top search engines with which to be concerned, what does this mean for your business and for SEO as a whole?
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What's Going On with the Yahoo! Search Engine?
As almost anybody with access to a news source knows by now, Microsoft put in an unsolicited offer to purchase the Yahoo! search engine in early March 2008. Yahoo! rejected this offer at first, saying that it undervalued its company as one of the top engines (and a provider of other services, including email and chat as well). Microsoft did not increase the offer at this point; it instead decided to enter a proxy battle.
A proxy battle would involve Microsoft putting up its own board of directors to let shareholders decide if its purchase of the Yahoo! search engine would be acceptable or not. In essence, Microsoft has decided that it will attempt to convince shareholders that their interests are better served by people who will approve this acquisition between two of the top Internet search engines. And Yahoo! shareholders have been beaten down for some time, so it is widely expected that the majority will in fact favor this acquisition.
Meanwhile, Yahoo!, on spurning this offer, began talking with other companies in order to build strategic partnerships and keep itself as one of the top engines, as it had been for so long. It was rumored that MySpace's parent company, News Corporation, was in talks to work with the Yahoo! search engine, as was Google. However, these talks seem to have fizzled, and Yahoo!'s board of directors has begun speaking directly with Microsoft's board. Yahoo! bought a bit of time by delaying the election of its board, but it is believed that this is all the shareholders will stand for at this point.
So I'm assuming that if the acquisition goes down, the Microsoft search engine and the Yahoo! search engine will likely be using the same algorithm, even if they remain separate sites. It just makes sense not to spend the money to have two separate research departments, especially when the Yahoo! search engine is widely regarded to be superior to Microsoft's.
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Will Continue to Be One of the Top Internet Search Engines?
For a time, seemed to be trying to go head to head with Google and to position itself as one of the top Internet search engines - period. You may remember the "algorithm" ads that it ran for a time on television. However, recently announced that it will instead be tailoring itself to the niche market share of which it already has control. In other words, they're no longer trying to be all things to all people in the way that other top search engines like, well, Yahoo! and Google are.
What we know about's demographic is that it is largely female, although refutes the notion that it is focusing on "older women." According to an article in Forbes, an spokesperson said that:
...reports of the site becoming oriented towards older women are false and were fueled by an erroneous Associated Press article that has since been changed. Ask acknowledged that married women do compose a lot of its core users and these matronly queries are often dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia type queries - as well as categories like health and entertainment(1)...
Seeing as also laid off 8% of its staff at the same time that it refocused, it seems clear that the company is no longer aiming to be considered one of the top Internet search engines.
And this means that we are down to two search engine technologies dominating the entire landscape: Google and a MSN/Yahoo! search engine hybrid (Micro-hoo? Yah-soft?).
How Will This Affect Consumers?
If there truly are only two major top Internet search engines, the industry will be like Coke vs. Pepsi. Sure there are other, smaller players like RC Cola that some people will be brand loyal about, but for the most part it's either Big Guy One or Big Guy Two.
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And this means that businesses that had good rankings and that were getting good traffic from, say, and MSN but not the Yahoo! search engine, will be in a bind. With only two top Internet search engines, there will be less real estate to compete for and the same number of businesses vying for this real estate.
How Will This Affect SEO Companies?
In one sense, having only two serious engines makes the job easier for search engine optimization companies - there's just less algorithms to absorb and master. However, it makes the opportunity for volatility much more likely. Before, if the Google or Yahoo! search engine changed its algorithm, you had three or four other engines to fall back on while you worked to update your practices. But with only two major players, a tweak to either the Google or MSN/Yahoo! search engine algorithm could have much further reaching implications to individual companies in the search space.
Who Will Compete Next?
Google has been coasting for many years as being seen as the underdog in the industry - the cool, hip engine to use that's not owned by the big guys. However, search engine optimization practitioners have started to see some cracks in that veneer. The truth of the matter is that Microsoft is seen as a huge corporate conglomerate, with Google starting to be seen similarly. And now Google has to answer to shareholders, rather than just going along trying "not to be evil." Google has its own set of privacy issues and conflicts of interest, such as its recent purchase of DoubleClick, which came along with a SEO company. [See my recent article A Slippery Slope: Google Owns a Search Engine Optimization Company on this topic for more information.]
So when there are just two top Internet search engines, the door is opened for competition. If another company can come along technologically that is on par with the Google and Yahoo! search engine algorithms and that does not have huge corporate considerations, it could very well start gaining some market share in this space. I'll let you know if I see any contenders.
(c) Medium Blue 2008
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With social and career success being firmly rooted in modern life, physical appearance is more important than ever. The popular image of a successful person seems to be built around fitness in both the physical and moral aspects, a sort of a physical and moral correctness. Therefore many people are interested in keeping themselves in shape, especially after a winter of eating heavier food at the expense of fresh vegetables at fruits.
The first thing to do when trying to get rid of the unwanted excess kilograms is to take a look at your diet. This is the first step on your journey. Are you relying heavily on chips, soda and fast food to make it through the day? Are you eating enough vegetables and fruits? While hamburgers, fries and soda is a tasty and satisfying combination, it is also a deadly proposition to your health. If you want to stay fit, you must quit eating high-powered food that provides too much energy.
Your body doesn’t like to waste things it can use later on and energy is one of the most important things that can be stored. Eating hamburgers and chips while leading a largely sedentary lifestyle gives your body much more energy than it normally uses. This energy is not thrown away, but converted to fat and put into storage. Therefore, you must cut down on this type of food and turn to the humbler fruits and vegetables to keep hunger in check without putting your health at risk.
The second part of the system is exercising. While a sound diet makes sure your body doesn’t get more energy than it needs, exercising is here to help use up energy already stored. Taking brisk walks after meals is OK, exercising half an hour per day is good, going to a gym for an hour or so five days a week is perfect. There’s no need to starve or exhaust yourself. Diet and exercising can be fun with a bit of thinking and a positive attitude.
For more information visit: : Lose Weight Fast and Safety Solutions
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In most of the Christian world, polygamy is steadily becoming an obsolete social practice. As modern society continuously develops certain "universal" norms, polygamous cultures are being driven further into extinction. Many Christian religions, including the once liberal Protestant sects, have slowly evolved into a stricter monogamous ideal, probably due in part to the growing complexities of society, civil rights and legal systems. It is no longer pragmatic, in the face of today's modern consciousness, as well as the various economic crises, to encourage the complicated and potentially destructive practice of obtaining polygamous marriages.
Apart from this general rule that is slowly being formed in today's civilized world, there are some cultures that continue to propagate the teachings involving polygamy. The more fundamental offshoots of the Mormon Church, for one, openly indulge in polygamous marriages until the present time. The Church of the Latter Day Saints used to cohesively espouse polygamous ideals as having basis in the bible. In fact they made a declaration of this ideology in 1852 and continued with the custom until just before 1890, at which time they finally denounced the practice. However, some of the more adamant members of the sect continue to practice it regardless of the Mormon's threat of excommunication.
Aside from the Mormons, the Jewish community also has to contend with continuous polygamous practices even after most of their sects have banned them. The problem lies mainly in the fact that many Jewish families who are residents of Muslim predominated societies, commonly enter into polygamous marriages. Muslims, on the other hand, follow a strict rule that only men who can provide adequately for his families may take more wives. Moreover, while polygamy is permitted as long as the husband exercises fairness in dealing with his wives, some still believe monogamy to be the preferable type of marriage for Muslims. Muslims residents of India are also permitted to have polygamous marriages even if Hinduism has discontinued its practice. In the ancient times, Hinduism tolerated polygamy, but the practice itself was usually concentrated on those of royal blood.
In many African cultures, polygamy is still being practiced to this date. However, more and more African countries are rethinking the correctness of the custom in the face the increasing density of their populations and the rapid spread of HIV. The custom used to be widely practiced in Africa because of several reasons. Firstly, polygamy was once advisable because of the high infant mortality rate and the relatively short life spans of both men and women. Moreover, since agriculture was a key aspect of society and men were scarcer than women, the idea of having more wives to breed more children seemed like the ideal solution to manpower problems in the farm. Another reason for polygamy in Africa is the fact that a man's social status was determined not only by the number of possessions and material wealth, but also by the number of wives and children he had.
What is most apparent from the discussion above is the fact that in ancient times, polygamy was the rule in most societies. The fact that it is steadily becoming extinct proves that most of modern society has replaced abstract ideals to more pragmatic ones. In the rising complexity of today's society and economic situation, it has become quite unrealistic to marry, care and provide for more than one family. Thus, with the present trend, it is unlikely that polygamy will be the rule again soon any of the world's cultures.
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Virginity has become an obsolete concept in modern Western society, allowing young women to experiment with their sexuality while their male counterparts are doing the same. This actually results in a healthier more well-adjusted sexual identity later in life. However, virginity has not totally left the modern scene. Many cultures are still upholding the value of virginity or pre-marital chastity, mainly on the basis of predominant religious concepts.
The most popular advocate of virginity is the Catholic Church. Its most obvious validation for this stand is the teaching that all young girls are the Virgin Mary's daughters. As such, and having presented Mary as the most pristine and chaste of all women, young Catholic girls are therefore forced to follow her lead throughout their lives. Of course, sex is not prohibited once the woman has entered into the sacrament of marriage.
However, while married women are viewed with respect and approval, women who remain virgins all their lives are considered as consecrated. Thus, the latter still achieves a higher status in the Catholic community. Aside from using the Virgin Mary, the Catholic Church has also employed countless symbolisms in order to justify the importance of virginity. Canonizing St. Maria Goretti, who died while trying to fight off a rapist, presents such a symbolism.
While the Catholic Church in ancient times did impose cruel punishments on women who become unchaste out of wedlock, modern ideologies have already diminished such harmful practices. However, while Catholic girls may have been spared such pain and humiliation, those from other cultures have to contend with much graver consequences. One such culture is present in Hindu countries. Chastity is a crucial virtue for all Hindu women, not only before they get married, but also after the latter's termination, usually upon the husband's death. Thus, if the husband dies, the widow, who is no longer a virgin, is not suited to wed someone else. Furthermore, her existence becomes not only superfluous, but abhorrent as well. Thus, the ancient practice called Sati was performed. This custom usually prescribes that during the husband's cremation, the wife shall fling herself into the flames. In so doing, she cements her faith and honor as a wife. A modified version of such practice is called
the Jauhar or Jouhar. This custom is performed on a larger scale, likewise rescribing that the wives kill themselves, but this time, with their husband's imminent death in mind.
These heinous practices are now outlawed in India, but some fundamentalists still press for a reversion to these traditions. Nevertheless, premarital chastity is still a highly treasured virtue in Hinduism today. The same statement holds true for Islamic cultures. Muslim brides must remain chaste until the night of their wedding. According to Islamic teachings, Allah created the hymen because it serves the function of determining the validity of intercourse, in which women may engage after marriage. The hymen is present in order to make it clear to women that sexual relations outside the marriage bond are perversions of a holy act and are conidered unclean. Islam prizes the body's cleanliness above most things, and should, thus, be protected and upheld.
Unlike the modern Western culture, those discussed above maintain the importance of virginity before marriage. However, the decision of whether or not virginity is important depends essentially on personal choice. After all, a woman must be free to choose, without fear or coercion, what she can or cannot do to her own body.
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Marriage has essentially been viewed as a social phenomenon. As such, it is not necessary for the more basic act of procreation to take place. Because of this fact, discussions regarding marriage have always centered on the legal, cultural and religious significance of the ceremony itself and all that it entails. The types of marriages, like monogamous and polygamous marriages, exist only to fulfill certain social or religious obligations imposed upon a person by forces other than natural.
Christianity is the biggest opponent of polygamy in today's society. It may be noted, however, that the bible itself, which forms the basis for Christian faith, described some patriarchs as having polygamous marriages, like Moses (Numbers 12:1) and Abraham (Genesis 16:1, Genesis 16:3 and Genesis 25:1).
These early cases of polygamy were explained by Saint Augustine in The Good of Marriage as having been rooted in the ancient times' necessity to procreate. Therefore, at present, since that necessity no longer exists, the Catholic Church has declared polygamy as unlawful. While some Protestant faiths, during the period of "Protestant Reformation," temporarily sanctioned the practice of polygamy on the basis of some of the biblical provisions, others publicly denounced it. Consequently, protestant Christians later on decided to abandon polygamy altogether.
The above stated fact, however, cannot be applied to the Church of the Latter Day Saints, or more popularly, the Mormon Church. The Mormons, rather than merely allowing the occurrence of polygamous marriages, have openly educated their members about this ideal and announced their subscription to it publicly. The Church's founder, Joseph Smith, Jr., founded their doctrine of polygamy on the biblical reference stated in the previous paragraph. They openly practiced polygamy from 1852 until 1890. Before the latter date, however, when the church began to be subjected to a heavier political and legal pressure, the Mormons declared the practice unlawful, with the members who continued its practice suffering excommunication. The church members who refused to adhere to the new trend fled to friendlier territories such as Canada and set up more fundamentalist churches there.
Today, polygamy, or plural marriages, is a practice upon which, a substantial part of the world has expressed its formal scorn. It is now widely accepted by most political and legal systems that polygamy fails to meet the common moral and legal standards necessary to maintain world and societal order. This new ideal is probably the result of two major factors, namely, the spread of Christianity and the more pragmatic considerations of multiple divorces and property settlement of spouses.
The latter factor merely concerns the inconveniences and conflicts attendant to having several wives or husbands, each vying for a piece of property upon the common spouse's death or divorce. Likewise repulsive is the instability that may result in the matters of the wives' and children's status in society. It is, after all, a generally accepted principle that a person's status should not be subjected to needless uncertainty. The spread of Christianity or religious evolution in general, is a much more complex factor that may have affected the world view on polygamy.
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1. Smile more
2. Write out your top 5 most important goals for the coming day, before going to bed
3. Get a great night’s sleep every night
4. Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others
5. Eat your vegetables
6. Always focus on self improvement
7. Read more SFI material
8. Live in the moment
9. Exercise hard and daily
10. Be grateful
11. Learn to breath properly
12. Take your Vitamins
13. Tell a joke
14. Don’t put things off
15. Avoid negative people
16. Visualize yourself having already achieved your goal
17. Listen to a child laugh
18. Make a child laugh
19. Drink at least 8 ounces of plain, fresh water
20. Be there for others
21. Stretch daily
22. Don’t blame others
23. Give more than you promise
24. Keep it simple
25. Be someone’s hero
26. Learn from every mistake
27. Forgive others
28. Forgive yourself
29. Dance
30. Never give up
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The penis may come in different lengths and thickness; it even comes in different shapes. However, there are some people who are overweight that see their penises have become smaller. It did not get smaller; it's just that the body's size has grown to overpower the penis. Losing weight doesn't make your penis bigger or increase in size. Although, it can make your penis and scrotum "look" bigger when you shed off some fat, especially in the thigh and belly area. It will create an appearance that your penis is more protruding and that it is more visible with the reduction of those fatty tissues blocking the view.
Sometimes, being overweight or large is not just the reason for having a seemingly small penis. Temperature and sexual libido also makes the penis "alive" or not. When you are not aroused or when you feel cold, your penis wouldn't stand up or enlarge, giving the impression that it is small. You can also opt to remove some of your pubic hair to see your penis. Keeping a trim or well toned body can really add on to your self esteem and confidence about your penis. You don't necessarily need to jump into medications or devices to make your penis big, you can start with a lifestyle check and some improvements to improve your penile health and appearance.
Now with regards to your diet, there are a lot of weight loss programs that you can get into. In fact, your eating habits or eating lifestyle contributes a great deal into losing weight. Skipping meals won't do you good but eating healthier while doing some physical exercises can help shape you up. You can start by seeking advice from a health care professional and a nutritionist. Keep a relaxed mind together with your body and little by little you will see changes with your well being and with your outlook on that buddy of yours.
When losing weight, you should remember that cutting down on the calories can be a big help. If you can't totally cut down on the eating, you have to increase your physical activities. It would be better if you can do both but do it gradually. It wouldn't do you any good if you get into those fad diets or crash diets. Try looking for a program that suits you and it should be something that you can stick to. Maintenance is very important and once your dieting has started to take effect, it doesn't mean that you should stop immediately. In fact, doing them regularly until they become a part of your system helps give you an assurance that you can stay fit and that your penis isn't getting any smaller.
When it comes to your diet, take in less fat like oily or salty foods and sweets. Try taking in more servings of fruits and vegetables, since they are rich in vitamins, fiber, and water making you feel full. Eat a decent portion of meat and carbohydrates and cut down on the alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette consumption.
Source: Penis-enlargement-articles
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Women love their men strong and confident. They want to feel security in his loving embrace, yearning in his kisses and sincerity in their sexual encounters. Women love men who have the strength to stand up to what they believe in and admit to their mistakes.
Confidence. It all starts with the right attitude and positive thinking. You should not let insecurity and doubt cloud your outlook. You should, above all, believe in yourself. How can you exude confidence when you yourself don't believe in yourself?
Guys shouldn't think that "this girl is out of my league" or the many what-ifs. ("What if she turns me away?" "What if she already has a boyfriend?") No, that's not the way it should be. Develop your confidence and watch as your personality radiates from your words and actions. So how can you build up your confidence?
First of all, appearance matters. You don't necessarily need to be Hollywood material to score points with the ladies. You don't need to have Brad Pitt's boyish good looks, Hugh Grant's British magnetism or Arnold Schwarzenegger's bulging muscles. You should at least look neat and tidy though. Let your sweet side radiate from within; sometimes, that's enough to get the girls. It's the simple things that count. Open doors for her, hail a cab for her, those kind of things. You need not have a white steed and be her knight in shining armor.
Also, girls love bad boys (well, not the abusive and criminal types though). They think that bad boys are more mysterious and exciting. These guys appear as if they are untamed and unpredictable, not afraid of being just themselves or being too nice just to get approval. Women feel that they are a challenge and strive hard to get to know them better. They exude the confidence, individuality, and masculinity that are not found in wusses who act like spineless jellyfish or doormats.
Unlike confident men, the wusses constantly seek approval from women and act desperate and needy. They buy women's attention by giving them expensive gifts or taking them out to classy restaurants; though they might sound really enjoyable, you should already know that women need more than these.
More importantly, you don't even need to possess a 12" pecker to be confident. If you are indeed well-endowed, well then, good for you. Just don't use it as a pick-up line or use it to strike up a conversation. "I have a foot long schlong, wanna fuck?" That would earn you a nice dirty martini in the face, at the very least.
Of course, a huge member is probably a plus factor; but that doesn't mean you're more of a man than others. A real man is one who is responsible enough to get married and raise a good family, who has the strength of character to be a good leader as well as a follower, and who knows what he wants out of life and strives hard to get it.
Formore information, visit: Love Centria
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In the 40's throughout the 60's, the United States experienced high birth rates, otherwise known as the "Baby Boom." Thus, people born within this era were called "Baby Boomers" who were known to wear mod clothes, sample hallucinogenic drugs, and rock with the Beatles. Great times. But where are the Baby Boomers now? At the turn of the millennium, some of them are in their 40's; the oldest already approaching retirement age.
Times have definitely changed; so as the Baby Boomers. They have noticed that their former youthful exuberance and ravenous virility are slowly fading away. This holds true, especially among the men. They may notice that their hairline is -- frightfully -- receding, their memory seems to be growing cobwebs and their sexual performance declining. Others may also experience insomnia or other sleeping problems, aches and pains, sweating and flushing, increased fat, loss of muscle mass and strength, irritability and crankiness, and even depression. Most men in this age will basically experience one or all of these in varying degrees.
When a man reaches the age of 30, his testosterone (male hormone) levels naturally and gradually declines. It does so at a staggering rate of 10 percent per decade. Since testosterone helps maintain sex drive, sperm production, pubic and body hair, muscle and bone, the consequences of aging slowly emerge as a man ages.
But do not despair. There are several ways to help Baby Boomers defy the effects of time. They should create a strategy for a healthy lifestyle that incorporates optimal diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement.
Today's diet is deficient in many essential nutrients, but high in sugar, fat, and salt. Your diet should ideally comprise of 25% protein, 25% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. Your protein intake should primarily be from plant sources like tofu and beans, with modest amounts from animal sources like meat. Fat from nuts and olive oil are preferable than from animal products. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables since these are the main sources of carbohydrates. As much as possible, steer clear of junk foods, colas and anything with refined sugars (e.g., doughnuts) since they induce the production of cortisol, a primary age-inducing hormone.
Diet alone cannot meet all the necessary nutrients needed by our body. Thus, you need to take supplements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutritional factors to be able to meet your daily requirements.
Physical activity can also alleviate the symptoms of aging. Since aging decreases your bone and muscle mass, it is good to have regular exercise which includes cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength training. Getting regular exercise has shown to help increase your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat. It also strengthens your heart and keeps your body flexible. Furthermore, exercise stimulates the production of growth hormones, which helps to rejuvenate aged cells and reverse the aging process.
Stress only accelerates the aging process. That's why another key element in your anti-aging strategy is stress management. Try relaxing activities such as Yoga, sports, meditation, reading, massages, etc. These activities let you focus on other things and help you calm down and loosen up.
Another way to put off the common symptoms of aging is by natural hormone enhancement. The human growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is largely involved with regulating the growth of body tissues. HGH comes in injections, spray and supplements (pills and tablets) which stimulate the pituitary gland to naturally increase its production. However, you should first consult with your physician before trying out anything.
Aging poses a great impact in the quality of our lives; but with a healthy lifestyle (including proper diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement), you can reduce or even prevent the symptoms associated with aging.
From Http://
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You may pretty much have an idea where babies come from. (No, they're not from the stork!) To put it bluntly, you need a sperm cell and egg cell to make a baby. During sexual intercourse, a man's sperm, which is produced by the testes (testicles), is released into a woman's cervix, which "swims" to the fallopian tube. From the millions of sperm cells, one penetrates the egg in a process called fertilization. From there, a single life begins.
But where does the sperm come from? There are millions of sperm produced by your testes (testicles) everyday. Sperm cells undergo the natural cell division which inevitably leads to its maturation. Half of the sperm carries a Y chromosome (inherited from your dad) and an X chromosome (inherited from your mom). If a Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the woman's egg, the result is a baby girl. If on the other hand, it's the X-carrying sperm which fertilized the egg, then it's a baby boy.
During ejaculation, sperm is pumped into the man's vas deferens where fructose, seminal fluids, and other chemicals are secreted. Your sperm plus other seminal fluids (semen) hurries past the bladder through the urethra and out of your penis.
In order for the sperm to enter the woman's cervix, you need to experience erection, orgasm, and ejaculation. An erection takes place when your penis is stimulated or when you have an erotic thought. There is a sudden rush of blood to the erectile tissue chambers in the penis. This, in turn, engorges the penis making it hardened, enlarged and elevated.
With continued stimulation, orgasm and ejaculation ensues. Orgasm, known as the sexual climax, is a pleasurable emotional or psychological response that accompanies ejaculation. There are two stages of orgasm: the first one, called the ejaculatory inevitability, takes place two to four seconds before ejaculation. During these crucial seconds, you may be aware that you are about to "come," and you could not do anything to control it. Your seminal vesicles and your prostrate gland begin to throb. The second stage of orgasm takes place when you involuntarily ejaculate semen in convulsive surges. On average, one teaspoon (2-15 milliliters) of semen is ejaculated containing of 40 to 150 million sperm! The "first squirt" typically contains the largest amount of sperm.
Afterwards, you go through a recovery period where you cannot experience another orgasm. This may last several minutes and sometimes for hours.
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The "Art of Advertising"
by Len Thurmond
Everywhere you turn, another "guru" is putting out a book on
how to make money on the internet!
It's almost always priceless advice, but also, almost always,
falls short of the whole story.
They'll give you the scoop on how to write great ads, but never
seem to get around to, where and how to place those ads.
Or, they'll tell you about their great new affiliate program
that's guaranteed to make you money if you just follow their
simple step by step instructions, but somewhere along the way,
it dawns on you that everybody who buys into this "PROVEN "
sales method, is doing exactly the same thing as you are,
advertising the same program, in the same places, with the same
ad copy.
After a few days of this nonsense, people stop reading it.
Ezine advertising is without a doubt, the most effective type
of advertising on the internet, but most of us just skim through
the classifieds at best, and if you're like me, you mostly skip
the copy and go straight to the links, to see what the ad is
for. If it's something that you've already seen, you move on.
Regardless of what 'THEY' would have you believe, advertising
has not changed much in the last hundred years. The advent of
the Internet has certainly made it a lot easier, but the same
old principles do still apply.
The 'Art of Advertising' (and it is an art) is a game of
You have to learn to sell, without making them feel like
they've been sold to.
Nobody likes a hard sell!
You have to understand your prospects needs, to advertise
effectively. And you have to ask yourself a few questions.
What are they looking for? What's in it for them?
Who is my target market? Where do I place these ads for the best effect?
What will get their attention? And how can I hold their attention?
How do I get them to seek more information?
How do I allay their fears?
Is my product just more of the same DRIVEL? And how do I
convince them it's not?
In order to have a successful ad campaign, you have to first
answer ALL of these questions and understand the implications.
Yes, there are dozens of good books, by dozens of knowledgeable
people answering these questions, but none of them ever seems to
answer them all in one book.
Why is that, I wonder?
Is it because they want you to buy the sequel, in order to get
the next piece of the puzzle?
Maybe they just don't know the answers!
Or maybe, they know the answers, but also know, that the faster
the populace at large learns all the answers, the faster there
will be a flood of competition.
I've been a student, and 'teacher', the whole of my adult life.
And no, I am not talking about being a school teacher, I'm
talking about teaching people their profession.
If there is one thing I've learned from all that learning and
teaching, it's this...
If you take on a protégée and teach them everything you know,
if they're worth their salt, they will soon be your competition.
It's called "LIFE"!
No matter what you know, what you do, or what you have done...
You learned it from someone else! All successful entrepreneurs
are constantly creating their own competition, either directly
or indirectly. So, these teaching manuals serve two purposes,
for the authors.
1)...If they're going to be creating your own competition
anyway, they might as well get paid for it. And...
2)...By only giving you part of the whole story, they're
prolonging their own careers by holding you back!
I've been very lucky in my professional life, in that I've had
some of the best teachers, and because of this, I've always felt
a certain obligation to try and pass along the teachings that I
have been given.
If I create competition, then so be it! I would rather go to my
grave knowing that I helped enrich the lives of others, by
teaching them the fundamentals of their profession, then to die
a rich man, having held my knowledge back, and making a living
off of the unfulfilled dreams of others.
Success...What Is It And Where Can I get Some?, therefore, is
an attempt to impart the whole story, to those who care to here
In it, you will find, theory, tutorials by myself and others,
profitable programs, links to tools and software, ad placement
(what works and what doesn't and where to place them), Plus,
over 40 Free Ebook downloads that, combined with this book,
will, hopefully, give you the whole picture, and break that
"Marketing Mountain" down into a "Manageable Molehill"!
So...Lets get started by answering the questions that I posed
1) What are they looking for?
What's in it for them?
The answer to these questions are simple. They're looking for
the answer to their problem.
But, that problem could be anything, and that's why you need to
target the people whose problem your product or service can solve.
A new scientific weight loss program is not going to interest
someone who is looking to improve his golf swing. And likewise,
the latest marketing strategy is not likely to interest someone
looking to lose weight.
It's important to target the right audience in order to
maximize your marketing dollars.
Sure, there might be a few golfers who wish to lose weight, but
your sales percentages, would be far better if you targeted
health related groups of people.
2) Who is my target market?
Where do I place these ads for the most effect?
There are literally thousands of ezines and opt in lists, that
are available on most every subject that you can think of.
Likewise, there are hundreds of sources to find these targeted
Some of the best sources can be found in "The Ezine Promotion
In this invaluable free Ebook, by Dirk Dupon, you'll find
dozens of sources for searchable lists and ezines.
Just decide what your target market is and then search for it.
After you have a list of candidates, do another search for
subscriber numbers and advertising pricing. Search for
subscriber numbers in the mid thousands. It has been well
documented that the best results come from lists that contain
five to ten thousand subscribers. The larger ezines and lists,
those with tens of thousands of subscribers, tend to produce a
smaller percentage of hits to their overall numbers, and cost
far more to advertise with.
Select a couple of likely candidates and run your best ad in
each. Always track your results. A good source for tracking
software is Adtracker.
Adtracker not only has a great and unlimited tracking service, but also
has a fantastic affiliate program with dozens of very
sellable products, including some of the best Marketing Ebooks,
from some of the best Marketing minds, on the planet!
Take your profits from your advertising results and experiment
with the other sources that you came up with in your searches.
Once you have tried them all, compare your results and continue
to advertise with the best of them.
Now is the time to experiment with your ad copy. Change your
headlines. Change the copy itself. Tweak your ads until you find
the best results from the best of your advertising sources,
always reinvesting your profits to save you from squandering
your out of pocket money.
This can be a time consuming process, but in the long run,
you'll make the most of a very small original investment.
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It! If you're seeing results,
don't be afraid to run ads for the same product, over and over
again, in the same publications. It takes up to seven exposures
to a product, before most people will bite. Just remember to
vary your ad copy so as not to bore your public, and you'll
continue to see results.
3) What will get their attention?
How can I hold their attention?
Your headline is the single most important part of your email
or ad based campaign.
Most everyone has been inundated with ads to the point that
they just skim over the headlines, at best.
So, it's vitally important to catch their attention with the
few words that they are reading.
This goes back to Number One. "What are they looking for?
Your headline need to tell them that you have the answer to
their problem, in 6 to 10 words if possible.
There is a lot of controversy as to what works and what
doesn't. But, one thing we know for sure, is that hyped up
promises, DON"T WORK!
The object of a headline, is to get them to read your ad copy.
"Do YOU Need To Lose Weight?"
"How's YOUR Golf Swing?"
"Wish They'd Respond to YOUR Emails?"
Asking a question that your prospects are looking for the
answer to, is a sure fire way to get their attention. If they
don't open your email, or read the rest of your ad, they
probably aren't your prospects, anyway. Most of the "experts"
will tell you that "How To" headlines pull very well also, but
personally, I think that they have been so over done, that a lot
of people just skim right over them.
Questions, burn to be answered. It's hard to hear a question,
especially one that's already on your mind, and not have a
burning need to hear how it's answered.
The exception to the "How To" effectiveness would be in
offering a free report on "How To..."
"Get Your Free Report on "How To Lose That Unwanted Weight",
The second most important aspect of your ad campaign, is
keeping their attention after you get them to read beyond your
opening statement.
This is where the psychology of copywriting really comes in.
Sub-headlines are a very effective way to get your prospects to
continue reading your copy. You should use sub-headlines
throughout your sales material, and these Sub-headlines, when
read in order all by themselves, should give the reader the gist
of the sales letter.
In other words...Try writing your Letter around your Sub-
Your Sub-headlines should be like an outline for your sales
copy, with each individual section having a descriptive title.
More and more people have taken to just skimming through sales
copy reading the highlights (Sub-headlines). If what they see
interests them, they'll read the whole letter. If not, they're
outa there, faster than a scalded dog! And trust me...They Won't
Come Back!
So give a lot of thought to your sub-headlines, they're very
On a web page, you can simply bold the type of your Sub-
headlines, or even make them a larger font size to make them
stand out.
In text letters, try Caps and spacing to make them stand out.
The biggest mistake that most writers make is in listing the
many features of their product, instead of the "Benefits".
Your prospective customers don't care about the features of
your product. The only thing that they care about is what your
product is going to do for them. How it's going to solve their
particular problem.
Now I know that this seems like a subtle difference, but
believe me it's not.
The psychology of selling is to put your prospects imagination
to work.
You must get them seeing a picture in their mind of what the
result of buying your product will be for them.
For instance...
Instead of telling them...
Our miracle weight loss system comes with a complete menu of
meals that are delicious and easy to fix.
Tell them...
Wouldn't it be great if you could eat delicious foods, eat all
you want and still be guaranteed to lose the weight that you
need to lose? Now you have a choice of simple and delicious
meals that everyone in the family will love to eat. No more
suffering through making one really great looking meal for the
rest of the family, and sitting there watching them enjoy your
efforts, while you eat rabbit food.
Instead of telling them...
Our economically designed club head was specifically engineered
to stop the over rotation that causes you to slice your drive.
Tell them...
Wouldn't it be great if you could go to the golf course
everyday knowing that your drives are going to stay on the
fairway. That they are going to always be straighter and father
than you ever dreamed possible. With our new XXX, you will
always have that confidence, because we have figured out what
was causing your slice and corrected it by engineering a club
that completely eliminates the problem.
See what I mean? Get your prospect involved. Make them see a
picture in their mind of how it will be, once they have
purchased your product.
A couple of Great sources for headlines and copywriting are...
101 Best Email Subject Lines...
This is a list of 101 proven blockbuster headlines that have
been successfully used in ad campaigns. This Report is a bonus
that comes with Yanik Silver's 'Million Dollar Emails', which is
still selling all over the net for $19, and comes with the
complete resale rights. Yours FREE With Your Purchase of...
"Success...What Is It And Where Can I Get Some?"
In my humble opinion, the best sources, for ideas on headlines
and ad copy, come from Joe Vitale. Arguably, the best Internet
Marketing copywriter in the world
"Marketing is a game of Psychology"
Joe is the author of the 'best seller' books "Hypnotic Writing "
and "Advanced Hypnotic Writing ", as well as many others.
Joe Vitale is the undisputed King of Psychological Ad Copywriting. This man knows how to push your buttons. It is the secret to his success.
Joe's most recent release is a compilation of emails and cheat
sheets that he calls his "Hypnotic Writers Swipe File"
These three books are the three most important books ever
published on the subject of successful copy writing. No one who
wants to succeed in marketing can afford to pass them up.
Read the first two in order and then use the 'Swipe File' to
get ideas for your campaigns.
Armed with the knowledge in these books, you can't help but
succeed in your advertising efforts.
Remember what I said a little while ago..."Marketing is a game
of Psychology", and no one in the business understands it as
well as "Joe Vitale".
4) How do I get them to seek more information?
The purpose of ALL of your Paid advertising should be to get
your Prospects to seek more information about your product.
I know of no faster way to lose a prospect, than to try and
sell them with your initial ad copy.
Remember Folks, Advertising is a progression of events.
*Grab their attention...
*Pique their interest...
*Get them to ask for more info, and then...
*Get them to your website Sales Page!
Your ad should be a teaser, that piques their interest and
makes them NEED to find out more, forcing them to click on the
link to your sales page, or subscribe to your autoresponder and
eventually end up at your sales page.
It's your main sales page that should do the selling. The
purpose of your ads is to put them in the frame of mind to buy,
once they get to your sales page.
Your ads, should be full of 'BENEFITS' like those above.
Auto responders are great for this purpose. They allow you to
give your prospects reasons why they NEED to look into your
product, stretched out over a period of time.
If your prospect is exposed to a series of benefits, (what your
product is going to do for them), over a period of a few days or
a week, the chances that they will eventually go to your sales
page. And, if you have a Killer Sales Page, there's a good
chance you'll get the sale!
Subconsciously, people remember what they read. A series of
these "Benefit' laden messages serves to enforce the NEED to
check out your product.
Don't try to bombard them with all the benefits of your product
in one email or ad message. Divide your benefits up into three
to five messages and send them out to them over a period of a
week or two, starting with an immediate reply, followed the next
day by another. Then start spacing them a couple of days apart.
Too much, too often will only irritate your prospect, while not
enough, too seldom, will lose them.
Most of your interested prospects will visit your sales page
within the first three to five messages. After that, it's
probably best to wait a few days to a week and send them a final
email offer. This will usually get those who for one reason or
another, were interested, but forgot to check it out. The rest
will probably not buy at this time, anyway.
Be sure to track your autoresponder follow up messages as well.
Find out which ones pull in your prospects the best. Move those
up in the que and see if they increase your sales by coming
sooner in the que. Often, your prospects may get bored with the
barrage of emails, so if your best pulling follow ups come
sooner, your sales percentages should improve accordingly.
Play with the ones that aren't pulling and try to improve them
until you have a winning combination. Believe it or not, the
changing of just one or two words can make a dramatic difference
in the effectiveness of your ads.
Read them aloud, or better yet, have others read them aloud to
you. Ask their opinions and listen to what they have to say.
When they read them to you, listen for places where they stumble
over words. If it happens repeatedly, you know that's where it
needs work.
Always try to write as you would speak to a friend. Never try
to be something that you're not. It will show in your copy.
People are not fools and will always spot a fake, but they will
also always listen to sincerity.
5) How do I allay their fears?
Everywhere you turn, everyone is offering a guarantee for their
product. You'd think that by now, no one would pay attention to
these guarantees. But the truth is, that they are still very
By guaranteeing your customers satisfaction, you immediately
allay their fears of wasting their time and money, and put them
at ease by letting them know that you stand behind your product
and more importantly, that they have nothing to lose.
Some people who buy your product will even think to themselves
that they'll read it, or use it, and then demand their money
back, whether they like it or not.
But, the truth of the matter is that most people completely
forget about the guarantee soon after they've purchased your
product, unless of course, it's garbage to begin with.
Sure, you'll always get a few that want their money back, but
for the most part, the guarantee is just a devise to calm the
fears of your prospects and will increase your bottom line far
more than it will cost you in refunds.
Always offer a guarantee within a reasonable amount of time and
your sales will double.
Actually, if your product is a good one, the longer the
guarantee, the less likely you are to have charge backs, as
people tend to think there is no hurry and eventually forget
that they even bought it in the first place.
Psychology, Folks. It's all about Psychology!
Make your guarantee unconditional, i.e. "If for any reason at
any time in the next year..."
This will increase sales dramatically. But be ready to refund
those that ask for it, without question, or your credibility
will be blown forever.
One disgruntled customer is equal to a hundred satisfied ones.
Make sure you keep them ALL Happy!
6) Is my product just more of the same DRIVEL?
How do I convince them it's not?
Perhaps the most important thing about your product , is making
sure that it is worth while.
There are far too many courses and Ebooks out there that are no
more than compilations of old and tired theories, put forth by
old and tired "Gurus".
While it's true that there is only so much information out
there, and original ideas are far and few between, your
prospective on your subject needs to be fresh, if not new.
A good writer will get his point across where others have
failed. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times,
"Mankind has not had an original thought in thousands of years,
just new and original ways of putting them together."
Be original in your style. If it seems like more of the
same...Toss It, and start again!
The object, of this creativity, is to reach those who have not
yet been reached by your competition. Find a way to get your
point across in an original manner, and you will find an
audience that will gladly listen.
Then, figure out what's different about your product and shout
it to the world.
Being Different is original.
Being Different will sell.
Being Different is good!
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